Raids are too stressful (for pugs)

Raids are too stressful (for pugs)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TexZero.7910



Stop being a pug and join a guild.
Not only will you never have this problem again, you’ll also never have to buy a boss.

Raids are too stressful (for pugs)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


The raids were never designed for pugs… pugs learned early on they were easy enough to pug. So you are complaining about content that was solely designed for organized static guild groups that was supposed to be the most challenging Pve content in game.

Raids are too stressful (for pugs)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Talindra.4958


I only pug now after our premade team not working out due to many reasons. Stressful to pug? yes and no. I find it faster to pug than trying to get a team to play. If I put enough effort probably can find a steady team but too much commitment and effort. Pug solve it for me although sometime sux a bit but not bad all the time.
In pug. I see ppl getting kick out after a few tries. Cruel yes but if he doesn’t go, the good ppl will leave. He managed to get into team but his play style and team effort will show when the game start. welcome to pug.
Premade team not all nice too either btw.

Champion Magus & Phantom, Demon’s Demise, The Archdesigner.
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU

Raids are too stressful (for pugs)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Talindra.4958


Even with premade team in my early days of raid. It took 1hr plus and minus to get everyone fully gathered. And we used to wipe over wipe over wipe for 3to 5hours. Just for vg and gorse… for months and months.. when wing 2 came out.. I missed it bcos I was still playing with our premade team. until when w3 came I decided to pug. in our premade team…our PS hv toughness over 1100 even after a nice talk to him in various occasion. Our ele doing under 20k DPs… People thinking needs to change for raids. It’s not dungeon run. It’s not fractal run. It’s raids.. a different mode in game.

Champion Magus & Phantom, Demon’s Demise, The Archdesigner.
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU

Raids are too stressful (for pugs)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: fishball.7204


Just last week you were like raids are too easy and that you could lie your way through them and still succeed in pugs. Now you’re seeing first hand what happens when everybody lies and has no idea what they’re doing. Wipe after wipe after wipe.

Join a real raid guild, learn some other classes that actually do stuff instead of PS war and you’ll have more reliable clears.


Raids are too stressful (for pugs)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Talindra.4958


Last night in pug was pretty funny bcos we spent omg 2hours in xera. We hv nice QT guy to stay even the team doesn’t hv the pro qt DPs – rupper is his nick I think. Give him applause for being patience with pugs! When we killed xera.. I screamed man.. probably scare those gentlemen in ts. Last week xera was one shot with German pugs. This week 2hours. But everyone was nice to each others last night and respectful. Ofc its not always like that .. I just given you an example

Champion Magus & Phantom, Demon’s Demise, The Archdesigner.
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU

Raids are too stressful (for pugs)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maxwelgm.4315


OP, I think you’re stressed beyond the point of solving this in game: you probably need some rest from GW2. I must say, I do get stressed just like you do. I actually avoid picking up my druid and chrono even though they are the most wanted classes, merely out of performance anxiety. It also gets me impatient that people don’t listen to each other and won’t even see markers on the map and go there (even if they have a matching marker on their own head!).

In fact, the only group I actually felt comfortable raiding with was this guild I joined about a month ago but only started grouping them couple weeks ago. They run both training and exp and everyone who knows mechanics is already welcome to “exp”. Yesterday I had a semi smooth Sloth run with one of their exp groups (I knew the fight but only got as far as 30% before). We spent about an hour and a half doing it, true, but no one cursed at each other, and we all had a good laugh and got to kill it a min past enrage with our downstate. And rather than cursing everyone for low performance the commander/tank simply joked it off as “well it’s not fun if you kill it with too much time left!”. I’m kind of rambling just like you are lol, but what I mean is that you need to find a group that caters to whatever kind of anxieties you have (e.g if you’re a speedrunner type and get anxious about underperforming you should look for the 200+LI crowd..but you seem to want a more relaxed ambient like me so you join one of the guilds with more training runs, etc.).

Raids are too stressful (for pugs)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Talindra.4958


Hehe we were 200li+ group yesterday.. 2hours in xera :o lol too long which is so unusual
I’m happy to help out if time is right in EU server. I play healer druid, tempest and necro. My playtime is 9am to 1pm server time.

Champion Magus & Phantom, Demon’s Demise, The Archdesigner.
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU

Raids are too stressful (for pugs)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anka.5086


I was in your situation when I came back to GW2 from 2months ragequit. Having quit the game after 3 weeks of fail runs on VG when it was first released. But I found myself in a situation where i couldn’t get in any raid runs because I didn’t have enough exp and required 15LI. But then I told myself, it’s not fair for me to join exp runs because these guys spent the last 2months polishing their gameplay, boss tactics and strategy, and their own builds. But now I want the privilege of riding on their success.
Now I will tell you how i solved my problem, and this solution will also work for you. Are you ready? It’s a very simple solution.
I started organising my own raid runs ever since that day. I organise my own raids with pugs every week and defeat all 9 boss. Now I’m standing on 185 Legendary insight. Best 300g I spent in GW2. Change your mindset and organise your own raids. Owning a commander tag will improve your game experience tremendously.

