(edited by nagr.1593)
Pls don't perma block in Raid Pugs
Not everybody being kicked out of a raid squad is blocked immediately. Only the toxic or the annoying ones not willing to listen or to follow the leader.
If this affects you – and it did – you are the problem and you have to change your behaviour. Not everyone else.
I never heard about ppl instantly blocking players because they “only” have failed. You get a block for a reason otherwise it’s just a kick and nobody cares. If you dare to insult, annoy or stalk ppl the block is justified.
Personally, I give a nick name to all players I’m blocking. And this nick name has a relation to the reason he was blocked.
A last hint: It’ getting worse if you continue to write such threads/post.
(edited by Vinceman.4572)
I blocked you because you were harassing my friends by stalking them, and squad joining whenever they try to raid. I help my friends/new people raid all the time, none of us block people for being inexperienced (we ask them nicely to leave, sometimes we help them get the kill if we have enough experienced on), we block people for being toxic.
As a note for the future, I haven’t even met you and you’ve already made it onto my block list because you harassed my friends. I’d advice you to take a look at yourself first instead of others for your problems.
(edited by InFluEnZa.6908)
Yes I have bad habit of doing that (not stalking per se, but whenever I randomly find their grps on lfg), will admit it’s silly of me but I (to the core of my being) believe one of that person initially blocked me for absolutely no apparent reason. Try to follow a rumor back to its source and see if it holds truth. Do I know this person who block me? I doubt they even know why they even blocked me, but repeatedly insta kick me stubbornly despite that.
Why don’t u ask how it started? I remember u and know u blocked me. But why did u block me? Bc a friend or guildie of urs hated me (not for raid related but squad related). And why did that guildie hate me? Purely bc his friend decided to block me on one blue moon without any apparent reason. I can’t even ask this person (source of problem) why they blocked me. They don’t respond in chat. They don’t respond bc they can’t read what I say or ask. They can’t read my chat cos they have me on block. So I have no other proof to contrary other than to write this off as internet discrimination, pure and simple
So round and round we go, and for what? What started this rumor that spread from mouth to mouth.. and what’s the merit of it?
(edited by nagr.1593)
Seriously. This game encourages a playstyle where u block a player X for any slight no matter how trivial or irrelevant, then u will forget abt that whole incident weeks and even months later but will only judge player X as having made it on ur blocks list at some point or another. This will lead to preconception and strong aversion to ever include that person in ur 10man grp ever again. It was tolerable with dungeon and even fotm pugs, now it’s common practice to tag up and childishly pay someone back for kicking at u or insulting u (whatever each person perceives as insult) and thus making it harder for both parties to pug raids bc u have a personal tiff with them.
Everyone can agree it’s pointless to hold something over another person’s head for something they done weeks and weeks ago, but u would be shocked how many do exactly that.
Example, there was a person who failed glide twice on xera and he got embarrassed and left, said to replace him. Someone suddenly stated they kicked that person in a previous grp, and then someone else said how that person [char name] is now on their list of ppl to never raid with. Very good chance they will hold this grudge to this player weeks and weeks hence. No one has any inkling why they have blocked ppl after an indeterminate amt of time.
I give example of me personally, on t4 bloomhunger I just came back from break and used to die and die constantly. I struggled to not die every few moments into fight. People laughed at me and wrote me off, they insulted my build and even kick me out of fotm group saying I can’t stop dying. Then I practice, weeks later i don’t even down anymore. I even 2man when pugs wipe at the critter part (between phase). It’s pathetic and I tell them that. But despite how far I come there, If this was a raid then I would get insta kicked by someone who observed me falling on my face from weeks ago. Difficulty not even issue.. I will get insta kicked even from vg, trio, escort – basically all the easy mode raids. Just bc ppl can’t let go and have no incentive to ever unblock ppl on their lists
So take a look at yours (block list) and see how many ppl u have on their for raid related matters. Now how many do u remember what they did wrong, without note next to their name to say? If this is ur philosophy: “once I block, they are never getting off, ever” then I can’t appeal to u.
But if not, then I beseech think abt how this will effect in 10man grp for grps that rarely even form and so easily disband. If it helps, think of them as 50man squads that form all the time, that u can find them on lfg without fail any time of day. Now if u had option to insta kick everyone that join ur 50man grp if they on ur blocks or on ur friends blocks or on someone elses blocks in same squad, would u make use of this? If so why, if not why not.
Or you know, introspection is a gift that you apparently have yet to discover. All of your problems are created by yourself, but you take no responsibility for those actions. Of course if you cause an issue, then people will block you, and then tell their friends, who will in turn block you.
Obviously you have trouble making friends and having people to consistently play with, I wonder why that is? It couldn’t possibly be everyone else that has problems, not you could it?
You’ve been told this multiple times, and apparently you seem incapable of understanding that you are the problem, you are responsible for your actions against other people, and yes you will reap the rewards of those actions against people you have never met, because that is how word of mouth works. Don’t like it? Don’t interact with other people.
