New to Dungeons, tips for Warrior

New to Dungeons, tips for Warrior

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gargant.6457


I recently got my first character to 80, a Charr warrior. I didn’t do any dungeons while lvling and I’m now interested to start doing them but they seem very different from what I’ve done before.

When I played WoW (2005-2007) I didn’t raid in vanilla but in Burning Crusade I cleared everything except Black Temple,Archimonde in CoT and Sunwell Plateu. I did do the first boss in Black Temple but nothing else in there.
I also did some instances in SWTOR but nothing worth mentioning

As far as I understand, Dungeons in GW2 is very different from what WoW was and you don’t really use Off-Tanks,CC/Support etc.
So are Dungeons mainly just a DPS race/Tank and Spank? Are they heavy on tactics?
I Played a Warrior in WoW and did mostly off-tanking but some main tanking aswell but warrior don’t do that in this game correct?

So what are some general tips for a warrior and what are usual signets/banners people favor? And what traits do people like to use aswell for dungeons.

Note: I use Dual Axes and atm as secondary a bow/gun. I used a Greatsword and sometimes a Hammer while lvling but got very bored of them and I like having a ranged as a second. Dual axes are way more fun for me. Also atm I use a set of Draconic armor and dual krait axes.


Duroghar lvl 80 Warrior Desolation EU

New to Dungeons, tips for Warrior

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


I recently got my first character to 80, a Charr warrior. I didn’t do any dungeons while lvling and I’m now interested to start doing them but they seem very different from what I’ve done before.

When I played WoW (2005-2007) I didn’t raid in vanilla but in Burning Crusade I cleared everything except Black Temple,Archimonde in CoT and Sunwell Plateu. I did do the first boss in Black Temple but nothing else in there.
I also did some instances in SWTOR but nothing worth mentioning

As far as I understand, Dungeons in GW2 is very different from what WoW was and you don’t really use Off-Tanks,CC/Support etc.
So are Dungeons mainly just a DPS race/Tank and Spank? Are they heavy on tactics?
I Played a Warrior in WoW and did mostly off-tanking but some main tanking aswell but warrior don’t do that in this game correct?

So what are some general tips for a warrior and what are usual signets/banners people favor? And what traits do people like to use aswell for dungeons.

Note: I use Dual Axes and atm as secondary a bow/gun. I used a Greatsword and sometimes a Hammer while lvling but got very bored of them and I like having a ranged as a second. Dual axes are way more fun for me. Also atm I use a set of Draconic armor and dual krait axes.

Dungeons are mostly based on tactics. It’s just most tactics revolve around dps.

As a warrior I’d probably recommend you get full berserker’s gear.

If you want to run banners any of them are decent and you can switch off depending on situation (Banner of discipline is not bad) but you’ll need the traits:

Regen banner and Inspiring battle standard. (Get either shrug it off or lung capacity in same line for condition removal.)

Dolyak signet is pretty good for passive dmg reduction and the active stability.
Signet of rage is good elite for fury gain and active fury, might and swiftness.

Aside from the actual banner skill you’ll have 1 skill left to choose from and I’d choose shake it off for condition removal/stun break.

For heal in dungeons I usually take healing surge since it heals the most and you’ll have full fury at all times with that build.

For wvw probably mending.

For access to berserker gear go to COF runs or just craft yourself a fullset if you have the crafting level. ( is a good site for teams)

With that setup you shouldn’t have any trouble in most instances.

(edited by DeathPanel.8362)

New to Dungeons, tips for Warrior

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Heylo.4938


I’d suggest getting into a dungeon guild, first off. They’ll give you tips and such.
On my warrior, I usually wear a mix of zerker/knight’s gear with dual axes and axe/mace or rifle. I also carry a GS around, just in case I just need heavy damage output.
I carry around a set of soldier gear for when I’m feeling lazier and don’t want to have to worry about getting sneezed on. For my utilities, I tend to run “Shake it off”, “For Great Justice”, and either “On My Mark!” or “Endure Pain” depending on the encounter. I am not a fan of banners.

