No Ranger, Necro, Engineer
As a necro I’m never turned away from Fractals. I’m not saying I’m better then a warrior or guardian, but I hold my own. I’m hybrid and adjust my build per map we’re on. I do the best with what I can and normally add to the team as well.
RIP City of Heroes
play wildstar guys!
archeage m8
play wildstar guys!
You mean until they start ignoring it to make something else?
I don’t purport to be an expert or a top player, but I’m trying to play to the top of my intelligence and I think it offers quite a bit to the group. As been mentioned, I think there is a class who can do each of those individual things better (therefore I guess rendering the class useless in a min-max setting…or at least, it means you have to build a team around the necro) but I think the sheer number of conditions (15-20 bleed stacks, vuln stacks, weakness, some poison, torment and chill across all targets if played perfectly) and strong direct damage besides (scepter 3, axe 2 and DS1 pile up single target damage and can be rotated intelligently so you’re not caught in low DPS states)
I wouldn’t be surprised if some other opinions could improve the build, hence why I posted the thread asking for them. If I’m being frank, I really only claim to know necros in PVE, I have other 80s but am nowhere near as knowledgeable in other classes capabilities, nor can I claim to be playing with experts of other classes.
Engineers can do that except more easily, more stacks, more damage, etc. That’s exactly the problem, there’s no reason to bring a necromancer for anything because engineer does it all better, except for maybe weakness which thief does better (and weakness is bad anyway).
For dungeons it’s negligible, fotm it’s good.
This needs to stop. I don’t care how you fix it, just do it.
I completely agree. The problem of these classes being allowed to enter dungeons needs to be fixed.
Also, this:
Dude just play warrior.
Another day, another ranger + necro in a TA party that camped bows, staffs, single targets, no party buffs, etc. Felt like if we didn’t have an ele it would’ve literally taken 2x the time I usually finished it in.
To be fair, the proportion of n00bs in other classes is pretty high as well. I see tons of camping rifle warriors, scepter guardians, staff eles that stay in water, P/P thieves, P/P Engis that stay in pistol and don’t use kits, scepter/greatsword mesmers that use mantras, etc.
Difference is, when people play a guardian, they’re told to get gud. When people play a ranger, they’re told to reroll.
The problem with necros being a vuln bot isn’t that vuln bots aren’t needed,
Funny thing: vuln bots aren’t needed.
it’s that engineers are better vuln bots and also have better DPS, better CC, can give stealth, etc. Necromancers are basically stuck in the same pigeonhole as Engineers except Engineers do everything better.
Same can be said to engineers and thieves/eles in dungeons.
The problem with necros being a vuln bot isn’t that vuln bots aren’t needed,
Funny thing: vuln bots aren’t needed.
it’s that engineers are better vuln bots and also have better DPS, better CC, can give stealth, etc. Necromancers are basically stuck in the same pigeonhole as Engineers except Engineers do everything better.
Same can be said to engineers and thieves/eles in dungeons.
Maybe learn to play the class properly then we can talk about who is better at what.
Maybe you should learn to play thief or ele?
The problem with necros being a vuln bot isn’t that vuln bots aren’t needed,
Funny thing: vuln bots aren’t needed.
it’s that engineers are better vuln bots and also have better DPS, better CC, can give stealth, etc. Necromancers are basically stuck in the same pigeonhole as Engineers except Engineers do everything better.
Same can be said to engineers and thieves/eles in dungeons.
Maybe learn to play the class properly then we can talk about who is better at what.
I’d absolutely love to set up a challenge between us two on who’s better playing engi. We could have the forum to decide and officially shame the losing one. Doesn’t that sound nice?
I’d absolutely love to set up a challenge between us two on who’s better playing engi. We could have the forum to decide and officially shame the losing one. Doesn’t that sound nice?
Yes, sure. Do you want fries with that?
