Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jrinc.6953


Hi just want everyone to know that guild wars has alway’s been my favorite mmo of all time! I’ve been playing gw over 8 years! Ive only played as a ranger all my life! and have multiple toons! what ive notice is rangers never get the respect they deserve! the other day i was in a dungeon and i was kicked cause i was a ranger! most dungeons require warriors and guardians! i remember in gw1 where it really didnt matter what class you were cause we have skills we can change to work with the group! Now there may be bad players representing rangers but im not one of them! Most dungeons i get kicked before i can get a chance to prove how good a ranger is! I refuse to run as a warrior or a guardian because of exploits or speed runs! i just want to enjoy my range and pet moves and play the game! i would love if there could be a all ranger dungeon run lmao… but this is not the case here! I also read there may be some changes for rangers which im dying to see!

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Offair.2563


Just let them be if they kick you since your a ranger, group with guildies/friends or make your own pug group, dont let the so called pve elitists scrubs get to you!

Big Babou, Ranger for life.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ArmoredVehicle.2849


Most rangers are kicked because they don’t know how to properly do good dps during dungeons.

I feel you, my 1st character in GW2 is a ranger and 90% of the time I’m playing him, but at the same time I dislike other rangers and they’re not always welcome, especially when I see bear pets that are next to useless.

Rangers provide good team support when played correctly.

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jrinc.6953


i may just start a ranger frenzy guild! using all possible out comes lol… damage and support lol …

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: clint.5681


Start your own groups

Rangir Dangir – Ranger | Mr. Ragr- Guardian| Sneak Stab – Thief | Mr. Ragir- Warrior
[url=https://] [/url]

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sligh.2789


I was once in a dungeon with some warrior zerkers. They berated me the whole time, they lay on the ground dead, while I killed the boss solo. It was amazing that I could not convince them that my build was superior to theirs, as 4 of them could not even dent the boss, yet I was able to kill him solo.
The zerker crowd bases their stand on the fact that they circumvent the game by stacking damage to avoid playing the game, no skill involved in that.
As a solo ranger, I would say that I showed them what skill is.

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jrinc.6953


and yet even as we prove ourselves worthy we still get the short end of the stick cause we may survive a dungeon and solo… while the zerkers complain that we should wipe and try again and stack! PLEASE… lol … not fast enough … oh i also seen players leave because they didnt finish the dungeon fast enough ! wow really guys

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xallever.1874


I was once in a dungeon with some warrior zerkers. They berated me the whole time, they lay on the ground dead, while I killed the boss solo. It was amazing that I could not convince them that my build was superior to theirs, as 4 of them could not even dent the boss, yet I was able to kill him solo.
The zerker crowd bases their stand on the fact that they circumvent the game by stacking damage to avoid playing the game, no skill involved in that.
As a solo ranger, I would say that I showed them what skill is.

Usually, they die because there is not enough DPS in the time allocated for them before they run out of steam (elite CD, etc).

Look at the last boss in Sorrow’s Embrace Path 3. So perhaps it’s possible for you to end up soloing the boss with everyone dead, but the fact of the matter is that they needn’t be dead if the ranger had come up with a similar DPS normally expected from say, Mesmer/Ele/Thief.

Or even just dealing with the dredge mobs there. If everybody is dead from the initial burst, and the ranged Ranger somehow managed to survive this onslaught and slowly kills the dredges, it’s still not optimal.

To be fair, the decision to go range/melee isn’t a Ranger-only issue in PUGs, but the fact of the matter is, it’s a high chance of seeing them go range inappropriately because they’re so much in love with bearbows.

(edited by xallever.1874)

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jrinc.6953


I was once in a dungeon with some warrior zerkers. They berated me the whole time, they lay on the ground dead, while I killed the boss solo. It was amazing that I could not convince them that my build was superior to theirs, as 4 of them could not even dent the boss, yet I was able to kill him solo.
The zerker crowd bases their stand on the fact that they circumvent the game by stacking damage to avoid playing the game, no skill involved in that.
As a solo ranger, I would say that I showed them what skill is.

Usually, they die because there is not enough DPS in the time allocated for them before they run out of steam (elite CD, etc).

Look at the last boss in Sorrow’s Embrace Path 3. So perhaps it’s possible for you to end up soloing the boss with everyone dead, but the fact of the matter is that they needn’t be dead if the ranger had come up with a similar DPS normally expected from say, Mesmer/Ele/Thief.