I have no idea what goal you are trying to accomplish with this rant thread, do you want the developers to remove the block feature? Or perhaps they should remove your ability to talk with other players, that seems like it might solve far more problems than removing the block feature. Or perhaps you are trying to convince people to stop blocking other people or to unblock you, yeah good luck with that.
Perhaps you should try making a clearer statement of what you want besides just ranting. Perhaps you want to just rant, but then that seems counterproductive, as it is only exacerbating the issue you are complaining about.
Maybe you just want to see how far you can push people before no one wants to raid with you? You seem to be doing a good job of that.
Maybe no one has told you this yet, but no one cares about your problems, because they are just that, your problems. We don’t care to hear anymore about how you are being blocked or instakicked, these are all problems that you created for yourself, in large part due to your actions in game and on the forums.
Your on my block list
Glad to hear others feel the same about you
Yes I have bad habit of doing that (not stalking per se, but whenever I randomly find their grps on lfg), will admit it’s silly of me but I (to the core of my being) believe one of that person initially blocked me for absolutely no apparent reason.
Doesn’t matter if there was a reason to block you or not, you don’t have the right to push yourself on people, that is called harassment.
You seem to think people owe you an explanation for anything that you did wrong, perceived or otherwise. I gotta break it to you, but no. No one owes you anything, least of all an explanation of why they do not want you in their party/raid. Get over yourself and move on.
It’s funny there’s no report feature for discrimination? Racism or xenophobia it still exists online u know. There’s sadly a report feature for this but only IRL
I don’t get how it can be so hard to understand that when YOU lie and stalk people, others don’t appreciate it. Especially so, when you each week write a wall of text about how the people you stalk and lie to are toxic for not liking you or wanting you in their group.
you’re on my block list now as well
DPS Benchmarks, Raids, Low-mans etc.
Racism? Did someone kick you for being a Norn? Lol
It’s funny there’s no report feature for discrimination? Racism or xenophobia it still exists online u know. There’s sadly a report feature for this but only IRL
And yet racism and xenophobia has nothing to do with your issues. Nice try, but try again. You really don’t understand you are your own problem do you?
You are not being discriminated against because of your race, sex, religion, or age.
You are, however, being judged by your actions here. And those actions are on display for the whole world to see. On top of that, for those in the world that do not see your ignorance, those that do see, will tell others, who may or may not come to look for themselves, further compounding your problem.
Yes I have bad habit of doing that (not stalking per se, but whenever I randomly find their grps on lfg), will admit it’s silly of me
Wow, that alone is a reason for the kindest, friendliest and most harmless people to put you on their blocklist. Don’t you realize your huge discourtesy and impertinence here?
It’s only a guess but I think this thread is getting closed/deleted as well soon like the other one. Maybe a moderator could invite the OP into a chat and have a short conversation with him to help him finding the right direction in the game because I don’t think we – as players – are able to do that.
At least to me it sounds that he is in the need for some help.
Yes I have bad habit of doing that (not stalking per se, but whenever I randomly find their grps on lfg), will admit it’s silly of me
Wow, that alone is a reason for the kindest, friendliest and most harmless people to put you on their blocklist. Don’t you realize your huge discourtesy and impertinence here?
It’s only a guess but I think this thread is getting closed/deleted as well soon like the other one. Maybe a moderator could invite the OP into a chat and have a short conversation with him to help him finding the right direction in the game because I don’t think we – as players – are able to do that.
At least to me it sounds that he is in the need for some help.
Unfortunately I don’t think a forum moderator is qualified to give him the help he needs. He obviously needs some counseling and professional help, as well as lessons in life in general.
I think there’s a new meme in this thread somewhere. #RaidersAreAllRacistNow
Welcome aboard, welcome to toxic!
Guess what? I just checked my blocked list and for my surprise you were there! and what was the reason? I don’t remember, and i don’t care what was the reason, because if you’re blocked for me, you probably done something that i didn’t like. It’s pointless to hold grudge? You’re wrong, people hold grudge, this is the way the world works and if you’re not satisfied don’t interact with people. Imagine that you’re in the train station and you board the train and there something happens, you trade words with a stranger, you guys start to quarrel and suddenly, before it comes to a fight, it’s interrupted by the crowd and both of you walk away, small event right? but enough to annoy you. Now, if you by chance met that guy again somewhere, and you reminded of him, how would you act? I would for sure walk away and not trade a single word with him, cause i don’t want to start another quarrel. Back to the virtual world, games gives you block list, you don’t need to met that person again, and talk to him, you can even guarantee that you will remember of him, maybe you will not remember what he have done, but you will remember that he done something, amazing right? Yeah, you can avoid so many problems and therefore stress just because of this wonderful tool, i wish they existed in real life.
I checked my block list and found you there. Rest assured, your plea has been heard: I won’t permanently block you. I promise to remove my block on you in 37 years.
Lol are you for real or just a troll? Your last thread got deleted and yet you go make another new one on the same topic? I mean you could try reddit the mods are a little more relaxed over there but your going to get the same critisiciam. Out of principal i have to block you now….jk;) but seriously take a break if your frustrated.
I have you in my blocklist as well. Go figure why you are in everyone blocklist.
