Possible solution for dungeon difficulty

Possible solution for dungeon difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blitz.5367


While in the forums and playing the game I’ve been hearing a ton about how dungeons are to hard one minute then others say they are just fine, so I propose a tiered system of difficulty for dungeons. Similar to WoW with heroic and non-heroic versions of the dungeons, these would be labeled as such: Explorer Mode and Explorer Mode (Veteran).

Explorer Mode (Veteran) – Upon first completing a route for the day a player would receive 60 tokens. Throughout the instance players upon killing an enemy boss or mob would receive a stack of Veteran’s Cunning up to 25 stacks. Veteran’s Cunning would provide the player with 1% Magic Find, 1% Extra gold from monsters and a .05% chance to find a rare or exotic item (Full 25 stacks would provide 25%MF, 25%EGfM and 5% chance to find a rare or exotic item). (Time to complete a path 75 – 105 minutes)

Explorer Mode (Regular) – Upon first completing a route for the day a player would receive 30 tokens. All monsters and bosses would have reduced vitality, toughness and power. (Time to complete 45 – 60 minutes)

The idea here is that regular EM would allow PuGs to still exist for dungeons and still be able to complete those dungeons just on a much easier setting and for reduced rewards. While an experienced and coordinated group could go for the Veteran EM and get the benefit of double the dungeon tokens and the Veteran’s Cunning stacks. The Veteran’s Cunning would also be added incentive for people to continue to play the dungeon even if the tokens are not needed anymore. An easier setting would also allow others to learn the dungeon routes before attempting to continue them on the much more difficult setting of Veteran.

I would love to hear feedback for this idea and thanks for reading!

Possible solution for dungeon difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: gibson.2549


so you basically want story mode to had out dungeon tokens

Possible solution for dungeon difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Garrix.7036


people still need to be weaned off the wow attitude, which rewards you even if you fail. you don’t ‘deserve’ anything. work towards your rewards, get them when you succeed, find out why you failed, etc.

hopefully the screaming about getting ‘easy mode’ style dungeons that still reward tokens dies out.

Possible solution for dungeon difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Victim.3016


Just learn to play your class. Problem solvedkitten play and improve, if you can figure out a build that works for you then google one. So much whine on these forums. The answer to almost all of it is YOU SUCK, LEARN TO PLAY.

Possible solution for dungeon difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shados.1306


People are already starting to be able to sleep through dungeons on explorable even with pugs, the same people who were complaining about how insane they were not long ago.

Its a matter of time, between strategies ending up on popular websites and people getting used to it before even the hardest path becomes just as easy as most other MMOs out there. Especially after they fix the couple of bugs that make a few encounters harder than they need to be.