Or even just dealing with the dredge mobs there. If everybody is dead from the initial burst, and the ranged Ranger somehow managed to survive this onslaught and slowly kills the dredges, it’s still not optimal.

To be fair, the decision to go range/melee isn’t a Ranger-only issue in PUGs, but the fact of the matter is, it’s a high chance of seeing them go range inappropriately because they’re so much in love with bearbows.

so basically its the rangers fault! because of the damage at the time! i didnt know there a time limit on damage output…. I thought the purpose of a dungeon is to complete it…
most people avoid the mobs that the game was design to slow us down! now we skip adds because they want the easy way around things! I must be wrong for trying to play the game the way its intended to be play… dont get me wrong sometimes i go with the flow! but its not fun when they do it all the time… lets get a new dungeon and figure out exploits

(edited by jrinc.6953)

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bunmaster.9734


It takes more skill to play a full zerk full melee warrior than a bearbow. That’s why those warriors faceplanted. If stacking near each other to share buffs and avoid the boss’ ranged attack is exploiting. Ranging the boss and avoiding his melee attacks is equally exploiting. I am not saying are bowbear, just trying to describe the bigger picture.

To: OP

The reason many pugs kick rangers are due to the infamous bearbow. A bear, a longbow, troll unguent, a bar full of signets, while running full cleric/soldier.
What does this ranger bring to the party? Nothing, he/she does not buff the party, does not receive any buffs (because too far away), does barely any dmg. They are even stubborn enough to stay with the longbow (heaven forbid) even if they end of in melee.

A well-built and well-played ranger is an huge boon to your group. He/she buffs the party, does atleast equal dps (if not slightly better) than a warrior.
Sadly, some pugs don’t even give you that benefit of the doubt. The best solution is just start your own group, that way you can play the way you want with the ppl you want.

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jahroots.6791


Let’s not have this turn into another one of those ‘versus’ threads. And to be honest, for every ‘ranged saves the day!’ story there’s at least ten ‘bearbow fail’ ones.

I think we can agree that in PvE, rangers are about low to mid tier DPS. It’s a pretty versatile class, but awkward pet management tools make it a pain to play in most dungeons. TA and HotW are just about the only two I can think of where bringing a ranger won’t hold the party back a little. And of course, some dungeons ‘require’ specific classes so if you show up with a ranger when the group is waiting on a guard or mesmer, you’re probably going to be kicked or at least asked to switch.
And to the OP, since you don’t want to speed through dungeons you might want to stick to running with guildies or casual PUGs. Any LFG posting that doesn’t expressly state otherwise is likely for a group that at least -tries- to speed clear.

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xallever.1874


I was once in a dungeon with some warrior zerkers. They berated me the whole time, they lay on the ground dead, while I killed the boss solo. It was amazing that I could not convince them that my build was superior to theirs, as 4 of them could not even dent the boss, yet I was able to kill him solo.
The zerker crowd bases their stand on the fact that they circumvent the game by stacking damage to avoid playing the game, no skill involved in that.
As a solo ranger, I would say that I showed them what skill is.

Usually, they die because there is not enough DPS in the time allocated for them before they run out of steam (elite CD, etc).

Look at the last boss in Sorrow’s Embrace Path 3. So perhaps it’s possible for you to end up soloing the boss with everyone dead, but the fact of the matter is that they needn’t be dead if the ranger had come up with a similar DPS normally expected from say, Mesmer/Ele/Thief.

Or even just dealing with the dredge mobs there. If everybody is dead from the initial burst, and the ranged Ranger somehow managed to survive this onslaught and slowly kills the dredges, it’s still not optimal.

To be fair, the decision to go range/melee isn’t a Ranger-only issue in PUGs, but the fact of the matter is, it’s a high chance of seeing them go range inappropriately because they’re so much in love with bearbows.

so basically its the rangers fault! because of the damage at the time! i didnt know there a time limit on damage output…. I thought the purpose of a dungeon is to complete it…
most people avoid the mobs that the game was design to slow us down! now we skip adds because they want the easy way around things! I must be wrong for trying to play the game the way its intended to be play

A lot of people might say “intended” is because it’s unfixed despite the knowledge of it. There’s some truth to that. So, if the mobs are skippable, the consensus generally agrees that it’s “intended”.