I doubt they even know why they even blocked me, but repeatedly insta kick me stubbornly despite that.
They probably blocked you because they had to repeatedly kick you.
They blocked me even before I joined their squad. If they give no explanation then I am sorry but I have to classify it as discrimination. I can call it racism if I want, you can’t say otherwise cos no one has any proof to the contrary. In fact my explanation is the one that makes the most sense, especially when I don’t even recognize that I’ve ever raided with the person who insta kicked me.
I believe I have a right to know why I was insta kicked, and why the person had alrdy blocked me prior to this. I know this bc a split second later I couldn’t even whisp that person.
Imagine this scenario: I get kicked on join, no explanation given. I rejoin, only to get insta kicked again. So I rejoin again, and get a split moment where I ask them to explain y they kicked me. They refuse to say anything, so I have no choice but to write it off as discrimination or worse discrimination based on my race or color. Explain to me in what world that is even considered stalking on my part, please.
Again ppl think racism doesn’t translate to other mediums like over internet. Well how about phone conversation – do u think ppl would treat me differently if they heard my voice on phone or over ts? Answer honestly pls
(edited by nagr.1593)
I think you need to move on with your life. Your stressing out way to much over peanuts.
or maybe you’re just blocked because of all the drama you’re doing here? you know, just as a prevention for someone who looks toxic on forum
They blocked me even before I joined their squad. If they give no explanation then I am sorry but I have to classify it as discrimination. I can call it racism if I want, you can’t say otherwise cos no one has any proof to the contrary. In fact my explanation is the one that makes the most sense, especially when I don’t even recognize that I’ve ever raided with the person who insta kicked me.
I believe I have a right to know why I was insta kicked, and why the person had alrdy blocked me prior to this. I know this bc a split second later I couldn’t even whisp that person.
Imagine this scenario: I get kicked on join, no explanation given. I rejoin, only to get insta kicked again. So I rejoin again, and get a split moment where I ask them to explain y they kicked me. They refuse to say anything, so I have no choice but to write it off as discrimination or worse discrimination based on my race or color. Explain to me in what world that is even considered stalking on my part, please.
Again ppl think racism doesn’t translate to other mediums like over internet. Well how about phone conversation – do u think ppl would treat me differently if they heard my voice on phone or over ts? Answer honestly pls
You can’t classify it as racism if it wasn’t racism, you say they blocked you before you joined so they probably don’t even know what race/colour you are so how is that racism again?
And since we know you don’t go into Ts I doubt they would be able to tell what race/colour you are again.
You have no proof to this claims and from previous posting experience we can infer that racism was not why you were discriminated against.
So quit playing the victim card every post you have posted shows you constantly lie to people about having actual experience with raid bosses, don’t know your role in a lot of cases, never jump into Voice Comms when asked and so on and people block you for those reasons or from the relaying of information from guildies that have raised with you and from these forum posts.
You dug your metaphorical grave so lay in it..
If you are wondering why so many people have you blocked, I can tell you because you are also on my block list.
1) You are a hypocrite. You come to forums complaining how people are toxic and elitist and won’t give anybody a chance. Yet when I ran into you in a raid PUG on an alt, you instantly told the commander to kick me because I didn’t have enough AP lol.
2) When I ran into you in T4 fractals, you kept complaining and being an kitten , even though you were the one walking over everyone else with social awkwardness.
3) Instead of some self reflection and improvement, you constantly run to forums and guild chats to try to garner sympathy and shifting to blame to everyone else.
4) You aren’t skilled enough at the game for most of us to put up with the trouble of having you around when we can just replace you with someone more pleasant.
Hope that helps!
They blocked me even before I joined their squad. If they give no explanation then I am sorry but I have to classify it as discrimination. I can call it racism if I want, you can’t say otherwise cos no one has any proof to the contrary. In fact my explanation is the one that makes the most sense, especially when I don’t even recognize that I’ve ever raided with the person who insta kicked me.
I believe I have a right to know why I was insta kicked, and why the person had alrdy blocked me prior to this. I know this bc a split second later I couldn’t even whisp that person.
And yet, you are still unwilling to recognize that your behavior here in the forums and in game are the reason that you are being blocked by people you have never had any interaction with. Tell me, how would someone that you have never interacted with know enough about you to kick you from a group based on your race? They wouldn’t, you are reaching because you don’t want to accept that it’s your own fault.
If they are truly discriminating against you based on race, you can try reporting them, but bringing it up here isn’t going to get you any sympathy simply for the fact that most of the community now knows that you can’t be trusted. You’ve already admitted that you willing lie and deceive people to get what you want and that you think it’s ok, so why would we trust anything you had to say now, regardless what it is for.
You can believe that you have the right to know why, and maybe you do, but it still doesn’t change the fact that no one is obligated to explain anything to you, esp if you are a grown adult, then you should be able to figure it out yourself. If you are a kid that would certainly explain a lot of your behavior as well as rationale, but it still doesn’t change the facts.
The facts are:
1)Your behavior and attitude towards the rest of the community is causing you get blocked, even by people you have yet to have interactions with.
2) No one owes you any explanation of why they blocked you, doesn’t matter what you think/believe, no one cares.
