No more Fractals in Monthly
Slightly off topic: The swamp is the best of them all. It’s fun, innovative, and (most importantly) it rewards group communication above all else. Players have a chance to finish it very fast or very slow, all based off of coordination. I love it.
Fractals is a dungeon whose difficulty scale goes against ArenaNet’s previous philosphy that you are able to play with your friends all the time and they don’t degrade you from achieving what you want (which is what fractals does).
Could you elaborate on this? How does fractals stop you from playing with your friends or degrade you from getting/achieving/accomplishing what you want?
I opened my game this morning and looked at the Monthly Achievement. Then I groaned and for the first time in my, perhaps excessive, 950 hours of playing this game I felt it was not worth the trouble.
Fractals, fractals, fractals. The whole game has turned into Fractals already. Why are those of us not interested in the grind forced into it again? Last month it made sense, it was the new thing.
I am not saying that Fractals could not be a part of the monthly, but as the OP said, why not have the achievement to ‘Complete 7 Dungeon runs’ with each fractal being one path. Then people could at least choose to be somewhere else in the world and finding groups for the other dungeons would, perhaps, not be as difficult as it has been lately.
Personally, I don’t like at all being forced into WvWvW each month either. It is confusing, laggy and people speak a “foreign” language there. All one can do is to follow the biggest crowd hoping to encounter enemies and somehow manage to murder fifty of them. I don’t want to be there, I feel like an idiot. I am pretty sure Commander Ravenclaw would rather people like me didn’t run around there either. I can complete it, I did last month too. But there are lots of people who cannot because of the demand it puts on the machines. Does it have to be every month?
Special Events being part of the monthly is both interesting and frustrating, escpecially since it is all hidden. This month many of us will be traveling to see family over the holidays and cannot/will not play while there. I now wonder, if it is at all worth trying to do these first two, unpleasant and grindy, things for the achievement that may require being online the certain few days near the end of the month.
(edited by Garambola.2461)
I don’t think it’s much to ask, easiest monthly installment to kick out ever.
If you don’t wanna, it’s totally optional, it’s not like it’s a real achievement.
Just look at them like any other dungeon and just do them, you can repeat lv.1 if it bothers you that much. Also, the swamp one is the easiest if you can pay attention to whats below (just constantly jumping avoids 90% of the traps xD) and having proper team comunication. and with communication i mean “3 2 1 go!” cos thats about all you need.
And you know what is hard? The Legendary Imbued Grawl Shaman. IMO the hardest boss out of all the fractals.
And if you dont like it dont do it. Afterall a game is supposed to be played for fun and missing out on 20 mystic coins and 10 jugs of karma isnt that big of a deal (60s if you sell em and 25k karma, you can easily get that in less then a day) the reward is really just a small bonus. . .
What happened to hard work? To doing something you don’t like but persevering? And after all that effort, being rewarded for it?
I’d rather have fractals than WvW, seeing that there’s now a pvp daily and monthly achievement.
Someone, in game, just told me: “I don’t play this game as a job, I play it for fun.”
Persevering through hard things, working hard to accomplish something can be fun and rewarding. Persevering the same thing over and over when it is not fun is what I do daily at my work. It is not what I want to do for fun.
Gluttony: The Imbued Shaman is annoying, but can be beaten if you just never stop moving.
Though that is one of the reasons I hate the whole idea of having to go to Fractals again. I might need to face that creature more than once to get all seven fragments.
Truthfully though, I think those dungeons themselves are excellent. The problem is having to tolerate the comments from the other people in the group. Please, don’t tell me not to go with PUG. The PUG was the only time it was fun in that place.
What happened to hard work? To doing something you don’t like but persevering? And after all that effort, being rewarded for it?
What happened to playing a game to do what you enjoy and have fun? I can do this too, but as you can hopefully now see, that’s not what the original poster is talking about.
I also think the “general” monthly shouldn’t include a specific dungeon in it – it just makes it so there’s even less reason to do anything else.
(edited by xeph.8410)
Please stop adding these to the monthly achievement. I like to achieve the monthlies but it’s really annoying having to do a dungeon that not only do I not like but goes against everything ArenaNet said.
Newsflash: You don’t have to do the monthly…
What happened to hard work? To doing something you don’t like but persevering? And after all that effort, being rewarded for it?
What happened to playing a game to do what you enjoy and have fun? I can do this too, but as you can hopefully now see, that’s not what the original poster is talking about.
I also think the “general” monthly shouldn’t include a specific dungeon in it – it just makes it so there’s even less reason to do anything else.
There’s a certain reward in the game you want. You have to do certain things to get that reward. You don’t like to do these certain things to get the reward.
You can…
1. Suck it up, do things you don’t like to do, and earn your reward.
2. If you hate it that much, don’t do it, but you won’t get the reward.
Does not getting the reward (gold and karma) impact your fun that much? If so, why don’t you earn those rewards (gold and karma) through things you do enjoy then (whatever that is) instead of coming to the forums to whine about how UNFAIR it is.
Newsflash: You don’t have to do the monthly…
Poor defense for a poor mechanic.
When you dangle a carrot in front of a donkey, you don’t get to say “you don’t HAVE to eat the carrot” because you know kitten well that donkey wants that carrot, and that’s why you deliberately put that carrot out in front of it, to keep the donkey moving forward at your whim.
Like that donkey, players are goal driven and motivated by shiney things put in front of them.
Furthermore; telling a gamer they don’t have to get that achievement is like telling a man not to stare at breasts. Just as the male gender has been nurtured over millenea to be attracted toward our mammary glands, gamers have been nurtured by game developers to be attracted toward achievements.
Hate to say it, but World of Warcraft has Guild Wars 2 beat when it comes to repeatable achievements. I’ve never played WoW, but I do hear things from internets and friends about their updates, and from what I understand, in their recent expansion WoW added like a million new daily achievements, so many that it’s impossible for a player to achieve them all in a single day. This is what you would call removing the carrot (or the breasts, depending on which analogy you prefer) and saying “you know what, just do whatever you think is fun for today.”
Gw2 has two repeatable achievements, and both are essential if you want anything to do with the mystic forge. The Karma bottles, eh, they’re a thing I suppose.
Sorry for this personal request but could someone post the monthly achievement requirements? I’m can read the posts but cannot log in now. Also if there is any change to daily could you please post them too if that is not too much to ask?
Thanks in advance.
The Current Monthly Requirements are:
1. Monthly WvWvW Player Kills: 50 to kill
2. Fractal Frequenter: 7 fragments to complete
3. ?????
4. ?????
No change in Daily.
Seriously, it takes 2 hours to complete 7 fractals. How can you say “small 50 kills” in WvW?
About the swamp requiring coordination it was a bit fun : you have a countdown that starts when someone pick a wisp up and you also have a mini-map so check it. Each player can complete its path solely (which is basically what happens most of the time).
Anyway, I was more interested in Dungeon Completed rather than exclusively Fractals.
… Unless FotM become wider?
The Current Monthly Requirements are:
1. Monthly WvWvW Player Kills: 50 to kill
2. Fractal Frequenter: 7 fragments to complete
3. ?
4. ?No change in Daily.
Thanks Garambola,
Seriously, it takes 2 hours to complete 7 fractals. How can you say “small 50 kills” in WvW?
About the swamp requiring coordination it was a bit fun : you have a countdown that starts when someone pick a wisp up and you also have a mini-map so check it. Each player can complete its path solely (which is basically what happens most of the time).
Anyway, I was more interested in Dungeon Completed rather than exclusively Fractals.
… Unless FotM become wider?
I agree…
I’d like to ask this question again, because it seems that no one ever has a good answer, and this was brought up by someone else when it was dungeon completions as the target of contention last month.
What makes any other criteria more suitable for the monthly achievement than any other criteria? Aside from these past few months when they’ve been linked to big content patches, they’re pretty much arbitrary. What makes those who don’t enjoy fractals/dungeons more privileged than those who don’t enjoy WvW (which has been part of the monthly achievement every month since launch)?
Completion of the monthly achievement is also not necessary. You get Mystic Coins just by doing the daily, and if you want more, you can buy them off the TP.
If you don’t want to do it, then don’t. It’s as simple as that.
Then don’t do the monthly. Nobody is forcing you to go to FoM or kill ppl in WvW
It takes 2 hours to complete 7 fractals? Really? In my sordid experience takes over 3 hours to complete the first three. Then repeat and with bad luck only one counts for the seven. The further you go the less chance there is to get one you haven’t done and more the chance having to repeat the ones you already did just hoping to get one that counts. I did this last month and thought the torture would be over when I finally got the seventh.
True, I don’t have to do the monthly. But I like having a goal. I don’t care about the karma, the mystic coins that just stack in my bank collecting dust. It is just something meaningful to do.
What happened to hard work? To doing something you don’t like but persevering? And after all that effort, being rewarded for it?
Its a game i’m not here to do hard work i’m here to enjoy myself, and +1 here i hate Fotm now i must do this again, Gw2 is so far from casual its lost the plot.
I’d rather have fractals than WvW, seeing that there’s now a pvp daily and monthly achievement.
That is very good reply, seems we are forced into PvP every month now as well, even though there is a PvP monthly sheesh…
(edited by Dante.1508)
Okay, so don’t do fractals if you hate them.
I guess I’ve missed the memo where you MUST do everything on the monthly achievement regardless of your own preferences.
Newsflash: You don’t have to do the monthly…
Poor defense for a poor mechanic.
When you dangle a carrot in front of a donkey, you don’t get to say “you don’t HAVE to eat the carrot” because you know kitten well that donkey wants that carrot, and that’s why you deliberately put that carrot out in front of it, to keep the donkey moving forward at your whim.
Like that donkey, players are goal driven and motivated by shiney things put in front of them.
If your primary motivation is already “getting shiny things” and not “having fun doing content I want to do”, then you’re already doing fractals.
The fractals are as optional as the monthly.
Then can we also remove WvWvW from monthly, because I don’t really like that part of the game.
And maybe remove holiday events from the monthly, because my friend prefers to keep on farming dungeons instead of participating in silly events. It’s not fair that he’d be forced to do something he doesn’t like, right?
And while we’re at it my friend on holiday is gone for a month, so maybe we could remove the monthly, so he doesn’t miss out on it?
Well I hate WvW and they keep adding that
When you dangle a carrot in front of a donkey, you don’t get to say “you don’t HAVE to eat the carrot”
Another newsflash, you are not a donkey and don’t have to act on impulse and desire if you choose not to. So you don’t have to do the monthly.
No more WvW in monthly then.
WvW isn’t a “huge” aspect of the game, it’s 1 aspect of many.
I can agree with both of these.
Remove WvW from the Monthly
Don’t continue to have Fractals in the Monthly.
Fractals being the worse of the two and this is why:
Fractals keep getting harder the more you play them.
7 Fractals = gain 2 full fractal levels, possibly 3 because who is going to want to only do one fractal and stop?
This means Month 1 you end at Fractal Level 3, this month we will end at 6, next time 9, and so on until it hits an unreasonably difficult level for those who arn’t getting the agony resistance gear.
Yes, you could stay at level 1 by doing 2 and quitting, good luck finding groups after doing that a few times though.
If there was a way to either reset or select your fractal level it would be a bit more reasonable of a monthly requirement.
I like the idea of making 7 runs in any dungon a requirement instead.
On a side note, I do find WvW fun some times, but I find I would be just as effective as a level 1 as a level 80 and class doesn’t matter…. this is because I suck at “normal” pvp and tend to operate siege weapons instead. Thats where I got most of my kills for the montly last month, build a treb and took out a towers walls with the defenders on them.
What…are you talking about? You realize that you can go back and play any fractal difficulty you’ve already completed, right?
What…are you talking about? You realize that you can go back and play any fractal difficulty you’ve already completed, right?
I think he honestly believes that you can only select the highest fractal level available. That sure would make it tough to get rings, since you’d only ever get a few shots at each daily.
How do casuals that are not Lv. 80 fractals. I know that they get upscaled but judging by how much more damage upscaled people take in general in wvw woulnd’t be fractals “a bit” hard?
How do casuals that are not Lv. 80 fractals. I know that they get upscaled but judging by how much more damage upscaled people take in general in wvw woulnd’t be fractals “a bit” hard?
Not really, the first five fractal levels in particular are substantially weaker than explorable dungeons. As long as said sub-80 people have their elites they should be able to hang pretty easily.
What…are you talking about? You realize that you can go back and play any fractal difficulty you’ve already completed, right?
Not having ever been the leader (or entering first) of a fractal group, no, i didn’t know that, it doesn’t tell me anywhere. Unlike Dungeons it doesn’t give a vote for what level to do it just asks if you are ready.
That said, finding a group that WANTS to do lower level fractals will probly take longer then most players would want. Its alreayd hard enough to find a group as it is.