The problem with necros being a vuln bot isn’t that vuln bots aren’t needed,
Funny thing: vuln bots aren’t needed.
it’s that engineers are better vuln bots and also have better DPS, better CC, can give stealth, etc. Necromancers are basically stuck in the same pigeonhole as Engineers except Engineers do everything better.
Same can be said to engineers and thieves/eles in dungeons.
Maybe learn to play the class properly then we can talk about who is better at what.
I’d absolutely love to set up a challenge between us two on who’s better playing engi. We could have the forum to decide and officially shame the losing one. Doesn’t that sound nice?
Yes, battle!!!
The problem with necros being a vuln bot isn’t that vuln bots aren’t needed,
Funny thing: vuln bots aren’t needed.
it’s that engineers are better vuln bots and also have better DPS, better CC, can give stealth, etc. Necromancers are basically stuck in the same pigeonhole as Engineers except Engineers do everything better.
Same can be said to engineers and thieves/eles in dungeons.
Maybe learn to play the class properly then we can talk about who is better at what.
I’d absolutely love to set up a challenge between us two on who’s better playing engi. We could have the forum to decide and officially shame the losing one. Doesn’t that sound nice?
Yes, battle!!!
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
I usually play ranger myself but i still tend to kick other rangers from my partys. But not immediately, i let them come in and when i see any passive signets, a bear or spider or bow/axe they will get instakicked. Then they have obviously no clue how to play their class in the proper way
This is what the TC is talking about. Your personal ideas and style define what is right/wrong, and you kick someone. Really think about this, your kicking someone because they don’t have what you personally dream the ‘proper’ signet. Seriously kicking someone because they aren’t following you’re exact orders or expectations is just not ok.
People, don’t learn from guys like this, remember the famous saying “insanity is expected to do something twice and get the same result.” There is no single “proper” way to play a game as complex as GW29at least generally). If you really want a proper way, this isn’t one of them.
Sorry if this seems like a ran but I feel this is such case in point I had to highlight it.
This is what the TC is talking about. Your personal ideas and style define what is right/wrong, and you kick someone. Really think about this, your kicking someone because they don’t have what you personally dream the ‘proper’ signet. Seriously kicking someone because they aren’t following you’re exact orders or expectations is just not ok.
But that is exactly the purpose of team play. If someone you feel isn’t contributing to what you need then they have the right to kick. Now if you want to play differently you can always make your own LFG I don’t understand the problem here.
People, don’t learn from guys like this, remember the famous saying “insanity is expected to do something twice and get the same result.” There is no single “proper” way to play a game as complex as GW29at least generally). If you really want a proper way, this isn’t one of them.
There is always a better or proper way to do something. There is a way to play PG in Basketball, a way to play QB well. There are different styles but one will just be better than the others.
curt….wrong. So wrong.
1) there are -lots- of ways to play QB, heck, we have a debate between three different QB styles TO THIS DAY, and one is not better than the other, there just different. and you -still- didn’t address the saying. You are right in saying there are better ways then others of player some games, but GW2 thankfully avoids that trap, there is no single ‘best’ way to play a class for all time.
2) No you jerk, you -don’t- have the right to kick someone because they aren’t fitting your standard. You’re just spouting the same ideas of the previous guy while changing the words. You don’t claim a right to kick simply because they don’t follow your exact expectations.
3)As well, the -expected- should be that any potential style and goal for a character is viable, if you want pure unlamented unrestricted mathematical efficiency, -thats- it not the expected in a GAME. Short instant battles tend to be boring, we like putting in effort, its why games like I wanna Be the Guy exist.
The cancer is stronk.
2) No you jerk, you -don’t- have the right to kick someone because they aren’t fitting your standard.
So check this out. You’re approached on the street by a person with the gender of your preference. You deeply dislike the way this person looks/acts yet he/she inquires you about intercourse. You accept said proprosition because you have no right to reject? Being a nice person and whatnot.
curt….wrong. So wrong.
