Put ranks on dungeons for better rewards=]

Put ranks on dungeons for better rewards=]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nirvash.3018


So basically you get sub objectives in the dungeons that you could complete if you want to or not but it will not affect your regular reward in any way. One objective would be like don’t die X amount of times and you will achieve a rank of A and say you would get like 5 tokens more as your final reward.

Things like the bomb dis fuse event in CoF(magg) complete the event in less than X seconds. Or boss fights where you have to complete it within a certain time limit. This would encourage coordination especially in the CoF(boss). Small things like that could increase the reward you net. The extra reward should be small as well nothing that will break anything in terms of doing a regular run and ranked run.

Rewards like maybe if you complete every sub objective you get a rank S and if you get a rank S X amount of times you can unlock a new title? IDK something for people to strive for because there are pretty good parties out there and also since everyone is complaining that doing dungeons aren’t rewarding enuf.

Put ranks on dungeons for better rewards=]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jam.4521


I think this is a very good idea.

They had a vaguely similar system in guild wars 1 with the instanced missions where you have bonus objectives which generally increase the difficulty of the mission but you get an extra reward and XP for and are needed for completion titles.

Things like completing the mission in under 20 minutes, or taking down an extra boss, or making sure x villagers are saved.

A similar system in GW2 would make the dungeons way more interesting , on top of the variations they already have.


Put ranks on dungeons for better rewards=]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nirvash.3018


Thanks! Never played Gw1 though, just thought of it when I played this acrade game where I got a rank and I was like why can’t guild wars 2 dungeons be like dat lol