And just like in many other dungeon threads and posts in this thread even, if you decide to be more casual about dungeon-clearing, you either start your own group stating it very clearly such as “casual, no melee stacking, no mob skipping” or you ought to play along with the norms who don’t want to spend too much time in a dungeon that could’ve been over and done with in less than 10 minutes. Besides, they have to pay some money to repair their armours, don’t they? How is it that that isn’t necessarily the bearbow’s fault?

(edited by xallever.1874)

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jrinc.6953


Let’s not have this turn into another one of those ‘versus’ threads. And to be honest, for every ‘ranged saves the day!’ story there’s at least ten ‘bearbow fail’ ones.

I think we can agree that in PvE, rangers are about low to mid tier DPS. It’s a pretty versatile class, but awkward pet management tools make it a pain to play in most dungeons. TA and HotW are just about the only two I can think of where bringing a ranger won’t hold the party back a little. And of course, some dungeons ‘require’ specific classes so if you show up with a ranger when the group is waiting on a guard or mesmer, you’re probably going to be kicked or at least asked to switch.
And to the OP, since you don’t want to speed through dungeons you might want to stick to running with guildies or casual PUGs. Any LFG posting that doesn’t expressly state otherwise is likely for a group that at least -tries- to speed clear.

look im not really knocking the speed runs just the fact is rangers can run the speed runs and get the job done regardless of the range or melee… this bear crap never done it before but i remember gw always tried to balance everything there was never a class better then the other just bring your skills and get the job done.. so if i joined a pug let me switch my loadout for the speed run! ill put the damage in!

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xallever.1874


Let’s not have this turn into another one of those ‘versus’ threads. And to be honest, for every ‘ranged saves the day!’ story there’s at least ten ‘bearbow fail’ ones.

I think we can agree that in PvE, rangers are about low to mid tier DPS. It’s a pretty versatile class, but awkward pet management tools make it a pain to play in most dungeons. TA and HotW are just about the only two I can think of where bringing a ranger won’t hold the party back a little. And of course, some dungeons ‘require’ specific classes so if you show up with a ranger when the group is waiting on a guard or mesmer, you’re probably going to be kicked or at least asked to switch.
And to the OP, since you don’t want to speed through dungeons you might want to stick to running with guildies or casual PUGs. Any LFG posting that doesn’t expressly state otherwise is likely for a group that at least -tries- to speed clear.

look im not really knocking the speed runs just the fact is rangers can run the speed runs and get the job done regardless of the range or melee… this bear crap never done it before but i remember gw always tried to balance everything there was never a class better then the other just bring your skills and get the job done.. so if i joined a pug let me switch my loadout for the speed run! ill put the damage in!

Welcome to GW2

Of course, Rangers can have a decent DPS output. I’ve seen it done when they properly use the sword build.

It’s not fair to kick a Ranger without even considering whether or not they can do this, this is true. But it’s also true that many Rangers don’t bother with the sword build.

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jrinc.6953


Let’s not have this turn into another one of those ‘versus’ threads. And to be honest, for every ‘ranged saves the day!’ story there’s at least ten ‘bearbow fail’ ones.

I think we can agree that in PvE, rangers are about low to mid tier DPS. It’s a pretty versatile class, but awkward pet management tools make it a pain to play in most dungeons. TA and HotW are just about the only two I can think of where bringing a ranger won’t hold the party back a little. And of course, some dungeons ‘require’ specific classes so if you show up with a ranger when the group is waiting on a guard or mesmer, you’re probably going to be kicked or at least asked to switch.
And to the OP, since you don’t want to speed through dungeons you might want to stick to running with guildies or casual PUGs. Any LFG posting that doesn’t expressly state otherwise is likely for a group that at least -tries- to speed clear.

look im not really knocking the speed runs just the fact is rangers can run the speed runs and get the job done regardless of the range or melee… this bear crap never done it before but i remember gw always tried to balance everything there was never a class better then the other just bring your skills and get the job done.. so if i joined a pug let me switch my loadout for the speed run! ill put the damage in!

Welcome to GW2

Of course, Rangers can have a decent DPS output. I’ve seen it done when they properly use the sword build.

