Raids, ANET!

Raids, ANET!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nafets.1238


I’ll try to keep this as short and “on point” as possible. Since June 14, 2016 when Stronghold of the Faithful was released, the raiding community has not received any new releases. The raiding community is hungry for some new content. Would be nice if you could speed things up.

Here are a couple of things that the community might say, so I answer beforehand.

It’s better they take their time and to make a good release
You’re right. However it’s been 6 months. Months ago the new raid needed some tweaks for 2 of the 4 bosses.

There were a lot of new releases since then, ANet is focusing on lots of stuff
That’s nice. However those have their own target audience. The team that works on instance content (fractals, raids) is separated. Living Story, Halloween, Wintersday, PVP Season have their target audience. As Raids do. And raids haven’t received a release in a long time.It’s obvious that not the devs that work on a content decide when to push a release but hopefully some of the people that decide will find and read this.

I think they should focus on other things first, as WvW or
Very nice but this is the “Fractals, Dungeons & Raids” subforum. Mostly read by the devs that work at.. well .. fractals, dungeons?, raids. I’m sure your ideas to improve or focus on some stuff would be much better viewed in their respective subforum.

As an idea for ANet, you wanted to make a different MMO. Don’t see the releases on a single string. Now we release PvP Season 5 and Wintersday so the community got something to do for the next two months. Then we will release Chinese new year and the community will have something to do for many weeks. See them on different strings.
Now I release Living Story X, how much time till the target audience for that will get bored? I release a new raid wing, how much will that keep their target audience engaged before they lose interest? Because if you see it the first way, I haven’t got any content for 6 months. And it’s not even that time gap when you will announce the next expansion and you won’t release anything to focus on it.

(edited by Nafets.1238)

Raids, ANET!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranos.5913


Aye, I’m noticing in my guild ppl are starting to get bored with the current encounters. Lots more class swapping than usual, not being there every week to get their kills, etc. It’s been long enough now. I honestly expected the new raid before new years considering the teaser portal was added in october already.

In any case it’ll be sweet tho. It’s basically 2 wings in 1 without boring filler events so I’m looking forward to it.

Raids, ANET!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Raid releases, for better or worse, depend on the story. Just like during the release of the first Raid we got no non-Raid content at all, they can’t release the new raids until it makes sense in the story to do so. This story schedule won’t change by any amount of forum posts because it’s already set and going.

We are all depending on the narrators of the team.

Raids, ANET!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Talindra.4958


I don’t think new raid content will come before lunar new year patch coming in two weeks time (?) or so..

Champion Magus & Phantom, Demon’s Demise, The Archdesigner.
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU

Raids, ANET!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dragon Masher.5749

Dragon Masher.5749

A bit demanding arent we? Honestly though, be patient. And while your crying about slow raid releases remember how slow or abandoned other content is.

Raids, ANET!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Quasar.1756


Hello Readers.

While I am not here to rush anything with development, I do want to make some suggestions (in regards to raids) that I would appreciate feedback on.

  • Any chance of making a raid boss part of the daily count.
    (Pvp, Jumping puzzles and alot of other events can add to dailies….why not raids)

*How about creating a raid specific to holiday/special events that the game celebrates.
(This might help players not notice the long drought of no new raid content or at least keeps them from being bored doing the same bosses over and over?) Only make the holiday/special event raid available for that celebration.

-Wintersday raid storyline (An evil reindeer, snowman and skritt has stolen all the presents from the orphans…..we must get them back) how is that for a story to killing Rudolph

-How fun would a Super Adventure Box (raid version) be?

-No need to give a storyline to Halloween raid( Im sure that’s easy enough)

Just my thoughts and I would love feedback on the ideas good, bad or ugly

Ty all and enjoy your GW2’ing (don’t forget to dodge and not stand in the AOE…..PLZZZ)

Raids, ANET!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


…seriously? The game has barely shifted its focus from the former target towards the hardcore crowd, and the raiders are still not satisfied and are already asking for more?

Why i’m not surprised.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Raids, ANET!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TexZero.7910


…seriously? The game has barely shifted its focus from the former target towards the hardcore crowd, and the raiders are still not satisfied and are already asking for more?

Why i’m not surprised.

It’s almost like the raid crowd wants more of something they enjoy.

Why is no one surprised people can’t grasp that.

