New to Fractals (Mesmer)

New to Fractals (Mesmer)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Renner.2574


I am new to fractals and I have a level 80 mesmer. I was wondering if there are any tips (when to put up feedback, etc…) or builds I could make use of, what type of armor and what weapons? I am currently finding fractals amazing and would really like some help so I can progress further! Thanks!

New to Fractals (Mesmer)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LordByron.8369


reflect is what you need.
This is the most common build people run in fractals
If you can afford a pistol….take also that….switch it with greatsword or focus depending on situation if its needed.

If you are going to play with random people i suggest you to keep your GS slotted unless you are really sure you can handle the situation…..

If other player fails, the GS is the difference between wiping or saving the day…at least in high level fotm.

I can t help you to learn to use feedback, iwarden and temporal curtain…its something you need to learn by yourself.

Also remember you have mass invisibility and portal.

P.S. i don t Always use mirror image….but sometimes having your personal endure pain (distortion shatter) is useful if you need to ress people or do other things so in fractal i use it depending on the party…

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

(edited by LordByron.8369)

New to Fractals (Mesmer)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Casmurro.9046


But collesy says we can’t use gs as a mesmer.

New to Fractals (Mesmer)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nosoyelarty.7268


If you main mesmer, probably the most important thing you should focus to master is how to use correctly your reflects. Feedback is not your only source of proyectile reflection, you have phantasmal warden and temporal curtain, the last is really tricky to use and won’t work in some encounters . Said that, some encounters that require your utility are:

Swampland: Both bosses (Mossman and Bloomhunger) use heavy proyectile attacks, try to allways keep up some kind of reflection on them, this is a bit easier if you coordinate with one or multiple guardians.

Cliffside: The first fight against the Archdiviner he uses a spin attack that hit in melee range and also launch proyectiles, they hit very hard in higher levels, it is a very fast attack and hard to predict so pay atention to his attack animations while you are on lower levels. Also some mobs use bows here, they hit hard in higher levels.

Snowblind: This fractal is overall pretty easy if everyone in your group knows what to do and how to do it, probably wont happen in pugs. In the Elemental Source event, if anyone in your group aggro one ice elemental, you are already in problems because your group will get nervous if they dont burst it down fast and will keep pulling more and more elementals while kiting. To counter this if you notice any kind of aggro use your temporal curtain to pull them away from other elementals, extra points if you stack them up, and allways keep reflections on them, they have a hard to dodge proyectile attack that hits very very hard. Also this event have a lot of group and single target CC so slot mantra of concentration to help your team with stability.

Underground Facility: Well, almost all the mobs here use some kind of proyectile attack and all of them hit really hard, allways keep some kind of reflection up. To make things worse, some dredge here use a move that put some boons on all of them, being the most important PROTECTION, with this they have 100% protection uptime making them very very tanky, to counter this keep spamming your sword autoattack, it removes a boon on its third hit making them way easier to kill, null field can also help with this. Another cool trick i learned specially for the clown car event, you can slot Arcane Thievery and Signet of Inspiration, use arcane thievery to steal the boons from one of the dredge with the buffs and then signet of inspiration to copy them on everyone near you, this will give your party 1 minute of protection making this event a lot easier if you dont have a hammer guardian, your cds will be up before the boons dissapear to keep doing this while the event last.

Urban Battlegrounds: Probably the hardest part on this fractal is fighting the mobs, all of them hit insanely hard and sadly not all of them use proyectiles, keep and eye on Mages and guys using bows to use your reflections. Also use blurred frenzy, F4 and blocks (if you have) at will even if you dont know if you are going to get hit to prevent getting downed.

(edited by Nosoyelarty.7268)

New to Fractals (Mesmer)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nosoyelarty.7268


Volcanic Fractal: This fractal is a pain in the kitten for most pugs. Mid boss use some fireballs that you can reflect, they are not that great but will make things go smoother. For last boss you can pretty much make the difference and decide if your group will wipe or succeed. His agony attack animation is very fast and the arrow flies really fast too, you can give your group a breath using feedback in this phases but use it only in emergencies like if you have 4 people downed and need to res everyone, aside from this, its better to learn to dodge the arrow and his other attacks. When you NEED to use feedback (and this is why you actually want to save it) is in every 25% of the hp transition, you need to deal with tons of adds who use proyectile attacks and you cant dodge because they are too much and you need to burst down the shield on boss, combo it with phantasmal warden and temporal curtain and you will make every transition really easy. Since using ranged for this fight is recommended in almost every pug situation, i suggest you use sword/focus to deal with transitions and burst down adds faster, and scepter/sword for the rest of the fight for two extra blocks if you run out of dodges, this will make you pretty much invulnerable. For extra help i recommend you watch this video:
Pay attention at everything he does here, like when and how he uses his reflects, blurred frenzy and blocks, other utilities and F4 when he gets hit by the arrow (this will prevent you to take agony damage)

Uncategorized Fractal: EVERYTHING HERE USE PROYECTILE ATTACKS. keep reflection 100% of the time on harpies and use mantra of concentration if you know you or your group is going to get hit by the KD. The champion flame legion shaman sometimes use fireballs but it’s not his only attack, you can also use the same trick of the dredge fractal on the champion ettin if he get boons up. The mid boss robot use a proyectile spam that can’t be reflected, but there is one attack that hits incredibly hard and you can reflect that, use feedback. Last boss can be a real pain if you lack reflects so keep them up the most you can, notice that you can’t reflect the missiles from one of the golems so get ready to evade that.

That is pretty much it, for builds, weapons and gear guides i recommend you read this:


Read everything on these threads and follow their suggestions if you want to be a GOOD PvE mesmer.

(edited by Nosoyelarty.7268)

New to Fractals (Mesmer)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jeremlloyd.6837

This is the most common build people run in fractals
If you can afford a pistol….take also that….switch it with greatsword or focus depending on situation if its needed.

We can’t really rely on the phantasm since they die so fast, so that build is not optimal. You should go with that one which will improve your personal DPS:
And you should only use GS when you need to range.

(edited by Jeremlloyd.6837)

New to Fractals (Mesmer)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alissah.9281


For Mesmer related questions, try the Mesmer forum :P. Its an amazing place with tons of helpfull people whoare always willing to invest time in helping people ;).

We also have the Official Mesmer Forum Guild [OMFG] . Here we have a list of Mesmers who dedicate their time for helping you, you need only whisper someone ;). Or we can do 5 Mesmer dungeon runs, itll be great :D

New Rainbow Guild – An open-minded guild exclusively for Transgender people!
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.

(edited by Alissah.9281)

New to Fractals (Mesmer)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LordByron.8369

This is the most common build people run in fractals
If you can afford a pistol….take also that….switch it with greatsword or focus depending on situation if its needed.

We can’t really rely on the phantasm since they die so fast, so that build is not optimal. You should go with that one which will improve your personal DPS:
And you should only use GS when you need to range.

This is an old discussion….
It could be Worth for any dungeon…but for fractal phantasms builds is what makes mesmer wanted.

Unless you are in one of those speedclear party that changes totally the way you play.
Never happens in pug….and mesmer dps difference between the builds in those party is really not making ANY difference..

Also i think that build refers to dungeons…fractal are totally a different story…

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.