Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eric.1340


Okay here is one of my biggest pet peeves in dungeons is people who skip the Risen on the steps in P2 and P3 of COE. Like why skip them? It will take 1 minute tops to kill them and they drop good loot which is why most people run dungeons in the first place,

Another one that bothers me is people who get a precursor as a drop and than ping it in party chat. That is an automatic group kick if you do that in a group with me. Like who the heck do you think you are? I had to buy my precursor so my spitefulness won’t allow me to be happy for you.

What is some of your pet peeves while you’re running dungeons?

Fort Aspenwood

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TKiller.6829


It’s much less than a minute since you only need to kill the thralls for loot.

I posted a similar thread on killing bunch of regular risen in Arah versus using explosives to kill them.

All in all, it makes a lot of sense to kill those in your usual casual runs now when magic find is account bound and you get a plenty of a boost to the drops. Just discuss it with your party beforehand, people might agree. If not – well whatever, carry on.

Defeated by packet loss.

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: aliksyian.7642


Stacking, mostly. It’s boring, and not always effective. I don’t like the whole culture of “do this thing I don’t enjoy as fast as possible” that anet is fostering.

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Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Black Box.9312

Black Box.9312

Rude and obnoxious people in my party. Had a pug earlier today that called me bad for missing a dodge on kholer’s pull because I was running sword/axe on my ranger (and whirling axe and serpent’s strike were on CD) instead of a shortbow, because ‘range’ is in the name of the class.

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Husky.6018


Having people join a party that clearly states ‘experienced’, and then having them announce “this is my first run, what do i do?”. This will always happen, but it still annoys me to no ends.

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deSade.9437


Bob not being online and forcing me to pug a slot. I HATE PUGZ.
Something else, hmmm…. spoj being a nub and, hmmm… people not ressing. Yeah, hate that.
I’m a much happier person now I have a teeeeam. Thx guys.

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oxxy.7068


Anyone who joins my groups without reading the AD first (which is usually “LFM for yabadabadoo, be experienced”, not really that hard to read right?).
People that don’t listen to advice, or simply doesn’t read at all.
The kind of person that dies over and over again even after you explain how the encounter works but his playstyle is sacred and he won’t change it even if his grandmother told him to do so, i often kick these because hacking on CoE P1 is srs bsns. On the other hand, it is pretty nice to have new people following directions and actually understanding whatever i explained prior to fighting bosses or doing puzzles/events.

Luminifera ~ Guardian – Trisha Blackhands ~ Thief – Hua Yue ~ Elementalist.

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: crosknight.3041


people who are just pricks: once in SE back when you could do that JP trick in p3, i jumped from the ledge into a group of dredge that 95% of the time are never there, person started cursing at me and calling me a noob: the others in the party kicked that sucker out. also impatient people count as pricks: if you whine about me going afk for 5 minutes just cuase i have to take out the dogs… you on my “i dont like you” list. seriously RL has to take priority (as much as i hate that fact Q.Q)

also people that must have it thier way: IE person said that pulling outthe first boss of arah p3 to a secluded corner doesnt work ever, told them that it worked the last few times i’ve done it and that the dead mobs were far enough away from the corner so they wouldnt be revived… person rage quits becuase i went against something he said: the remaineder of us do said trick and BAMN it works.

also hate people that cant take joking around: i never take things seriously, i crack bad jokes at everything (like me getting downed by lupi in arah, i say im trying to lodge a pebble into his toes) or do insanely stupid things that do actually work at times (using flaming greatsword spin to “helecopter” across gaps). genrally i find it keeps my sanity in check, specially in some runs that i do want to bite my tounge in, just swallow the anger and cracks jokes: generally keeps the party togeather longer.

last but not least: people who expect you to be the best at whatever your doing and to do ir right always: i admit im not the best but getting kitten ed about it wont help you: once some1 ragequit calling me a noob becuase im didnt trait my skills into cooldowns for my crowd control skills (plays elementalist mostly), this was doing the sub path of CoE at the golem security room (room where you have to use center consol 5 times) people want to get like 2-4 usages on it in a single go but IMO it be so much easier 1-2 usages at a time instead of blazing through it. also i dont want to change my playstyle just to make one or two vile players happy, i play primarly staff so stop telling me to play D/D, i use what i want when i want to and if i forget to swap to something i know i shoulda swapped to aw well, just gonna have to make do. my personal goal is to have fun: amount of time is usually not an issue for me.

