Party Positions - Eliminate some confusion

Party Positions - Eliminate some confusion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


You must be new here.

I don’t really agree with all of your things but this is definitely the wrong place to post something like that because here are no “wondering” people. You should have posted that into the “Players helping Players” subforum but I hope you will enjoy your stay.
Could be really really funny…but not for you.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Party Positions - Eliminate some confusion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


He must be new to the game all together.

1) Tank – This position is to take as much of the aggro (the one that is targeted) by as many as possible. Should be built mainly to take the hits. This position holds the emenies in one spot as well. With toughness, healing, etc.
Warriors and Guardians are built mainly for this (due to aggro being attracted to low vitality and high toughness – something that was not present in Guild Wars 1), but because of the design of the game, if built properly, any class should be able to play any position.

Guardian and Warrior are build for tanking?? Weird, those profession were build 3 years ago and tank is 3 months old. Especially since Warrior is an average tank, guardian is a decent one and Mesmer is the best tank. Seem almost like you used the definition of other game here.

2) Damage – Melee, Magic and Condition Damage. This is the most straight forward. They bring the pain. Warriors, Thiefs, Elementalists, Revenants and Necromancers are built for this, but again, any class should be able to build for any position.

Warrior and Revenants have some of the worst damage right now, while Reaper can be high in some situation only. No profession are BUILT for that man. Every profession have it and which one is better will change over time. At launch is was Warrior, then Elementalist, then Engineer, then Condi Warrior, then Tempest. Which profession is better at dps always changed over time in gw2.

3) Control – In Guild Wars 2, these are stun, daze, immobilize, fear, etc, etc. Any skill that makes the emenies do something it doesn’t want to do or keeps it from doing what it wants to do. Engineers and thiefs have the ownership of this one, but any class can do it.

Ownership?? Weird in my raid Revenant, Guardians and Warrior do the big portion of the job here. It almost seem that every profession have CC depending on their build and their role. Just like if CC wasn’t a specific role, but tools that each players must bring to the fight.

4) Support – Support includes any buffs boost any character with healing, damage or toughness. Rangers, Revs and Guardians own this, but any class can provide some support.

Yep Rangers, Revs and Guardians right. No Warrior and Mesmer? I’m not fair I guess since they are only the 2 main and most popular buffer in the game right now.

5) Healing – This is kind of new to Guild Wars 2. The Guardians had the ability to mostly heal a party. This is pretty straight forward except it is not easy to play. This position keeps the party alive. Rangers own this position, but Guards can heal pretty effectively as well..

This ain’t new to the game. Healing didn’t change much since HoT. The only difference is that where the game used to be small quantity of big hits which make active defense more important, raid are more about a lot of small hits which make healing more important. Tbh, I think they went to far here. Protection and Healing used to be near useless, while Aegis, Blind and Dodge were kings. Now it’s just the other way around in raid. I would prefer to reach a balance and that both king of defense would be needed more in raid. The only place in raid where you might run out of dodge is at the last phase of sabetha.

I get why this isn’t done in dungeons, as it is not required. The system has been there from gate, but has not been used until the Raid was added. It would be wonderful to see more people start to play this way. It makes the whole thing more strategic. Tank and Spank is fun, but full on party assault is funner.

Hope this clears some things up for those wondering and just to toss this in here. I have found that the meta is not always the best, BUT it does work for those that don’t understand how to build a character to play a certain position (which knowing what each position is supposed to do should clear up). Each class would have a different way of playing the different positions due to the classes have different play styles. For instance, for a thief to tank, it would have to dodge a lot and set up to heal on hitting target. Where a warrior can tank by setting up passive healing from signet and traits.

If anything your post make things less clear. IMO you just make much generalization and see all of that as one big system, while I see it more as different type of mechanics. Some are better in different situation, some need more presence, some don’t need it.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Party Positions - Eliminate some confusion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: joaosequeira.2184


Wrong game man….

Party Positions - Eliminate some confusion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: bladex.9502


w0w ty for u help im new to game i was play thief healer but now imma guardian XDDD