1) there are -lots- of ways to play QB, heck, we have a debate between three different QB styles TO THIS DAY, and one is not better than the other, there just different. and you -still- didn’t address the saying. You are right in saying there are better ways then others of player some games, but GW2 thankfully avoids that trap, there is no single ‘best’ way to play a class for all time.
2) No you jerk, you -don’t- have the right to kick someone because they aren’t fitting your standard. You’re just spouting the same ideas of the previous guy while changing the words. You don’t claim a right to kick simply because they don’t follow your exact expectations.
3)As well, the -expected- should be that any potential style and goal for a character is viable, if you want pure unlamented unrestricted mathematical efficiency, -thats- it not the expected in a GAME. Short instant battles tend to be boring, we like putting in effort, its why games like I wanna Be the Guy exist.
Actually you are wrong.
1) There are good ways and bad ways. If you are saying that is not possible then styles that are dominate ages ago will still be in play today. That is not the case. In the same case for PGs if you think about who actually makes it to the end.
2) So people that do play how you want style groups are jerks too right? People make non stacking groups are jerks too right? Makes a lot of sense. I put LFG for zerk and that is what I expect. If people don’t fit that then don’t join and make your own group. People who make lfgs for non stack only expect just that. So what you are saying is that anyone that wants to play with individuals who have similar play styles as them or people that want to work as a team are jerks (fitting a requirement). Instead what you are promoting is that people should just join other groups and ruin other player’s experiences just for their own self benefit and that is not being a jerk. Real logic.
3) Again you are assuming what you are saying is right. You assume your definition of fun is what defines games for everyone in the general sense. That is so far from the truth. There will always be something that is better than something else. That is just the way it is. Just because you don’t see it that way doesn’t make it untrue. Like playing differently? Make your own LFG. Don’t want that. Well there is Skyrim.
Lastly, iono why you are trying to repeat what you said in the past. I can literally copy and paste responses that were previously posted and it would be valid. Don’t know why you would come back for round 2.
Had an absolute nightmare of a fractals run over the weekend. Went in with a guild mate to do an easy lvl 19 fractal with pugs for the daily before reset. Most of the time it was doing ok until Mai Trin.
My guild mate and I were the only two who went in to stack her. The thief? Pistols. The Necro? staff camped. The other warrior? Rifle. Someone save me
I usually play ranger myself but i still tend to kick other rangers from my partys. But not immediately, i let them come in and when i see any passive signets, a bear or spider or bow/axe they will get instakicked. Then they have obviously no clue how to play their class in the proper way
This is what the TC is talking about. Your personal ideas and style define what is right/wrong, and you kick someone. Really think about this, your kicking someone because they don’t have what you personally dream the ‘proper’ signet. Seriously kicking someone because they aren’t following you’re exact orders or expectations is just not ok.
People, don’t learn from guys like this, remember the famous saying “insanity is expected to do something twice and get the same result.” There is no single “proper” way to play a game as complex as GW29at least generally). If you really want a proper way, this isn’t one of them.
Sorry if this seems like a ran but I feel this is such case in point I had to highlight it.
Well, if you don’t fit my standards, don’t join my group where i clearly wrote in the LFG what i do want.
You also don’t put an offer for a Ferrari but get a Monstertruck instead, do you ? I appreciate the “I play how i like” way, but you can’t force me to take guys in my party whose builds and playstyles i don’t like!
So to come to my statement; I will keep kicking people if they do not fulfill my standards, even tough they are high.
If you want a run with bearbows, riflewars and staffguards then thats okay. But you will also never see me joining your party. Nor will you then join my “Elitist High Standards” party.
I suppose you must hate us because our only plans were yolo.
Situation a: I’m doing a fractal with 3 guildies and 1 pug. During the third fractal a guildie wants to join. We kick the pug.
Situation b. I’m going to do a fractal with 3 guildies and 1 pug. Before we get to mossman/bloomhunger a guildie wants to join. We kick the pug.
situation c. I’m going to do a fractal with 3 guildies. A 4th guildie joins whenever.
