Ok as we all know getting into raid’s has become a problem. And it keeps getting worse as each new wing pushes some people even further behind from others. Which is why a lot of people still don’t even have the mastery unlocked.
And almost no one will take a newcomer along except for their guild. So I see 2 solutions:
1) Simply give us the ability to form an allegiance among guilds just like in GW1.
How is this a solution? Well a single guild cannot exactly do all the raiding all their members may want to do. Unless the guild is all raid focused. But does that mean everyone who wants to do raids is now suppose to go join a guild like that?
Like ok we can join more than one guld but we can only represent one at a time so the other might not be happy about it. So if we have an allegiance we can split guild focus.
One guild can be focused on PvP, another on Fractals, Raids, WvW etc.
It will be much more easy to form a raid team that way. While it’s obvious a guild will primarily take their own members they will no longer have to rely on pugs.
I remember it was that way in GW1 – guild member>ally>pug.
So yes pugs were still taken but only as last resort. But how does that help pugs? Well obviously they have their own guild which can form it’s own allegiance which will help them finding a team.
2) Ok so the whole problem with pugs is the fact they tend to not know the boss mechanics. So no one wants a pug really because then the raid will take a lot longer as even 1 inexperienced player may ruin it. But how can they learn the mechanics if no one wants to take them? It’s really a closed circle here. And don’t get me started on youtube video’s because honestly watching how it’s done is not the same as actually doing it. It’s because you still won’t understand the “what if’s”. Like what if I don’t go there? Or what if I don’t dodge that? Really this is just like when the Swamp Fractal was changed. First month there was a lot of fails but now it never fails because almost everyone knows what to do.
So I propose something called “Raid Training Mode”. Think of it as a Raid version of SAB’s Infentile Mode. It would be a raid instance where the boss battles are greatly scaled down where even 1 player can defeat every boss.
However certain mechanics should remain as deadly as ever as the whole purpose is to learn what we need to avoid, dodge or prevent. So for example Vale Guardians blue lightning attack would still instantly kill the player if they are not in the circle. Or things like the orbs that appear while fighting Gorseval would still reduce outgoing damage and increase incoming damage. However things like the boss’ health and damage would be greatly reduced.
But of course the problem is the parts where the team needs to split up like when Vale Guardian is at 66 and 33% of health and we need to fight the 3 guardians. Well that could simply be solved by having the timer stop counting during such parts thus one can kill each guardian in turn. Or it could be done by having all 3 die by just killing 1 thus the player would simply have to choose which to kill. And things like the blue guardians lightining attack would not effect a player that is attuned to one of the other 2 guardians. So unless he/she will choose to fight the blue one the lighting will do no harm in this part.
The training could also have a mode for a party of 5 players just like fractals and dungeons where everything is exactly as in the normal raid. However the difficulty would be scaled down to the point it would be like doing a dungeon story mode.
The training mode would have it’s own achievement’s which when fully complete would grant a title like “Raid Trainee”. So having that title would indicate that the person does know the “what if’s” and would make it more easy for them to find a team.
It probably wouldn’t solve the problem fully but at least reduce it.
Also killing a boss in training mode would unlock the Forsaken Thicket mastery too.
Because even people in training will need it to get around the area. However it would not give the mastery points awarded for the Boss kills. So one would need to get those from other HoT stuff if they want to fully master this line.
It could also be possible to complete the Legendary Armour collections in this mode.
Now this might be going too far but honestly one still won’t be able to craft their Legendary Armour without the Legendary Insight’s which would not be awarded in training mode. The training mode could grant some rewards but they would be minor.
So these are my idea’s. As a side note I will say I don’t care either way whether you like my idea’s or not. As this isn’t really my problem but a lot of people are unhappy with raid’s and their current pug group’s so I’m doing it for them really.