Raids discussion

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zenith.7301


I believe they stated explicitly that forming your build would be a key part of the raids. They don’t want to enforce professions, not builds.

Also Necro has more damage Mitigation than most professions if not all, they lack avoidance of the damage though, which could be factored in, but if we use the term mitigation it kind of implies absorbing/reducing not avoiding.

The thing is an ele can achieve more effective hp due to the uptime of protection and if forced to, use of blinding ashes, in addition to all the heals to replenish HP.

In temrs of absorbing one big hit, sure, the necro can initially absorb HP, but what’s the value in that if the boss is gonna do that attack faster than you can replenish your life force and HP while the ele can not only easily and swiftly replenish his HP, but has a much easier time avoiding that damage altogether.

There’s a reason why in spvp eles have made far better bunkers than necromancers. If built for it eles can take a lot more punishment than a necro.

Necro recovery options need to be buffed and regen/water field blasts and allied heals need to work on them while in death shroud, as should their own siphons.

Curious how does Ele DPS compare when they do that?

Ask the spvp/wvw forums, if the QQ’s about OP ele damage are any indication.

You could trade berserker for valkyrie and be fine.

D/F ele is surprisignly survivable in PvE. In between Obsidian Flesh, vigor on crits, swirling winds, ice comet, ring of earth, arcane shield and mist form, there’s so much aggro/punishment you can afford to take.

And if any fight likes to use plenty of conditions, ether renewal becomes godly (basically half the cooldown of necro’s consume conditions for more healing and no self applied vulnerability).

Ele’s not lacking for survival except for gimmick fights like Mai Trin where several of her attacks plain ignore reflection/blocks without any indication.

(edited by Zenith.7301)

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rotten.9753


Curious how does Ele DPS compare when they do that?

Stacking prot via elemental attunement is probably extremely strong in an environment with unavoidable damage but I would question blinding ashes effectiveness vs bosses. In any way, the former would require frequent attunement swapping so it’s definitely not a play style everyone has in mind.

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: butch.8136


Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Zenith in WvW Necro Meta like 8 or so months ago when I was playing it was full 100% zerk where Ele tanked up a bit, and while Meteor showers packed a huge wallop in one hit the necros were the ones people were crying about for damage I was able to take my necro through heavy arrow cart fire with that gear thanks to DS and Plague mainly.

But that’s WvW stuff…

Rotten you hit a good point, boons are a thing, thing is we can also share them. I imagine if we’re running into unavoidable damage we’re gonna bring a hammer guard wouldn’t we?

But anyways not looking to argue, my point was simply that necro has a very high innate mitigation such that you could still be pumping out the same damage you do right now in say a DS build or at least kitten close while withstanding that stuff, where other professions would have to make adjustments, like going D/F with tankier traits and maybe gear for an Ele. Balancing out that damage difference I’d bet.

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: EcoRI.9273


“Because of the large diversity of encounters, I was prompted to ask whether players will be able to swap out abilities between boss fights. Johanson said that currently players are in combat the whole time they are in the raid instance, so swapping out abilities isn’t possible. But he did say that ANet is still “playing around with what [it] will let you change.” However, he was quick to point out that weapon swapping can easily change a character’s role in the group, and that can be done on the fly.”

Wynd Cloud | Fierce N Licious

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lendruil.9061


Now thats pretty good news i think. There will not be a group finder because this was intended to be coordinated endgame content, not something a PUG can tackle

Skuldin - No Hesitation [hT]

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: EcoRI.9273


Now thats pretty good news i think. There will not be a group finder because this was intended to be coordinated endgame content, not something a PUG can tackle

actually its a misquote, you can still pug it.
Here is Colin’s reply.
Wynd Cloud | Fierce N Licious

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Quickfoot Katana.8642

Quickfoot Katana.8642

Stuck in combat the whole time heh? I liked the freedom to adapt as the encounter required, but I guess that makes things easier

We’ll see how that turns out

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


Im not sure i like the idea of build lock. That hurts some classes more than others. I think if they are trying to create diverse teams, using build locks would be a bad way to do it.

