Que for raids
WoW does this. It does not solve the problem you think it solves. The limits you request do not solve the group matching problems you think they solve. Sorry.
Part of raiding is the social aspect.
Go be social, form close bonds with people. The tool removes this and ultimately ends up hurting raids in the long run as everyone jumps around more than a flea on a dog when things have the slightest inclination of going wrong, instead of them working together to overcome.
@Everyone: You can’t really use the LFR experience for WoW as example (either good or bad), because raiding here is another story entirely; to begin with, what the OP is proposing is nothing like LFR there, because LFR is severely downgraded as far I know. There are even cases of many mechanics being removed, to the point guild raiding is the “normal” mode whilst LFR is a mere “introduction”. This is akin to the easy vs hard mode thread and this is NOT what this one is about. This one is about setting up queues so that groups of like-minded players get filled faster, instead of waiting for that one guy to take the lead and come up with a LFG invite.
@OP: This is not a bad idea, really. As you said, it would not hurt raiding for whoever has a static team by now; they can keep doing their reset schedules the same way they used to, and I’m pretty sure people will still look at LFG from time to time to fill eventual spots. In fact, this should only do good, because I’m pretty sure that starting a group is what keeps most wannabe raiders from actually being engaged. By wannabe raiders I mean people that have the right mindset and the right builds, yet for some reason (which we can judge but cannot condemn) do not start up their own group or decide not to join other, single players who are up there in LFG (they want a more or less formed team and not start from scratch with just one more wannabe raider).
Queueing solves things for PvP. Imagine if all you could do was set up your own arenas and make up your own teams (by inviting others) in order to actually start a match. It would probably be more of a desolation than it is now, because all people want is to get into the fray right away. The same happens to wannabe raiders, they got ready and just want to go into the thing test out their skills. Having to wait more than an hour to find that last PuG due to guildies leaving, or spending 2 hours trying to micromanage a full PuG into becoming an actual team, before even starting a fight, is very disheartening. Within a queue system, if you find fail teams for 2 hours straight, which by the way is unlikely (Fractals are so fast and free from gear check, that it actually showcases how a queue would work), well at least you were playing the game instead of waiting the game.
EDIT: to complement on the social aspect matter (how we would all become cold kittens and not interact within a queue system): WoW accomplishes nullification of the social aspect by downgrading mechanics so much that you don’t need any teamwork or synching to succeed at Raids. The queue OP proposes as I understand it, would keep raids untouched and as they are right now, there can be no success without working together. This queue is not like the one in WoW, it is meant only and only to put people together faster. They will still have to talk to each other and to decide what builds to use and whatnot. In ranked PvP sucessful players still interact with each other in spite of being a solo/duo queue, and I see no difference here (except that the interactions are going to be even stronger for raids). It is all about getting together with a group of adventurers for, well, adventure. The only difference is that you meet people in battle instead of in town while looking for a guild or talking stuff in TS/discord.
(edited by maxwelgm.4315)
oh. didn’t get the msg at first. :P
que for raids will be disaster imo
atm it works fine for me.. I don’t have a static team to play with so I pug my raids everyweek. it works fine and since after the patch, the LFG has been filled up fairly well and a lot of people are making teams and this is a positive sign.
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU
@Everyone: You can’t really use the LFR experience for WoW as example (either good or bad), because raiding here is another story entirely; to begin with, what the OP is proposing is nothing like LFR there, because LFR is severely downgraded as far I know. There are even cases of many mechanics being removed, to the point guild raiding is the “normal” mode whilst LFR is a mere “introduction”. This is akin to the easy vs hard mode thread and this is NOT what this one is about. This one is about setting up queues so that groups of like-minded players get filled faster, instead of waiting for that one guy to take the lead and come up with a LFG invite.
You absolutely can, especially because the difficulty and rewards of LFR changed over time to try and accommodate and satisfy the players, and the social aspects around it.
I assure you that this is not just “right now” LFR that people compare, but rather the full history, which tried various things, and eventually settled out to the milder, low challenge, low reward structure that is currently is play.
Its not clear to me what your requesting. Can someone explain? I never played wow.
@Everyone: You can’t really use the LFR experience for WoW as example (either good or bad), because raiding here is another story entirely; to begin with, what the OP is proposing is nothing like LFR there, because LFR is severely downgraded as far I know. There are even cases of many mechanics being removed, to the point guild raiding is the “normal” mode whilst LFR is a mere “introduction”. This is akin to the easy vs hard mode thread and this is NOT what this one is about. This one is about setting up queues so that groups of like-minded players get filled faster, instead of waiting for that one guy to take the lead and come up with a LFG invite.
You absolutely can, especially because the difficulty and rewards of LFR changed over time to try and accommodate and satisfy the players, and the social aspects around it.
I assure you that this is not just “right now” LFR that people compare, but rather the full history, which tried various things, and eventually settled out to the milder, low challenge, low reward structure that is currently is play.
While I do acknowledge the LFR back on that other game changed to accomodate users, I still can’t see how the raids themselves are even close to being similar to their iteration here, aside from also being called as raids. Raids there had to change because Blizzard for some reason decided it was all about raids anyway, so everyone had to get into raids (the main story even plays out inside raids).
Anet has no compromise to make here. If they come up with a queue the hard mode vs easy mode folks will still complain. Anyone else who simply wants to hop into the game and start their raiding schedule will join up and attempt to do the bosses as they would normally, and that’s the group who should be adressed. Because raids are neither tied to the main Elder Dragon plotline nor required to obtain specific stats/gear quality not obtainable elsewhere, a queue does not have to be downgraded in order to be populated.
It just seems to me that, whenever I pop up LFG, I see many individual players looking for certain bosses with their LI/classes data posted. And more often than not, players are looking to do the same bosses and their LFG is up at the same time, yet they apparently do not meet up and become a 2-man squad to further look for more players. I am not claiming LFG is empty, as a queue would not fix this at all. Quite on the contrary, I’m claiming a queue would be a boost of sorts for the current LFG tool (a very primitive one anyway if you think about it) , which already has plenty of players like me starting their own groups .
And finally, it is not of any relevance that Raids on WoW work this or that way because of the difference in focus mentioned above. Blizzard tries to sell WoW as a raiding game, Anet absolutely does not seem to be selling GW2 as any of the kind. Whatever they did there, be it difficulty tiers or downgraded queues, is not applicable here, because Anet can have this content remain the “Elite zones” like they had back in GW1 with no harm done to the main line of content, whereas for WoW, the raiding population actually dictates the do’s and do-not’s of the developer team.
If you want a queue, then gear inspection must be in the game.