It’s not fair to kick a Ranger without even considering whether or not they can do this, this is true. But it’s also true that many Rangers don’t bother with the sword build.

im not fond of the sword build but i can work with it… i will consider the fact that i will be pugging and trying to make a name for rangers… so give us a chance lol

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anierna.6918


OP, please look up proper useages of the exclamation point. Thanks.

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maxinion.8396


If you use sword mainhand and bring spotter and frost spirit, it’s the group’s loss if they kick you. The DPS from a good ranger like this is quite nice, and boosts the party too.

If you’re using any other weapon (bearbow) and not bringing spotter and frost spirit… Well, let’s just say most rangers do exactly this, and they give the class a bad reputation.

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DigitalKirin.9714


Normally I’m a fairly relaxed team member when it comes to pugging people. What really irks me about rangers that join my group is that on countless occasions, they’ll use Point Blank Shot on a set of mobs that have been perfectly grouped.

Why do they do that? Seriously. I once asked and the reply was, “Because it was off cooldown.”

Okay, I understand and I’m willing to accept you not doing the best you possibly could do, but when you start trolling me by pushing mobs around and forcing me to be less effective, I’m much more accepting of seeing someone vote-kick a ranger.

Edit: So yes, your title is very accurate. Rangers have no respect in dungeons.

Genevieve Talbot [NP] – Noble Phantasm on Stormbluff Isle

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cries Of Sorrow.5864

Cries Of Sorrow.5864

Normally I’m a fairly relaxed team member when it comes to pugging people. What really irks me about rangers that join my group is that on countless occasions, they’ll use Point Blank Shot on a set of mobs that have been perfectly grouped.

Why do they do that? Seriously. I once asked and the reply was, “Because it was off cooldown.”

Okay, I understand and I’m willing to accept you not doing the best you possibly could do, but when you start trolling me by pushing mobs around and forcing me to be less effective, I’m much more accepting of seeing someone vote-kick a ranger.

Edit: So yes, your title is very accurate. Rangers have no respect in dungeons.

They use it because it’s off cooldown 8D

Main Elementalist:Train Of Thought
Alt Warrior: Burning Paris
Best Ele build EU.

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DigitalKirin.9714


They use it because it’s off cooldown 8D

Right?! Ugh! It’s just… mrrphgh!

Genevieve Talbot [NP] – Noble Phantasm on Stormbluff Isle

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Most rangers tend to have subpar damage, don’t know which utilities to use, subpar equipment, and poor choice of pets (bear). Ranged damage is rarely ever needed and the ranger mentioned in a post earlier in this thread survived likely because they were ranged damage. Had they been geared towards melee then the entire group may have survived.

You’d probably be best to google this (don’t use the horrible search feature on these forums) for threads that cover this in more detail.

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tman.6349


Normally I’m a fairly relaxed team member when it comes to pugging people. What really irks me about rangers that join my group is that on countless occasions, they’ll use Point Blank Shot on a set of mobs that have been perfectly grouped.

Why do they do that? Seriously. I once asked and the reply was, “Because it was off cooldown.”

Okay, I understand and I’m willing to accept you not doing the best you possibly could do, but when you start trolling me by pushing mobs around and forcing me to be less effective, I’m much more accepting of seeing someone vote-kick a ranger.

Edit: So yes, your title is very accurate. Rangers have no respect in dungeons.

I main a Theif but have 10 80s and play all professions. I can’t count the amount of times I’ve been in a dungeon and seen this though on whatever char i feel like using that day. I see it all the time and immediately tell them the skill is for DEFENSE and not a ‘spam on cooldown’ skill. Most often this skill drags down the DPS of the entire group. A warrior launching HB or Guardian using WR and out of nowhere Ranger runs up and uses PBS blowing all of the targets out of the damage range. O.o Most often though, I give them the benefit of doubt before I say anything as I love my Ranger and am well aware of how good a Ranger can be, but the first time I see this happen I have to say something.

Ultimately I think it would help for people to quit telling new players who ask about what is a good proffesion to start/level with to recommend Ranger. This get’s them in the ‘Bearbow’ solo mentality and that is the problem with most Rangers tbh. They don’t learn how to dodge effectively. The don’t learn situational awareness, ie. learning when to move thier pet in and out of combat, change/alternate targets, swap between melee and range depending (knowing) when it is going to be most effective to do so, as well as using different skills to move around and use combo fields or buff allies to be most effective. Ranger may be ‘easy’ to go through the game with but it is NOT easy to play perfectly/effectively and the noob ‘soloing’ experience teaches so many bad habits that are not welcome in group play. So those people telling new players “Ranger is easy to learn/level” are gonna be the same people kicking THOSE Rangers out of groups a few weeks later with all their self-taught bad habits.

