New to Dungeons, wanting to Arah?
You can always join the dungeon mentors guild being organized in the sticky post on top of this forum.
Other than that you can familiarise yourself with the paths trough gw2dungeons which has a whole host of info on mobs/bosses/encounters/skips.
I say create your lfg saying you have 0 exp in arah and just rock the dungeon.
I’m alergic when people post links as a response ugh.
I never read on tactics nor watched yt videos on dungeons, because it gives you 0 experience.
Just go and try the dungeon, you’ll get in the hang of it pretty fast. The problem is, arah is little more difficult then other dungeons. I rember spending 2+ hours per path on my first run, lots of wiping
But it was fun really, the reading just ruins the experience. Just go for it man.
First order of business, and this one’s gonna disappoint you, don’t start with Arah. I was in a similar situation when I started doing dungeons back in the days, so I feel your pain, but Arah is the most challenging dungeon, and dungeons are the most challenging part of GW2 PvE. You’re not gonna have much fun starting out in Arah, I’d assume. Another way to acquire the armor regardless, is to do the Arah story to unlock the respective PvP reward track and then play that for long enough to get a few pieces. That’s gonna be considerably faster if you are dead set on getting the armor asap, but I know nothing about your stance on PvP and still kind of urge you to give dungeons a chance, as they’re a ton of fun!
A great way to prepare for a dungeon is to read up a bit on but that’s actually not the most fun way to learn them and won’t provide you with what really counts – experience. Finding a group of non-pseudo-speedrunners is much more important, which can unreliably be achieved by setting up LFG texts such as “path x everyone welcome” or “first timer requiring instructions”. Whatever you do, state that you’re inexperienced. Many people – like me – don’t mind newbies as long as they don’t just silently run along hoping to get carried. As for your physical preparations:
- exotic armor is not required but it greatly helps your survivability and damage output, regardless of stats. If you’re short on money, level-appropriate rare armor can do the job decently until you can afford exos with tokens.
- food, for a dungeon newbie, can be neglected. If you get some of the +10% damage/-10% damage food (potions of slaying) you’ll do noticeably more damage, but receiving 10% less is not really all that impressive considering the next bullet point. Health regeneration food might make you feel less likely to die, but that’s really only for moral support if you ask me.
- know that in dungeons, things hit you incredibly hard. You get bombarded with conditions (10+ stacks of bleeding), crowd control (knockdown chaining) and hard hitting attacks (some of them intentionally one-shotting everyone, some of them eating up more than 50% of your health but most of the time with a reasonable amount of visual cue that you’ll have to learn). Be aware that avoiding this damage (through dodges, invincibility, blocking, distortion, blur,…) is your best bet rather than tanking them. You’ll have to learn which dungeon encounter brings what to the table, and how to use your utilities against it. This point is important to understand.
- bring every weapon you have access to. Most of the time, melee will be the favored strategy regardless of stacking/not stacking, as it generally inflicts damage faster and has other benefits, such as area of effect healing and buffing. Sometimes a specific weapon has niche applications that you want to utilize, so for example bringing a focus for swirling winds on a staff-elementalist can be beneficial. Listen to your team if they suggest taking something specific for a specific reason, and get used to the idea of hanging out in melee range most of the time.
- bring level 80. I’m generally of the opinion that level 80 is not required to complete a dungeon, but despite the downscaling, traits make 80s much stronger even in low level dungeons. For learning the ropes, level 80 will take some more stress off you (and your team).
- be aware that condition stacking is greatly hindered by the stack limits, when groups of five people focus on one single foe. Being a pure condition build will not contribute much in the wrong team compositions – at least go for a hybrid if direct damage weapons don’t feel appealing to you.
- get some general dungeon experience before you start rocking Arah. AC is fairly easy but has a lot of knockdown/condition barrage, making it very intimidating until you get used to stunbreakers. TA is fairly newb-friendly once you realize volatile blossoms can be used to rally on the fly. SE has a few nasty bits, such as a knockback-friendly boss on a relatively small platform or a set of golems that is pretty devastating unless you reflect at the right time, but offers a good and balanced experience in general. I’d suggest doing CoE at some point – maybe not first – and then stepping up to Arah once you feel confident in your abilities to survive it.
Just my two cents…or in hindsight probably more like 20. kitten, that nutshell doesn’t look much like a nutshell anymore now.
Arah is like top dungeon skill(outside fractals) so it can take a while to master it, you can create your own LFG with “All welcome” and spedn good 3h in there (i recomend jsut do p1 and p2 daily).
meanwhile do arah story mode to unlock sPvP reward track and get those skins/tokes.
Quite a lot of information given here. Thank you Knives and as well as everyone who has contributed so far, this is real helpful info. I guess I’ll start on something easier first.
Starting with lower level dungeons is good advice. Just until you get the hang of them, because there is no learning curve between open world PvE and dungeons — it’s quite a large step-up in difficulty.
If you decide to pug it, be sure to say you’re new to dungeons and looking for guides.
Might also want to mention whether you’re on a NA or EU server — odds are good that some of the forum folks would happily take you along and show you the ropes. IvanTheGrey used to do NA Arah teaching runs every weekend, he or someone else would probably be willing to set something up again.
Good luck!
I second all the infos provided.
I run arah quite a lot, and I don’t mind having first comers in my groups, and same goes with other dungeons, so if you want a bit of help for learning add me. I also give some arah paths frequently.
Arah is like top dungeon skill(outside fractals) so it can take a while to master it, you can create your own LFG with “All welcome” and spedn good 3h in there (i recomend jsut do p1 and p2 daily).
meanwhile do arah story mode to unlock sPvP reward track and get those skins/tokes.
In regards to posting an lfg saying “All Welcome” or “I have 0 experience” I would never suggest for someone to do that. While i wouldn’t say post and elitist lfg either posting that sort of lfg attracts the worst kind of people and will make the experience much more stressful.
If you go down the root though learning while playing the lfg try to at least have (a non magic find food buff) and a undead slaying potion. Then at least if someone is trying to help you the at they will know you put some effort in.
I also disagree with RSLongK.8961 when he says start with path 1 and path 2. In my personal opinion Path 1 and 2 skips are a lot more unforgiving to new players while path 3 is a lot less skipping and the bosses are quite simple. cough “don’t aim at the hunter”
I agree with Taku.6352 answer but would also add maybe go view some streams of people doing it on twitch.
(edited by Abstract.9258)
You might also want to ask in your guild or find one that helps you through it. IMO that’s going to be the most enjoyable way of learning it (if your guildies are cool ofc).
Good points about the skips being unforgiving, but honestly there’s like nothing really after Lupicus and now that there’s a waypoint after tar I’d say Arah P1 is by far the most basic/simple of the four paths.
As for Arah P2, I agree.
In my opinion the order of which paths are the least to most pain in the kitten to learn your first time:
P1 → P3 → P2 → P4
I do arah frequently with new people and path 1 the skip between ooze and crystals is the thing most people have problems with. Tar boss also is quite a challange if you are unorganized and you don’t have a wp.
I recomend you start with p3. Or search a decent thief/mesmer.
@ Miku
While I agree after the tar p1 is the most simple of all paths. Half the time getting to the tar and killing it without having half the dungeon pathed/pulled towards you in an lfg team makes it less desirable then p3 .
If going for the learn-on-the-go LFG route, I advise you to make an LFG like “Inexperienced look for HELP in Arah pX”. Someone experienced would surely notice and may bring a suitable carry class (guard, thief, mes etc).
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids