Only certain builds wanted for Dungeons?
it happens in all mmorpg sooner or later: people imagining you need this or that to do standard content efficiently. Just avoid those people and forget about the incident, chances are you missed a rather unpleasant experience running with these guys anway.
Why wouldn’t they want necromancers! Necros have high HP pools, can have an entourage of minions, and… lifesteal! Hello! As for rangers they have pets, many of which I’m sure are optimal for dungeons.
This also reminds me of the time in map chat in Lion’s Arch where someone said, “LFG, level 80 warriors and guardians only!” It was sad.
While condition builds are the way to go on Thiefs, they’re rather bad in group play, mostly because conditions (mainly Bleed) stack only 25 times. 1 Thief alone can go over that if he does his job well, so if you have multiple people with bleeds, the whole group is at a disadvantage.
Then again I think stuff like this doesn’t happen all that often.
Why wouldn’t they want necromancers! Necros have high HP pools, can have an entourage of minions, and… lifesteal! Hello! As for rangers they have pets, many of which I’m sure are optimal for dungeons.
Tbh Necro’s and Rangers deal less than average damage.
Personally I care little for such differences, but apparently some people do.
I’ll take anyone for story mode, no questions asked.
Of course, if they then proceed to behave like eejits, I have no qualms about initiating a kick vote, and considering I’ll usually have 2 or more guildies in the party with me on Mumble, well, they’ll be gone quicker than they can blink.
But class makes no difference as far as I’m concerned.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.
Why wouldn’t they want necromancers! Necros have high HP pools, can have an entourage of minions, and… lifesteal! Hello! As for rangers they have pets, many of which I’m sure are optimal for dungeons.
This also reminds me of the time in map chat in Lion’s Arch where someone said, “LFG, level 80 warriors and guardians only!” It was sad.
Rangers are horrible for dungeons, no damage, no support and the pets can’t avoid AoE so die easily.
I can’t imagine Necro minions doing much better but they do have some good Dungeon builds.
So i guess i’d better start Leveling a Warrior or Guardian if i ever want to do the Dungeons… Shame
So i guess i’d better start Leveling a Warrior or Guardian if i ever want to do the Dungeons… Shame
I would suggest to find a guild to run dungeons with. Not only saves you from this frustration but also from other more general frustrations that PUG runs can bring.
To me it is funny to read all those opinions about what profession is horrible for dungeons, yet we (as in our guild) manage to finish runs with any of those professions. I think I even did a run with 3 rangers present as they are quite popular in our guild, but also engineer, mesmer, necromancer and whatnot. According to some we would have the worst group set-up at times, but as long as people know what they are doing you are fine. And one taking a toilet break or having a phone ringing delays you more than that extra DPS another profession might be able to bring.
I have to agree with others joining a good guild (good does not mean a big or known guild just a group of nice people).
When guildies run a dungeon I ask if they want me to take my Necro, Warrior or Guardian and the usual response is “whichever you prefer” at most I’ve been told there are already 2 of X profession.
What are you talking about. Necro’s like stated have some great dungeon builds. I personally don’t even bother with minions in dungeons and go condition instead I can easily finish out maxing my condition dmg to 1500 with one of my spells.
People are just kitten You don’t need these classes only to complete a dungeons. I rarely roll in groups wth guardians or warriors and have very few issue.
One benefit of guardians is they can pull everything to them so aoe can hit everything at once.
If your on crystal desert I’ll run with you on story mode.
i run a condition thief in dungeons and no one’s ever questioned me :/
sounds like a bad party. i mean, it’s not that people want specific builds for dungeons, but they’ll expect whatever build you made to be efficient and helpful.
but it seems they dissed you for your build before even seeing you in action, so the blame’s on them.
In AC you actually need raw damage on certain encounters on stuff that doesn’t get conditions. So if you kitten damage for conditions, which don’t work, you kitten the group overall.