It might seem like it would force diversity. But in reality it would just make you pick the classes that dont suffer from having to swap between various spec lines and weapons to be effective.

And we are not going to be able to use everything at our disposal if we are locked into utilities.

I dont mind them build locking certain sections. But a complete build lock throughout the raid doesnt sit well with me.

(edited by spoj.9672)

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Im not sure i like the idea of build lock. That hurts some classes more than others. I think if they are trying to create diverse teams making build locks would be a bad way to do it.

Exact same opinion here. I’ll surely miss all the swapping I can do on engi to prestack might or stealth, and being able to swap on say toolkit for a portion I want it then go back to my damage setup right after.

But, I do like the change. I always felt it was a little off being able to do all that. Where mastering the UI and swapping weapons/traits/utilities quickly was hugely important. Is that really a skill they want this game to be about? Well, apparently not.

The “always in combat” though worries me, locking out of swapping and such, cool, a little conflicted but I’m fine with it. But, that runspeed hit… arg. Engi’s will raise in the ranks of mobility I think with superspeed and I haven’t ever paid attention to it but that superspeed on glamour doesn’t sound bad now.

And… you edited while I was typing, though I don’t disagree with what you said there either Some "break points’ would probably be a good idea, let you change for the upcoming events, /shrug And what about disconnects? can you leave the instance and come back in? If so there you go for build swapping.

(edited by Jerus.4350)

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


The thing is gw2 pve is incredibly shallow without the simple ability to swap utilities and weapons on the fly. Sure locking traits is not so big a deal. But utility choice is a huge part of the game.

They have stated they want the content to force us to use all the tools in game. Well how can we do that if we are forced to pick the 3 best utilities and stick with those even if they are useless for 1/3 encounters? Yeah we have more players so we can spread the utility. But is that going to have the desired effect? It seems to me like it will result in things like guard, mesmer and ele stacking just to get all the best utility in one team.

So instead of a diverse team of all 9 classes we will have a team of doubles of the best. Simply because classes like mesmer and guardian have more than 3 really powerful utility skills which could be mandatory.

(edited by spoj.9672)

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

I like build-lock a lot because it creates a very formalized “be ready before you enter” system. There’s no more changing things on the fly, and it forces more build formalization for the run. This is exactly the kind of planning stage that I want to exist for raids, whereas otherwise you could just bring an Elementalist (example) and switch his builds between events, now you have to plan a group for the entire wing and make sure you build such that you can handle the entire breadth of what is thrown at you. That’s good.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deSade.9437


Revenants are gonna be hit so, so, so, SO bad by build locking. Like, so bad. Wow.

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: EcoRI.9273


Actually it’s sort of like trios where you will have to sacrifice certain utilities. You have to draw on your team’s strength and play around it. I believe SC ran double ele and 1 warrior for their arah p3 run in the first trio tourney where they basically sacrificed reflects on lupi for more DPS. I personally feel it will actually make team comps more diverse because different people have different strengths in the game and they value different aspects of mechanics as well. Just this weekend I had a debate with my guildie on hotw p1 trio where I valued a team comp that ignored the retal totem on Ginva and built a team around self sustain while having relatively high DPS, where as he valued high dps low sustain but instead opted to deal with the retal totem. Less options = you have to think about how to deal with situations more creatively.
Wynd Cloud | Fierce N Licious

(edited by EcoRI.9273)

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


I like build-lock a lot because it creates a very formalized “be ready before you enter” system. There’s no more changing things on the fly, and it forces more build formalization for the run. This is exactly the kind of planning stage that I want to exist for raids, whereas otherwise you could just bring an Elementalist (example) and switch his builds between events, now you have to plan a group for the entire wing and make sure you build such that you can handle the entire breadth of what is thrown at you. That’s good.

The thing is restrictions like these are never fun. And in reality their ownly purpose is to restrict and balance. Basically stopping us from using the tools to their maximum potential.

