Post Your "I play how I want!" Stories.
Good idea. While you’re waiting I recommend reading the player fails thread. That’s full of them!
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
lol, this subforum… i think it’s time for some new content.
We did a prot-bot guard + full tank warrior arah p2 once no skips included. Never wiped, but took about 8x as long as usual (2h compared to 15 minutes :P).
You will see my epic one in a new thread soon…. please no spoilers
Bearbow Lupi Solo
(edited by obal.3218)
You will see my epic one in a new thread soon…. please no spoilers
I was checking dungeon forum after I dragged myself to work this morning. And I also check the class sub-forum to see anything there. I can’t hold any secret any longer.
Ed: They moved it to here..
The bearbow ranger.
(edited by SkyChef.5432)
I play an elementalist and I don’t have any zerker gear and there nothing you can do about it! Mwhahaha
I play how I want and you have to deal with it.
The End~
I’m having a hard time convincing some friends to drop AH on Guard.
I don’t want to be a nag so I try not to bring it up often but sometimes they say that they’ll retrait next time.
Or there was this one time where he complained how squishy he has been after retraiting.
This was on CoF path 2, spawning mob room. T\he reason why it’s difficult for him, and in effect, for the rest of us was because he was scepter-ing mobs and not having a stun break.
I have a guildie who main guardian and he is a pretty good player on PvP and PvE, the problem is he uses the same PvP build on PvE (meditations). He never slot things like consecrations, shouts or wathever even if he knows when they can be useful, he says “I won’t use stuff to save bads, i don’t care”. I allways tell him he is probably one of the worst guardians in the world, his build literally sucks and he would be better just rolling a thief but it doesn’t help. He plays how he want.
I have a guildie who main guardian and he is a pretty good player on PvP and PvE, the problem is he uses the same PvP build on PvE (meditations). He never slot things like consecrations, shouts or wathever even if he knows when they can be useful, he says “I won’t use stuff to save bads, i don’t care”. I allways tell him he is probably one of the worst guardians in the world, his build literally sucks and he would be better just rolling a thief but it doesn’t help. He plays how he want.
Usea to play with a mesmer that had the exact same approach. Good in PvP but refuses to use anything decent in PvE and then proceeds to complain how mesmers are meh in dungeons and fractals…
I play with zerk armor and soldier trinkets because if I didn’t I wouldn’t be able to stay alive cause I’m a bad still on training wheels.
disclaimer don’t report me! I’m talking crap about myself and not you.
I once used my WvW healing power ranger build in CoE for giggles.
Was funny to just shoot the husk in p2 ignoring its retalliation.
Oh and facetanking alpha, yeah.
1: I farm TA Aether twice per day (getting famous about this one).
2: I use a warrior and i will never be a zerker because i love the longbow condition damage.
Aens / Ellantriel / Nao To Mori / Saelyth. Commander
Guias de Raids en español / Spanish raiding guides
To the team I was with, no offense intended. You were all great casuals. Used Toxic Sharpening Stones/Potent Sharp Stones with funny builds, at least we tried.
I’m an ele and if it gets rough in Arah, I drop whatever weapons to use my trusty staff! :-s
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
I still run AH with my guardian. Come at me bro.
1: I farm TA Aether twice per day (getting famous about this one).
2: I use a warrior and i will never be a zerker because i love the longbow condition damage.
Whats your drop rate on the weapon skins in TA Aether?
hard enough to make them cry, not just rivers but oceans."
Whats your drop rate on the weapon skins in TA Aether?
I’ve ran TA Aether quite a bit also and I haven’t seen the “… of dreams” weapons drop since the path was a fresh release. There’s also very few items on the TP, some entries say “0”. I would guess these don’t drop anymore or the drop rate is microscopically small.
I still run AH with my guardian. Come at me bro.
1: I farm TA Aether twice per day (getting famous about this one).
2: I use a warrior and i will never be a zerker because i love the longbow condition damage.Whats your drop rate on the weapon skins in TA Aether?
