Alright, so players all want to find the best way to make money. This isn’t going to be like the normal gold farming guides. How about instead of talking about ways to make gold, we talk about how to not make gold?
Well, let’s start out by stating if you want gold at the moment avoid dungeons like Citadel of Flames (CoF) and Twilight Arbor (TA). I would also suggest staying away from Caudecus’s Manor (CM).
Due to high repair costs of dying, the difficulty of dungeons, and the diminished returns anti-farming dungeoning is no longer profitable with the exception of lodestones. The best being the charged lodestones (which drop in Crucible of Eternity/sparks) go for about 1 gold. The sparks method may payout for the player if they’re lucky but as soon as the anti-farm code kicks in plan on porting to a different region or wandering around in WvW for awhile.
Quite a few players are still in denial that Guild Wars 2 is not about farming the same dungeon to get the gear the player wants. Instead, players must play through a variety of dungeons to get optimal rewards and waste countless hours on the optimal rewards that they don’t need or even want. Making the optimal rewards not so optimal.
When looking for a dungeon group be prepared to wait for 30+ minutes infront of certain dungeons due to no cross server group finding mechanism. Also, be aware very few players have the skill or brain power to complete various dungeons with any degree of finesse or ease. Make sure to develop a solid core group of players to do dungeons with to share all the wonderful aches and pains of dungeoning with some friends. However, when those friends aren’t on be prepared for the true grit of PUG groups or possibly go back to WvW and run in circles until said friends get on.
Try to bring an extra 10-20 silver into the dungeon for repair costs. If this is the players 3rd time running the dungeon, expect to break even or come out with about 5-6 silver less than when starting, especially with PUG groups. This may not be true for every path on every dungeon. However, due to logic enhanced dungeon mechanics, some dungeons are easier to complete by “chain dying” and running around in circles.
Let’s now touch briefly on another quick way to make money. All those Orichalcum veins, Ancient Wood Log trees, and Raspberry bushes players are meandering by are worth a lot of money! about 15silvers worth in the low saturated zones and 65+silver in the high saturated zones! Who needs dungeons when one can run around a map hacking at a vein (with no skill involved!) and reliably make more money than a dungeon farmer who requires coordination and knowledge of the dungeon mechanics.
Finally, come to an understanding that other players are smarter and know better ways to make gold. For example, standing infront of the trading post and running back and forth between work stations can generate 3+ gold an hour. That’s right world, who needs to play the dungeon game that gives 30 silver an hour if the player is lucky when they can laugh and skip back and forth in Rata Sum and make more than the dungeoners. Who needs to go out to find an area they like farming when the anti-farm code will stop the player in their tracks and the Trade Posters will still be laughing.
Thank you for reading. This guide was developed to help improve overall player experience while dungeoning.