GW2 isnt an mmo where you have 100 skills available at once. Its one with a very limited choice. I seriously dont look forward to being stuck on the same skills for an entire raid. I get that preparing is a nice idea. But do we really need a restriction like this to create that feeling of be prepared as soon as you enter? I dont think so. Id be fine with build unlock checkpoints or something. Maybe that would be a decent compromise.

And like i said i dont believe this will create as much diversity as people imagine it would. The real fix to diversity is 10 man buff sharing, proper class balance and tailored encounter design.

(edited by spoj.9672)

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

Here’s a concern:

Locking Legendary armor behind raids (that is the case right?) means casuals will complain until something gets changed — they’re already doing it in the main forum.

So it’s likely eith Anet nerfs the raids until they’re accessible to casuals or they’ll make legendary armor available thru some other gameplay.

Nerfing raid difficulty will have the added benefit of opening up more content to casuals… casuals are going to run out of content quick and Anet is VERY slow in creating new content — they’re going to feel the pressure when they’re far from releasing new stuff and players are getting bored.

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dutchiez.7502


It will definitely be interesting to try to work around the build-lock in the beginning while figuring out the bosses and their mechanics. It’s different from what we have now and that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. I think we should wait and see before passing judgement on this.

Before GW2 launched I was of the opinion that we should be build locked in dungeons, but I don’t think that anymore. I do feel like build-locking sounds weird and annoying, but after actually playing the raids there’s a big possibility that I will change my mind about it, like I did about the regular dungeons.

Nova [rT]

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Dusk and Eco hit what I was going to say. I’m still not sure I like it, but it has it’s merits.

I think Spoj makes some great points that can be concerning, but to add, I don’t want to be stuck throwing just nades on Engi because I have to slot some other utilities for some niche situation where they go unused for the majority of the raid.

Certainly conflicted, more and more the more I think about it.

I really think checkpoints is the way to go at this point, and again if they don’t will we just be abusing logging out the same way we do in fractals right now for repairing? “brb changing a utility” LOL

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: EcoRI.9273


Dusk and Eco hit what I was going to say. I’m still not sure I like it, but it has it’s merits.

I think Spoj makes some great points that can be concerning, but to add, I don’t want to be stuck throwing just nades on Engi because I have to slot some other utilities for some niche situation where they go unused for the majority of the raid.

Certainly conflicted, more and more the more I think about it.

If you are slotting a utility for a niche situation then your build is just suboptimal. Part of the fun is figuring out which class can spec a util/weapon set that can somewhat deal with a niche situation while still being general purpose. Remember you have 10 classes to work with. If you like building magic the gathering decks or is familiar with Trading card games you should be able to see that slotting weapon sets/utils for niche situations is the wrong approach to optimal team comps.
Wynd Cloud | Fierce N Licious

(edited by EcoRI.9273)

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lendruil.9061


Not being allowed to switch around is too much imo. For smaller passages it would be ok, but I’d hate to bring a skill that is useless pretty much the entire raid but needed for one single encounter.
Also some classes rely way more on being able to switch around than others.

Skuldin - No Hesitation [hT]

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Dusk and Eco hit what I was going to say. I’m still not sure I like it, but it has it’s merits.

I think Spoj makes some great points that can be concerning, but to add, I don’t want to be stuck throwing just nades on Engi because I have to slot some other utilities for some niche situation where they go unused for the majority of the raid.

Certainly conflicted, more and more the more I think about it.

If you are slotting a utility for a niche situation then your build is just suboptimal. Part of the fun is figuring out which class can spec a util/weapon set that can somewhat deal with a niche situation while still being general purpose. Remember you have 10 classes to work with.

Say there is part of the raid where you have to run through a barrage of damage to flip a switch to stop an AE. Taking Toolkit and Pistol/Shield allows me to run through this easily, esp the superspeed on toolkit. Then taking Slick shoes allows me to free up a few people in the group from having to make adjustments to their builds for CC. So now sure I have prybar to work into the rotation but other than that it’s a pretty mundane rotation. There may be other options but perhaps while you turn that switch you want your guards laying down reflects so they won’t go, you want your warrior staying to give might to the group so they won’t go…etc.

