Question about the new dungeon change...
No, you only get 20 tokens even on other characters. Terrible change, I hate it.
So if I do CoF Path 1 and then do CoF path 2, I’ll still only get 20 tokens?
So if I do CoF Path 1 and then do CoF path 2, I’ll still only get 20 tokens?
Those are different paths, so no.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
Well, one more thing to either craft or buy off the TP. Not going to wait days to get a kitten armor set.
New bunker meta sux
Was this really a change people demanded? The dungeons didn’t give enough tokens as it was. You’d need to run a dungeon 3 times at least for the cheapest piece of exotic equipment. (180 tokens) Do the Bags of Wondrous Goods give more tokens at least?
Sigh..At least now I don’t have to wonder which alts I used. I didn’t mind the new gold rewards being once a day/path, but that’s because there are other ways to make coin. The tokens can only be gotten through these dungeons, and unless the dungeon gear costs got cheaper, this seems like a cheap way to make it take longer.
While a lot of the changes for this new patch are quite good, this one’s quite a downer for me.
One of the few benefits of investing time and money in alts just vanished.
I ran CoF 1 for the first time today since the patch and got 60 tokens. I ran it again on an alt cuzz I was curious and was only awarded 10 tokens and not 20 like people are saying. Hopefully this is just a bug.