Before you get too ‘kick happy’ take a look at a players AP or ask how long they’ve played Ranger or, at least, just give them a short chance to prove themselves. I’ve had MANY groups try to kick me or ask if I had something else to bring and after letting them know that I’m a compitent Ranger and I know what I’m doing, I’ve read “I stand corrected” or “Wow! Great work Ranger!” or “Well, you’re an exception to the rule”. Rangers are not inherently bad. They learn to be bad.

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lilith Ajit.6173

Lilith Ajit.6173

OP, please look up proper useages of the exclamation point. Thanks.

I love you.

Also at Kirin, yeah, point blank shot and Mesmer greatsword 5. ME HATES

I ran a level 50 ranger into a level 1 fractal with a bow bear ranger, a guardian, a warrior, and a Mesmer once. I was using my cute little strong sword from back in level 30 and I was still the only one alive at moss man.

Rangers have no respect, but good rangers can be… Well, boss.

And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xallever.1874


Funnily, I seem to come across with more and more Warriors with a similar profile too. The “easy mode” might not give them a clue as to why they shouldn’t use the rifle.

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lindbur.2537


Normally I’m a fairly relaxed team member when it comes to pugging people. What really irks me about rangers that join my group is that on countless occasions, they’ll use Point Blank Shot on a set of mobs that have been perfectly grouped.

Why do they do that? Seriously. I once asked and the reply was, “Because it was off cooldown.”

Okay, I understand and I’m willing to accept you not doing the best you possibly could do, but when you start trolling me by pushing mobs around and forcing me to be less effective, I’m much more accepting of seeing someone vote-kick a ranger.

Edit: So yes, your title is very accurate. Rangers have no respect in dungeons.

You won’t believe how irritating it can be in open world as well, I’ve been playing a thief in LA using pure melee and it irks me to no end when I miss a CnD because some halfwit decides to knock my target five miles away.

So, I feel for you.

A remnant of times past.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jrinc.6953


Normally I’m a fairly relaxed team member when it comes to pugging people. What really irks me about rangers that join my group is that on countless occasions, they’ll use Point Blank Shot on a set of mobs that have been perfectly grouped.

Why do they do that? Seriously. I once asked and the reply was, “Because it was off cooldown.”

Okay, I understand and I’m willing to accept you not doing the best you possibly could do, but when you start trolling me by pushing mobs around and forcing me to be less effective, I’m much more accepting of seeing someone vote-kick a ranger.

Edit: So yes, your title is very accurate. Rangers have no respect in dungeons.

ok can understand the blank shot occasionally i hit blank shot accidentally but its only intended if a add is on me and not on the tank … it should only be used to push away adds on rangers so honestly in my opinion i made a mistake lol but i cant speak for eveyone else … its a nice pvp skill but in pve only used for adds on rangers

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zeken.6587


I warned this new player in my guild(who was lvlin a Ranger) that Rangers have a bad reputation(which is true as you all said it here and from personal experience) and will probably be kick out of dungeon groups(Pugs) faster than the speed of light…my guild chat turned very hostile towards me lol. I simply said they have a bad rep not that the class suck but nope my guild was having none of that. Now a few members I do dungeons with starting playing there rangers more now as if trying to prove me wrong.

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


If I’m a guardian in WvW and range a zerg with scepter while my server’s zerg attacks another server’s zerg, am I superior than everyone else if I’m the only one who survived between the clash? No. I survived because I was ranged and received little to no attacks from opposing forces.

Rangers who range are pretty much the same. So to say they’re superior or even on par based on their survivability due to doing just ranged attacks is incorrect.

This post was a response to the couple or so posts in this thread who stated they were superior because they survived when the melee didn’t.

(edited by Ayrilana.1396)

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Intuneric.7652


Easy. Ranger enters dungeon, brings spotter, frost spirit, weilds a sword in his main hand, has food buffs, stacks bloodlust and doesnt lag behind ? No problem.

Most dungeons i get kicked before i can get a chance to prove how good a ranger is!