Of course we don’t know specifics but it’s a possible situation that concerns me.

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: EcoRI.9273


Dusk and Eco hit what I was going to say. I’m still not sure I like it, but it has it’s merits.

I think Spoj makes some great points that can be concerning, but to add, I don’t want to be stuck throwing just nades on Engi because I have to slot some other utilities for some niche situation where they go unused for the majority of the raid.

Certainly conflicted, more and more the more I think about it.

If you are slotting a utility for a niche situation then your build is just suboptimal. Part of the fun is figuring out which class can spec a util/weapon set that can somewhat deal with a niche situation while still being general purpose. Remember you have 10 classes to work with.

Say there is part of the raid where you have to run through a barrage of damage to flip a switch to stop an AE. Taking Toolkit and Pistol/Shield allows me to run through this easily, esp the superspeed on toolkit. Then taking Slick shoes allows me to free up a few people in the group from having to make adjustments to their builds for CC. So now sure I have prybar to work into the rotation but other than that it’s a pretty mundane rotation. There may be other options but perhaps while you turn that switch you want your guards laying down reflects so they won’t go, you want your warrior staying to give might to the group so they won’t go…etc.

Of course we don’t know specifics but it’s a possible situation that concerns me.

Personally i would get the warrior to stop DPS and run over to flip the switch or tell the thief to shortbow 5 over. Because this approach is more general purpose.
Wynd Cloud | Fierce N Licious

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


And if it’s a set of jumps and “no path” prevents shadow steps and you don’t have a warrior or a guard because no profession will be required…

Not trying to say this is an optimal situation at all, it’s a fringe case at best, but just one of the things concerning me. That gameplay through the entirety of the raid will be less entertaining because of something you should be using for a niche situation.

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: EcoRI.9273


And if it’s a set of jumps and “no path” prevents shadow steps and you don’t have a warrior or a guard because no profession will be required…

Not trying to say this is an optimal situation at all, it’s a fringe case at best, but just one of the things concerning me. That gameplay through the entirety of the raid will be less entertaining because of something you should be using for a niche situation.

Ok have the death shroud necro tank over.. If there really is a super niche situation where there is only 1 solution, then the raid sucks. I am sure there are many solutions to niche situations.
Wynd Cloud | Fierce N Licious

(edited by EcoRI.9273)

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deSade.9437


Also some classes rely way more on being able to switch around than others.

At this point, don’t think they give a kitten about it

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


I think it’s good that they are exploring that option.

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deSade.9437


I liked build locking in gw1, but gw1 was a different game. Completely different.
Funny how they take only bits and pieces of the original game, and nothing that really fits… skills are weapon locked, traits are locked, this and that are locked.. what’s next? permanent combat state. Next step is..?

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arcadio.6875


I wonder what they’ll do about character switching. And DCs(legit or otherwise).

Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


And if it’s a set of jumps and “no path” prevents shadow steps and you don’t have a warrior or a guard because no profession will be required…

Not trying to say this is an optimal situation at all, it’s a fringe case at best, but just one of the things concerning me. That gameplay through the entirety of the raid will be less entertaining because of something you should be using for a niche situation.

Ok have the death shroud necro tank over.. If there really is a super niche situation where there is only 1 solution, then the raid sucks. I am sure there are many solutions to niche situations.

I think you’re misunderstanding my concern. It’s not that there’ll be one solution, it’s simply that whatever the solution that fits my group is will be less fun for a large portion of the raid. Maybe my example was a bit too specific.

Edit: Maybe you are right that this idea is unfounded or more so that it won’t be so bad as to become a major hindrance.

(edited by Jerus.4350)

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


I think it’s good that they are exploring that option.

Just want to say I think this is perfectly phrased. I’m not sure if I’ll like the result but I do think it’s good they’re exploring it. I don’t hate the idea just have some concerns.