Situation d. I’m a pug. I start an lfg looking for 4 players wearing pink dyes. A couple enter the dungeon in black dyes. I kick them until I get the 4 pink pugs.
All situations except a. Are entirely right. They are fine to do and entirely ethical. It doesn’t have to be about “I’m meta you’re not meta.” All it is is that if I make a party it is my decision who is in that party and how it is run. Generally it doesn’t matter. But in cases where a pug is not adhering to the predetermined expectations of the group it is entirely right and ethical to kick them.
You are wrong Michael.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
One ranger with spotter is okay if he runs melee meta…
you want -your- way
lilith cant be a king even if she wanted to since she isnt a bloke
if she writes “pink dyes only” on her lfg and people join with black dyes, she has the right to kick them for not meeting her requirement
I’m a queen and goddess, you’re right.
And I’ll ask for whatever I please. And there is nothing wrong with that you silly kitty.
And yes. I do frequently put fashion and dye requirements in my lfgs. And people who join find it fun.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
The other two classes are fine, those are just an issue of bad players and not bad class design.
Well for ranger you pretty much have 1 good build and that’s all and Sword can be pretty hard to master for the standard player. It’s a good build that can join a speed run wihtout any problem. But A LOT of people can’t or won’t learn to play the sword correctly, leaving you with less and less powerful build as they change from sword to greatsword or to bow. Add the fact that a lot of Ranger’s utilities are bad and you get a limited profession compare to others. Ranger absolutely need more good options, because 1 isn’t enough, especially when its not that easy to get into it.
Most classes only have 1-2 good builds and lots of them are pretty hard to play. I don’t see how rangers are any different.
Well not really. Warrior you have GS + A/M for personnal DPS, you have Pure Axe for EA and Banner for party buffing and you have Phalanx build for might stacking.
Guardian you have GS + S/F and GS + H only, but you have a LOT of option for the traits. From pure DPS to more aegis, more reflect, etc. Elementalist can play Staff or S/X + LH or D/F. Mesmer can play phatasm or shatter build with Sw/Sw, Sw/F, Sw/P. Most profession have 2-3 good Meta build that they can use. But Ranger, its only 1. And not only that, but that a build that is not easy to play for most new ranger. If you practice a bit you can get into it, but most player will simply say, kitten that, i’ll play another weapon or profession. And since the Ranger was so much advertise as the bow profession by Anet, the good PvE build for the ranger is not that attractive for several ranger player.
EDIT : And i’m 100% on Lilith side on that issue. You can dislike and find some specification childish, but the guys or girls that started the LFG have all the right to make what they want of this group as long as they specified it in the description.
Of course it’s not black and white. I usually right speed run and exp in the description. But what experienced or speed run mean? Does It mean meta? Does it mean Zerker? Does it mean that someone experienced can’t make a single error? Does it mean that if i play a good build, but i keep a ranged weapon as a secondary just in case, i can’t join? I play since the game launched and I still discover or learn new tactics or spot in the dungeon. Does it mean that i’m not experienced if i don’t know a particular stacking spot? Experienced for someone could mean something totally different for someone else. But that’s normal, its live, its messy and unclear all the time, so it will be the same in a video game
(edited by Thaddeus.4891)
People join the LFG because they read ONLY the path.
If I put a LFG with a lot of gibberish to obscure the entire LFG like this : "KNFJK;NSA;JGNSAUGHSUA;HNFUANAN p2 write "something"@join" I might not get people that are good… but at least THEY READ THAT. I prefer people that read a 10000% more than exp players. This is because I can teach them or I can know what they are doing and why.
And lilith is fashion queen while Maha is…. uhhh “insert colesy baby face”
Awww, I was gonna call the troll stupid but he deleted his posts.
Worst day ever.