Raids, ANET!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Talindra.4958


Well tbh guys .. just wait patiently and it will come soon. Dev has a life too and it’s holiday season ppl are having holiday celebrating festive season and new year.. so take it easy .. the new raid content can’t be rush if you want to be surprised.

Champion Magus & Phantom, Demon’s Demise, The Archdesigner.
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU

Raids, ANET!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


…seriously? The game has barely shifted its focus from the former target towards the hardcore crowd, and the raiders are still not satisfied and are already asking for more?

Why i’m not surprised.

It’s almost like Raids have their own development team that doesn’t impact other content type development. And don’t act like the Casual crowd doesn’t demand new content every other week or when another gamemode receives updates, or claim that the whole games focus shifted to “hardcore” it is still the casual paradise it has always been. hell non raiders/casuals even demand that raid developers go work on projects not covered by their team, maybe non raiders shouldn’t try to call the kettle black, at least Raiders don’t demand other Content developers work on their preferred gamemode at the cost of others.

Raids, ANET!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: zealex.9410


i havent seen anyone talking about this so i might as well say it raid is been delayed because legendary armor is not ready so yeah theres that also do mind that raid content was the only content ruuning in the game for the whole content drought where the majority of the community had nothing to do also i understand that raiders like to arid but theres also otehr content they can try like fractals and the infamous 100 cm

Raids, ANET!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: OnizukaBR.8537


i havent seen anyone talking about this so i might as well say it raid is been delayed because legendary armor is not ready so yeah theres that also do mind that raid content was the only content ruuning in the game for the whole content drought where the majority of the community had nothing to do also i understand that raiders like to arid but theres also otehr content they can try like fractals and the infamous 100 cm

And what this have in relation with the topic? Yes there is other content that is being relased in a steady pace ( LS3, events ). The raid team has nothing to do with it. Its the same thing as going in a LS topic asking for the next LS release and say go raid instead.

Raids, ANET!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


The community is at least partly to fault for this. You cant demand content be developed for a small percentage of the population – then deride and belittle anyone suggesting it have a broader appeal – and then turn around and expect that content to be a developmental focus.

Raiding should be a sporadic thing, with the emphasis remaining on those things that drive GW2’s mass appeal (open world, wvw, etc). That isn’t to say it shouldn’t be something they put out – just that it doesn’t warrant treatment as a core game feature as long as the audience and focus remain as limited as they are.

And just feel lucky that it’s just six months. We’ve been waiting almost 4 years now for new guild missions.

(edited by Blaeys.3102)

Raids, ANET!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


The community is at least partly to fault for this. You cant demand content be developed for a small percentage of the population – then deride and belittle anyone suggesting it have a broader appeal – and then turn around and expect that content to be a developmental focus.

Raiding should be a sporadic thing, with the emphasis remaining on those things that drive GW2’s mass appeal (open world, wvw, etc). That isn’t to say it shouldn’t be something they put out – just that it doesn’t warrant treatment as a core game feature as long as the audience and focus remain as limited as they are.

And just feel lucky that it’s just six months. We’ve been waiting almost 4 years now for new guild missions.

One flaw you have in your argument, And it’s a big one. The Raid Dev Team does not Hinder any other content development and no one demanded it to be the main focus of content development, but iirc you demanded the Raid Team work on projects that would slow down the release of Raid content/development.

And the raids were designed for and exceeded their Expectaions of Audience, all content doesn’t have to appeal to every that is something you need to come to understand, every piece. Of content released has a specific target audience, it’s not a hard concept to grasp, that not everyone would like or want to do raids because not everyone have the same tastes.

Raids, ANET!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


The community is at least partly to fault for this. You cant demand content be developed for a small percentage of the population – then deride and belittle anyone suggesting it have a broader appeal – and then turn around and expect that content to be a developmental focus.

Raiding should be a sporadic thing, with the emphasis remaining on those things that drive GW2’s mass appeal (open world, wvw, etc). That isn’t to say it shouldn’t be something they put out – just that it doesn’t warrant treatment as a core game feature as long as the audience and focus remain as limited as they are.

And just feel lucky that it’s just six months. We’ve been waiting almost 4 years now for new guild missions.