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Problem is some classes have utility with a lot more universal application than others.

Elementalist can bring glyph of storms, ice bow, and blast wave or signet of fire and they’ll always have a use for it.

What can a mesmer bring if reflect is not needed? Most of the signets besides inspiration are utter garbage, as are the mantras and illusion utilities. Decoy is entirely selfish, veil is just bad.

Similar story with the necromancer. You’ll bring your wells because they’re the only useful utility, but what about the third utility slot? Well of Darkness might not be needed, what can you fill it with when most of the utilities are selfish and not adaptable?

Warrior, ele have flexible utilities, there’s not a single situation you don’t want banners or conjures or glyph of storm. Thief can make good use of his self buffing signets and shadow refuge. Guardian, mesmer, and necromancer are much more specialized utilities — if you don’t need stability or reflects then you’ve eliminated most of their viable utility skills.

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


Thought about a few more things that concern me.

Its as if they are creating artificial difficulty by making it so half the 10 man group has utilities that are useless for each encounter. When surely it would be better to make it so difficult that its challenging even if everyone has the optimal utilities and weapons for every encounter.

Also from a necro/reaper perspective. I have limited utility choice. And its not very valuable as it is. So it doesnt affect me as an individual too much. However as soon as you look at the entire group it becomes a different story. Each players utility choice becomes important because we have 10 players and locked builds (so 30 utilities). This could mean that theres no space for classes like necro and ranger who have poor utilities. Because we need each of those player slots to be bringing something of real value. Hence resulting in less diversity.

I can seriously picture raid groups having 3+ chronomancers. Whereas if build lock was disabled we might only need a maximum of 2 and then that opens up space for other classes.

(edited by spoj.9672)

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Element Two.7316

Element Two.7316

So it doesnt effect me as an individual too much


gj mr. Britbong

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silverkey.2078


I will reiterate on this, but I believe when deciding for the first team comps and builds for raids, we should look at PvP builds and not PvE builds. PvP builds are versatile enough to sustain any possible opponent since we cannot switch builds in-fight. They are also generally more focused on surviving hard content than PvE builds.

And this is good, because while far from perfect, PvP class balance is much better than PvE balance.

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deSade.9437


And rev could get stuck with 2 random legends, picked by consulting an astrologist. How is it a good idea? As long as it doesn’t influence eles et similia, huh? /shrug
Not that I could see rangers ever stepping in a raid, with an aa that, ahem, is so unique; and even presuming you go condi, your spirits and pet are gonna die in 2 aoes anyway. ‘Cause why would we give them aoe dmg reduction/immunity in pve, huh? Why would we, I wonder, when that other game does it… it wouldn’t be unique, special. Right?

They just can’t be bothered to do something the hard way, can they. They always gonna wiggle through, avoiding the scary thoughts of… Gaaah.
[/ramble mode off]
Exploring. Ok. Let them explore various scenarios and possibilities. I’ll be monitoring. As long as I don’t expect anything but (barely) harder, longer, more annoying and more gimmicky dungeons, it’ll be fine. As long as it’s new content, it’s good. Even if the ignored classes will keep being ignored… as long as they make rev viable in these “raids”…
Did they say if these raids will be long (à la gw1)? or extremely short corridors full of enemies that can be cleared in 5-10 mins?

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


I will reiterate on this, but I believe when deciding for the first team comps and builds for raids, we should look at PvP builds and not PvE builds. PvP builds are versatile enough to sustain any possible opponent since we cannot switch builds in-fight. They are also generally more focused on surviving hard content than PvE builds.

And this is good, because while far from perfect, PvP class balance is much better than PvE balance.

Ok so 9 cele eles and a thief for raids? Sounds good.

(edited by spoj.9672)

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silverkey.2078


I will reiterate on this, but I believe when deciding for the first team comps and builds for raids, we should look at PvP builds and not PvE builds. PvP builds are versatile enough to sustain any possible opponent since we cannot switch builds in-fight. They are also generally more focused on surviving hard content than PvE builds.