3)You’re continued attacks on the community are hampering your ability to do the content in game that you want to do, this is your fault and yours alone.
4) You are an excellent marksman at shooting yourself in the foot.
They blocked me even before I joined their squad. If they give no explanation then I am sorry but I have to classify it as discrimination. I can call it racism if I want, you can’t say otherwise cos no one has any proof to the contrary. In fact my explanation is the one that makes the most sense, especially when I don’t even recognize that I’ve ever raided with the person who insta kicked me.
I believe I have a right to know why I was insta kicked, and why the person had alrdy blocked me prior to this. I know this bc a split second later I couldn’t even whisp that person.
Imagine this scenario: I get kicked on join, no explanation given. I rejoin, only to get insta kicked again. So I rejoin again, and get a split moment where I ask them to explain y they kicked me. They refuse to say anything, so I have no choice but to write it off as discrimination or worse discrimination based on my race or color. Explain to me in what world that is even considered stalking on my part, please.
Again ppl think racism doesn’t translate to other mediums like over internet. Well how about phone conversation – do u think ppl would treat me differently if they heard my voice on phone or over ts? Answer honestly pls
If you are making the assertion, racism in this case, then the burden of proof is on you.
If you are being kicked, instantly, without any interaction, then how would they know your race?
Personally I have no idea what your skin color might be, what ethnicity you are, or even what gender. But I would consider blocking you for your behavior in this thread. You will never convince people to be more welcoming toward you by accusing them of immoral behavior and then insisting that they have to disprove your unsupported accusations,
Imagine this scenario: I get kicked on join, no explanation given. I rejoin, only to get insta kicked again. So I rejoin again, and get a split moment where I ask them to explain y they kicked me. They refuse to say anything, so I have no choice but to write it off as discrimination or worse discrimination based on my race or color. Explain to me in what world that is even considered stalking on my part, please.
Imagine this scenario: You get kicked on join, no explanation given, and you move on to another group or go do something else in game with your time. Problem solved without you harassing anyone in the process, and everyone can enjoy their time in game.
Your problem is you seem to think you are owed an explanation or the opportunity to defend yourself or reason, you are not. You have the right to, as you frequently, but unwisely, exercise that option here on the forums hoping for sympathy. But just because you think you have to know something, doesn’t mean that someone else has to provide you with that information. That’s why it’s called freedom, because it’s a choice for everyone. If you are trying to make people do something that they don’t want to, then you are taking away their freedom, and that isn’t going to work out well for you, as it obviously hasn’t.
Welcome aboard, welcome to toxic!
Guess what? I just checked my blocked list and for my surprise you were there! and what was the reason? I don’t remember, and i don’t care what was the reason, because if you’re blocked for me, you probably done something that i didn’t like. It’s pointless to hold grudge? You’re wrong, people hold grudge, this is the way the world works and if you’re not satisfied don’t interact with people.
Do you think I am not aware of this? This was my entire point and u are proving it word for word. I don’t see how I can simply refuse to interact with people in 10man instanced content that requires teamwork and voice chat on regular basis.
Yeah, you can avoid so many problems and therefore stress just because of this wonderful tool [sic in-game block], i wish they existed in real life.
They do exist actually, in form of restraining orders and other legal stuff. If you are talking about blocking a person simply upon seeing their face in a crowd or reading their name on a list, then I have nothing against it if that’s ur ideal world. Only problem is it would bring back segregation more or less, and ‘no shirts no service’ would be replaced with ‘no [insert offending race here]’ and that’s perfectly plausible from practical standpoint. The laws could even be changed to denigrate the value of a person bc of their race or color. But the downside of that is it would be exactly like going back in time to an unfortunate period that’s now long since past.
I don’t know you but I must say that you’ve made yourself quite well known, and not in a good way. If you got insta kicked, it’s likely because the person has heard of you and doesn’t want to have to deal with you given your behavior.
All these rant posts on the forums aren’t helping you. You’re just creating a more negative name for yourself by constantly writing these posts. I doubt I’ve seen you in game and I don’t wish to, and generally I don’t lead raid groups but if I ever do I would insta kick you as well.
If you are making the assertion, racism in this case, then the burden of proof is on you.
If you are being kicked, instantly, without any interaction, then how would they know your race?
Personally I have no idea what your skin color might be, what ethnicity you are, or even what gender. But I would consider blocking you for your behavior in this thread.
They have something called ts. 9/10 times u can tell a person’s race or skin from their tone, inflection, or accent. I agree it’s not always accurate but it definitely cannot be discounted either
U can also judge a person by their attitude and behavior or their language even in-game and come to a biased (not necessarily correct) conclusion based on these facts. It’s not unheard of either, I will laugh if anyone says otherwise – most often those ppl have never experienced it for themselves.
I don’t understand how my behavior here is so wrong. Why do u say that? Most of u have never played with me b4 thus can’t honestly judge my skill or how I conduct myself in groups. I could come here and rant but be a perfectly polite and understanding person in game who rarely ever kicks/blocks nyone even though he can. If you would argue otherwise, then u are discriminating against me based on unrelated observations, which is as good as believing a rumor abt a person as soon as u hear it.