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: durend.6237


Mesmers that use feedback….. when there aren’t projectiles to be reflected.

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shanaeri Rynale.6897

Shanaeri Rynale.6897

Mesmers that use feedback….. when there aren’t projectiles to be reflected.

In all fairness, feedback can be used to put chaos armor around the melee group as it combo’s with blast or leap finisher. So maybe the mes is trying to buff the group rather than kill the mob.

Guild Leader of DVDF since 2005

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LordByron.8369


Mesmers that use feedback….. when there aren’t projectiles to be reflected.

Yep …if no other field is on the ground i use feedback as combo field….

Also it adds dps to our projectiles expecially if you have 3 iduelists active.
Confusion won t be that strong in pve, but 8-10 free stacks are still nice.

My pet peeves are players hat doesn t read chat/answer….
Staying alive while writing is quite hard….at least doesn t waste our efforts.

and people who go afk without telling.

Only reasons why i think of kicking players during a run……

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


Bob not being online and forcing me to pug a slot. I HATE PUGZ.
Something else, hmmm…. spoj being a nub and, hmmm… people not ressing. Yeah, hate that.
I’m a much happier person now I have a teeeeam. Thx guys.

Im feeling the love! <3

You forgot to mention bob going afk every 5 minutes when he is online.

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

I hate looking for an Arah party, and seeing ONLY people selling slots for gold. Seriously, no one does this dungeon without trying to turn it into a business?

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


I hate looking for an Arah party, and seeing ONLY people selling slots for gold. Seriously, no one does this dungeon without trying to turn it into a business?

How else do we compete with champ farmers while avoiding losing brain cells?

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jeremlloyd.6837


This. Also with a 5 man organised group, it’s faceroll, so soloing / duoing bring some challenges at least.

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Razor.6392


Anyone who joins my groups without reading the AD first (which is usually “LFM for yabadabadoo, be experienced”, not really that hard to read right?).


Put Experienced in description: Get 1st timers
Put DPS in description: ranger joins with condi food.

Level 60 pvp
Ele & thief main (full ascended)
Down with the braindead faceroll classes.

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DigitalKirin.9714


People that push mobs out of melee range. Big pet peeve of mine.

Genevieve Talbot [NP] – Noble Phantasm on Stormbluff Isle

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

How else do we compete with champ farmers while avoiding losing brain cells?

By all means, continue if that’s how you choose to make money.

I just wish there were alternative parties I could join. I don’t want to pay gold to skip the entire dungeon, and just get the title. I want to actually play the dungeon with other players.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


There are. Its just the selling adverts stay on the lfg for longer because they fill slower. My group occasionally takes some pugs along as a charity and we get the slot filled almost instantly. Im sure if you created your own group you would fill it very fast.

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Adam.4103


Yes that’s the problem, most of the people complaining probably don’t even try to start up a group themselves. Any time I’ve started a post for up to 3 more people it fills almost instantly.

Adam The Vanquisher

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Emanuel.9781


Yes that’s the problem, most of the people complaining probably don’t even try to start up a group themselves. Any time I’ve started a post for up to 3 more people it fills almost instantly.

This. Stop trying to be lazy/get carried and start up your own group if you want to do “normal” runs. Coming here and whining about things like that only waste your and our time.

Rezardi [DnT] – Elite Playhowiwanter US
NemesisMMNecro [rT] – Trans-Transsylvanian RPer EU

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SentinelArk.5109


Players who assume everyone else knows their strategy for handling the dungeon, and doesn’t tell anyone about it.

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rainweaver.7302


People that push mobs out of melee range. Big pet peeve of mine.

Same, specially rangers and mesmers who respectively use the LB/GS knockback whenever it’s available.

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rozcinana.7249


My ultimate pet peeve is when someone doesn’t say they are new to a path then messes something up which could have been avoided with coaching.

Also, players who don’t unlock story modes on characters they always run dungeons with… Players who won’t start their own groups… Generally people who aren’t self-sufficient and wait for someone else to do something for them.

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mirsa.1628


When you write “Berserker only” in your LFG only to have people join that are anything but berserker spec.

[GS] Gun Squad
Guild Master

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lunar Sunset.8742

Lunar Sunset.8742

When they don’t read your post. I don’t mind inexperienced people and I’ve explained tactics before but when they join an experienced group hoping to get carried I end up just kicking. Oh and I love when they join and say “I’m new do this path is it okay?”…sigh…

Water campings eles, 3 signet eles. Eles that don’t know how to use FGS, people who don’t know how to use FGS. People who pick up FGS and drop it after 2 uses. People who use that 25% speed boost. Warriors who use signet of rage but never activate it. Any person using their racial elites. Guardians who don’t use reflects in fractals or staff in TA. People who say “I’ll worry about myself and you worry about yourself” to justify a bad build or the inability to switch weapon sets for good of the team. People using WvW gear in PvE and still think their better than PvErs in PvE. People who camp range when you could obviously melee it. Thieves using dual pistols and short-bow. Thieves that don’t know what SR is, people who don’t know to stay in SR until the house disappears. People who go “pee” during every boss encounter. People who can’t run, especially rangers-learn to rampage as one-. People who complain about survivability. People who say every zerker they come across is always downed/dead to “prove” their point about berserkers. People who aren’t running wisps refusing to count down in the swamp fractal.

My biggest pet peeve of all is people who trigger oozes in AC p1. That kitten kitten es me the kitten off, I really can’t explain why I get so mad about it. It’s just so annoying when I tell them and draw on the map and they still don’t listen.

50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Spiky Muffin.9180

Spiky Muffin.9180

How else do we compete with champ farmers while avoiding losing brain cells?

By all means, continue if that’s how you choose to make money.

I just wish there were alternative parties I could join. I don’t want to pay gold to skip the entire dungeon, and just get the title. I want to actually play the dungeon with other players.

just because you don’t see any groups looking to do the dungeon doesn’t mean you can’t find any. I’ve pugged Arah quite a few times recently and never had to wait more than ~5minutes to find a party or filling up with my own lfg-ad


Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Spiky Muffin.9180

Spiky Muffin.9180

When they don’t read your post. I don’t mind inexperienced people and I’ve explained tactics before but when they join an experienced group hoping to get carried I end up just kicking. Oh and I love when they join and say “I’m new do this path is it okay?”…sigh…

Water campings eles, 3 signet eles. Eles that don’t know how to use FGS, people who don’t know how to use FGS. People who pick up FGS and drop it after 2 uses. People who use that 25% speed boost. Warriors who use signet of rage but never activate it. Any person using their racial elites. Guardians who don’t use reflects in fractals or staff in TA. People who say “I’ll worry about myself and you worry about yourself” to justify a bad build or the inability to switch weapon sets for good of the team. People using WvW gear in PvE and still think their better than PvErs in PvE. People who camp range when you could obviously melee it. Thieves using dual pistols and short-bow. Thieves that don’t know what SR is, people who don’t know to stay in SR until the house disappears. People who go “pee” during every boss encounter. People who can’t run, especially rangers-learn to rampage as one-. People who complain about survivability. People who say every zerker they come across is always downed/dead to “prove” their point about berserkers. People who aren’t running wisps refusing to count down in the swamp fractal.

My biggest pet peeve of all is people who trigger oozes in AC p1. That kitten kitten es me the kitten off, I really can’t explain why I get so mad about it. It’s just so annoying when I tell them and draw on the map and they still don’t listen.

far worse/funny/sad are the people looking for ‘exp only, x000 + AP’. the people you see there… it’s disturbing


Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


if you whine about me going afk for 5 minutes just cuase i have to take out the dogs… you on my “i dont like you” list. seriously RL has to take priority (as much as i hate that fact Q.Q)

I personally dislike people that afk during a run unless it’s for something that couldn’t be anticipated (e.g. bathroom break during a long run, someone at the door, etc). I once had someone AFK for 30 minutes to eat dinner during the new TA path. He was the instance creator so couldn’t kick him. He then AFK’d again during the run.

If it’s something that can be done before of after a run, do it then. If you know you may have to AFK, give advanced notice. Most people don’t care if they know beforehand.

People that push mobs out of melee range. Big pet peeve of mine.

I agree. I hate it when I group them up and someone then knocks them all over the place.

Mesmers that use feedback….. when there aren’t projectiles to be reflected.

If I forget to swap abilities, I will still use this for the combo field like others have stated.

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: draconx.3102


Mesmers that use feedback….. when there aren’t projectiles to be reflected.

If I forget to swap abilities, I will still use this for the combo field like others have stated.

To be fair, knowing when to pop feedback requires specific knowledge and practice against the particular enemy you are fighting. Some attacks that don’t look like projectiles at all can be reflected (e.g., the V-shaped attack from the ice elementals in CoE), while some attacks that look like projectiles are not reflectable at all (e.g., rifle attack from risen deadeyes).

To discover which attacks can be reflected (and which are effective to do so), you just have to try it. If you’ve not fought the enemy before, may as well pop feedback and see what happens.

If I see people putting up reflects or projectile defenses on enemies that I know have no reflectable attacks at all I just tell them something like “by the way, you can swap out feedback/wall/whatever for something more useful because it doesn’t help against this boss”

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deSade.9437


Did you know that you can reflect the COE champion wolf’s leap?

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GoZero.9708


People who believe they’re entitled to join your specific LFG listing (80 Only, Heavy only, or Berserker Only, etc.) and particularly when they get upset when you say they can’t come and you kick them. I understand why it upsets people that they limit who can join, but it’s just as bad that they disrespect the wishes of people who started the listing.

Thieves, Rangers, Elementalists, and Necromancers who use the increased move speed Signet in dungeons. I understand it’s useful in situations, but on those situations you will more than likely be granted Swiftness if your party is half-competent. While the activated effect can be useful, you will never use those people using it because what it does doesn’t register beyond “movement speed increase”.

I don’t mind taking newbies, but it infuriates me when they don’t say they’re new until it’s brought up or, even worse, they don’t listen even when it’s explained what to do.

Certain class specs. Bearbows, Minion Master Necromancers, Pistol Thieves, and no Kit Engineers come to mind. I believe it’s because 90% of the time those specs work pretty well in open world exploration and dynamic event combat, but they have a lot of issues when integrating with dungeons.

Did you know that you can reflect the COE champion wolf’s leap?

I did not. My Mesmer and Guardian thanks you.

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deSade.9437


Bahahaha. Dem pugs knowledge.

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rfdarko.4639


The only one that gets under my skin is new players who refuse to use anything but the weapon set they are equipped with, and don’t carry any other weapons. I got called an elitist sh*thead once for asking a thief to switch to sb for stealth with smokescreen. I was doing CM once with 2 wars, a thief, a necro and a ranger. I asked the ranger if he would switch to offhand axe for gunpowder morgan for the reflect, and his response was “reflects? do I look like a guardian to you?”

guildless hobo who likes to solo – [x]

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: JMar.3254


Another one that bothers me is people who get a precursor as a drop and than ping it in party chat. That is an automatic group kick if you do that in a group with me. Like who the heck do you think you are? I had to buy my precursor so my spitefulness won’t allow me to be happy for you.


You get nothing! You lose, good day sir!

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lilith Ajit.6173

Lilith Ajit.6173

Another one that bothers me is people who get a precursor as a drop and than ping it in party chat. That is an automatic group kick if you do that in a group with me. Like who the heck do you think you are? I had to buy my precursor so my spitefulness won’t allow me to be happy for you.


I’m glad you weren’t in my TA group when Malrona gave me Storm the other day…. You woulda kicked the instance owner!

Granted they all thought I was trolling.
Edit for clarification: I rubbed it in everyone’s face

And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: JMar.3254


Another one that bothers me is people who get a precursor as a drop and than ping it in party chat. That is an automatic group kick if you do that in a group with me. Like who the heck do you think you are? I had to buy my precursor so my spitefulness won’t allow me to be happy for you.


I’m glad you weren’t in my TA group when Malrona gave me Storm the other day…. You woulda kicked the instance owner!

Granted they all thought I was trolling.
Edit for clarification: I rubbed it in everyone’s face

If that was at me, I was saying it’s ridiculous he would do that. People need to learn to be compassionate for other people (whole fotm level reset is exactly what I mean).

If that was at him…. YEAH!

You get nothing! You lose, good day sir!