Yes, dungeons need specific build ideas and in the case of AC that’s raw damage. In TA you’ll want some form of reflection while CM and SE would do just fine with mass conditions.
Do report verbal abuse when it happens! Don’t brush it off.
Hope that helps.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
Necromancer is mostly Support/Tank. There’s no real damage builds.
Ranger has the weakest damage + no real support/tanking abillity.
I guess that’s why they won’t invite those classes. There’s no reason to have 2 Necromancers if both are doing the same thing. Rangers are just bad, low damage + weak support and tanking.
We’ll see when ArenaNet fix these issues.
In AC you actually need raw damage on certain encounters on stuff that doesn’t get conditions. So if you kitten damage for conditions, which don’t work, you kitten the group overall.
Yes, dungeons need specific build ideas and in the case of AC that’s raw damage. In TA you’ll want some form of reflection while CM and SE would do just fine with mass conditions.
Do report verbal abuse when it happens! Don’t brush it off.
Hope that helps.
i’ve farmed AC and done all paths multiple times, and i have no idea what you’re talking about. the only problem with CD is that you can’t kill burrows, and honestly, thieves fill another, much more important role on those burrow segments, which is keeping the enemy agroed and snared, and thus away from the objectives you’re defending.
I can imagine there are a number of unlucky combinations of classes making a dungeon run rather hard, but in my experience, if you get a random group in which everyone knows how to play their character, it works out just fine. Or to phrase differently: a clueless player with a warrior will be a way bigger roadblock to success than a ranger/necro who knows how to play the game – and who isn´t blind to big red circles on the ground, uses his dodge key for the first time in game etc. Even if you are “the wrong class” for a certain encounter you can adjust your skills on the fly to bring something useful to the encounter.
And for all the people claiming ranger is bad, I play dungeons regularly with a friend whose main is a ranger, and he performs excellently, with ranged interrupts, fantastic group healing and condition removal and he’s always, always on hand when someone goes down.
I can’t believe I’m still saying this, but this game isn’t purely about damage.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.
Necromancer is mostly Support/Tank. There’s no real damage builds.
Ranger has the weakest damage + no real support/tanking abillity.
I guess that’s why they won’t invite those classes. There’s no reason to have 2 Necromancers if both are doing the same thing. Rangers are just bad, low damage + weak support and tanking.
We’ll see when ArenaNet fix these issues.
haha.. this is funny. I’ve run multiple dungeons with 3 necros.. and having multiple necros (when working together) with wells provides a TON of group protection, healing, and AE damage. Ya, the damage may not be that of a glass cannon thief, or power spec’d warrior, but we have very few problems completing almost every dungeon in the game with any mix of classes. It’s usually the players that mess crap up, not the class they play.
haha.. this is funny. I’ve run multiple dungeons with 3 necros.. and having multiple necros (when working together) with wells provides a TON of group protection, healing, and AE damage. Ya, the damage may not be that of a glass cannon thief, or power spec’d warrior, but we have very few problems completing almost every dungeon in the game with any mix of classes. It’s usually the players that mess crap up, not the class they play.There are SOME dungeons (CoE, TA etc) where having condition builds on explorable is a hinderance because you need to break objects, but for AC Story mode, you can run that dungeon with anyone over level 30 as long as someone in the group knows the dungeon.
I’m curious why someone would even ask that for story mode. Anyway, I wouldn’t bother with people that demand to know your build. That’s a sign (in my experience) they won’t be very fun to play with.
Necromancer is mostly Support/Tank. There’s no real damage builds.
Ranger has the weakest damage + no real support/tanking abillity.
I guess that’s why they won’t invite those classes. There’s no reason to have 2 Necromancers if both are doing the same thing. Rangers are just bad, low damage + weak support and tanking.
We’ll see when ArenaNet fix these issues.
Hardly. Like poster above me we aren’t “glass cannons” but if built right we can still pump out a lot of dps. With greater marks and ground targeting wells I can hit multiple targets constantly.
If you add in staff recharge of 20% (which I don’t) you can spam mark of blood. Not to mention all the DS traits we can run with.
So no necro’s aren’t just Support/Tank.
If you never played a necro you will relize we have a higher hp pool because we can do a lot of damage to ourselves. We bleed, poison and add vulnerability to ourselves to do a ton of damage to a mob. Also though if you know how to play and can time it you can then transfer the stuff on you to the mob.
I agree with mungral. In sPvP I play a tanky melee support ranger, works great. Something like a 2 to 1 win loss ratio.
In PvE that ranger isn’t even 80 yet and I still have plenty of support options. Healing spring is awesome, I can plant down spirits in out of the way places where they won’t get AoE’d and still provide support, including the renewal spirit that saved from a wipe on numerous occasions, I have a trait that gives a constant passive precision buff to everyone around me, and my pet will often take the attention of a melee mob, giving time for them to get healed back up and get back into the fray. If I don’t just jump into melee myself and dance around the enemy with a sword and watch the mob miss all their attacks thanks to all the moves that give me evade during them. A sword ranger essentially has 4 dodges while everyone else has 2.
Rangers can support, and rangers can tank in a pinch, they just need to be done a little differently. Don’t put your spirits in the middle of the group against AoE, and ranger tanking is a little timed evading, a little kiting, and a little petwork.
I’m lucky to have an active guild I joined so I take most of my characters (Guild/War/Necro/Thief) with a bunch of different builds at various times to any dungeon.
Our time to complete the dungeon is pretty much the same no matter what.
Builds don’t matter much, the person behind the keyboard does though. Granted, there may be some things that are “easier” with certain builds or classes but in general, you can do without it. (Example: Sometimes we run a healing ele, support guard, shout war, and 2 dps wars. Things melt and there is so much protection/healing going out with condition removal you can just tack on the boss and afk attack away)
Oh and the worst players I had in dungeons were ironically guild members who had come to GW2 from WoW and were distressed that dungeons didn’t work the same way, that there was no holy trinity and that their classes didn’t provide them with the tools to complete encounters. One was a mesmer complaining that he couldn’t do anything about the fire golem in story mode Sorrow’s Embrace.
Needless to say, these guys are no longer playing and are no longer in the guild.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.
Yeah personally I dont really see this. I’ve ran a ton of dungeons with various group combinations (usually in a PuG) and if a group fails its because there are one or two players that wont listen to instructions or just plain wont cooperate. I’ve ran groups with 4 necromancers, groups with 3 elementalists, a necro and a thief, all kinds of combinations and have no problem finishing dungeons.
That said I do have a preference when it comes to groups and try to diversify as much as possible when I can, a more diverse group has more options when it comes to tougher battles. Really though all classes have a place and a good group will use support, survival & control skills on every person rather than selfish damage buffs or ‘fun’ skills. Ontop of that almost all characters in the game have some sort of temp summoning skill or a plethora of survival skills they can use to tank with when necessary.
In regards to conditions I’ve noticed that although you can max bleed stacks on enemies, groups are rarely heavy on condition builds and you wont often see teams stacking vulnerability even though its a rather effective condition on tougher enemies.
The classes in GW are flexible enough that there’s always a ‘position’ that can be filled and really only requires a slight remixing of skills or changing of weapons to accomplish. There are combinations that are slightly more effective but the main contributor to dungeon completion is player competency imo not classes.
Also to anyone that said necro’s are weak. Necromancer is the main class I play and using a staff they have some of the best crowd control in the game, they have amazing group support with wells and the Ritual protection trait, have strong dps and diversion with pets and are tanky enough with Deathshroud to take direct hits from bosses multiple times and not flinch. Epidemic is simply rediculous in dungeons, being able to transfer all conditions on your parties marked target to all other nearby mobs and with the right power build you can maintain 15 might stacks and deal 2.5-3.5k damage per hit in Deathshroud or with Lich form on. Flesh golem is also a nice form of consistent dps which is active even while casting other skills/spells or evading.
(edited by Hellrain.3142)
I’ve been trying off and on for a week now to complete a mix and match set of dungeon gear. I’m sick of farming karma/coin so thought I would go a different route. Can’t get into a group and when trying to start one, people drop.
So, I finally gave up. Nothing left to do in the game that interests me till adjustments are made.
Open invitation if you want to come to Crystal Desert. I enjoy dungeons and would be glad to run people through them.
The only path of a dungeon I have not done is Arah path 4. Everything else I’ve done multiple times.
Make your own group. People can be weird about their preferences and biases. People who think dungeons are hard and require particular builds prob’ly aren’t making great choices themselves. But it’s a social game with a big community, and there’s room for all types.
I won’t have you in my group if you’re crude or mean. I don’t care what profession you are, but if you’re minimum level I do sigh and resign myself to carrying you.
Your most important assets are your guild and friends-list.
Just because a few people want certain classes because they believe in some notion of a “dream team” doesn’t mean they’re necessarily right or that it’s a mindset shared by all dungeon runners. It sucks you ran into one, but this happens.
My guild ran CM story with 4 eles and a Necro… was a blast ;-) quite literally! lol
It was before the fix tho… so we got stuck at the end with a glitch that wouldn’t let us complete it :-(
I can’t believe people are being picky with profession choices in story mode. But you need to find a better group, or a guild that runs dungeons for fun. Stinks that people are being this way about certain professions.
This is really stupid for something like AC story mode.
I mean that’s not something worth goofing around optimizing a group for (regardless of whether their opinions on class viability or lack thereof are accurate).
Everyone was running and completing AC story with the first people to respond to their LFM request when the game came out, random level 30-40 people in whatever blue gear heh.
Ranger is the best puller in game, and great pulls = smooth run. However the sadly true is that most of ranger don’t know how to pull and most of players don’t care about pulling. And ranger can tank with their bears. They can absorb way more damage than heavy class. Another important feature that get commonly ignored is that their spring heal conditions. Healing conditions is very very important because conditional damage is poorly balanced in some dungeons. Also entangle is one of the best CC in game. Their dps are low but they can keep the output even while defending/healing. The CON of ranger is that ranger have by far the worst survival in game.
Nonsense, this is the first time I heard something like that. I run the same spec in pve, spvp, wvwvw and no one ever complains, nor do I complain about other people’s specs.
And all that for AC….. story…………. seriously, what were the odds of you running into such group.
I find it rather funny. Proves a point that players are just simply dumb. Each class has the ability to offer combos to other classes to increase the efficiency of one another.
It’s just funny that their is already elitism forming, in a game that does not need it. The dungeons are not even that hard. Especially the bosses.
All players need to do is watch the animations and dodge at the right time.
Rangers are horrible for dungeons, no damage, no support and the pets can’t avoid AoE so die easily.
Bad rangers are horrible for dungeons. I don’t understand why so many folks completely ignore their class mechanic and then moan about how it doesn’t work well. Actually, any player that doesn’t have a decent understanding of their profession makes dungeon runs more difficult than they need to be, regardless of what that profession is.
My pets don’t aggro anything I don’t intend for them to, I can use them to pull single mobs if the rest of the team cooperates, and I slot search and rescue to help keep downed team mates from getting killed. My pets make it through most fights – it’s rare that I don’t have at least one available. They have useful effects like immobilization and vulnerability, and provide a meat shield to step behind to avoid certain attacks, even if they don’t contribute much damage.
I can lay down four types of combo fields (fire, water, poison, and ice), I can support my team members with regeneration and condition removal, I’ve got decent control abilities, and my damage is solid. Yes I focus on condition damage, but if I see that we’ve got two warriors on the team, I swap out my extra bleeds for a different type. I must be doing something right, because most boss fights end up with the boss stuck on me.