If anyone else, say someone from Dnt guild or someone recognized like Nike made the same appeal I did, do u still think they would get 10 consecutive responses where ppl said they would block them just bc of their behavior on the same thread? I don’t honestly believe that, and neither would u.
If you are making the assertion, racism in this case, then the burden of proof is on you.
If you are being kicked, instantly, without any interaction, then how would they know your race?
Personally I have no idea what your skin color might be, what ethnicity you are, or even what gender. But I would consider blocking you for your behavior in this thread.
They have something called ts. 9/10 times u can tell a person’s race or skin from their tone, inflection, or accent. I agree it’s not always accurate but it definitely cannot be discounted either
U can also judge a person by their attitude and behavior or their language even in-game and come to a biased (not necessarily correct) conclusion based on these facts. It’s not unheard of either, I will laugh if anyone says otherwise – most often those ppl have never experienced it for themselves.
I don’t understand how my behavior here is so wrong. Why do u say that? Most of u have never played with me b4 thus can’t honestly judge my skill or how I conduct myself in groups. I could come here and rant but be a perfectly polite and understanding person in game who rarely ever kicks/blocks nyone even though he can. If you would argue otherwise, then u are discriminating against me based on unrelated observations, which is as good as believing a rumor abt a person as soon as u hear it.
If anyone else, say someone from Dnt guild or someone recognized like Nike made the same appeal I did, do u still think they would get 10 consecutive responses where ppl said they would block them just bc of their behavior on the same thread? I don’t honestly believe that, and neither would u.
Yup im pretty sure if Nike was on the forums complaining about people being mean to him, and after people telling him to give it up he insists on continueing, people would probley block him as well.
If you are making the assertion, racism in this case, then the burden of proof is on you.
If you are being kicked, instantly, without any interaction, then how would they know your race?
Personally I have no idea what your skin color might be, what ethnicity you are, or even what gender. But I would consider blocking you for your behavior in this thread.
They have something called ts. 9/10 times u can tell a person’s race or skin from their tone, inflection, or accent. I agree it’s not always accurate but it definitely cannot be discounted either
U can also judge a person by their attitude and behavior or their language even in-game and come to a biased (not necessarily correct) conclusion based on these facts. It’s not unheard of either, I will laugh if anyone says otherwise – most often those ppl have never experienced it for themselves.
I don’t understand how my behavior here is so wrong. Why do u say that? Most of u have never played with me b4 thus can’t honestly judge my skill or how I conduct myself in groups. I could come here and rant but be a perfectly polite and understanding person in game who rarely ever kicks/blocks nyone even though he can. If you would argue otherwise, then u are discriminating against me based on unrelated observations, which is as good as believing a rumor abt a person as soon as u hear it.
If anyone else, say someone from Dnt guild or someone recognized like Nike made the same appeal I did, do u still think they would get 10 consecutive responses where ppl said they would block them just bc of their behavior on the same thread? I don’t honestly believe that, and neither would u.
If anyone came in here making unsupported accusations while insisting that the accused had to prove their innocence my reaction would be the same. I dont care who they are if they engage in such behavior.
You are correct that it is possible to judge another by their, "attitude and behavior, " which is as it should be (in my opinion). That is not prejudicial nor racist. Deciding whether or not to spend free time with someone based on how they behave or their expressed attitude(s) is perfectly reasonable.
Most of u have never played with me b4 thus can’t honestly judge my skill or how I conduct myself in groups. I could come here and rant but be a perfectly polite and understanding person in game who rarely ever kicks/blocks nyone even though he can.
I’m not assuming that you’re a nasty, annoying person within an in-game group and I’m sure that you’re skilled in certain areas. However, if you harass people while not in a group or those who were in groups that you were in at some point, then people are going to block you and not want to interact with you anymore. Additionally, if you come to the forums to rant whenever you get kicked/blocked, then that’s gonna give people a very sour impression of you.
(edited by redkite.3496)
I don’t understand how my behavior here is so wrong.
WOW, you really, really, really just don’t get it. Let us count the ways
1. You lie to people to get what you want, and think it is ok to lie to other people.
2. You make wildly false accusations without providing any proof to substantiate that claim.
3. You without fail, constantly attack the community of the game that you play (ever heard the phase “Don’t p00p where you eat?”)
4. You think you have the right to force compliance from other people
5. Your actions on the forums, whether relatable in game or not is irrelevant at this point, as who would want to take the chance that you are different in game.
6. Based on what you have said on these very forums, your actions in game are not to terribly different than what they are on these forums.
7. At this point people don’t care what your skill level is, people don’t want to deal with you based on your actions on the forums and with friends of theirs.
8. At this point people don’t care that you are getting kicked/blocked, because of your actions here. Whether you were feel you were justly kicked or not, no one cares any longer. At this point the community is completely against you, and it’s only going to keep getting worse for you. All because you feel it’s someone else’s fault that you got kicked instead of realizing the truth that your actions are the cause of your own problems. The system is working as intended as it is allowing people to avoid you and people like you.