1 Exotic axe with specific skin of 1 enemy in the dungeon in last 30 runs (not “of dreams, though”). Yeah, the rate is pretty low…
Aens / Ellantriel / Nao To Mori / Saelyth. Commander
Guias de Raids en español / Spanish raiding guides
Back in my noob days I was a full cleric’s regenerating banners warrior with Mace/Shield and Axe/Warhorn totally tanking like a boss and keeping the group alive with the 230 health per second regeneration
I used to be a shout heal warrior when I first played the game. Now, once in a while, I still hit FGJ while skipping through conditioning mobs.
I used to be a shout heal warrior when I first played the game. Now, once in a while, I still hit FGJ while skipping through conditioning mobs.
lol, im an elementalist and ill use my water element whenever i feel like it.
On my first dungeon i was running with my conditionmancer pvp build using lich form. Actually people were so nice and no one was complaing so i was using this build everywere until i joined the game with some kitten elitists who destroyed my psyche. :/
(edited by pestilence.5279)
Wrote an lfg a couple hours ago asking for lupi melee’ers who know what they’re doing – lupi constantly gets 5/6 grubs and a guy insists that we should range. I tell him if he wants to range he should leave about eight times then he finally gets the hint and I start slowly kicking the bads when I see who is getting grubbed.
Like, I literally repeatedly told the guy to leave but he ignored it.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
I main Necromancer
My friend plays Charr Ele and never puts his shirt on because “Real Charr needs no shirt.”
I don’t always post in LFG, but when I do, I make sure I say “No tittyboys” to make sure the super sensitive carebear hugbox squad of whiteknight BHBs don’t even consider looking at my group.
I play how I want.
I bet I get infracted for this, too.
Mods infract how they want.
My friend plays Charr Ele and never puts his shirt on because “Real Charr needs no shirt.”
Now that’s playing how you want LOL!
I played how I wanted………and got kicked off the team.
I played how I wanted………and got kicked off the team.
You probably joined a group full of people that didn’t want to carry you.
i play how i want, and generally do the carrying.
It so nice when ppl kick grubbed mans on lupi But there is mysterious story about it. Lupi targeting players 2 times, first when he put hand in his mouth, when all must dodge to avoid grubs, then if target dont dodge, he can spawn grub on other player, even if he dodge befor
There is much more mysterious storys like, dont stak on risens if u dont have mesmer or guard, burn tar boss or he will spawn tonn’s of grubs and etc and etc. Sometimes ppl even surprised on Alphard, when they instantwipe after mesmer death, coz they dont understand he reflect all boss pull all fight while was live. But Real pro dont know it, they just kick “Bads” or leave
I main Necromancer
I main minion-master Necromancer
it has become second nature to me to apologise for the minion’s behaviours just before running dungeons (especially that pesky flesh golem…)
but I do believe most of the minion hate is fairly unfounded
sure they can pull things you don’t want pulled – but i’m more than used to that happening
my proudest moments include where Flesh Golem decided to solo Subject Alpha (CoE) knocking down a quarter of his health
and when the minion-group decided to effectively ‘break’ Alphard, Serpent of the Waves (Arah) – not exactly sure what happened, as I’m unfamiliar with the dungeon,
but thereafter the minions were actually requested for by that group of friends
I main Necromancer
I main minion-master Necromancer
it has become second nature to me to apologise for the minion’s behaviours just before running dungeons (especially that pesky flesh golem…)
but I do believe most of the minion hate is fairly unfounded
sure they can pull things you don’t want pulled – but i’m more than used to that happeningmy proudest moments include where Flesh Golem decided to solo Subject Alpha (CoE) knocking down a quarter of his health
and when the minion-group decided to effectively ‘break’ Alphard, Serpent of the Waves (Arah) – not exactly sure what happened, as I’m unfamiliar with the dungeon,
but thereafter the minions were actually requested for by that group of friends
minion master is perfectly doable in dungeons and even recommandable over any other necromancer spec as they both deal fine damage and take hits for the party. if your about to do an important task wich involve not agroing anything just dismiss all minion and resummon its what a true minion master do (ran Arah as minion master a thousand time lupicus included and i didnt pop any worm! better yet lupi more then often went after the minions and left the players alone)
people dont judge me for what i play and i never get a negative comment on my builds because they always are well tought and effective. If something dont work i correct it the moment i see it or find a more effective way to run it.
