(edited by Mosen.9526)
Not Yet 80 and Want To Do A Dungeon?
I won’t claim to be that good at dungeons, but if you need someone to group with on a first time dungeon run, I’m on EU server SR and would gladly come and give anyone a hand.
I think it’s a case of you have to do dungeons to find a group of players that you get on well with- but that takes time and some kick-outs, which some people don’t have time for.
Happy dungeoning!
Rise of? Since shortly after launch, it’s always been the majority of runners were lvl 80, even if not yet fully geared…
Saladtha (Lv 80 salad sidekick to bears) | Dunelle (Lv 80 eviscerating muppet)
Karmell (Lv 80 human might dispenser) | Vast says hi~.
I suppose it would be better to say with more attention being brought to 80 only groups lately.
I suppose it would be better to say with more attention being brought to 80 only groups lately.
People tend to do runs faster and with more success in an all lvl 80 group when it comes to pugs. This is a consensus formed from experience from the majority of the community. That’s why you see far more 80s only teams running dungeons.
If the fact was that low lvl teams did runs better than high lvl then the opposite would be true.
There are some experienced low levels, but since people are strangers and there’s no real way to tell someone’s ability when you first team up the rational thing for people to do is to lower the chances of failure by setting some standards beforehand.
I suppose it would be better to say with more attention being brought to 80 only groups lately.
People tend to do runs faster and with more success in an all lvl 80 group when it comes to pugs. This is a consensus formed from experience from the majority of the community. That’s why you see far more 80s only teams running dungeons.
If the fact was that low lvl teams did runs better than high lvl then the opposite would be true.
There are some experienced low levels, but since people are strangers and there’s no real way to tell someone’s ability when you first team up the rational thing for people to do is to lower the chances of failure by setting some standards beforehand.
I am not here to argue about the effectivity or ineffectivity of 80 only groups. I do speed runs daily and nightly of high level dungeons in only level 80 groups. However I’ve also brought friends on low levels, players looking to do their first run, and have been brought through dungeons pre-80 myself (sometimes 7 levels under). I am simply trying to give players who want to run a dungeon pre-80 the chance to do so without the hassle of being kicked from group after group after group because the players advertising couldn’t be bothered to explicitly state they were looking for 80s only. If you want to debate or argue the issue, go do so in a thread that does exactly that. This is not the place for it.
I am not here to argue about the effectivity or ineffectivity of 80 only groups. I do speed runs daily and nightly of high level dungeons in only level 80 groups. However I’ve also brought friends on low levels, players looking to do their first run, and have been brought through dungeons pre-80 myself (sometimes 7 levels under). I am simply trying to give players who want to run a dungeon pre-80 the chance to do so without the hassle of being kicked from group after group after group because the players advertising couldn’t be bothered to explicitly state they were looking for 80s only. If you want to debate or argue the issue, go do so in a thread that does exactly that. This is not the place for it.
I am perfectly on topic. The topic of this post is “Not Yet 80 and want to do a dungeon?” and I was talking about the roadblocks that may exist if you want to as a sub 80.
I was talking more explicitly about strangers in pugs as I made clear, not friends or guild mates.
I was also talking about the reality of the situation, not what people should do in a perfect world.
The reality is people in general don’t want to be in pug teams with non 80s for exactly the reasons I explained.
Regardless of how you or I personally feel about it, the general consensus is not going to change as long as there are no systemic changes.
I am not trying to change the general consensus. The topic is exactly as I stated in the title. I am not here to prove that what works doesn’t work, when it fact it does. That is not the topic here and if you want to discuss that topic, go do so in another thread for that topic. I am offering sub 80s someone to group with. If that’s not your cup of tea, then that’s fine. This is not the place for it.
Nice post and offer Mosen, good to see some people who want to be helpful to others. Sucks people have to troll your offer like they are personally offended, but what can you do.
I am not trying to change the general consensus. The topic is exactly as I stated in the title. I am not here to prove that what works doesn’t work, when it fact it does. That is not the topic here and if you want to discuss that topic, go do so in another thread for that topic. I am offering sub 80s someone to group with. If that’s not your cup of tea, then that’s fine. This is not the place for it.
My mistake.
Nice post and offer Mosen, good to see some people who want to be helpful to others. Sucks people have to troll your offer like they are personally offended, but what can you do.
Well, nobody’s really trolled yet. Just a misunderstanding.
Most groups I come across, I don’t really mind people who aren’t lvl 80 to do dungeons with them. I don’t even mind if they’re new or its their first time. What annoys me is if sometime in the run I notice some people dying pretty often not because they’re soft as tissue paper, but because they don’t know the run. Then I ask “is this your first time?” They reply “yea”.
Well why didn’t you say that in the first place??? :|
Sometimes it just helps to ask before hand. Though I do agree, that drives me up a wall when that happens.
There almost needs to be a widely accepted script. State what you’re looking for in party chat and then ask, before diving in, the experience level, saves everybody getting abusive later on.
It’s a shame players are almost embarrassed to admit that they’ve never done a dungeon before, but I guess it’s difficult to get a whole group of first timers together as people just want to go through it quickly as all they can see is the gold at the end.
Well, one reason that stuff like that might happen is because they think that dungeons are just exclusive, instanced map areas to explore, when they aren’t. I have run into new players who did make this mistake. Not that this is a widely prevalent mindset among new and inexperienced players. I think it’s less to do with being embarrassed and more to do with players just aren’t expecting the level of difficulty that can be found in dungeons.