I’m sure I could keep going, but I’m sure that even you can see that there is a general theme in that list, it all has to do with you and the way that you interact with other people in general.
Where did I make accusations against a specific person or group of people? I have never pointed or singled anyone out. I am simply speaking from my perceived truth. When I have accused someone it has been in defense when someone has accused me of some specific incident. Again it’s a plea against player base not an accusation against any person or specific grp of people who I want to prove their innocence or demand to know why they [as individual] blocked me. Don’t misinterpret my message here pls
I never heard about ppl instantly blocking players because they “only” have failed.
Just because u never heard of something happen doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. If a tree falls there can be no one to say that it fell, but fact remains that it fell. Similarly another person mentioned that it’s impossible for person to block u after they have kicked u for simply failing at something even once. I would disagree completely.. this in fact happened to me yesterday. An acquaintance who I know for years who used to help me with arah runs, silent kicked and blocked me immediately after, just bc I failed. I never said anything remotely hostile in chat either. Can you guess his reason why he kicked me? I don’t know and you don’t know, but you’re welcome to make a guess why. Just like I am allowed my own guess as to why he did what he did.
Where did I make accusations against a specific person or group of people?
You have a short memory don’t you?
They blocked me even before I joined their squad. If they give no explanation then I am sorry but I have to classify it as discrimination. I can call it racism if I want, you can’t say otherwise cos no one has any proof to the contrary. In fact my explanation is the one that makes the most sense, especially when I don’t even recognize that I’ve ever raided with the person who insta kicked me.
You literally just said in this quote that anyone that blocks you before you join their squad is discriminating against you. That is an accusation against the group of people that block you. Your argument has now boiled down to “I’m being blocked before I join the squad. I’m being discriminated against based on race!”
If you are wondering why so many people have you blocked, I can tell you because you are also on my block list.
1) You are a hypocrite. You come to forums complaining how people are toxic and elitist and won’t give anybody a chance. Yet when I ran into you in a raid PUG on an alt, you instantly told the commander to kick me because I didn’t have enough AP lol.
2) When I ran into you in T4 fractals, you kept complaining and being an kitten , even though you were the one walking over everyone else with social awkwardness.
3) Instead of some self reflection and improvement, you constantly run to forums and guild chats to try to garner sympathy and shifting to blame to everyone else.
4) You aren’t skilled enough at the game for most of us to put up with the trouble of having you around when we can just replace you with someone more pleasant.
Hope that helps!
^ LOL the OP just got served. Good thing I strictly raid with my guild. Avoid all the PUGers drama!
I believe I have a right to know why I was insta kicked, and why the person had alrdy blocked me prior to this. I know this bc a split second later I couldn’t even whisp that person.
You should have gotten the hint the first time. No one likes repeated joiners.
Yes I have bad habit of doing that (not stalking per se, but whenever I randomly find their grps on lfg), will admit it’s silly of me but I (to the core of my being) believe one of that person initially blocked me for absolutely no apparent reason.
Jeez. You’re not really selling yourself here. Everything you are saying is backfiring.
You specified that, “they blocked me before I even joined their squad.” You then attributed that as being due to racism on their part. That is in fact an accusation against a specific subset of the player base…unless it is your assertion that everyone has blocked you in that manner. In that case it would be making unspported accusations against the entire community. Certainly not behavior that will get you into groups.
WOW, you really, really, really just don’t get it. Let us count the ways
1. Is there a rumor going around that I lie? How can u prove that I’m lying. I just said that I’m lying earlier by faking my LI, guess what I’m not proud of it but there are tons of ppl out there who do exactly that or simply sneak in without pinging anything. You disqualifying me as a pathological liar – do u see the paradox here? I admitted I’m lying, u call me a liar. So in fact I am not lying but telling the truth, but that can’t be bc u have labeled me as a liar. Woe is me
2. Where are my wildly false accusations? Name one u think is 100% completely false
3. The community that has stated many times they care nothing for my problems, couldn’t care less. Well I likewise couldn’t care less about pug attitude or how raids are so hostile towards newcomers or otherwise. A guy joins who doesn’t speak English, says he’s Thai. No one can speak thai, so they kick him. Do u see how that’d a completely different scenario? Yet it sheds no light on anything.
4. I have never tried to force anything. People have said they will block me after reading this and I have not forced them to do otherwise. I am simply appealing to their conscience
5. It’s not my fault u are prejudiced against me, for me voicing something I believe strongly in. ‘I have a dream too’ u know.
6. Who is making wildly untrue accusations now? Aha
I’m going to say my peace here because I have a feeling I’m one of the commanders that OP is complaining about.
Yes, I kicked you from my squad 2 days ago as soon as you joined. You can cry “racism” and “xenophobia” all you want on here (not that anyone here seems to believe that anyway, lol), but here’s why we really kicked you:
1. We put up an LFG for experienced people only. Believe it or not, most of us HAD been in raids with you before. We’ve been in pug raids with you where you have caused the squad to wipe on multiple occasions for failing simple mechanics, not communicating, and generally not being a team player. Based on our negative experiences being in raids with you, we didn’t think you would make a good addition to our squad.