Hey, Grimmer, that’s garbage. It’s not even possible to have that details a set of instructions in an LFG, so don’t tell me you put it in your groups. You’re lying through your teeth.
Face it, you’re just being selfish demanding that everyone follow to your standards so that you can play your precious little ‘run’ over and over with no regards to the actual planning and strategy for dungeon, you want -you’re- way to be prevalent and to hell with anyone else. I don’t know who you’re fooling, because it isn’t me.
Are you serious man ? You do know that i can actually write something in my LFG don’t you ? I always write something like “looking for this and that in this build”.
So don’t try to blame me when you obviously have no clue how the LFG tool even works. Also am i not a liar. I guess you actually started playing cuz otherwise you would know what you’re talking about.
And sure don’t i make my thoughts about strategies to run dungeons, im just the leader of a speedrun guild. You call me selfish because i play the way i enjoy most and only want to play with same minded players ? Oh wow.
May i call you selfish too then ?
Next time better think about what you say before you call someone a liar or selfish. Good thing I’m not allowed to flame on the forums.
People join the LFG because they read ONLY the path.
If I put a LFG with a lot of gibberish to obscure the entire LFG like this : "KNFJK;NSA;JGNSAUGHSUA;HNFUANAN p2 write "something"@join" I might not get people that are good… but at least THEY READ THAT. I prefer people that read a 10000% more than exp players. This is because I can teach them or I can know what they are doing and why.
And lilith is fashion queen while Maha is…. uhhh “insert colesy baby face”
GLF 1 condi/earthshield ele best tank na
Hey, Grimmer, that’s garbage. It’s not even possible to have that details a set of instructions in an LFG, so don’t tell me you put it in your groups. You’re lying through your teeth.
Face it, you’re just being selfish demanding that everyone follow to your standards so that you can play your precious little ‘run’ over and over with no regards to the actual planning and strategy for dungeon, you want -you’re- way to be prevalent and to hell with anyone else. I don’t know who you’re fooling, because it isn’t me.
Are you serious man ? You do know that i can actually write something in my LFG don’t you ? I always write something like “looking for this and that in this build”.
So don’t try to blame me when you obviously have no clue how the LFG tool even works. Also am i not a liar. I guess you actually started playing cuz otherwise you would know what you’re talking about.And sure don’t i make my thoughts about strategies to run dungeons, im just the leader of a speedrun guild. You call me selfish because i play the way i enjoy most and only want to play with same minded players ? Oh wow.
May i call you selfish too then ?Next time better think about what you say before you call someone a liar or selfish. Good thing I’m not allowed to flame on the forums.
consoling hugs
Dear Grimm, he’s not worth it.
Post lfgs how you want! End the videogamermike tyranny! Fight for your freedom!
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Hey, Grimmer, that’s garbage. It’s not even possible to have that details a set of instructions in an LFG, so don’t tell me you put it in your groups. You’re lying through your teeth.
Face it, you’re just being selfish demanding that everyone follow to your standards so that you can play your precious little ‘run’ over and over with no regards to the actual planning and strategy for dungeon, you want -you’re- way to be prevalent and to hell with anyone else. I don’t know who you’re fooling, because it isn’t me.
Are you serious man ? You do know that i can actually write something in my LFG don’t you ? I always write something like “looking for this and that in this build”.
So don’t try to blame me when you obviously have no clue how the LFG tool even works. Also am i not a liar. I guess you actually started playing cuz otherwise you would know what you’re talking about.And sure don’t i make my thoughts about strategies to run dungeons, im just the leader of a speedrun guild. You call me selfish because i play the way i enjoy most and only want to play with same minded players ? Oh wow.
May i call you selfish too then ?Next time better think about what you say before you call someone a liar or selfish. Good thing I’m not allowed to flame on the forums.
consoling hugs
Dear Grimm, he’s not worth it.
Post lfgs how you want! End the videogamermike tyranny! Fight for your freedom!
Yeah, thanks Lillith.