And this is good, because while far from perfect, PvP class balance is much better than PvE balance.

Ok so 9 cele eles and a thief for raids? Sounds good.

How far is that from the current PvE meta?

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


I will reiterate on this, but I believe when deciding for the first team comps and builds for raids, we should look at PvP builds and not PvE builds. PvP builds are versatile enough to sustain any possible opponent since we cannot switch builds in-fight. They are also generally more focused on surviving hard content than PvE builds.

And this is good, because while far from perfect, PvP class balance is much better than PvE balance.

If the raids play more like PVP than current PVE they might as well not exist to me, I won’t be doing them.

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: EcoRI.9273


I will reiterate on this, but I believe when deciding for the first team comps and builds for raids, we should look at PvP builds and not PvE builds. PvP builds are versatile enough to sustain any possible opponent since we cannot switch builds in-fight. They are also generally more focused on surviving hard content than PvE builds.

And this is good, because while far from perfect, PvP class balance is much better than PvE balance.

Ok so 9 cele eles and a thief for raids? Sounds good.

How far is that from the current PvE meta?

oh god, check mate right there.
Wynd Cloud | Fierce N Licious

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silverkey.2078


If the raids play more like PVP than current PVE they might as well not exist to me, I won’t be doing them.

Am I missing something? Didn’t people ask for raid because current PvE is a joke? Don’t you think that if raids end up being zerker feasts, a-net has failed?
The builds will end-up being different. Even WvW and PvP builds are different. The feeling will be different, because even with improved AI and fancy mechanics, the raids will end up being “learned” as opposed to the fairly unpredictable nature of PvP.

But a gameplay where you can’t face tank everything, where some people will need to spec defensively to carry the group, where you will need all skills in your bar to succeed etc… sorry, but that is the least I expect from raids. And this is closer to PvP than current PvE.

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


I want a set of fights where playing optimally is far more challenging, I don’t want it forcing people to fight in tanky setups, there’s a big difference. I want to have to actively defend myself more often where things aren’t able to be trivialized by reflects. I want other builds to have more value in that playing at the optimal level is beyond the grasp of most players even if they know the correct tactics.

This does not require adopting the style of play in PVP.

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


Build locking makes sense in PvP because you dont switch roles in PvP. Your objective is the same for the entire game. But raids are different. We have different encounters and we have been told that the mechanics vary greatly. If a raid was one boss then fair enough. But its not.

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silverkey.2078


I want a set of fights where playing optimally is far more challenging, I don’t want it forcing people to fight in tanky setups, there’s a big difference. I want to have to actively defend myself more often where things aren’t able to be trivialized by reflects. I want other builds to have more value in that playing at the optimal level is beyond the grasp of most players even if they know the correct tactics.

This does not require adopting the style of play in PVP.

What is wrong with a tanky setup? I have been playing tank/support for the past month in PvP, and this is one of the most active playstyle I ever played! Because in gw2, passive defense is anyway weaker than active defense. The passive defense are here to fill the gap between the active defenses.

Gw2 is not any MMO, this is active combat whichever role you play. Some builds are cheesier than others, but being main mesmer, playing PU burst is cheesier than playing a cleric-bunker mesmer!

So overall I agree with all your description except that I think playing tanky is not only compatible but an integral part of that.

Build locking makes sense in PvP because you dont switch roles in PvP. Your objective is the same for the entire game. But raids are different. We have different encounters and we have been told that the mechanics vary greatly. If a raid was one boss then fair enough. But its not.

Despite what I wrote, I do agree with that. I don’t see the point in locking builds except to create artificial difficulty.

(edited by Silverkey.2078)

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zenith.7301


I want a set of fights where playing optimally is far more challenging, I don’t want it forcing people to fight in tanky setups, there’s a big difference. I want to have to actively defend myself more often where things aren’t able to be trivialized by reflects. I want other builds to have more value in that playing at the optimal level is beyond the grasp of most players even if they know the correct tactics.

This does not require adopting the style of play in PVP.