I get why some folks want certain professions when putting together a pug. Some professions are easier to play than others, so there is less chance that you’ll get stuck with someone who makes the run harder because they don’t understand what they should and should not be doing. I get around that by only doing dungeons with guild mates. Most of us can complete dungeons with just four people, so it doesn’t matter if one person is still getting the hang of dungeon runs. I find the runs more fun with a mix of professions.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams
Education and communication by ArenaNet would be helpful in dealing with this kind of attitude.
We’ve heard that the dev team has run through dungeons with various profession combinations and I could have sworn I heard about a specific instance of them running one with nothing but thieves. ArenaNet should post videos of that and other party compositions to show players that it is possible.
Official demonstrations would be an excellent way of showing players that they don’t have to fall back to their old MMO habits. But it needs to come from ArenaNet channels, all the fansites and even journalist sites won’t hold the same weight.
The reason why rangers and necromancers are bad for dungeon is because of the dungeon’s structure. Every monster feels like a champion. From my experience in daily dungeons, we target one monster one by one. Players lure out one monster and separate it from the rest. All kills one. The tactic became “Lure & target one, kite the rest”.
Ranger and necromancer aggros group of monsters frequently which makes the whole party wiped out. Based on my experience, whenever we have a ranger or necromancer, we always ended up wipe out. It’s not the players classes fault but the designer made it such a way that every monster is “challenging”. So they made each monster like a champion. Imagine 5 champions sitting in a room. Rangers and necro will lure all 5 monsters to attack the party which causes a party wipe.
The promo video I saw for AC story had 3 mesmers an engi and a guardian.
That was pre-release…
I think we’ve all done ele + thieves only runs, and other “weird” combinations that wouldn’t work in other games, and then come to realize how GW2 dungeons actually work.
But, video game players will be video game players. There’s almost as many ignorant but strongly-opinionated players when it comes to dungeons as there are in group pvp. But no one’s forcing you to play with them.
Make your own group.
Not to bring up another game but I seriously hope this doesn’t turn out to be like wow. Where you are kicked for not right spec or your dps isn’t the highest in the game.
That as a new player on WoW is what made me leave that game. I seriously hope the community here doesn’t turn into that.
I don’t remember some of the stuff in AC Story, but in AC Explorable, condition builds are generally discouraged because you can’t put conditions on the graveling mounds; and if you don’t destroy the mounds fast enough, many gravelings will spawn and well … “Many gravelings! Now handle it!”
Hopefully, that would change in the future when it comes to applying conditions on objects, but for now if you insist on bringing conditions, you should equip some Rampagers or Berserkers gear since that has a decent amount of Power to help you destroy those mounds.
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .
The reason why rangers and necromancers are bad for dungeon is because of the dungeon’s structure. Every monster feels like a champion. From my experience in daily dungeons, we target one monster one by one. Players lure out one monster and separate it from the rest. All kills one. The tactic became “Lure & target one, kite the rest”.
Ranger and necromancer aggros group of monsters frequently which makes the whole party wiped out. Based on my experience, whenever we have a ranger or necromancer, we always ended up wipe out. It’s not the players classes fault but the designer made it such a way that every monster is “challenging”. So they made each monster like a champion. Imagine 5 champions sitting in a room. Rangers and necro will lure all 5 monsters to attack the party which causes a party wipe.
er… why? Then ask someone else to lure then. Like thief pistol, warrior rifle, eng pistol/rifle, guardian scepter, etc. This is a rubbish argument. Necros provide very good group support esp when spec’d for healing/support. Rangers also give good damage. Seriously, how is one able to tell if another party member is not giving “optimum damage”? and another note, how sure are you it’s the ranger that’s doing weak dmg and not you? Have you even bothered to ask if the necro/ranger was dmg spec’d or support or etc? Such condescension should really be left at home.