Its just people calling me liar or selfish with absolutely no reason annoys me!
Hey, Grimmer, that’s garbage. It’s not even possible to have that details a set of instructions in an LFG, so don’t tell me you put it in your groups. You’re lying through your teeth.
Face it, you’re just being selfish demanding that everyone follow to your standards so that you can play your precious little ‘run’ over and over with no regards to the actual planning and strategy for dungeon, you want -you’re- way to be prevalent and to hell with anyone else. I don’t know who you’re fooling, because it isn’t me.
Are you serious man ? You do know that i can actually write something in my LFG don’t you ? I always write something like “looking for this and that in this build”.
So don’t try to blame me when you obviously have no clue how the LFG tool even works. Also am i not a liar. I guess you actually started playing cuz otherwise you would know what you’re talking about.And sure don’t i make my thoughts about strategies to run dungeons, im just the leader of a speedrun guild. You call me selfish because i play the way i enjoy most and only want to play with same minded players ? Oh wow.
May i call you selfish too then ?Next time better think about what you say before you call someone a liar or selfish. Good thing I’m not allowed to flame on the forums.
consoling hugs
Dear Grimm, he’s not worth it.
Post lfgs how you want! End the videogamermike tyranny! Fight for your freedom!
Yeah, thanks Lillith.
Its just people calling me liar or selfish with absolutely no reason annoys me!
It’s also inappropriate for this here forum. Hint hint.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Hey, Grimmer, that’s garbage. It’s not even possible to have that details a set of instructions in an LFG, so don’t tell me you put it in your groups. You’re lying through your teeth.
Face it, you’re just being selfish demanding that everyone follow to your standards so that you can play your precious little ‘run’ over and over with no regards to the actual planning and strategy for dungeon, you want -you’re- way to be prevalent and to hell with anyone else. I don’t know who you’re fooling, because it isn’t me.
Are you serious man ? You do know that i can actually write something in my LFG don’t you ? I always write something like “looking for this and that in this build”.
So don’t try to blame me when you obviously have no clue how the LFG tool even works. Also am i not a liar. I guess you actually started playing cuz otherwise you would know what you’re talking about.And sure don’t i make my thoughts about strategies to run dungeons, im just the leader of a speedrun guild. You call me selfish because i play the way i enjoy most and only want to play with same minded players ? Oh wow.
May i call you selfish too then ?Next time better think about what you say before you call someone a liar or selfish. Good thing I’m not allowed to flame on the forums.
consoling hugs
Dear Grimm, he’s not worth it.
Post lfgs how you want! End the videogamermike tyranny! Fight for your freedom!
Yeah, thanks Lillith.
Its just people calling me liar or selfish with absolutely no reason annoys me!It’s also inappropriate for this here forum. Hint hint.
True, sorrys!
Hey, Grimmer, that’s garbage. It’s not even possible to have that details a set of instructions in an LFG, so don’t tell me you put it in your groups. You’re lying through your teeth.
Face it, you’re just being selfish demanding that everyone follow to your standards so that you can play your precious little ‘run’ over and over with no regards to the actual planning and strategy for dungeon, you want -you’re- way to be prevalent and to hell with anyone else. I don’t know who you’re fooling, because it isn’t me.
Are you serious man ? You do know that i can actually write something in my LFG don’t you ? I always write something like “looking for this and that in this build”.
So don’t try to blame me when you obviously have no clue how the LFG tool even works. Also am i not a liar. I guess you actually started playing cuz otherwise you would know what you’re talking about.And sure don’t i make my thoughts about strategies to run dungeons, im just the leader of a speedrun guild. You call me selfish because i play the way i enjoy most and only want to play with same minded players ? Oh wow.
May i call you selfish too then ?Next time better think about what you say before you call someone a liar or selfish. Good thing I’m not allowed to flame on the forums.
consoling hugs
Dear Grimm, he’s not worth it.
