Party got kickd from Arah

Party got kickd from Arah

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MBSorensen.1963



first of all sorry for my english, it is not my first language

I have long wanted to kill Simin, the second last boss in Arah path 4, so just to start somewhere I got two friend to help me out with it, just to practice it took our some time but we did manage to get it done. So to thank them I would let them sell the two last spots. So by using the in game LFG-System we advertised the party, saying that we had 2 spots left for sell. Then a player joined and he quickly invited one of his friend, I then got kicked from the party, and before any my friends could react they got kicked out aswell. I got dissapointed cause I kinda wanted to give my two friends something back for helping me out. We then a few moments later see that they are selling the dungeon for less, and allready have gotten a full party, so they hijacked our run, so they could gain from them itself.
So I kinda wondering how many does this happens too? Does Arenanet even do anything about them, cause it kinda should not be allowed to steal a run from other people. I do not expect any gold for the run since I dont think that seems fair, but I would like to know what happens to them? Since I do not think this is fair, I have the two names of the people who did it, and I can provide it with a picture. But I would like to know if I should post their name here, or just wait for a respond from a developer so I can send it to them.
I also have pictures, not with any hard evidence. I have censurord their name since I think that information is for Arenanets employees. Cause I do not wanna post them out public, just wanna make sure they can never do this agian. Cause it is kinda not fair that a person who wanna sell his spot spend so much time, for another to come take the reward. I hope this matter will be taken very seriously. I also hope that I will get some respond from Arenanet. Cause I do not think that this is fair that people can get away with this stuff.

Have a happy new year too all of you, and please comment on it.

Agian I do hope this post is readable , my english might be a bit rusty (:


Party got kickd from Arah

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MBSorensen.1963


I could only post 1 picture (: so that is kinda useless with the censure but I would gladly send it to some one from Arenanet. With the names etc.

Party got kickd from Arah

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: oxtred.7658


Sorry for you. It happens quite a lot if you don’t take fillers; ask friends to come in your party and sell spot 1 by 1 to avoid this. But yep, it sucks.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

Party got kickd from Arah

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MBSorensen.1963


Yeah we kinda thought about that after (: but then it was kinda to late, I just kinda hope they could build something that could prevent this. Or atleast they take action .
Sad to hear that it happens alot. Thanks alot for your reply ! I will just wait for a respond from Anet (:

Party got kickd from Arah

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Sorry to hear.

Next time don’t bother selling the path. You can do it but you need placeholders/fillers to protect you from losing the instance. Either way, it’s not really worth selling Arah these days as there’s an insane amount of competition and a much much lower demand for buyers than there once was.

Party got kickd from Arah

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Linken.6345


or just sell it to 1 person and have 4 people you know then you cant lose it

Party got kickd from Arah

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MBSorensen.1963


Sorry to hear.

Next time don’t bother selling the path. You can do it but you need placeholders/fillers to protect you from losing the instance. Either way, it’s not really worth selling Arah these days as there’s an insane amount of competition and a much much lower demand for buyers than there once was.

Purple Miku . True I have solo’d arah alot, and never bothered selling it usally just invite my friends and then we kill the boss, but guess you are right sounds like selling a spot is just alot of trouble with people kicking you and all. Just hope we will get a lfg where its no possible. Not just for the one who sell paths sake, but for people who just do the dungeon and need a few other players. Thanks for your respond (:

Party got kickd from Arah

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MBSorensen.1963


or just sell it to 1 person and have 4 people you know then you cant lose it

Yeah well as I said up earlier we thought about that later (: thanks for the suggestion though. But I just think i will go stick to give it my friends, since I just do Arah cause I think the dungeon is fun to solo/duo (:

Party got kickd from Arah

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Onis.2418


I hope they get banned.

I’ll advice my friends too to never give free spots at dungeons or ask help via LFG, it’s just too easy to abuse the system by coming to party and kicking out the original members. These two guys just came in and sold it forward, who’s to say they won’t do it to any other party at the end boss? Not just dungeon sellers, but any party that loses two members and asks for people for the end boss. Really easy targets to just hi-jack and sell the path.

Party got kickd from Arah

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MBSorensen.1963


I hope they get banned.

I’ll advice my friends too to never give free spots at dungeons or ask help via LFG, it’s just too easy to abuse the system by coming to party and kicking out the original members. These two guys just came in and sold it forward, who’s to say they won’t do it to any other party at the end boss? Not just dungeon sellers, but any party that loses two members and asks for people for the end boss. Really easy targets to just hi-jack and sell the path.

Thanks for your comment (:
but exactly, I do not hope they get perma banned. Just for a month or two, so they learn a lesson, I als hope that Anet could do something so the party creating the LFG cant be kick, or in dungeons whole party need to confirm the kick or atleast the person who posted the party in LFG.
But it is a shame if this happens alot.