No more farming CoF and Prices on dungeon gear.
nope in short dungeon are not worth your gold, time or marks anymore. Best option is to find some other way of farming and get exotic crafted gear.
Dungeons are dead until Anet realize they had it right with CoF and it was all the other dungeons they needed to get in line. CoF was fun, now it isn’t and the other dungeons arn’t either or in any way worth it unless fun for you is losing gold.
Talked about it with some people from my guild and we came to the conclusion that crafting is currently the only viabel method of getting exotics.
Talked about it with some people from my guild and we came to the conclusion that crafting is currently the only viabel method of getting exotics.
Negative you get your early oranges through karma vendors crafting and 100% zone completion. Then once you have some real gear on you go with a group and get your nice dungeon oranges. They never said someone in greens would be able to roll through dungeons. As it is there are only 2 dungeons in the game that require effort the rest are faily easy with a properly geared team.
Talked about it with some people from my guild and we came to the conclusion that crafting is currently the only viabel method of getting exotics.
Negative you get your early oranges through karma vendors crafting and 100% zone completion. Then once you have some real gear on you go with a group and get your nice dungeon oranges. They never said someone in greens would be able to roll through dungeons. As it is there are only 2 dungeons in the game that require effort the rest are faily easy with a properly geared team.
Yet they also said that gear wouldn’t matter, that this wasn’t a gear treadmill.
Dungeons are dead until Anet realize they had it right with CoF and it was all the other dungeons they needed to get in line.
Pretty much this.
20 minutes runs was in no way fast as you needed – as OP says – atleast SEVENTY runs for the whole set. If I got 1 gold for each person that said they would quit GW2 because of this in CoF today (Not one successful run so far) Id be rich.
Magg bugging out in lava run = 99 out of 100 times.
Chance of a team making the “Gate survival” = 0.0001%
Im talking of skilled players with decent gear and good coordination (People Ive played with before) having about zero percent chance of having a shot at completing.
If the devs played the dungeon themselves they might have fixed it. But Im guessing they are sitting in a chair sipping coffee blaming us for being incompetent instead. Pride and stubborness and all that :/
Like you (the OP), I’m in the same boat time wise. Maybe an extra hour on weekdays. The kick to the nether area for me is in GW1, yes all the armors were quite expensive. BUT, there were multiple viable ways for me to make that plat and farm those materials.
In here, to get that dungeon armor, there is only 1 very time consuming way to do it.
Maybe add a karma vendor at the end of those dungeons to trade karma for some extra tokens once per day/week. (Arbitrary numbers) 3k Karma per token at 5 extra tokens max per day or 15 a week or something. Still would take a while but it’ll reduce runs and encourage other karma giving content.
True but you still have to grind karma like a mf to get the gear. What dungeons would you say are hard?
Negative you get your early oranges through karma vendors crafting and 100% zone completion. Then once you have some real gear on you go with a group and get your nice dungeon oranges. They never said someone in greens would be able to roll through dungeons. As it is there are only 2 dungeons in the game that require effort the rest are faily easy with a properly geared team.
But the crafted exotic gear has the same stats as dungeon exotic gear, except dungeon gear looks better in my opinion.
Lol the changes really don’t make it that hard… What I don’t like are the diminished rewards however
Talked about it with some people from my guild and we came to the conclusion that crafting is currently the only viabel method of getting exotics.
Negative you get your early oranges through karma vendors crafting and 100% zone completion. Then once you have some real gear on you go with a group and get your nice dungeon oranges. They never said someone in greens would be able to roll through dungeons. As it is there are only 2 dungeons in the game that require effort the rest are faily easy with a properly geared team.
Yet they also said that gear wouldn’t matter, that this wasn’t a gear treadmill.
Correct you can get basic oranges from the other method easy to where you are on par. If you want the neat dugeon stuff its not quite as easy to get.
The only problems right now are the bugs that came with the patch, which I assume with be dealed with soon.
The kiting is harder yes, for some this is a reason to find other ways to gear up, fine with me. But the dungeon is still very much doable in itself (When it is not bugged ofcourse).
tl;dr, The dungeon is fine, a much needed challenge and it is your own choice if you want to get the best gear in a week by grinding, or getting it in a longer period of time while doing things you enjoy.
errr… Me and some random guys managed to finish 6 rounds of cof after the patch (each round taking about 20~25 mins). In short, its still quite possible to finish cof, but dungeons now seems to be only meant for dungeon gears and is no longer profitable.
Yet they also said that gear wouldn’t matter, that this wasn’t a gear treadmill.
They said there wouldn’t be a gear treadmill required in order to participate in content.
You wouldn’t have to grind gear in order to PvP – check.
You wouldn’t have to grind gear in order to run dungeons – check. Easily obtained gear enables this.
There ARE GRINDS in the game, but for only fluff and appearance.
QUIT MIXING AND MATCHING diverse statements in order to appease your entitlements.
dungeons now seems to be only meant for dungeon gears and is no longer profitable.
So either we lose money and get sweet gear from running dungeons or we have to craft the gear that has simelar stats, but dosnt look as good?
I don’t care about the diminished rewards for repeatedly running dungeons (although it is obvious in their haste to rush out a patch to harm players they didn’t test it and it has kicked in diminishing rewards all the time) as I was in it solely for the tokens and not the exp/silver.
There are other ways to gain exp and silver. I wanted to finish the armor set whose look I liked – their ridiculous buff in difficulty is completely unwarranted given the absurd number of times they want us to run the dungeon.
If they are going to make the dungeon 4x as hard, fine, just please lower the token requirements as well.
I don’t think I’ve made a loss from doing those runs even with a 2.6s + some equips to sell each run. It’s just that it has become a complete waste of time to do dungeons unless you really want the set.