No more dungeon unlocking events please
If not so bugged, I will not mind. But seriously as you guys now reset is about a week. Every time it bugs out, we wait one week praying we can get to the dungeon after the reset before it bugs out again.
I agree. It is kinda a neat idea….on paper. For example it is nice the first time you free CoE, but after my 5th time doing it I was just wasting time on a boss (comm) that gave absolutely no chest for completion and requires at least 2-3 players.
I’d like to see a cross server LFG tool so you can join a group on another server that has it open. More of a band aid but it came in handy this week when LA was flooded with MK spam and I found a couple of groups in overflow on a dungeon that was locked on my server.
I’d rather them just fix the bugs then get rid of the mechanics or make it easier.