Rofl. I dont even remember the last time i got kicked from a party

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jrinc.6953


basically rangers cannot run with others unless its narrow down to another profession? now i understand certain weapons have different skills.. and rangers would have to play more of warrior aspect… hey im just listening to everyone input on this! but the majority of the players run other professions .. is there a true ranger on this thread that can confirm this

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xallever.1874


basically rangers cannot run with others unless its narrow down to another profession? now i understand certain weapons have different skills.. and rangers would have to play more of warrior aspect… hey im just listening to everyone input on this! but the majority of the players run other professions .. is there a true ranger on this thread that can confirm this

What do you mean other profession? It’s all about running efficiently and effectively. Just that a lot of the content in this game encourages melee stacking in that regard and all about DPS.

You’re lucky the general community is now more open to other professions. It used to be: 1 guard, 1 mesmer, 3 warriors.

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Molch.2078


[…]Most dungeons i get kicked before i can get a chance to prove how good a ranger is!
i just want to enjoy my range[…]

And that is why Rangers have no respect in Dungeons. Camping bow all day long and then they actually believe they are a valuable member of the team.

But I can solo bosses while zerkermeleescumoftheearth is dead!

Jeah, been there… Alphard, Arah path 2. Our dear Ranger soloed this boss. You know whats funny? We would have been faster if we kicked him and started over again. 4 man.

I have no problem whatsoever with play how I want builds. But don’t mark them as good.

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jrinc.6953


Easy. Ranger enters dungeon, brings spotter, frost spirit, weilds a sword in his main hand, has food buffs, stacks bloodlust and doesnt lag behind ? No problem.

Most dungeons i get kicked before i can get a chance to prove how good a ranger is!

Rofl. I dont even remember the last time i got kicked from a party

now its seems that you may be a great ranger but is it the build you wanted to play with or just the build to keep you in the dungeon and go with the flow.. common sense is the help the group.. or this is a build that someone else said to run?

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DigitalKirin.9714


now its seems that you may be a great ranger but is it the build you wanted to play with or just the build to keep you in the dungeon and go with the flow.. common sense is the help the group.. or this is a build that someone else said to run?

Is your priority “Help the team the best you can with the tool given by your profession” or is it “I play how I want, even if it means sacrificing the team”?

Genevieve Talbot [NP] – Noble Phantasm on Stormbluff Isle

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jrinc.6953


basically rangers cannot run with others unless its narrow down to another profession? now i understand certain weapons have different skills.. and rangers would have to play more of warrior aspect… hey im just listening to everyone input on this! but the majority of the players run other professions .. is there a true ranger on this thread that can confirm this

What do you mean other profession? It’s all about running efficiently and effectively. Just that a lot of the content in this game encourages melee stacking in that regard and all about DPS.

You’re lucky the general community is now more open to other professions. It used to be: 1 guard, 1 mesmer, 3 warriors.

look im not angry or anything … just feels like im not a ranger playing the way people want rangers to play i guess… basically useless

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jrinc.6953


now its seems that you may be a great ranger but is it the build you wanted to play with or just the build to keep you in the dungeon and go with the flow.. common sense is the help the group.. or this is a build that someone else said to run?

Is your priority “Help the team the best you can with the tool given by your profession” or is it “I play how I want, even if it means sacrificing the team”?

no i want to help… im not saying i want to play for myself… just the ranger class isnt much to work with if im playing like a warrior i guess or anything in that matter

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jrinc.6953


[…]Most dungeons i get kicked before i can get a chance to prove how good a ranger is!
i just want to enjoy my range[…]

And that is why Rangers have no respect in Dungeons. Camping bow all day long and then they actually believe they are a valuable member of the team.

But I can solo bosses while zerkermeleescumoftheearth is dead!

Jeah, been there… Alphard, Arah path 2. Our dear Ranger soloed this boss. You know whats funny? We would have been faster if we kicked him and started over again. 4 man.

I have no problem whatsoever with play how I want builds. But don’t mark them as good.

im just looking for the real reason behind the hate behind rangers as well! but if you played a ranger and understand the mechanic of it maybe you can come up with some ideas and builds to make it a good profession to run with.. and instead say its a profession not needed

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Intuneric.7652


just feels like im not a ranger playing the way people want rangers to play i guess… basically useless

Exactly. Pve wise, rangers in this game are thiefs wannabe. But stop blaming the people wanting you to be effective. Reason = melee will always do way more damage than range no matter what class you are. Its how arena net made the game.

