Possible solution for dungeon difficulty
so you basically want story mode to had out dungeon tokens
people still need to be weaned off the wow attitude, which rewards you even if you fail. you don’t ‘deserve’ anything. work towards your rewards, get them when you succeed, find out why you failed, etc.
hopefully the screaming about getting ‘easy mode’ style dungeons that still reward tokens dies out.
Just learn to play your class. Problem solvedkitten play and improve, if you can figure out a build that works for you then google one. So much whine on these forums. The answer to almost all of it is YOU SUCK, LEARN TO PLAY.
People are already starting to be able to sleep through dungeons on explorable even with pugs, the same people who were complaining about how insane they were not long ago.
Its a matter of time, between strategies ending up on popular websites and people getting used to it before even the hardest path becomes just as easy as most other MMOs out there. Especially after they fix the couple of bugs that make a few encounters harder than they need to be.