One flaw you have in your argument, And it’s a big one. The Raid Dev Team does not Hinder any other content development and no one demanded it to be the main focus of content development, but iirc you demanded the Raid Team work on projects that would slow down the release of Raid content/development.

And the raids were designed for and exceeded their Expectaions of Audience, all content doesn’t have to appeal to every that is something you need to come to understand, every piece. Of content released has a specific target audience, it’s not a hard concept to grasp, that not everyone would like or want to do raids because not everyone have the same tastes.

I was just explaining why accelerating the content – in the manner the OP is advocating for – is not really warranted or expected.

Raids, ANET!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


The community is at least partly to fault for this. You cant demand content be developed for a small percentage of the population – then deride and belittle anyone suggesting it have a broader appeal – and then turn around and expect that content to be a developmental focus.

You CAN do that. Players have been asking for new dungeons since forever although they are for a small percentage of the population.

Players have been asking for new Fractals for a similarly long amount of time, also something for a small percentage of the population.

Not to go to WvW and PvP with players asking for more content for those game modes too, although they are something for a small percentage of the population.

Saying that you cannot demand for something because it applies to a small percentage of the population is terrible. They need to equally release something for all the percentage of the population, they need to release new raids, new fractals, new pvp maps, new pve maps, something for everyone, that’s how companies work, and how they should work.

And btw I still believe this whole thread is pointless. The release schedule is already done months ago and won’t change

(edited by maddoctor.2738)

Raids, ANET!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


The community is at least partly to fault for this. You cant demand content be developed for a small percentage of the population – then deride and belittle anyone suggesting it have a broader appeal – and then turn around and expect that content to be a developmental focus.

You CAN do that. Players have been asking for new dungeons since forever although they are for a small percentage of the population.

Players have been asking for new Fractals for a similarly long amount of time, also something for a small percentage of the population.

Not to go to WvW and PvP with players asking for more content for those game modes too, although they are something for a small percentage of the population.

Saying that you cannot demand for something because it applies to a small percentage of the population is terrible. They need to equally release something for all the percentage of the population, they need to release new raids, new fractals, new pvp maps, new pve maps, something for everyone, that’s how companies work, and how they should work.

Of course. But, it comes down to priorities, which – in most cases – need to be determined based on the mass appeal/profitability (in terms of game and gem store sales)/sustainability/etc that each mode brings to the game.

By Anet’s own admission, raids are currently developed for a smaller percentage of the game’s population – and the one time Anet introduced anything tangentially related to the raid in the gem store, raiders freaked out.

As long as that limited focus continues to dictate their approach to raid development, the raiding community should accept that the content should have a (imo considerably) lesser focus than other parts of the game.

Again, this is a response to the OPs request to accelerate raid development. It simply isn’t warranted and doesn’t make sense for a game mode that, by the devs own admission, isn’t currently being designed for most players.

Raids, ANET!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Of course. But, it comes down to priorities, which – in most cases – need to be determined based on the mass appeal/profitability (in terms of game and gem store sales)/sustainability/etc that each mode brings to the game.

Do you have any kind of data to prove which content brings the more money? I guess you don’t, so you don’t know what the priorities are either, for all we know Raiders are bringing in more money than others and making more Raids IS the most profitable way to go. Something that appeals to some kind of “unofficial” majority, isn’t also profitable, while something that appeals to a minority can be really profitable.

Raids, ANET!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


Of course. But, it comes down to priorities, which – in most cases – need to be determined based on the mass appeal/profitability (in terms of game and gem store sales)/sustainability/etc that each mode brings to the game.

Do you have any kind of data to prove which content brings the more money? I guess you don’t, so you don’t know what the priorities are either, for all we know Raiders are bringing in more money than others and making more Raids IS the most profitable way to go. Something that appeals to some kind of “unofficial” majority, isn’t also profitable, while something that appeals to a minority can be really profitable.

If I’m wrong and Anet sees raids as more profitable or appealing than they seem, then, sure, they should accelerate their development.

But, even if that is the case, they need to be careful. For some, it would signify a major shift in how the game is developed/prioritized and Anet would need to accept any attrition as those players become a little more disillusioned with the game’s direction.

Raids, ANET!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


I’d be ok with slow raid developement if I’d have to do sth when I wanna play.

Early days running dungeons in a way you do it if you do it frequently you are busy for about 8 hours a day.