The reason why rangers and necromancers are bad for dungeon is because of the dungeon’s structure. Every monster feels like a champion. From my experience in daily dungeons, we target one monster one by one. Players lure out one monster and separate it from the rest. All kills one. The tactic became “Lure & target one, kite the rest”.
Ranger and necromancer aggros group of monsters frequently which makes the whole party wiped out. Based on my experience, whenever we have a ranger or necromancer, we always ended up wipe out. It’s not the players classes fault but the designer made it such a way that every monster is “challenging”. So they made each monster like a champion. Imagine 5 champions sitting in a room. Rangers and necro will lure all 5 monsters to attack the party which causes a party wipe.
You need to play with better Rangers and Necromancers. Necros have Spectral Grasp (identical to Thief Scorpion Wire), which we use to single target pull mobs out of a pack ALL THE TIME. We actually prefer that our Necros pull because if they do eff it up, they can usually kite better than any other class with DS4 and ground targetted AEs (Placing marks in front of them as they run around in circles)
Ya.. if your necro is pulling with a staff equpped, chances are pretty good that you’re going to get every mob on that auto-attack path, but good necros swap to dagger, scepter, or axe when they pull to avoid any possible adds from auto-attack
I take anyone in my dungeon groups, as long as they can keep themselves alive enough to not be a burden to the team, and support the team whenever it’s needed (mostly through ressing downed people).
If it was AC they probably didn’t want you for the burrows. As a condition necro I always feel like an idiot whenever I run any of the burrows path. The most useful I can be is an aggro draw.
Thanks Anet
The reason why rangers and necromancers are bad for dungeon is because of the dungeon’s structure. Every monster feels like a champion. From my experience in daily dungeons, we target one monster one by one. Players lure out one monster and separate it from the rest. All kills one. The tactic became “Lure & target one, kite the rest”.
Ranger and necromancer aggros group of monsters frequently which makes the whole party wiped out. Based on my experience, whenever we have a ranger or necromancer, we always ended up wipe out. It’s not the players classes fault but the designer made it such a way that every monster is “challenging”. So they made each monster like a champion. Imagine 5 champions sitting in a room. Rangers and necro will lure all 5 monsters to attack the party which causes a party wipe.
er… why? Then ask someone else to lure then. Like thief pistol, warrior rifle, eng pistol/rifle, guardian scepter, etc. This is a rubbish argument. Necros provide very good group support esp when spec’d for healing/support. Rangers also give good damage. Seriously, how is one able to tell if another party member is not giving “optimum damage”? and another note, how sure are you it’s the ranger that’s doing weak dmg and not you? Have you even bothered to ask if the necro/ranger was dmg spec’d or support or etc? Such condescension should really be left at home.
Based on personal experience. E.g. If players keep having difficult times with the same class repeatedly, they will start to avoid that class in the party. “Once bitten, twice shy” – It’s human nature. I won’t dive in nor debate about how good the individual classes are because I’ve not personally played those classes. But based on many players experiences, rangers and necros aren’t good in dungeons for the above reason I shared. I personally witness more wipe and longer dungeons with them. It’s quite normal for them to feel that way because they don’t want to spend 2-3 hours in dungeon when they can finish it in 40 minutes. Worse, doing a fruitless 2-3 hours dungeon and everyone gave up. It’s really not the classes fault. It’s the structure of the dungeon. The structure is very different from PVE and typical mmo boss raids. It’s makes players feel “choosy”.
The short reply to people wanting only certain classes for dungeons: They’re wrong.
I have alts of every single class. Every single one of them is useful in dungeons and to a group, and it matters very little what specific build they are using.
Thieves can do obliteration type alpha strikes and then run around waiting a few seconds while they regen initiatve during which time the party gets to beat down on the mob. Or, they can be condition damage spec’d stacking bleeds faster and poison longer than any other class. Oh, and they can pick up shadow refuge giving hurt teammates a hiding place or make it easier to rez fallen comrades.
