Raid rewards, multiple of a mini pet
Normally i’d make a stupid comment….
Then i got my 3rd mini green guardian.
100% support some change.
At the very least they could be vendorable for a few gold. But nope.
I have every confidence they’re going to do something about this. I recently reported it up to them so they’re definitely aware.
At the very least they could be vendorable for a few gold. But nope.
Yeah being able to sell them for gold, magnetite shards, or both, would be welcome
Yeah I have a couple friends in the same situation, and it’s pretty silly. Always fun when your “unique” raid boss drop is worth less than your guaranteed random rare item.
At least give it like 1g vendor price or a mystic forge recipe to turn it into a different mini or something. I understand the logic of not being able to be sold on the tp but come on, you shouldn’t be getting a “unique” raid drop where the highest value option is deleting it.
Would be nice if we can exchange it at vendor for something.
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU
Game Designer
We are planning on having a solution for this that should come out with the second raid wing. I would recommend saving any extra miniatures that you get until then.
We are planning on having a solution for this that should come out with the second raid wing. I would recommend saving any extra miniatures that you get until then
Thanks for the heads up!
We are planning on having a solution for this that should come out with the second raid wing. I would recommend saving any extra miniatures that you get until then
What if we already deleted them?
I deleted a few duplicates and I know someone in our guild who had 6x mini gorseval
We are planning on having a solution for this that should come out with the second raid wing. I would recommend saving any extra miniatures that you get until then
Thanks for the advice
We are planning on having a solution for this that should come out with the second raid wing. I would recommend saving any extra miniatures that you get until then
What if we already deleted them?
I deleted a few duplicates and I know someone in our guild who had 6x mini gorseval
I hope i can send a ticket in and get the 3 I deleted back or something…
You’re certainly free to try a customer support ticket, but I’ve been warning people ever since this was first posted that they’d do something about it.
You’re certainly free to try a customer support ticket, but I’ve been warning people ever since this was first posted that they’d do something about it.
Inventory space is always rare. Especially if it is account bound and cannot store it in guild banks or alt accounts.
You’re certainly free to try a customer support ticket, but I’ve been warning people ever since this was first posted that they’d do something about it.
Inventory space is always rare. Especially if it is account bound and cannot store it in guild banks or alt accounts.
I really hope they can also look into minis you get from black lion chests that you already have. For example the SAB minis or snow owl mini. I paid gems to get a mini, now a black lion chest gives new the same one and suddenly it’s worthless to me.
Inventory space is always rare. Especially if it is account bound and cannot store it in guild banks or alt accounts.
And if your inventory space was too valuable before to keep the minis, then nothing has changed with this announcement.
Inventory space is always rare. Especially if it is account bound and cannot store it in guild banks or alt accounts.
And if your inventory space was too valuable before to keep the minis, then nothing has changed with this announcement.
Depends on what will happen to them. Before duplicate minis were worth exactly 0 copper.
I hope any solution applies to all minis that are currently account-bound. I mean, how many mini Queen Jennahs does anyone really need?
I have had exactly the same issue with the drops from Black Lion Chests and, having mentioned it in a recent ticket, it was suggested I post the problem here.
Currently, we have reoccurring (and quite frequent) drops of the Miniature Snow Owl, Hawk and Raven. Prior to that, it was the Super Minis. Not only is it frustrating to be spending actual money to receive rewards I already have, I seem to recall I was able to purchase these minis previously by paying outright. Buyers are actually being penalised by supporting the mini purchases when they are first released when they are spammed through the chests later on.
This is at least partially why I no longer buy minis outright. It is also becoming quickly responsible for my diminished purchase of Black Lion Keys.
This is also an issue with fractal skins. Can we have some way of trading/salvaging these as well?
This is also an issue with fractal skins. Can we have some way of trading/salvaging these as well?
This. I thought prior to HoT release ANet announced that there would be a way to convert duplicate Fractal skins to other skins (not the Gold weapons). I still have several duplicates from drops that I’m unwilling to throw away in case they change this.
Originally we could at least salvage fractal skins for ectos. That was before they became transmute items. So yeah i really hope they address this soon. Im hoarding quite a few myself.