Party kick abuse (another one)

Party kick abuse (another one)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zephyric Reaper.3049

Zephyric Reaper.3049

Just now I was kicked from a fractal group at the third fractal. The first two were fine and dandy, no wipes nothing, and the third was just as good. Everybody did their job and everything was great.
At the third we were at the first phase of the shaman. Two guys proceeded to melee the shaman and as you know he spins, reflects, ect. I suggested not to melee him because you gain nothing out of it, it just made reflects for ranged and knockback+ dmg for melee.
I was then aggresively told “Shut your mouth” Out of nowhere. It was the first violent aggression in the whole fractal run. Then proceeded with the words “One more thing coming out of your mouth and I’ll kick you.”
The other two members said they wouldn’t agree to that and this guy just said he didn’t need their support. I asked why and he said “You aren’t very smart, are you?” and kicked me.

Now… this is the most inappropiatte, disrespectful, atrocious behavior I’ve ever seen in my life. Not to mention, they wasted 1 hour of my time.
I wished to report but no names to be found. If said person is reading this, I hope you have any decency to apologize but I doubt he’ll have any humanity left.

With that, I wish for the to be a proper kick function. Not this abusive system where you just need one just-as-disrespectful friend to support it.

Party kick abuse (another one)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Meleeing him is actually best in max melee range. It sucks you wasted your time but do you think anything can actually be done about this?

None of us know what happened there from any perspective other than the story you tell us. Even if we did, we still couldn’t do anything about it.

By the way… reporting doesn’t do anything. It’s pretty much as useful as it is to press the button on a traffic light when you’re a pedestrian that wants to cross. It’s just there to make people feel like they’re making it go faster when in reality, traffic lights won’t desynchronize themselves just to ease the mind of an impatient pedestrian… just like Arenanet won’t staff people to spend 24-7 dealing with ambiguous reports like this. :/

Party kick abuse (another one)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zephyric Reaper.3049

Zephyric Reaper.3049

Meleeing him is actually best in max melee range. It sucks you wasted your time but do you think anything can actually be done about this?

None of us know what happened there from any perspective other than the story you tell us. Even if we did, we still couldn’t do anything about it.

By the way… reporting doesn’t do anything. It’s pretty much as useful as it is to press the button on a traffic light when you’re a pedestrian that wants to cross. It’s just there to make people feel like they’re making it go faster when in reality, traffic lights won’t desynchronize themselves just to ease the mind of an impatient pedestrian… just like Arenanet won’t staff people to spend 24-7 dealing with ambiguous reports like this. :/

It is the best dps if all go melee and all have the sustain for that. If there’s a bit of both then it’s a waste. Not to mentio nthat you can get knocked into the lava if you’re caught in a bad position and combo’d into some of his abilities with the falling rocks. Regardless, it’s no motive for being so rude all of a sudden.
There is little story to the fractal anyway, bosses went pretty smooth for the most part; little talking, except him and his buddy were dying the most but that’s not really a problem as long as things get done.

I just wanted to give the context because it is a prime example of toxicity, abuse and ill behavior.

Before, when there was no kick option I had little trouble. Either the group had to get carried or people who have absolutely no courtesy/social manners or skills would leave by themselves. The only problem were DC’d people. Nowadays the kick option is more abused than anything else due to its nature. Some of my buddies even use it jokingly while using TS because of how easy it is to abuse it. A system that supports and encourages toxic behavior should not be tolerated.

Party kick abuse (another one)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


If you lack sufficient reflects then triggering the melee attack actually makes it much easier. Assuming people can dodge. Which they can’t.

Party kick abuse (another one)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Darthaemos.6370


Not to mentio nthat you can get knocked into the lava if you’re caught in a bad position and combo’d into some of his abilities with the falling rocks.

If he is standing next to the edge, you don’t want to melee him with you in between him and the edge of the cliff. Also, like it’s been mentioned earlier, you want to melee him at max range so he doesn’t do his knockback. But yeah, if you do get knocked down by the falling rocks and then he spams his fireballs while your group’s reflects are on cool down, it’s just bad luck.

tl;dr melee him at max range and keep reflects up. Also, don’t stand next to the cliff.

Birgitte / Graendhal / Aveandha
Death and Taxes [DnT] |

Party kick abuse (another one)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LordByron.8369


I said more than once that promoting melee at all costs promoted a generation of players incapable of doing anything that copying a video.

I had 2 of those players in my previous guild, they could melee lupicus and stuff.

But IF they had to play slightly differently from youtube videos (because of party composition or teaching to new people or any other reason) they started wiping, insulting and booting pugs and complaining.

They obviously took something like 1 hour to complete any dungeon path without the “perfect party composition and youtube rotation” and every time you discovered something new they couldn’t accept nor do it.

The point is if you are not versatile in your tactic (See melee only) you are not a good player.

There can be a lot of reasons to actually range shaman in that stage (you have a phantasm mesmer in party or you have no guardian, other players need to recharge CD or once again someone died….).

But the sentiment that melee is the only answer to anything harmed a lot of players.
I still have never been booted, but i left lot of times when i saw similar behavior towards pugs; and also left a guild for that.

Best part is they will Always take 4 times the time required to complete any dungeon for their incompetence.
Sometimes they will find the proper Group to carry them, but finding it will take hours, while we can just play with anyone and succeed

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.