(edited by Intuneric.7652)

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DigitalKirin.9714


But there’s plenty to work with. People have already listed off Frost Spirit and Spotter. Addititonally you have your pet’s F2 ability to add things like fury and might. I love using offhand warhorn for the might/fury/swiftness.

It comes down to your choices. Given all of the tools of your profession, what are you willing to do to make your team successful? If the extent of your willingness is “Stand at 1500 and hit 1 until mobs die” then you aren’t contributing as much as a ranger who decided, “Hey, I’m gonna give you guys 2 unique buffs, PLUS I’m gonna give you fury if nobody else can, PLUS I do really awesome DPS with my sword.”

Genevieve Talbot [NP] – Noble Phantasm on Stormbluff Isle

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xallever.1874


basically rangers cannot run with others unless its narrow down to another profession? now i understand certain weapons have different skills.. and rangers would have to play more of warrior aspect… hey im just listening to everyone input on this! but the majority of the players run other professions .. is there a true ranger on this thread that can confirm this

What do you mean other profession? It’s all about running efficiently and effectively. Just that a lot of the content in this game encourages melee stacking in that regard and all about DPS.

You’re lucky the general community is now more open to other professions. It used to be: 1 guard, 1 mesmer, 3 warriors.

look im not angry or anything … just feels like im not a ranger playing the way people want rangers to play i guess… basically useless

I sympathize with you in terms of the game lacking content diversity on ranged encounters. People who are new to the game likely just roll whichever class most appeals to them. It is however true that the game does not provide an equal level of viability on all the classes (hopefully yet).

Until that happens…

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jrinc.6953


just feels like im not a ranger playing the way people want rangers to play i guess… basically useless

Exactly. Pve wise, rangers in this games are thiefs wannabe. But stop blaming the people wanting you to be effective. Reason = melee will always do way more damage than range no matter what class you are. Its how arena net made the game.

i know melee does more damage i get that.. and i will look more into melee … thanks for pointing that out.. i guess i have to look at a ranger in a different aspect

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DigitalKirin.9714


im just looking for the real reason behind the hate behind rangers as well! but if you played a ranger and understand the mechanic of it maybe you can come up with some ideas and builds to make it a good profession to run with.. and instead say its a profession not needed

The real reason? People hedge their bets. They don’t want to deal with the chance of getting a player who won’t pull their weight as equally as they feel they do in a party. You can consider this prejudice, because it is. However, you have to wonder where this prejudice came from – and it comes from past experiences. You getting kicked in the future is based off of other rangers’ performances in the past.

Rangers have a reputation. That reputation is that they contribute less in a party than many others. This comes from people choosing to play rangers as long-range characters. The problem with this has been stated several times in this thread. Can’t share buffs, loves to blindly move monsters out of position thus lowering overall group DPS, is out of range of helping fellow teammates up if they get downed.

Genevieve Talbot [NP] – Noble Phantasm on Stormbluff Isle

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jrinc.6953


im just looking for the real reason behind the hate behind rangers as well! but if you played a ranger and understand the mechanic of it maybe you can come up with some ideas and builds to make it a good profession to run with.. and instead say its a profession not needed

The real reason? People hedge their bets. They don’t want to deal with the chance of getting a player who won’t pull their weight as equally as they feel they do in a party. You can consider this prejudice, because it is. However, you have to wonder where this prejudice came from – and it comes from past experiences. You getting kicked in the future is based off of other rangers’ performances in the past.

Rangers have a reputation. That reputation is that they contribute less in a party than many others. This comes from people choosing to play rangers as long-range characters. The problem with this has been stated several times in this thread. Can’t share buffs, loves to blindly move monsters out of position thus lowering overall group DPS, is out of range of helping fellow teammates up if they get downed.

that really sucks! but i understand what you are saying! but for someone like me i have to deal with all the drama that others has ruin the profession with… i will continue to argue my way into dungeons but it wont matter cause there will be more and more players to ruin it

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Grok Krog.9581

Grok Krog.9581

To be honest, if I could pick the professions to run with every time, I would have a Guardian, 2 Warriors, a Ranger, and an Ele.