Most dungeons are very tank n spank. I’d suggest maybe starting with AC or CoF as they’re fairly simple and quick. TA is also quick and fun for some people. It has heavy conditions though, so it can be tough if you’re running a zerker build.
I didn’t run many dungeons in WoW, but I feel like they’re fairly different. Warriors don’t really “tank” as far as I can tell. We just stand in the way of the squishier classes and eat all the boons that our guardian besties give us. They’re delicious.
Also, avoid a 5 signet build. A lot of groups will immediately kick you if they see that.
I can’t think of my traits off hand, since I’m not at a computer that i can access them with, but it’s a variation on strife’s axe/axe build. He put it up on youtube.
Hope this made some sort of sense haha.

Sickest Guild [NA] Blackgate

New to Dungeons, tips for Warrior

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gargant.6457


Sure made sense, thanks for those tips. I’ll probably try searching for a semi hardcore guild before going into dungeons, because I HATE pugs even if I am the noob atm I had enough pug nightmares in WoW. And I don’t have time for that s***

I have both armor and weaponsmith at 400 (well weapon at like 396) and the draconic is a mix of zerker,knight and valkyrie with gems that for the most part give power precision and crit dmg and the krait axes are zerker aswell

My traits are 30,10,15,5,10 i believe (cant look em up as im writing this)


Duroghar lvl 80 Warrior Desolation EU

New to Dungeons, tips for Warrior

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Grim.9274


A general tip for you no matter what the class/dungeon from me would be know your group composition. Once you have that orchestrated you can compliment each other and everything in the game is just a cakewalk after that.
Aside from Pupicus in Arah most everything else is a deeps race tactics include knowing when to dodge/whirlwind and how to rally.

You definitely don’t want to tank with a warrior, even going Mace/Shield it’s better to just melt everything down with deeps or dodge.

I play a standard GS zerker Warrior 20/30/0/10/10 mostly run CoE/Arah with a dedicated group (2 other warriors a thief and a necro/mesmer)

Utilities are always FGJ and OMM + an untraited banner or Frenzy if we don’t bring a mesmer. While you’re getting the hang of it it’s defintely a good idea to use omnomberry pies or other lifesteal on crit foods but as I said, with a good group you will be able to melt through all the content

New to Dungeons, tips for Warrior

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


Sure made sense, thanks for those tips. I’ll probably try searching for a semi hardcore guild before going into dungeons, because I HATE pugs even if I am the noob atm I had enough pug nightmares in WoW. And I don’t have time for that s***

I have both armor and weaponsmith at 400 (well weapon at like 396) and the draconic is a mix of zerker,knight and valkyrie with gems that for the most part give power precision and crit dmg and the krait axes are zerker aswell

My traits are 30,10,15,5,10 i believe (cant look em up as im writing this)

Not sure you need 30 points in the strength line.

I think you just need enough for berserker’s power trait.

You could put the rest of the points saved into tactics and arms so you can get the banner/shout and forceful greatsword traits. The boon duration increase and the hp helps alot, especially if you have forceful greatsword trait since you can get 25 stacks of might. (If you also have increase boon duration runes)

(edited by DeathPanel.8362)

New to Dungeons, tips for Warrior

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gargant.6457


Sure made sense, thanks for those tips. I’ll probably try searching for a semi hardcore guild before going into dungeons, because I HATE pugs even if I am the noob atm I had enough pug nightmares in WoW. And I don’t have time for that s***

I have both armor and weaponsmith at 400 (well weapon at like 396) and the draconic is a mix of zerker,knight and valkyrie with gems that for the most part give power precision and crit dmg and the krait axes are zerker aswell

My traits are 30,10,15,5,10 i believe (cant look em up as im writing this)

Not sure you need 30 points in the strength line.

I think you just need enough for berserker’s power trait.

You could put the rest of the points saved into tactics and arms so you can get the banner/shout and forceful greatsword traits. The boon duration increase and the hp helps alot, especially if you have forceful greatsword trait since you can get 25 stacks of might with 100hb. (If you also have increase boon duration runes)

I have 30 in it so the first thing is I have Berserker’s Power and next 2 is Dual Wielding and Axe Mastery to boost my axes

Arms I got Rending Strikes atm but not sure if I wanna use that. Sometimes I’ve used Deep Strike because I dont actually use the signet that often.

Defense I got 15 so I get the Adrenal Health and I switch between Embrace the Pain or Turtle’s Defense

Discipline so I can run faster with Warrior’s Sprint but I’ve sometimes used Heightened Focus.

I’m still just trying out different things since I’ve only been lvling, doing quests. And I usually like doing my own thing rather than using what everyone else has :P


Duroghar lvl 80 Warrior Desolation EU