You should do yourself a favour by buying a commander tag. You will no longer be at the mercy of others. But make sure you prepare yourself by reading about raid compositions and responsibilities of every profession in all of the fights. You will be expected to know this as the raid commander. You can start by organising easy runs like the you’ve been doing up until now; VG, Gors, Sloth, Trio, Escort. Once you develop your overall control and command of the raid you can start doing the remaining hard bosses.

(edited by Anka.5086)

Raids are too stressful (for pugs)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Absurdo.8309


I beat 7 of 9 raids today, all in pugs.

… I just think op needs more practice.

Raids are too stressful (for pugs)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Talindra.4958


It’s not always nice and easy and I wouldn’t even bother to think more about those who kicked :p probably better you don’t play with them..
You can form yourself team too gradually you might find yourself a steady roaster team. Not going to be easy tho be leading a raid team. Other way is join a raid guild.. you might be able to find ppl of same interest and is on the same boat as you.

Champion Magus & Phantom, Demon’s Demise, The Archdesigner.
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU

Raids are too stressful (for pugs)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

@OP: I think you are spending too much time with the wrong groups for you and then spending too much time writing about your personal experience. There are some simple things you can do to change your experience:

  • Be more discerning about which groups you join. Just because 10 people get together quickly doesn’t mean they’ll be quick. Ask a question or two — I find if I get no responses, then the group probably can’t communicate when something goes wrong.
  • Consider changing groups more often. You’ve heard that’s it’s bad to “throw good money after bad,” — it’s similarly unwise to throw good time after bad, i.e. if the first 30 minutes is stressful, it’s not likely that the next 30 will be better.
  • Consider taking a break from Raids or GW2 generally. Come back in 3-8 weeks and you’ll have an entirely new perspective on the game.

I’m sorry you haven’t been having as much fun recently and I hope you figure something out that works for you.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

(edited by Illconceived Was Na.9781)

Raids are too stressful (for pugs)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Assic.2746


Just so you know you are not a special snowflake or anything. Everyone who got into raids as a PUG = most raiders, who later formed guilds by just meeting other competent and knowledgeable people in raids had exactly the same experiences at the begining.

I spend 40 hours in Spirit Vale the week wing 1 was released (probably half of that on LFG). And at the end of the week I got the kill. With a group of random pugs. Back in the day there was no meta, no optimal team comps, no strategies, 0 knowledge about the mechanics. I was tanking the VG as a knight/berserker DH, because litteraly no one knew how to pull the VG correctly. We got to 33% hp on VG and then we got wrecked by the AoE damage because we had just discovered a new mechanic we had no idea about earlier.

And you think that raids are stressful when there are guides, training groups, VODs on YT and optimal builds & rotations on metabattle…

You seem to lack a lot of the first timer’s experience where you enter the raid witout any informations about the boss. You have to figure it out yourself. Except you read some guides watched some videos and you thought you were prepared. And in fact you had the knowledge but you didn’t have any real expereince in combat. You tried to just read the guide and learn everything at once instead of doing it step by step.

I might sound dumb, but I really appreciate those kind of experiences and I really, really think you had just jumped on a deep water without preparation.

PS. I also think that raid rewards are in a good spot because the last thing you want in any game mode PvP, WvW, Raids is a bunch of people joining in for an easy rewards. Raids reward you with an experience that’s the most important thing, ascended stuff and legendary armor should stay in the background.

Raids are too stressful (for pugs)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: OnizukaBR.8537


There is nothing you can do about other people mistakes. But if you really want to have higher chance of success you should take harder roles. For example at VG you will almost always wipe because of Green Circle, so you need to best players on green, if you consider yourself good, you should play a class that go green circle on VG ( you say you play warrior, Condi PS go green circle ).
At Xera you should play ele for clear duty for example, this way you up your chances of sucess a lot, its easier to blame the group when you got a role that dont need to do almost anything, and you died to bombs on scort, its your fault, the bombs are fixed on the path its really really easy to avoid them, so it show that if you were in the position of a harder roles on the other fights ( like green circle ) you would probably miss too.

Raids are too stressful (for pugs)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Absurdo.8309


Also, experienced isn’t just knowing the mechanics, it’s knowing what to do when things go bad.

For example, most groups can survive at least one green circle miss. Groups will have a backup plan for missed cannons (skip or have someone else go). And most groups can beat sabetha even with one or two people dead.

I don’t want to be too harsh here … but if every single group you join fails, then maybe the common denominator is the problem — you. I mean, there’s really no excuse to die on escort, miscommunication or otherwise.

And if you really think you’re not the problem, then, like some others have said, maybe you should try a class with more responsibility in the fight. PS war is typically the easiest class to play in raids.

Raids are too stressful (for pugs)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: thrag.9740


Hey OP, sorry your having a rough time.

I noticed you mentioned green circles at VG a few times. The ‘meta’ strategies are great, but often they are more so geared towards quickly killing a boss, rather than reliably killing a boss. Here is my recommendation, send 5 players to green circles, every time, instead of the minimum 4. The dps check at VG is THAT forgiving, you can send an extra player and still be ok. They should still be ranged dps though.