2. Going off of everyone else in this thread, you have made a seriously bad reputation for yourself on these forums. I have seen many of your ridiculous threads myself. My other guildmates have too. We wanted nothing to do with it or you because of it. That’s why when you whispered me and said “Do I know you?” I responded “No, but we know you.” And then I blocked you, because I knew you would be the kind of person who would not let it go, and I did not have the time to sit there and help you validate your life choices.
In the end, you need to accept the fact that the commanders have total control over their squad. We have the ultimate decision on who we bring in a raid, and who we don’t. It has nothing to do with race, gender, or what have you. We were looking for someone who knew the fights and were a team player, and you offered neither of those. It is not against GW2 rules to kick people from a squad for failing to meet the requirements we have placed. What IS against the rules, is LFG abuse and harassment, which is what you proceeded to do for 2 days to 2 different guildmates. It’s childish behavior like this that solidifies why we collectively decided to kick you (and block you). It was not just me or just 1 person that wanted you out. All of us did. I cannot even believe you claim that you ‘don’t understand how your behavior here is so wrong’. For the amount of people on this thread that have said they blocked you or have had bad experiences with you, you still can’t see it? YOU are the problem. And YOU started it. Now YOU have to accept the consequences, because we sure don’t have to.
Stop behaving like a child. Stop complaining all the time. Stop trolling the forums. Just stop. Start having a better attitude, start practicing, and start being a better team player and you will see better results. This should be obvious, and should not have to be repeated to you over and over and over. If you honestly feel like you have done no wrong and are entitled to act like a brat, then it should NOT be a surprise that no one wants you in their raids. And after all of this, I guarantee that you still won’t understand, which makes me feel very sorry for you.
(edited by serebear.2759)
Just because u never heard of something happen doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. If a tree falls there can be no one to say that it fell, but fact remains that it fell. Similarly another person mentioned that it’s impossible for person to block u after they have kicked u for simply failing at something even once. I would disagree completely.. this in fact happened to me yesterday. An acquaintance who I know for years who used to help me with arah runs, silent kicked and blocked me immediately after, just bc I failed. I never said anything remotely hostile in chat either. Can you guess his reason why he kicked me? I don’t know and you don’t know, but you’re welcome to make a guess why. Just like I am allowed my own guess as to why he did what he did.
And? Where is the problem?
Take the next group and just don’t spend any millisecond about thinking why you have been blocked then.
An acquaintance who I know for years
Well, maybe he saw those forum posts and finally decided to end the friendship.
(edited by Vinceman.4572)
WOW, you really, really, really just don’t get it. Let us count the ways
1. Is there a rumor going around that I lie? How can u prove that I’m lying. I just said that I’m lying earlier by faking my LI, guess what I’m not proud of it but there are tons of ppl out there who do exactly that or simply sneak in without pinging anything. You disqualifying me as a pathological liar – do u see the paradox here? I admitted I’m lying, u call me a liar. So in fact I am not lying but telling the truth, but that can’t be bc u have labeled me as a liar. Woe is me
You just proved here that you are a liar, whether you are proud of it or not is irrelevant, you still lied. Whether other people lie or not is not relevant to your issues, they aren’t on the forums complaining. My point still stands you are an admitted liar, and you admit it again here.
2. Where are my wildly false accusations? Name one u think is 100% completely false
You accuse people who block you, without knowing you or before you join a squad, of blocking you based on racial discrimination. You can’t prove that you have been blocked by people based on race, while I can provide people that have you blocked based on other metrics, such as your behavior here on the forums, so that in itself is a wildly false accusation.
3. The community that has stated many times they care nothing for my problems, couldn’t care less. Well I likewise couldn’t care less about pug attitude or how raids are so hostile towards newcomers or otherwise. A guy joins who doesn’t speak English, says he’s Thai. No one can speak thai, so they kick him. Do u see how that’d a completely different scenario? Yet it sheds no light on anything.
Having a communication issue in an area that highly encourages communication is a good reason to kick someone. Has nothing to do with their skill as a player, it has to do with being able to communicate when needed to resolve issues, also, this has nothing to do with you. And I call BS on your claim that you don’t care. If you didn’t care, you wouldn’t be on the forums complaining about it weekly, that reeks of someone who cares.
4. I have never tried to force anything. People have said they will block me after reading this and I have not forced them to do otherwise. I am simply appealing to their conscience
Never tried to force anything, really? Another lie, either that or you have no idea what you are talking about. Let me remind you:
Yes I have bad habit of doing that (not stalking per se, but whenever I randomly find their grps on lfg), will admit it’s silly of me but I (to the core of my being) believe one of that person initially blocked me for absolutely no apparent reason. Try to follow a rumor back to its source and see if it holds truth. Do I know this person who block me? I doubt they even know why they even blocked me, but repeatedly insta kick me stubbornly despite that.
This is in response to someone letting people know that you kept trying to join a squad that kicked you, and you admitting that you sometimes do that because you want an explanation why you were kicked and or blocked. You are trying to force other people to give you a reason when they are under no obligation to do so, no matter what you believe.
