Question to all dungeon lovers.

Question to all dungeon lovers.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: tyu.9470


I just wonder if the player-base would like something such as:

Hard mode fractals (like..really hard.) – pay gold (or gem) to enter – if you die you get kicked out – increased drop on gold/items. kind of thing it also could have some time limits and such things. (Max time 15 minutes every fractal clean up adds 10 more so you will be out eventually etc.)

I ask because there was a similar kind of farm in gw1 and to be honest it’s a nice addition to farming if you are not into braindead event/easy dungeon farms.

It is just an idea.. could be a bad one..or good one i just wonder what you guys think about it? Personally i wish i could make a good party and farm something like this instead of all the easy as hell farms.

TL;DR: Time = Gold farms are okey but would you like a High Skill (group-wise) = Gold kind of farm as well?

Question to all dungeon lovers.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Strifey.7215


Not for fractals since there’s already a difficulty mechanic with fractal levels and better drops at higher levels, but it would be cool for normal named dungeons.

Guard/War/Mesmer and Dungeon Guides:

Question to all dungeon lovers.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


I just want a challenge instead of a damage sponge. Maybe something like you said but with regular dungeons.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Question to all dungeon lovers.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: tyu.9470


Indeed it can be other dungeons or a new one why i gave fractal example was because i like the idea of fractal.. there could be only fractals in this game and 100+ options in it and it’d be satisficating plus it already has a level option when you enter etc.

I just feel gw2 needs something like this. I dont mind regular farm but come on nobody LIKES to farm something that requires so lil effort over and over. With challenge it’d be more interesting to farm..maybe i’d stop alt tabbing =_=

Question to all dungeon lovers.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: pilot.8460


I am all for this idea but only after every single run-through-the-wall, stand-on-the-thing, hide-in-this-corner, etc. glitch is shut down. Many instances where any increase of difficulty would be pretty much moot until these things are fixed.

Question to all dungeon lovers.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


the problem with the dungeons we have atm is that we have out geared them. do you guys remember when the forums was filled with threads like “nerf AC, it’s imb4”. yeah. if a post like that was made today we would just laugh at it at call the OP noob and l2p. that’s because back then we had like master crafted gear and a few rare and maybe 1 exotic. now 50% of the active players have at least 70% lvl 80 exotic gear and there is a ton of viable builds that people can only copy paste and do well with.

therefor i think that a hardmode would be very good for the game. because that would split the player base in 2 parts those who want to play the dungeon with a alt. and it would be pretty challenging because you have the amount of gear that the dungeon was built and balanced around. and the second part where people have somewhat optimal builds and high end gear. not necessary all BIS gear but a descent 50%exotic would be where this hardmode would be balanced around.


Question to all dungeon lovers.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kumakichi.2583


the problem with the dungeons we have atm is that we have out geared them. do you guys remember when the forums was filled with threads like “nerf AC, it’s imb4”. yeah. if a post like that was made today we would just laugh at it at call the OP noob and l2p. that’s because back then we had like master crafted gear and a few rare and maybe 1 exotic. now 50% of the active players have at least 70% lvl 80 exotic gear and there is a ton of viable builds that people can only copy paste and do well with.

I agree with this. Way back when I remember being in groups that couldn’t finish CoF p1 or p2. And now CoF is on farm mode.

After doing a lot of dungeons a rediculous amount I really dont want a hard mode. I’d rather do new content OR revamped old content. Like if they took TA and redid some of it and put in new bosses.

Question to all dungeon lovers.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.7568


no cd stuff. rest i am all in for

Question to all dungeon lovers.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Isslair.4908


Only if it will be based on skill, not on dps races and gear-checks.

Cause else it’ll be “zerker warrior elitists!1” all over forums again.

EU Aurora Glade

Question to all dungeon lovers.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


Only if it will be based on skill, not on dps races and gear-checks.

Cause else it’ll be “zerker warrior elitists!1” all over forums again.

the only reason we have the zerker warrior elitist is because the dungeon are to easy. if you go to a harder dungeon. say fotm, then going with a 5 zerker group with pugs is suicide.

Question to all dungeon lovers.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Isslair.4908


the only reason we have the zerker warrior elitist is because the dungeon are to easy. if you go to a harder dungeon. say fotm, then going with a 5 zerker group with pugs is suicide.

With heal on crit food they’ll be fine.

You can change it to “knights guardians” or “cleric necros” or whatever. If it’ll include some dps race mechanics it will become a closed club for selected professions with “viable” builds really fast.

And since anet is fond of doing damage sponges with one-shot skills, you can see how it’ll turn out.

EU Aurora Glade

Question to all dungeon lovers.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DancingPenguins.9875


the only reason we have the zerker warrior elitist is because the dungeon are to easy. if you go to a harder dungeon. say fotm, then going with a 5 zerker group with pugs is suicide.

With heal on crit food they’ll be fine.

You can change it to “knights guardians” or “cleric necros” or whatever. If it’ll include some dps race mechanics it will become a closed club for selected professions with “viable” builds really fast.

And since anet is fond of doing damage sponges with one-shot skills, you can see how it’ll turn out.

If they can heal for 10k+ a second, they will be fine.

Question to all dungeon lovers.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: tyu.9470


Also possible that there can be ‘solo’ instances of the current ones..with same mentality. Dungeon is balanced to solo playing (still mobs/bosses do more dps than ‘normal solo’ stuff) and it gives increased loot.. you fail you get kicked – you can’t finish it in a good time? Well it is not effective then!

I mean it can be anythin along these lines, it is just to have a better alternative than what we currently have.

Best farm methods are TOO easy.