I’m gonna say the main problem is most Ranger’s dont use Spotter, Frost Spirit, Sword/Horn and Sword/X and have a bear, or something like that, pet. Which is what makes them inferior to other classes and why people kick them with haste

Grok Walking Amongst Mere Mortals

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DigitalKirin.9714


that really sucks! but i understand what you are saying! but for someone like me i have to deal with all the drama that others has ruin the profession with… i will continue to argue my way into dungeons but it wont matter cause there will be more and more players to ruin it

Prejudice is inevitable, and maybe not always necessarily a bad thing. My main is a warrior. That brings with it certain prejudices as well, whether it’s the “noskill zerk sheep warrior” prejudice or the “Warriors are OP” prejudice or the “I’m glad to have a warrior because now this run will be easy” prejudice.

The questions comes down to this. What are YOU doing to break negative prejudices in people’s minds and promoting the positive prejudices in people’s minds?

Do you make people think to themselves, “I’m glad we managed to survive that dungeon even though we had that ranger” or do you make them think, “Wow, that ranger knew his stuff and that dungeon run was extremely smooth”?

Genevieve Talbot [NP] – Noble Phantasm on Stormbluff Isle

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Molch.2078


[…]Most dungeons i get kicked before i can get a chance to prove how good a ranger is!
i just want to enjoy my range[…]

And that is why Rangers have no respect in Dungeons. Camping bow all day long and then they actually believe they are a valuable member of the team.

But I can solo bosses while zerkermeleescumoftheearth is dead!

Jeah, been there… Alphard, Arah path 2. Our dear Ranger soloed this boss. You know whats funny? We would have been faster if we kicked him and started over again. 4 man.

I have no problem whatsoever with play how I want builds. But don’t mark them as good.

im just looking for the real reason behind the hate behind rangers as well! but if you played a ranger and understand the mechanic of it maybe you can come up with some ideas and builds to make it a good profession to run with.. and instead say its a profession not needed

I don’t hate ranger, and I don’t think the proffession is not needed. It has been said countles times, by me and others, that a well played ranger (melee/spotter/frost spirit/dps build) is freaking strong.

But the problem is: I’m pugging dungeons since release. Do you want to know how many of those good, sword-wielding, frost spirit using pug-rangers I have met? ONE. Since release!

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Stop saying longbow is bad dps. It’s not. Traited longbow hits for 992.25/s only factoring skill modifiers and weapon damage and the 5% damage trait. This is only the autoattack, without considering barrage. As a reference sword hits for 1055.55/s. Yes, longbow is just a bit lower auto.
As for melee>range it’s almost always true. Ele is a notable exception with staff. Engi bombs(melee) hit higher than grenades but all the vuln loss is not worth it.
Don’t think of ranger as an archer. Think of it as Walker, Texas Ranger.

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DigitalKirin.9714


Stop saying longbow is bad dps. It’s not. Traited longbow hits for 992.25/s only factoring skill modifiers and weapon damage and the 5% damage trait. This is only the autoattack, without considering barrage. As a reference sword hits for 1055.55/s. Yes, longbow is just a bit lower auto.

There are other factors that have been mentioned, however. Group buffs affect damage greatly.

Genevieve Talbot [NP] – Noble Phantasm on Stormbluff Isle

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ephemeral.5409


Stop saying longbow is bad dps. It’s not. Traited longbow hits for 992.25/s only factoring skill modifiers and weapon damage and the 5% damage trait. This is only the autoattack, without considering barrage. As a reference sword hits for 1055.55/s. Yes, longbow is just a bit lower auto.

There are other factors that have been mentioned, however. Group buffs affect damage greatly.

Yeah, to achieve comparable DPS to sword you need to be standing pretty far back. Because of that, you won’t get/provide any of the group buffs to your team and the DPS will end up being lower.

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xallever.1874


Stop saying longbow is bad dps. It’s not. Traited longbow hits for 992.25/s only factoring skill modifiers and weapon damage and the 5% damage trait. This is only the autoattack, without considering barrage. As a reference sword hits for 1055.55/s. Yes, longbow is just a bit lower auto.

There are other factors that have been mentioned, however. Group buffs affect damage greatly.

Yeah, to achieve comparable DPS to sword you need to be standing pretty far back. Because of that, you won’t get/provide any of the group buffs to your team and the DPS will end up being lower.


Plus, consider the game mechanics. For instance, the spider boss in AC. It’s not just abt dealing the max damage but also staying in melee to mitigate damage.

(edited by xallever.1874)