Post lfgs how you want! End the videogamermike tyranny! Fight for your freedom!
Yeah, thanks Lillith.
Its just people calling me liar or selfish with absolutely no reason annoys me!It’s also inappropriate for this here forum. Hint hint.
True, sorrys!
You didn’t get my hint. Sad.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Hey, Grimmer, that’s garbage. It’s not even possible to have that details a set of instructions in an LFG, so don’t tell me you put it in your groups. You’re lying through your teeth.
Face it, you’re just being selfish demanding that everyone follow to your standards so that you can play your precious little ‘run’ over and over with no regards to the actual planning and strategy for dungeon, you want -you’re- way to be prevalent and to hell with anyone else. I don’t know who you’re fooling, because it isn’t me.
Are you serious man ? You do know that i can actually write something in my LFG don’t you ? I always write something like “looking for this and that in this build”.
So don’t try to blame me when you obviously have no clue how the LFG tool even works. Also am i not a liar. I guess you actually started playing cuz otherwise you would know what you’re talking about.And sure don’t i make my thoughts about strategies to run dungeons, im just the leader of a speedrun guild. You call me selfish because i play the way i enjoy most and only want to play with same minded players ? Oh wow.
May i call you selfish too then ?Next time better think about what you say before you call someone a liar or selfish. Good thing I’m not allowed to flame on the forums.
consoling hugs
Dear Grimm, he’s not worth it.
Post lfgs how you want! End the videogamermike tyranny! Fight for your freedom!
Yeah, thanks Lillith.
Its just people calling me liar or selfish with absolutely no reason annoys me!It’s also inappropriate for this here forum. Hint hint.
True, sorrys!
You didn’t get my hint. Sad.
I believe I got it, but my response would be.
Hey, Grimmer, that’s garbage. It’s not even possible to have that details a set of instructions in an LFG, so don’t tell me you put it in your groups. You’re lying through your teeth.
Face it, you’re just being selfish demanding that everyone follow to your standards so that you can play your precious little ‘run’ over and over with no regards to the actual planning and strategy for dungeon, you want -you’re- way to be prevalent and to hell with anyone else. I don’t know who you’re fooling, because it isn’t me.
Are you serious man ? You do know that i can actually write something in my LFG don’t you ? I always write something like “looking for this and that in this build”.
So don’t try to blame me when you obviously have no clue how the LFG tool even works. Also am i not a liar. I guess you actually started playing cuz otherwise you would know what you’re talking about.And sure don’t i make my thoughts about strategies to run dungeons, im just the leader of a speedrun guild. You call me selfish because i play the way i enjoy most and only want to play with same minded players ? Oh wow.
May i call you selfish too then ?Next time better think about what you say before you call someone a liar or selfish. Good thing I’m not allowed to flame on the forums.
consoling hugs
Dear Grimm, he’s not worth it.
Post lfgs how you want! End the videogamermike tyranny! Fight for your freedom!
Yeah, thanks Lillith.
Its just people calling me liar or selfish with absolutely no reason annoys me!It’s also inappropriate for this here forum. Hint hint.
True, sorrys!
You didn’t get my hint. Sad.
I believe I got it, but my response would be.
There are exceptions to every rule and this applies.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Got it Lillith!
Got it Lillith!
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
2) No you jerk, you -don’t- have the right to kick someone because they aren’t fitting your standard.
Yes, we do.
Don’t like it? Don’t join my group.
Once you’re out, feel free to cry me a river if you so desire.
2) No you jerk, you -don’t- have the right to kick someone because they aren’t fitting your standard.
Yes, we do.
Don’t like it? Don’t join my group.Once you’re out, feel free to cry me a river if you so desire.
The prophet has spoken to all the cryhards! Rejoice!
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Sir, are you foretelling the future? :o
Did someone say Engineer Challenge?
What form would that take?
Physti – Elementalist | Fistful of Blades – Thief
[WHIP] Quaggan Slavers – HoD