Ideally if you are running a mirror comp, group 2 is all condi (maybe something like: condi ps – druid (magi is fine) – support mesmer – necro – necro). And then, just send all of group 2 to green circles.

My point is, the best way to make pugging easier, is to adapt the elite strategies used by the best guilds, to better work with the less elite players you typically have in pugs. Sometimes this means giving up dps for leniency in mechanics. Not always though, sometimes high group dps really is the way to make things easiest (KC is a prime example). But for VG, the timer is lenient enough, that you can bring survivability.

Raids are too stressful (for pugs)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kowolo.7619


At OP:

1) Focus on improving instead of getting the kills. There is always something you can personally improve on regardless of how bad the pulls are. If you think there is nothing you can improve on, you probably aren’t experienced enough to know when you are doing something wrong.

2) Gauge the skill level of the team in the first few pulls and leave if they aren’t up to par. If the group is wiping repeatedly and the commander is not making adjustments, it is unlikely the group will progress.

3) Pugs where the majority is guild or static group looking for a few fillers tend to be more organized than teams where everyone is a random pug. Although point #2 still applies.

4) Multi-class and play classes that have the most impact in each fight. It is hard to completely solo carry raid fights in this game, but it is possible to carry large portions of the mechanics.

Examples relevant to encounters are you struggling with:

VG: Number one reason for wiping at VG (imo) is missed greens and poor movement in phase 3 and 5. Solution is to play as the chrono-tank. That way you control the movement of the boss, and can distortion all the greens so even if circle team misses, you at least save yourself and four others around you.

Sab: Usual reasons for wiping are due to missed cannons, time bombs, and flame walls. Solution is to play as herald. You can stack for all the time bombs, taunt and throw every green bomb (and even if the cannoneer misses you can throw yourself and get half the cannons), and stability during flamewall to prevent people from getting kicked in.

KC: This is a really simple fight where the only person with an important job is the orb pusher. So play as something that can push the orb. Spirit merges usually occur when people get confused on where to go, so just step up and assign people to greens and call out when they should swap on fixate.

Xera: The majority of the fight is based on the tank. So I suggest playing as the tank (I prefer chrono so you can also help pull in adds that spawn). Learn the patterns and call out the shards to clear.

Sitting on a PS warrior complaining about what other people are screwing up isn’t going to get you anywhere. To succeed (especially in pugs), you need the mentality of “if you want it done right, you have to do it yourself”.

Finally, I suggest you spend more time practicing and less time posting. The raid community isn’t huge and you tend to run into the same people over and over. Probably not your intention, but your posts come off as entitled and arrogant, and most likely isn’t doing you any favors in getting accepted into good groups.

Raids are too stressful (for pugs)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Verthurnax.2784


Yeah sure, let me find a guild for raiding on lfg. Requirements to get in guild 100li with tonic and eternal title. THX FOR THIS SUGESTION, NOW I NEED TO PUG TILL I FARM ALL THIS.

Raids are too stressful (for pugs)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: IonoI.3956


I can see it being stressful if you try to organize and lead a full pug group, then someone always leaves after each failed attempt.
But you can just join a group and do your stuff and it’s not stressful at all.

Raids are too stressful (for pugs)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


Yeah sure, let me find a guild for raiding on lfg. Requirements to get in guild 100li with tonic and eternal title. THX FOR THIS SUGESTION, NOW I NEED TO PUG TILL I FARM ALL THIS.

Look in the guild recruitment section as well as don’t try to join those groups in the lfg there are a lot of Raid Guilds that don’t impose those restrictions

Raids are too stressful (for pugs)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fay.2357


Since not a single one of you had the presence of mind to quote op in your responses, this thread is awful funny looking now.

Raids are too stressful (for pugs)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


Lol love when the OPs delete all their posts in a thread….

Raids are too stressful (for pugs)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anka.5086


Yeah sure, let me find a guild for raiding on lfg. Requirements to get in guild 100li with tonic and eternal title. THX FOR THIS SUGESTION, NOW I NEED TO PUG TILL I FARM ALL THIS.

I got all my 184LI in PUG raids I organised for the the past 10months. I admit pug raids are more chaotic and players are prone to quitting after few failures. But regardless of that I still managed to defeat almost all of the bosses 90% of the time. I will give you the same advice I said to OP. Buy yourself a commander’s tag and learn all the necessary tactics to organise a raid which means watching few videos and doing some reading on how to organise good raids. You will no longer be at the mercy of others.

(edited by Anka.5086)

Raids are too stressful (for pugs)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anka.5086


Lol love when the OPs delete all their posts in a thread….

haha, I just noticed it. I wonder why he did it? Maybe he finally understood his shortcomings and bought himself a commander’s tag to organise his own raids. Good for him.

Raids are too stressful (for pugs)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Talindra.4958


He probably think its no longer need a discussion for this hence remove post. Nothing wrong. Admin probably should remove this thread completely too.

Champion Magus & Phantom, Demon’s Demise, The Archdesigner.
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU