Please make raids user friendly!
I can name a couple of these:
Bar = breakbar (the blue bar that sometimes appears below a boss’s health). This bar can only be damaged with hard and soft CC (hard-CC = stun, daze, knockback, launch, pull, float, knockdown, etc… Soft-CC = cripple, chill, weakness, slow, fear, blind, etc…)
Not sure about pot, but “prot” is short for the boon Protect: a boon that reduces incoming physical damage by 33%.
They are either advertising their guild (cause they are selling kills) or advertising the boss that they are attempting (for example: VG is much less characters to type than Vale Guardian).
Think those are guild names, except for VG which is Vale Guardian (first boss of Wing 1)
Some of them are guild names, but that aside. I think making a small list of “shorts” used by the raid community (I also see many of them in open world, but it seems not all know them) is a good ideer. I will start, but I am sure others can add.
VG = Vale Guardian, first boss of wing 1
Gors = Gorseval, second boss of wing 1
Sab = Sabetha the Saboteur, 3’th boss of wing 1
Sloth = Slothasor, first boss wing 2
trio = Prison Camp (3 minor bosses), second boss of wing 2
Matt = Matthias Gabrel, 3’th boss of wing 2
Escort or Siege = Siege the Stronghold, first boss wing 3
KC = Keep Construct, second boss of wing 3
TC = Twisted Castle (not a boss, but the mini event between boss 2 and 3 in wing 3)
Xera = Xera (short, so people just use the whole name ^^), 3’th boss wing 3
W1 = raid 1, wing 1
W2 = raid 1, wing 2
W3 = raid 1, wing 3
W4 = raid 2, people just call it wing 4 even if it is a new raid and not just a added wing.
Prot = protection, the boon that make people take 33% less dmg
Break = Used to tell people to break a breakbar, using soft and hard cc
CC = Control effects, stuns, push, pulls, daze etc are hard cc, and blind, chill, cripple ect are soft cc. CC are really importent in many raid fights so make sure you know what cc skills you have and how to use them. CC is also sometimes used to call for people to use the cc skills. So as a “CC NOW” call.
Stack = stand close to the commander (or marked player), since boon sharing, heal sharing ect are really importent in raids. Having people standing away from the group is often bad. In some fight there is a reason for 1 or 2 players to not stack. But as a general rule, if noone give you a specific “job” to do. Then stack. The number of times I have attemted to heal someone new at a raid boss, only to have that person run away from me all the time is
More class specific there are a toon of acronyms and listing them all will take a long time, safe to say, learning the importent ones for your profession is enough. Here are a few:
BiP = Blood is Power, a necro skill
GotL = Grace of the Land, Druid trait/skill
EA = Empower Allies, Warrior trait
FGS = Fiery Greatsword, elementalist skill
hope it helps