This is part of why my guild, Crossroads of the Lounge, doesn’t care what classes people bring on our dungeon runs. ‘Course, the other part is we’re also playing a game not working at a job so maximum efficiency and productivity are nowhere near as important as having fun.
But here’s my body – So rez me maybe?
I had an experience like OP’s: I was going to run CoF explore on my Elementalist, but the first group I asked to join rejected me.
“No Elementalists sorry” that’s what they said.
So i just kept looking for a group and found one with 3 Elementalists: fastest run ever, we cleared the first two paths in 20/25 minutes each with no death.
Op dont be discouraged and keep looking for groups, no matter which class you play if you play it well you wont have problems
Never join groups asking for only dps.
Those groups are always full of noobs that can’t stay alive and start graveyard zerging. Same guys that later come to the forums saying that dungeons are too hard.
Groups asking only for warrior/guardians are not different.
Sorrow’s Furnace is pretty great for dungeon runs. I have done over 100 dungeon runs (all with pugs) with no problems at all except for my very first times(hahaha). Specific class lfg are almost non existant. At most “lfm CoE that know how to dodge”, but that’s pretty understandable.
I don’t remember some of the stuff in AC Story, but in AC Explorable, condition builds are generally discouraged because you can’t put conditions on the graveling mounds; and if you don’t destroy the mounds fast enough, many gravelings will spawn and well … “Many gravelings! Now handle it!”
Hopefully, that would change in the future when it comes to applying conditions on objects, but for now if you insist on bringing conditions, you should equip some Rampagers or Berserkers gear since that has a decent amount of Power to help you destroy those mounds.
Given the fact I can stand on right top of a mound and not be able to hit it with a freakin sledgehammer… there’s more to it than just that. If you want to bring mound-killers, you have to exclude anyone who uses melee OR conditions. Or range. hmm… do turrets handle them pretty well?
I hope they get it fixed before we get out of beta… oops :o
I think any responsible player has a couple extra bits of gear to help with particular situations like that, and there’s good reason we can adjust our utilities and traits on the fly.
Another crystal desert guy here… My guild runs dungeons with pretty much anything. Last night we ran CM exp (asura) with a mesmer, a warrior, an ele, a thief and a ranger and did just fine.. and the ranger and ele were both lvl 66’s.
If anyone is ever on crystal desert and needs a friendly guild to run with, find me :-P
The great thing about this game is that any build is a viable build. Anyone who tells you otherwise is full of kittens. If you meet people like this, just ignore them and play with other people. I know lots of people who run condi spec’d thiefs in high-end dungeons like arah and do great.
Spirit of Faith [HOPE] – RIP
Based on personal experience. E.g. If players keep having difficult times with the same class repeatedly, they will start to avoid that class in the party. “Once bitten, twice shy” – It’s human nature. I won’t dive in nor debate about how good the individual classes are because I’ve not personally played those classes. But based on many players experiences, rangers and necros aren’t good in dungeons for the above reason I shared. I personally witness more wipe and longer dungeons with them. It’s quite normal for them to feel that way because they don’t want to spend 2-3 hours in dungeon when they can finish it in 40 minutes. Worse, doing a fruitless 2-3 hours dungeon and everyone gave up. It’s really not the classes fault. It’s the structure of the dungeon. The structure is very different from PVE and typical mmo boss raids. It’s makes players feel “choosy”.
I disagree. The fact that there are ALOT of rangers and necros who do good in dungeons, as well as testimonies fro numerous people about their good experiences with those class negates your concept that the dungeons are structurally flawed against rangers and necros. It’s all in your head (and bad experiences, bad luck) I’m afraid.
Also, all I got from your post is that rangers and necros are bad because they pull bad. Which is weird. And a terrible argument (if you still consider them structurally bad). If pulling is becoming a big deal for you, might I suggest you pull instead? I can pull mobs on my 900-range small-aoe pistol (eng). In fact, I know a ranger who pulls better than me (due to longbow range).