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
Ignorance is bliss. You know your minions heal lupi in phase 3?
Ignorance is bliss. You know your minions heal lupi in phase 3?
I also heal Lupi in the third phase because I rarely pay attention. But that’s how I wanna play. Haha.
thats why you run destructible minions? like bone, wurm, and blood fiend. If lupi is gunna do his drain nova you just gota explode them on his face.
Are you this scared of part when 3 wich is uber easy when part 2 is actualy the real problem? As you said yourself ignorance is bliss and a good minion master will always prepare in advance for any circonstance, When im in a fight minion wont just be unable to manage i reconvert to well spec.
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
(edited by kyubi.3620)
Yeah im scared.
Part 3 is actualy the reason we all rush lupicus health bar trought part 2 lol because hes a just a huge barney the pink dino at part 3 and wouldnt kill anything ever if he wanted to (well if you actualy run a 2h sword or axe warrior on lupicus its all your fault anyway if you fail at the easyest part of the fight) stay at a fair range from him and youl be fine
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
Im quite comfortable in melee with all classes. But thanks for the advice.
Its not that i got something against melee i have greatsword guardian and 2h sword warrior, however on a fight like that one i wont bother getting my sword out ill just take my rifle or my scepter and bombard it, a small loss in dps isnt worth risking the fight over an easy joke like part 3 wich shouldnt even actualy endanger you, if anything ill deal him more dps while not having to constantly dodge out or run away from him then the other guy having to constantly retreat in and out to resplenish health bar or worse yet that is constantly getting downed because he cant time his dodge right. bringing in a rifle is never to secure when it comes to lupicus.
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
shaman fight
we have a thief in group
asked him to use dagger storm on worms
he uses basilik venom during fight
told him he should probably use dagger storm next time
he: " i have my own playstyle"
[Teef] guild :>
greatsword guardian and 2h sword warrior
Greatsword = 2h sword
however on a fight like that one i wont bother getting my sword out ill just take my rifle or my scepter and bombard it, a small loss in dps
Define ‘small’
if anything ill deal him more dps while not having to constantly dodge out or run away from him then the other guy having to constantly retreat in and out
I was wondering why all the speedruns are ranged. Good point.
Part 3 is actualy the reason we all rush lupicus health bar trought part 2 lol because hes a just a huge barney the pink dino at part 3 and wouldnt kill anything ever if he wanted to (well if you actualy run a 2h sword or axe warrior on lupicus its all your fault anyway if you fail at the easyest part of the fight) stay at a fair range from him and youl be fine
The funny part is that you are giving someone from rT advise on how to do Lupicus, even though the whole guild consists of people who can solo him in melee on various classes. Needless to say, they could do it at a speed which will make a pug team look like a wet noodle trying to range him. Honestly though do you actually believe in what you are saying or am I just feeding a troll?
Part 3 is actualy the reason we all rush lupicus health bar trought part 2 lol because hes a just a huge barney the pink dino at part 3 and wouldnt kill anything ever if he wanted to (well if you actualy run a 2h sword or axe warrior on lupicus its all your fault anyway if you fail at the easyest part of the fight) stay at a fair range from him and youl be fine
The funny part is that you are giving someone from rT advise on how to do Lupicus, even though the whole guild consists of people who can solo him in melee on various classes and at a speed which could make an a pug team look like a wet noodle trying to range him. Honestly though do you actually believe in what you are saying or am I just feeding a troll?
I don’t think they are a troll. They seem new to the forum and unaware of rT and such…. I’m not sure they really know what they’re saying is… Well…. Debatable?
Haven’t been to Arah yet, but I’ve run MM on my Necro with no problems in all dungeons and Fractals so far. There’s some situations where you will want to keep your number of minions low (like at Jade Maw, although this is a mixed bag as having more minions out means your party also has more time to gather crystals safely), but on the whole MM is perfectly viable for dungeons/Fractals.
Minions make the boss of the Thaumanova fractal hilariously easy, given that pets/minions/summons can’t fall through the floor, and the boss spends all his time glaring sternly at my poor minions. :P
Running dungeons naked is perfectly viable, as shown by a few videos made in the past.
Do you run dungeons naked?