New anti-dc system?

New anti-dc system?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


So, today I got dc in arah. When i logged in back i was lying dead near arah wp and couldn’t use it( the game kept saying that i was in combat as dead body, ye) BUT i noticed new icon above mini-map and the text of it was something like “progress is saved and you can still continue your run”. Pressed it and was automatically teleported in dungeon. Is that new anti-dc system?
P.s. I was in party and can’t confirm if it works when you are alone.

New anti-dc system?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


So, today I got dc in arah. When i logged in back i was lying dead near arah wp and couldn’t use it( the game kept saying that i was in combat as dead body, ye) BUT i noticed new icon above mini-map and the text of it was something like “progress is saved and you can still continue your run”. Pressed it and was automatically teleported in dungeon. Is that new anti-dc system?
P.s. I was in party and can’t confirm if it works when you are alone.

I had that funky message about being in combat while dead last night as well, didn’t see the thing above the mini map though, I’ll look next time.

New anti-dc system?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: tfcgeneralkmk.9508


dumb question but was your party in combat?

New anti-dc system?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


For me I was… well being a baddy at Mai trin, I had zoned out dead, tried to click the fractal thing to zone back in, wouldn’t let me back in initially saying I was in combat, then I took a WP and it said I had an instance loaded and I could go in so I clicked yes and went right back in. Definitely something new there.

New anti-dc system?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


dumb question but was your party in combat?

Party was in dungeon and I was outside

New anti-dc system?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Meryn.6875


dumb question but was your party in combat?

Party was in dungeon and I was outside

Maybe this is the new system? Normally in a dungeon you can’t waypoint if any of your partymembers are in combat.
If you died, you could just exit the dungeon (through character select), waypoint back to life and re-enter the dungeon. All while your party is still fighting the boss or whatever they were doing. What you just explained looks like a ‘fix’ for this method.

New anti-dc system?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


dumb question but was your party in combat?

Party was in dungeon and I was outside

Maybe this is the new system? Normally in a dungeon you can’t waypoint if any of your partymembers are in combat.
If you died, you could just exit the dungeon (through character select), waypoint back to life and re-enter the dungeon. All while your party is still fighting the boss or whatever they were doing. What you just explained looks like a ‘fix’ for this method.

Naw, mai trin exploit still works, and well… that’s the only one people actually do right? I mean no one leaves AC to respawn then runs all the way back tot he boss before it’s dead…

New anti-dc system?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

I just DC’d at the end of an Arah solo. Lost the instance as usual. No change from before.

New anti-dc system?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Elrey.5472


The 900 patch that we did get 5 days ago and broke almost everything was to ADD the Demo from the pax to the actual live client (Confirmed because what we get in the mail to test the beta is that we won’t need to update anything).

So it’s likely you are speaking about the new adventures system. And it seems it’s working not as intended until the expansion on the old areas (I noticed also random ports in snowdrifts map).

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