Raiding in EU Questions

Raiding in EU Questions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ShadowHunter.5173


Hey guys,
Well I’ve been planning to transfer from NA to EU, a big part of the reason I do that is the timelines are simply better for me to find static groups in.

Being a pug deep down however, makes me wonder how is the raiding community in EU?
Do you have alot of groups in LFG or is it 95% statics?

Can you recommend casual raiding guilds with statics that need +1? multiclass and exp but not looking for record breaking speed clears or w.e. ~ a name to whisper would be awesome (:


Raiding in EU Questions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Amineo.8951


Hey guys,
Well I’ve been planning to transfer from NA to EU, a big part of the reason I do that is the timelines are simply better for me to find static groups in.

Being a pug deep down however, makes me wonder how is the raiding community in EU?
Do you have alot of groups in LFG or is it 95% statics?

Can you recommend casual raiding guilds with statics that need +1? multiclass and exp but not looking for record breaking speed clears or w.e. ~ a name to whisper would be awesome (:


EU raid community is really really bad compared to NA in term of behaviour, people will ask you to link many stuff and have over the top requirements to join them (like 100+ LI spammed in chat for a wing 2-3 boss and Envoy set).

For instance, some SC people and Brazil got kicked several times and had trouble finding groups with pugs in EU aswell, that says a lot.

Raiding in EU Questions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


On the contrary, most EU groups are gentle, open-minded and not toxic at all. Be sure that you meet the requirements, listen to the commander and be a teamplayer.
Behaving like a d_ck or saying you are a “pro” which is not verifiable only by telling it will obviously result in a kick.
I had the previous poster in one of my groups, it was advertised as “exp”, he wasn’t, so he got kicked. That’s the reason why he is writing such a post because it is very safe he behaved like this several times and had to deal with the consequences every single time.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Raiding in EU Questions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Amineo.8951


On the contrary, most EU groups are gentle, open-minded and not toxic at all. Be sure that you meet the requirements, listen to the commander and be a teamplayer.
Behaving like a d_ck or saying you are a “pro” which is not verifiable only by telling it will obviously result in a kick.
I had the previous poster in one of my groups, it was advertised as “exp”, he wasn’t, so he got kicked. That’s the reason why he is writing such a post because it is very safe he behaved like this several times and had to deal with the consequences every single time.

Yeah because you need to post that in every topic I’m in right? And even if I got kicked once, what does it mean? You people should stop making fixations like that, it’s childish and provocative, nothing else.

Back to the topic, I can assure you TC that EU is not that raid friendly, unless you have guild mates on EU don’t do it, NA has a better community overall.

Raiding in EU Questions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GiftUngiven.7854


What Amineo writes isn’t really correct. Isn’t really wrong either. If i ask experienced people for my raid and a non experienced one joins, I have all the rights to be upset and kick him. On the other instance, EU people is prolly more “elitist” than NA ones (i don’t know NA communities, so i just make assumptions from Amineo’s perspective). But, i can say, based on a recent experienced, that EU has plenty of nice people.

I recently started a Raid Training guild and already got almost 30 people inside. The other day 2 experienced chronos joined our raid and helped us clear the VG. They had around 120 LI each (prolly more i dont recall), and they were ultra nice and even told me to call em again if we need help.

In the end i can conclude is that IMHO there isnt much difference from the 2 communities, but if you want a place to raid (with noobs who are learning, so it may take some time to get constant results) i have a spot for you.

Raiding in EU Questions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Amaimon.7823


No one is right and wrong here. The LFG is a trecherous land when the holy and swing like a pendulum. You best find a grou or guild in which you can make social connections. The pugs can both be very good and very bad. I rather not leave my experiences to luck, so I joined RTI, one of the largest EU raiding communities

Raiding in EU Questions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Talindra.4958


I am in EU. I do not have issue with pugging in EU. plenty of party to join during reset.

Champion Magus & Phantom, Demon’s Demise, The Archdesigner.
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU

Raiding in EU Questions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ShadowHunter.5173


Thanks for the advice guys.

I do feel like it would be the right step for me, just to rule the comparison out, NA is filled with LI requirements aswell .. 100 is a standard req for groups expecting to clear Matt/W3.
You would be surprised how pugs are measured in NA.. trust me it is more intrusive than just pinging stuff.

Either way I got what I need to get in, was just wondering if there is anything to get into, happy to hear pug groups do exist (:

I will send you a message GiftUngiven once I’m finally there ^^ always happy to help new teams form.

Raiding in EU Questions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranos.5913


Thanks for the advice guys.

I do feel like it would be the right step for me, just to rule the comparison out, NA is filled with LI requirements aswell .. 100 is a standard req for groups expecting to clear Matt/W3.
You would be surprised how pugs are measured in NA.. trust me it is more intrusive than just pinging stuff.

Either way I got what I need to get in, was just wondering if there is anything to get into, happy to hear pug groups do exist (:

I will send you a message GiftUngiven once I’m finally there ^^ always happy to help new teams form.

They’re… not asking for gw2efficiency links are they? xD

Raiding in EU Questions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ShadowHunter.5173


Worse dude.. you don’t even want to know how far people have gone. xD
With great power comes great responsibility.. some people do what they do to help others, others might kick you and put you on a blacklist if you have a bad day (that is even after your 200 LI pings but before they seen you perform).

Raiding in EU Questions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ShadowHunter.5173


Either way if you’re strictly meta and get your job done (in all aspects), you shouldn’t worry…

Raiding in EU Questions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Talindra.4958


Done all clear with pugs last night in EU .. nice ppl too no raging. Under 2.5 hours .. a few hiccups but no biggies

Champion Magus & Phantom, Demon’s Demise, The Archdesigner.
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU

Raiding in EU Questions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: gin.7158


I wish I could play at EU. EU has bigger playerbase so you have more options.

Pug is always.. pug. It’s a dice roll. Sometimes you get bad pugs, sometimes you get good pugs. For guild, just go to You can notice there are more guild recruitment at EU than NA.