5. It’s not my fault u are prejudiced against me, for me voicing something I believe strongly in. ‘I have a dream too’ u know.
I am not prejudiced against you in anything. Not sure if you know what prejudiced means. Prejudiced means that I have preconceived opinion about you that is not based in fact or experience, while my opinion about you is based in fact and from my personal experience watching your interactions with other people on these forums, same as most other people.
6. Who is making wildly untrue accusations now? Aha
And yet again, you still don’t get it.
(edited by Fatalyz.7168)
I’m going to say my peace here because I have a feeling I’m one of the commanders that OP is complaining about.
Yes, I kicked you from my squad 2 days ago as soon as you joined. You can cry “racism” and “xenophobia” all you want on here (not that anyone here seems to believe that anyway, lol), but here why we really kicked you:
1. We put up an LFG for experienced people only. Believe it or not, most of us HAD been in raids with you before. We’ve been in pug raids with you where you have caused the squad to wipe on multiple occasions for failing simple mechanics, not communicating, and generally not being a team player. Based on our negative experiences being in raids with you, we did think you would make a good addition to our squad.
2. Going off of everyone else in this thread, you have made a seriously bad reputation for yourself on these forums. I have seen many of your ridiculous threads myself. My other guildmates have too. We wanted nothing to do with it or you because of it. That’s why when you whispered me and said “Do I know you?” I responded “No, but we know you.” And then I blocked you, because I knew you would be the kind of person who would not let it go, and I did not have the time to sit there and help you validate your life choices.
In the end, you need to accept the fact that the commanders have total control over their squad. We have the ultimate decision on who we bring in a raid, and who we don’t. It has nothing to do with race, gender, or what have you. We were looking for someone who knew the fights and were a team player, and you offered neither of those. It is not against GW2 rules to kick people from a squad for failing to meet the requirements we have placed. What IS against the rules, is LFG abuse and harassment, which is what you proceeded to do for 2 days to 2 different guildmates. It’s childish behavior like this that solidifies why we collectively decided to kick you (and block you). It was not just me or just 1 person that wanted you out. All of us did. I cannot even believe you claim that you ‘don’t understand how your behavior here is so wrong’. For the amount of people on this thread that have said they blocked you or have had bad experiences with you, you still can’t see it? YOU are the problem. And YOU started it. Now YOU have to accept the consequences, because we sure don’t have to.
Stop behaving like a child. Stop complaining all the time. Stop trolling the forums. Just stop. Start having a better attitude, start practicing, and start being a better team player and you will see better results. This should be obvious, and should not have to be repeated to you over and over and over. If you honestly feel like you have done no wrong and are entitled to act like a brat, then it should NOT be a surprise that no one wants you in their raids. And after all of this, I guarantee that you still won’t understand, which makes me feel very sorry for you.
Thank you for this. I truly doubt that the OP will ever realize that that they are not the victim, but yet making everyone that they deal with, a victim instead, for having to put up with him.
WOW, you really, really, really just don’t get it. Let us count the ways
1. Is there a rumor going around that I lie? How can u prove that I’m lying. I just said that I’m lying earlier by faking my LI, guess what I’m not proud of it but there are tons of ppl out there who do exactly that or simply sneak in without pinging anything. You disqualifying me as a pathological liar – do u see the paradox here? I admitted I’m lying, u call me a liar. So in fact I am not lying but telling the truth, but that can’t be bc u have labeled me as a liar. Woe is me
2. Where are my wildly false accusations? Name one u think is 100% completely false
3. The community that has stated many times they care nothing for my problems, couldn’t care less. Well I likewise couldn’t care less about pug attitude or how raids are so hostile towards newcomers or otherwise. A guy joins who doesn’t speak English, says he’s Thai. No one can speak thai, so they kick him. Do u see how that’d a completely different scenario? Yet it sheds no light on anything.
4. I have never tried to force anything. People have said they will block me after reading this and I have not forced them to do otherwise. I am simply appealing to their conscience
5. It’s not my fault u are prejudiced against me, for me voicing something I believe strongly in. ‘I have a dream too’ u know.
6. Who is making wildly untrue accusations now? Aha
He never called you a pathological liar just a liar which you have proven on multiple occasions to be true as per your own words that you Lie about LI, also you have stated you lie about having experience on raid bosses you have never attempted before.
Your false accusations are saying people that kick/block you are doing it based upon race, where you have not provided any proof to support these accusations and the burden of proof is on you. It is more likely they block/kick you because 1. They have grouped with you. 2. There friends have grouped with you and saw your attitude and to stop a potential headache they block you. 3. They know you lie from all your posts on the forums stating as such. 4. Because how you act in game and in Forums.
You have tried forcing yourself on people by spamming squad joins to get into their groups when they log in as you have stated earlier in this post, by lying about LI and Experience you are trying to force them to let you in when you don’t meet their requirements.
And you are still making the wild accusations.
Think I’m gonna block you too for authoring this moronic thread.
Add 1 more raid group to the list of groups you’ll never be allowed in.
Is this NA or EU?
Is this NA or EU?
Would like to know the answer too.
He is on NA server
He is on NA server