Party merging
1000th post about it.
You shouldn’t be able to party merge if:
- the two parties have each an instance open in the same dungeon (two friends soloing different dungeons should be possible).
- have more than 5 people together.
Seems like these two basic requirements went over the heads of the LFG. But no worries, the lfg tool is in beta so this kind of issues is still acceptable. (No, it’s not!)
beta until when?
When it’s ready.
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
beta until when?
When it’s ready.
It’s a dungeon tool, let’s just put Beta and never look back.
What I meant was that the exploit itself shouldn’t be usable if there is less than 2 slot open: otherwise, how could some1 protect itself from it? (wouldn’t be impossible to sell Arah if sellers didn’t find a way to prevent that?)
What I meant was that the exploit itself shouldn’t be usable if there is less than 2 slot open: otherwise, how could some1 protect itself from it? (wouldn’t be impossible to sell Arah if sellers didn’t find a way to prevent that?)
It’s a really serious overlook of the LFG tool. Countless hours have been lost due to this “bug” and no matter how many time people have complained we still haven’t got an answer. MMO are filled with trolls who have nothing else to do than screw up people trying to enjoy the game, and bug like this make it a perfect opportunity for them.
Those people who got kick from a 3 hours run of arah, believe me they won’t set a foot in arah for a while.
Gamebreaking issue shouldn’t be hotfixed, even if it is so called beta?!? (Which right now is used as an excuse to develop low quality tool for a high demanded sector, dungeons, and then fix all when u finaly get the will for it);
Becuse they got no problem at all placing staff on staff to survey an area where there is an “Abuse of in-game mechanism”, massban and fix it in no time.
Still, is there a way to prevent me another mergekick? I realy like to know…
As a Arah seller, I had friend making proxy party (make a fake party and advertise in the lfg tool) and sending only legit buyer to me, this way if someone was going to destroy the instance, he only merge a fake party and mine stay intact. But if you are truly looking for people and need the LFG tool to find people, no there is not.
Still, is there a way to prevent me another mergekick? I realy like to know…
I see three:
- /g
- /w
As a Arah seller, I had friend making proxy party (make a fake party and advertise in the lfg tool) and sending only legit buyer to me, this way if someone was going to destroy the instance, he only merge a fake party and mine stay intact. But if you are truly looking for people and need the LFG tool to find people, no there is not
This. It’s the only way to really protect yourself through the lfg. Even my proxy was merged 8 times within 20 minutes last night. The main NA sell kicker is so serious about it, you’d think he’s getting paid to destroy instances.
I’m sure most sellers know who the kicker is by now and have him on block. If he is on, you will be kicked from your instance if you post on lfg without a proxy.
(edited by laharl.8435)
As a Arah seller, I had friend making proxy party (make a fake party and advertise in the lfg tool) and sending only legit buyer to me, this way if someone was going to destroy the instance, he only merge a fake party and mine stay intact. But if you are truly looking for people and need the LFG tool to find people, no there is not
I wonder if we’ll see a mini-economy come out of this, with some people selling dungeon runs and others selling proxy services to dungeon sellers.
Wow so I got merged too. I always assumed 1 player can’t break a group of 4. I was wrong. He was also a pro. He went right back into Arah to waste more people’s time.
Using proxies makes the matter harder because 73% of the people joining a seller don’t know the following:
1)how much it costs
2)which path/dungeon it is
3)why are they even buying it
4)that this is a selling and people don’t actually need help with the last 1% of the final boss totally for free
Wait, how can proxy fail? Shouldn’t the kickers be able to join in the path sell at all?
Yeah he wasn’t only doing it to Arah sellers he was merging parties together for anyone doing Arah. Heitred.5729 is the person who has been doing this forawhile. Don’t care if you aren’t supposed to say peoples names. He was also going into parties who were telling people not to post through the lfg and changing their descriptions so people couldn’t advertise to others to not post.
Add an option “Allow party merging”.
Don’t let people in a player’s block list join his parties.
Don’t allow the instance owner to be kicked.
Too hard it seems.
This guy might actually be a blessing in disguise.
