Plain and simple this system is a safety net for stopping crazy farming when people find exploits that make each run super fast. We are also addressing those loopholes, but that takes time and new ones might always be discovered. If you and your group do the dungeons without skipping large sections and run different chains this system shoul(bugs aside) never impact you.
Addendum for clarity, super fast means < 30 minutes, and even then you must hit that speed multiple times in a row before you start seeing any impact.
Emphasis mine.
Seriously guys. Yes there are bugs, and there will be bugs, and there will never be a time that there are not bugs in a system this large. It’s a hard fact of programming that when you have hundreds of thousands of people interacting with the same instance of a program, things will invariably break for some reason or another. Let alone the fact that there’s probably additional content being designed by people not fixing the current bugs right now (well, maybe not right now since it’s 7 at night over there, but that’s beside the point).
From the above and other dev statements, I surmise the following is true about dungeons and dungeon rewards:
1) The ideal rewards are 60 tokens for the first run of each path on each day (determined by a universal reset time on entrance), 20 tokens on each repeat of that path on the same day, and a sum of silver and exp.
2) Dungeons are supposed to be tuned such that even the best teams find it very hard if not impossible to complete in less than 30 minutes, if done correctly (without exploits, in other words).
3) Diminishing Returns should affect the standard rewards when one or both of two conditions are true:
A: You run the same path back-to-back within the same reset period (possibly with a small allowance of runs)
B: You have several consecutive runs of less than 30 minutes, ignoring reset periods.
4) The DR mechanic is not meant to punish players, except those that choose to farm one easy path over and over in a small time period or use bugged mechanics to finish dungeons significantly faster than expected, the second of which is against the Rules of Conduct and thus, strictly speaking, should lead to a suspension or ban (Yes, it’s bugged. No, that does not give you the right to exploit it. You legally agreed not to when you started playing).
An aside: I would posit that these two actions tend to go hand-in-hand, as most ‘legit’ players will want to do each path of a dungeon at least once to get the first-run-of-the-day bonus of x3 tokens, an activity that should take a minimum of 1.5 hours, and likely longer. This is a significant time investment for most people, and any further time would be for a much lesser reward until after the reset. For reference, at 60 tokens per run, a full dungeon set could be gotten in as little as a week of only doing the three first-runs per day for a total of 20 completions, and a minimum of 10 hours. At 20/run, that increases to ~50 runs and 25 hours, assuming a blisteringly fast 30 minutes per run.
5) The DR system is unfortunately bugged, causing players to be affected even when they are playing normally. They have isolated and fixed at least one bug, and the system is undergoing internal testing currently. In other words, the system is not working as intended. Please stop acting like it is.
Are there balancing issues with the dungeons? Possibly. But that’s a different discussion altogether; the Diminishing Returns system for dungeon rewards shouldn’t impact anyone playing normally, except for maybe the very top tier of players than can clear some paths legitimately in under 30 minutes. And if that ends up being the case, I’m sure Anet will re-evaluate either the system or that path.
So if everyone can just take a deep breath and understand that Anet is working on a solution for the DR system bugs, we can stop worrying about this (though keep submitting reports!) and focus more on other issues.