Party Size in AC

Party Size in AC

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ariella Goldstein.3562

Ariella Goldstein.3562

coming from that other game, I’m used to dungeons being five people, so I’m curious as to the recommended and lowest possible number for AC. Thanks, Ariella

Party Size in AC

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bullwinkel.7839


Depends on the quality of the players. Its been demonstrated that it can be soloed. The more people you have the faster it will go. So, to answer your question, 1 for the lowest. The recommended is 5…

Party Size in AC

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


Realistically speaking a solid 3 man group can tear through it faster than an “average” 5 man with ease. You can run it easily with 2 quality players or even solo, but that’s just a huge waste simply because it takes so much longer.

Party Size in AC

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delsabre.5934


No real benefit of going with less. You don’t get more loot and killing would be much slower + less people who can get you up if you fail to dodge.

Party Size in AC

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ariella Goldstein.3562

Ariella Goldstein.3562

My issue is time. It’s hard for me to do pick up groups because I have two daughters who usually are clamoring for my attention. I am going to pick up GW2 as a gift for my husband so we can play together, so I was just hoping We’d be able to manage dungeons together.

Party Size in AC

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xersis.3478


It is better that you go with 5 and 5 all the time. Not 1 or 3, I don’t know how those players are doing it solo or whatever. They are probably elitest and exotic geared out. Anyways, always 5… just stick to that number =)

Party Size in AC

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


My issue is time. It’s hard for me to do pick up groups because I have two daughters who usually are clamoring for my attention. I am going to pick up GW2 as a gift for my husband so we can play together, so I was just hoping We’d be able to manage dungeons together.

Well, two manning it is something that requires geared/experienced players who understand their builds and what abilities to use for the fights. Starting off like this w/ GW2 is probably not possible. You’ll need to run it to get a bit of your gear and to understand the strategies and what not first. Even then, you have to remember that 2 manning it takes significantly longer. So, if your children are clamoring for your attention, you may not have the time that would be needed.

Just my 2 cents.

Party Size in AC

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ariella Goldstein.3562

Ariella Goldstein.3562

My issue is time. It’s hard for me to do pick up groups because I have two daughters who usually are clamoring for my attention. I am going to pick up GW2 as a gift for my husband so we can play together, so I was just hoping We’d be able to manage dungeons together.

Well, two manning it is something that requires geared/experienced players who understand their builds and what abilities to use for the fights. Starting off like this w/ GW2 is probably not possible. You’ll need to run it to get a bit of your gear and to understand the strategies and what not first. Even then, you have to remember that 2 manning it takes significantly longer. So, if your children are clamoring for your attention, you may not have the time that would be needed.

Just my 2 cents.

Understood, We have time at night, though sometimes the girls are up after their bedtime no matter what we do. I guess it’s just my frustration with loving MMOs and not being able to get all of the story because I’ve got to devote time to the little ones. Not a terrible frustration, but I like knowing all the story.