I bought my first couple Arah paths this past Saturday. I didn’t feel like running them, and i did feel like supporting my local dungeon sexies. I only bought non Lupi skippers, and it was pretty sweet. Good folks!
One seller used a proxy, and he seemed to be very professional. The second did not seem as great. But meh. People who ruin another’s instance are just… The worst kind.
I bought my first couple Arah paths this past Saturday. I didn’t feel like running them, and i did feel like supporting my local dungeon sexies. I only bought non Lupi skippers, and it was pretty sweet. Good folks!
Help our economy get back on track! Support your local dungeon sellers today!
And then those troll who manages to enter into path sell party bypassing proxy, put the party on LFG and then insta merging with another 1.
Anet: “We ban ppl for using exploit, but only if that involves our concept of game getting ruined”.
This happened to me twice over the weekend, it wasn’t with arah selling, just other dungeon runs were we needed to PUG a couple of players. The parties would merge and I or one of my guildies would get kicked; clearly the merge party feature isn’t working they should just patch and disable the button for now.
I blame Scarlet.
Probably the only way to get Anet to act is to stop using their LFG altogether. Anet only seems to care about metrics so you have to give them poor metrics for the LFG tool.
Yeah he wasn’t only doing it to Arah sellers he was merging parties together for anyone doing Arah. Heitred.5729 is the person who has been doing this forawhile. Don’t care if you aren’t supposed to say peoples names. He was also going into parties who were telling people not to post through the lfg and changing their descriptions so people couldn’t advertise to others to not post.
Yeah, the guy does this pretty much every minute he’s on. I ran a few people through Arah p4 the other, they said he and a friend kicked them at the end of a previous p4, blocked them and sold the path (the issue came up because he joined the lfg at the beginning). So he kicks sellers all day long and kicks pugs and sells himself. He’s been doing this for quite a while now and hasn’t been banned.
Yeah he wasn’t only doing it to Arah sellers he was merging parties together for anyone doing Arah. Heitred.5729 is the person who has been doing this forawhile. Don’t care if you aren’t supposed to say peoples names. He was also going into parties who were telling people not to post through the lfg and changing their descriptions so people couldn’t advertise to others to not post.
Yeah, the guy does this pretty much every minute he’s on. I ran a few people through Arah p4 the other, they said he and a friend kicked them at the end of a previous p4, blocked them and sold the path (the issue came up because he joined the lfg at the beginning). So he kicks sellers all day long and kicks pugs and sells himself. He’s been doing this for quite a while now and hasn’t been banned.
I was 4manning p4 yesterday with some friends and he merged parties when we tried to sell, lol. This guy is fun, once I was duoing p1 with a friend and asked people to join to kill tar boss. This guy joined and then someone dced at lupi. He said “lets sell the path and then split”. Surprise! The guy that bought the path paid him, and then he left.
It is curious that he also has a post on guild recruitment section asking people to join his [Arah] guild to sell paths.
Yeah he wasn’t only doing it to Arah sellers he was merging parties together for anyone doing Arah. Heitred.5729 is the person who has been doing this forawhile. Don’t care if you aren’t supposed to say peoples names. He was also going into parties who were telling people not to post through the lfg and changing their descriptions so people couldn’t advertise to others to not post.
Yeah, the guy does this pretty much every minute he’s on. I ran a few people through Arah p4 the other, they said he and a friend kicked them at the end of a previous p4, blocked them and sold the path (the issue came up because he joined the lfg at the beginning). So he kicks sellers all day long and kicks pugs and sells himself. He’s been doing this for quite a while now and hasn’t been banned.
I was 4manning p4 yesterday with some friends and he merged parties when we tried to sell, lol. This guy is fun, once I was duoing p1 with a friend and asked people to join to kill tar boss. This guy joined and then someone dced at lupi. He said “lets sell the path and then split”. Surprise! The guy that bought the path paid him, and then he left.
It is curious that he also has a post on guild recruitment section asking people to join his [Arah] guild to sell paths.
So he’s not simply a white knight griefer, but rather is just trying to discourage other Arah sellers so that he can sell them for more? Hilarious!
I wonder if anyone has griefed his attempted sale?