Nowdays monday is raid day. thats ok, pugging it you find a lot of decent ppl to run with and it takes some time. In case you had realy bad luck or low time you can still do some raiding on tuesday. After this there is no reward and the pugs you find are getting worse, so you dont wanna play. All being left is FOTM dailys +100cm. Thats usually done within 1hour.

Raids, ANET!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


One flaw you have in your argument, And it’s a big one. The Raid Dev Team does not Hinder any other content development

Sure they do. It’s not like those people could not be used to develop other content. Since Anet resources are finite, just allocating several people to raids and raids alone hinders development in places those people were not assigned to.

Also, yeah, 6 months is nothing, especially for a content type meant for minority. Up to now, Raids had an unbelievably fast development rate.
And yet some people still think it’s not enough.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Raids, ANET!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


One flaw you have in your argument, And it’s a big one. The Raid Dev Team does not Hinder any other content development

Sure they do. It’s not like those people could not be used to develop other content. Since Anet resources are finite, just allocating several people to raids and raids alone hinders development in places those people were not assigned to.

Also, yeah, 6 months is nothing, especially for a content type meant for minority. Up to now, Raids had an unbelievably fast development rate.
And yet some people still think it’s not enough.

Wow you still don’t understand why the Devs are split into teams, it’s so they can focus on their designated content without impacting other parts of development. But go ahead tell us the actual numbers of Devs on the raid team that are hindering other departments development and the metrics of how much development is hindered, I will wait.

Every piece of the game has received extremely fast development rate, let’s look at from the timeline Raids were released till now.

PvP has had multiple Seasosn with hefty reworks each Season

WvW has had hefty implementations/ reworks every other month roughly

Raids have gotten 3 raid Wings in a 12 month Period

Fractals have undergone multiple Reworks and had two brand new Fractals implemented.

There have been 2 living Stories the newest of which introduced multiple Maps and quest lines.

Heart of Thorns core maps have been tweaked/reworked.

But yes go ahead tell us how Raids have impacted the Development of non raid content.

If there has been anything that has hindered development that would be the plethora of Devs that were moved to the Expansion.

(edited by BlaqueFyre.5678)

Raids, ANET!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TexZero.7910


I will repeat what i said earlier

What does it matter ?

No seriously, can anyone who is having this farce of a debate please explain why you care so very much that someone on these forums enjoys content and wants more of it and why that expression is to such a deterrent of your day to day enjoyment of the game as it is ?

Raids, ANET!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: zealex.9410


i havent seen anyone talking about this so i might as well say it raid is been delayed because legendary armor is not ready so yeah theres that also do mind that raid content was the only content ruuning in the game for the whole content drought where the majority of the community had nothing to do also i understand that raiders like to arid but theres also otehr content they can try like fractals and the infamous 100 cm

And what this have in relation with the topic? Yes there is other content that is being relased in a steady pace ( LS3, events ). The raid team has nothing to do with it. Its the same thing as going in a LS topic asking for the next LS release and say go raid instead.

im saying the op could be a little more patiend i mean the whole rest fo the community were (for the msot part) as for the first point the leggie armor im pretty sure thats the reason we havent gotten raid 2

Raids, ANET!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rednik.3809


You will get your raid wing with the legendary armor release. And this wing will be probably last one.

Kiijna, Xast, Satis Ironwail, Sekhaina, Shira Forgesparkle, Sfeno, Nasibi, Tegeira, Rhonwe…
25 charracters

Raids, ANET!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


You will get your raid wing with the legendary armor release. And this wing will be probably last one.

I bet against that because you don’t have any relevant indication for this thesis.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Raids, ANET!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rednik.3809


I bet against that because you don’t have any relevant indication for this thesis.

I’m tired from pointless debates. Consider that my opinion with unexplained reasons.

Kiijna, Xast, Satis Ironwail, Sekhaina, Shira Forgesparkle, Sfeno, Nasibi, Tegeira, Rhonwe…
25 charracters

Raids, ANET!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: OnizukaBR.8537


You will get your raid wing with the legendary armor release. And this wing will be probably last one.

Just because you dont like the content you like to say it will be the last one lol. I’m 100% sure there will be more raids, its good content, lot of people are playing just because of it, it requires a small team only, and its the only thing that is the same foot that the greatest content of GW1 ( FoW, UW, Deep ).