PUG Fractals?
Which region and what timezone do you play in?
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
It gets better when you get to higher levels (20’s – 40’s) then bell curves again (40’s – 50’s)
best you can do is either lfg – speak english/ know what to do.
when you do run with someone good ask f you can add them so you can run together again
“commander can i have a word”
Which region and what timezone do you play in?
Europe, timezone pretty much does not matter, as i don’t have a set schedule of sleep/uptime. Sometimes i’m up at night, sometimes i’m not.
Alas, I play in NA. I’m afraid I can’t help you then. :/
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
You can add me ingame, just ask when you want to do fractals. I’ll happily join you if I have time and nothing better to do. If I’m not answering I’m probably afk
It gets better when you get to higher levels (20’s – 40’s) then bell curves again (40’s – 50’s)
best you can do is either lfg – speak english/ know what to do.
when you do run with someone good ask f you can add them so you can run together again
that is true bit also false. most of the time there is allways one, sometimes two half brained morons who think their way is the best way (even tho there is at least 5 easyer ways).
you can write : pls have some experience, 6k ac, but sometimes ppl get into groups hoping they are only ones who are goning to leech, so you might end up with 2-3 leechers which will give you a early state of an ulcer.
adding ppl to friends with you ran fractals once will probably result with: do i know you???
but thats the joy of pugging, i puged my way to lvl 50 and i became a little bit elitlist and it saved me a lot of nerves ever since.
i hope you will continue to play fractals, but be prepared for all kind of feces there especialy in pugs.
I’m currently leveling my eu accounts fracs so just hit me up if ypu see “Sunshine Lepton” on.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Feel free to whisper for a frac run, no promises for the next 2 weeks due to exams, but should be on plenty again after that.