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lilith Ajit.6173

Lilith Ajit.6173

It was at him. Hahaha

And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SkyChef.5432


How else do we compete with champ farmers while avoiding losing brain cells?

By all means, continue if that’s how you choose to make money.

I just wish there were alternative parties I could join. I don’t want to pay gold to skip the entire dungeon, and just get the title. I want to actually play the dungeon with other players.

Why don’t you advertise the run yourself and become the instance owner. I rarely pug any dungeon but just for the curiosity of PUG skills lately, I ‘ve joined a couple groups on Arah, 1 just recently as last night. It doesn’t take that long to fill.

Friendly warning: One necro LFG seems to scare everyone to join because he was there for a long time. Alone.

People are too serious of their knowledge.

(edited by SkyChef.5432)

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.7568


exploiters. of all kind. wish they would all be perma banned, but exploiting in gw2 is as normal as using skills is … kittened game

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: JMar.3254


exploiters. of all kind. wish they would all be perma banned, but exploiting in gw2 is as normal as using skills is … kittened game

I will not defend anybody exploiting.

However the issue is that the line is incredibly fuzzy when it comes to what’s an exploit and what’s intended, when Anet is usually silent on these things.

Look at all the people that think stacking and LOS is an exploit.

You get nothing! You lose, good day sir!

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MastaNeenja.1537


Players that don’t read the LFG message, and ask what path our group is doing and then asks to do a different path instead. (this usually gets them kicked)

Players that don’t say hello (or use some other kind of greeting) when they are greeted by my party upon joining, it won’t result in a kick but it is Strike 1

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: colesy.8490


It’s weird seeing all of these different names, I’m used to only seeing dungeon regulars reply to posts :p. My pet peeve in dungeons is when anything to do with builds gets brought up and bads try to justify bad builds, or claim their axe condi ranger does high dps, or best of all, the ‘I always see zerkers taking dirt naps and I have to res them’ comment so zerk is obviously bad. No good sir, that is called a player making a mistake and your terrible dps forcing them to keep up with their dodging longer which increases the room for error. Then there’s the experienced only lfg where you join and it’s full of bads. Finally, the dreaded off hand axe warriors, I genuinely get angry when i see a warrior spinning because there’s no justification for it, it’s just a random bad who is a victim of hurrrrrrrndred blades syndrome.

Sanctum of Rall (NA) – [LOD] – PvE/Dungeon Phantasm Mesmer build
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: JMar.3254


It’s weird seeing all of these different names, I’m used to only seeing dungeon regulars reply to posts :p.

Lol, I may or may not be on a second account because my first account may or may not be in a ‘banned’ state right now

You get nothing! You lose, good day sir!

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lilith Ajit.6173

Lilith Ajit.6173

I’m not a very avid poster, but I’m always reading these posts…. I’ve just been fired up by the fractal stuff ^.^

Pet peeves in dungeons……..
I guess my biggest one is when people go to revive dead people before downed people. It’s just like…. Why?

And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

My biggest pet peeve is when players randomly use knockback and other CC skills on cooldown just because they can without any consideration for enemy positioning. They split stacked mobs up, and generally mess everything up (and frustrate the hell out of me!).

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nosoyelarty.7268


Mesmer GS #5 it’s so kittening classic.

“omg all our enemies are perfectly stacked in front of us, let’s save the team! "

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: JDAWG.9852


I hate it when people are afraid to pick the hammer up in the Colossus Fractal.

Yes, this has happened to me at Fractal 48.

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: guanlongwucaii.3162


when pugs don’t read the LFG

when pugs say that it’s just AC/COE/dungeon name and that pinging gear isn’t necessary

when pugs spam CC that pushes enemies away (and get kicked/flamed for being kittens). pretty sure that these are the ones who complain about CC being useless in dungeons (of course it is if you mindlessly spam it you dumb kitten)

those who complain about selling paths are also pretty kittening annoying

Pet Peeves In Dungeon runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ropechef.6192


""""when pugs spam CC that pushes enemies away (and get kicked/flamed for being kittens). pretty sure that these are the ones who complain about CC being useless in dungeons (of course it is if you mindlessly spam it you dumb kitten)"""""

I had never thought of it that way….

thanks Guan.