Raid Matthias CC Sacrifice
shield 5 works very well
personally I run pistol instead of focus on matthias so pistol 5 is great for it, sword 4 double tap or focus 4 double tap will also do well
gravity well or signet of humility
I assume you are playing with sword / sword + sword / shield. Sword offhand #4 is a 1 second daze (100 CC damage). sword 3 double cast is a immobilize which does in total 100 CC damage aswell. Then you have your shatter skill which does 100 CC damage per hit. Try to be close to the target as you are being shattered aswell. clones / phantasms will move to the their target and will daze there. So if they are targeting matthias it is not guarranteed that you will deal alot of CC damage.
This in total is like 300 – 700 CC damage (the breakbar at matthias requires 2500 CC damage in total if I remember correctly). At matthias i personally take the Moa signet for emergency moments for an extra 1000 CC damage.
As for the shield #5, I am not sure if it does deal CC damage at matthias, but if you have it available it is probably where all the people are pretty much stacked together. so it wouldn’t be a bad moment to do your rotation. Be sure that the CC will succeed though.
Tides of Time and Deep Freeze (Icebow 5) do not damage the defiance on that boss. If you don’t need Continuum Shift for your rotation, you can just CS your Signet of Humility.
Use Moa if rdy. Communicate it with your group because it does 1000 Breakbar dmg and other people might not want to waste theirs.
You can take confounding suggestions which turn your daze into stun make the duration longer.
This will make your sword 4 and F3 do more breakbar damage.
As a mesmer you should be the last one to worry about breaking that cc bar on Matthias, during the sacrifice phase, but you can help out with Gravity Well (decent CC and low cd), or as last resort if your squad CC is really very low, you can shatter skill 3, but that will hurt your alacrity, since it will destroy your phantasms. The two PS are and always will be the main source of strong CC. If your squad struggles with the cc, look at your warriors.