PvP doesn’t involve tanky builds anyways. Mesmer/thief run zerker or marauder, as does warrior.

The only cele users are ele/engi and cele signet necro. Guardian can be both zerk or tanky bunker.

Either way I would not call most of pvp PVT-wearing scenarios.

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: butch.8136


Its been clarified on reddit.

By Colin:
“You can swap between each encounter in the raid, or after a failed run – you cannot change your build mid-encounter by hanging on the edge of the encounter and getting out of combat. We’ve disabled that.
I think either Larry misunderstood my response, or I misinterpreted his question.”


Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


Dusk and Eco hit what I was going to say. I’m still not sure I like it, but it has it’s merits.

I think Spoj makes some great points that can be concerning, but to add, I don’t want to be stuck throwing just nades on Engi because I have to slot some other utilities for some niche situation where they go unused for the majority of the raid.

Certainly conflicted, more and more the more I think about it.

If you are slotting a utility for a niche situation then your build is just suboptimal. Part of the fun is figuring out which class can spec a util/weapon set that can somewhat deal with a niche situation while still being general purpose. Remember you have 10 classes to work with. If you like building magic the gathering decks or is familiar with Trading card games you should be able to see that slotting weapon sets/utils for niche situations is the wrong approach to optimal team comps.

To build on your magic analogy: Competitive players are allowed a 15 card “sideboard” to compliment their decks. Matches are typically played in a best two out of three scenario. Players are allowed to exchange cards from their main deck and sideboard at any point between matches. Kind of like how GW2 players are allowed to switch utilities/traits/weapons between fights.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


Its been clarified on reddit.

By Colin:
“You can swap between each encounter in the raid, or after a failed run – you cannot change your build mid-encounter by hanging on the edge of the encounter and getting out of combat. We’ve disabled that.
I think either Larry misunderstood my response, or I misinterpreted his question.”


Well this is a huge relief.

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


I want a set of fights where playing optimally is far more challenging, I don’t want it forcing people to fight in tanky setups, there’s a big difference. I want to have to actively defend myself more often where things aren’t able to be trivialized by reflects. I want other builds to have more value in that playing at the optimal level is beyond the grasp of most players even if they know the correct tactics.

This does not require adopting the style of play in PVP.

PvP doesn’t involve tanky builds anyways. Mesmer/thief run zerker or marauder, as does warrior.

The only cele users are ele/engi and cele signet necro. Guardian can be both zerk or tanky bunker.

Either way I would not call most of pvp PVT-wearing scenarios.

Didn’t the winners of that last tournament run a PVT Engi, 2 Cele Ele, Cele Necro and some kind of probably offensive thief? Or am I mistaken on that?

Silver, PVP has a lot more smaller hits with some nastier attacks that you actively defend. You can’t defend them all, and if you build with a bit of defense in mind you simply don’t need to. If you play a glassier build you’re looking for a quick kill or you gtfo and go to a place where you can or is an empty node to grab quickly. Or at least as I understand it, I won’t sit here and act like I’m a pro PVP player(was highly ranked in old games though so I’d like to think I’m not completely lost on the concepts).

PVE is more about active defenses, larger hits but at intervals which you can handle avoiding it all. Right now we have more than enough active defense to avoid it all (well except necros) The only thing I’d say is stressing that is a Lupi without reflects. I’d like to see the raids be built more like that. Give me something where it’s at least theoretically possible to actively defend yourself through at least for the most part. Requiring some level of healing is not bad, and tankage would surely be a plus if we can have someone who the adds focus first as they have the toughness for example.

PVP and PVE have a completely different feeling to me, I much prefer the PVE side, I just want it harder and more complex. Making that does not mean it turns into PVP style.

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


squishy squishy squishy (months with no leveling up and I have a flood control again?)

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dutchiez.7502


“Small clarification. It’s on an encounter basis. You can not swap anything around during a singular attempt. You may refine your strategy between wipes.”

between wipes does that mean there will be waypoints in the dungeon and you won’t be kicked out upon full party wipe?

Nova [rT]