Reaper Bloomhunger solo

Reaper Bloomhunger solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


Theres still a lot of problems with Reaper. But its mostly buggy and clunky skill activation rather than damage now. Gravedigger hits hard but its almost suicidal to spam that kitten in a solo.

Also less than 3k dps. Beat that Nemesis!

Reaper Bloomhunger solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Conner.5803


Nice, didn’t expect to see minions here :O
Are you gonna try this again using strength runes?

Reaper Bloomhunger solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Talyn.3295


Nicely done! I expect we will see an much better improved time when some of the issues with Reaper is worked out.

“We have now left Reason and Sanity Junction. Next stop, Looneyville.”

Reaper Bloomhunger solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


Yeah ill be redoing it after HoT comes out most likely. I should have used Bitter chill which would have increased the vuln uptime massively.

Reaper Bloomhunger solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Axelwarrior.9084


More Necromancer solos, pleaaaase~

Reaper Bloomhunger solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Definitely not optimized. I noticed quite a few bad moves here.

#1: Chilling bolts don’t actually do damage. Without Bitter Chill there’s no reason to use Soul Spiral in the ice field left by executioner’s strike.

#2: Executioner’s Scythe is only a DPS boost if used on enemies below 25% HP. Otherwise it is more effective to just auto attack with sword/dagger/shroud or gravedigger spam. Maybe if bitter chill were a factor you would use at at other health levels, but otherwise no.

#3: Soul Spiral itself isn’t that good, either. It’s direct damage is substantially lower than other attacks, and the 48 ticks of poison doesn’t help much (let alone in a build without might). Use Soul Spiral in a dark field. Each of the leeching bolts (tested in PVP at 2375 power) does 242 damage, and assuming there are about 12 bolts total that comes to an additional 3k on top of its usual damage. The 2k heal is a bonus.

#4: I’m having minor difficulty pinning down exactly what the build was. It definitely isn’t running chilling victory, and for a decimate defenses it is running very few ways to inflict vulnerability. Death Spiral and Rending Shroud only. No Unyielding Blast, no Bitter Chill, no off-hand focus, etc. I don’t know the minor or grandmaster, either.

#5: I’m pretty sure that Vampiric Presence is a higher personal DPS boost than Banshees wail. Even when using the warhorn. I’ve only done a few golem tests, but I’m consistently getting an indestructible kill in an additional second or two faster with Presence. This was without minions.

Those are the things I’m sure about. There are other things, such as whether Grasping Darkness is a DPS increase, or whether the best solo build is Spite/Blood Magic/Reaper.

I don’t have opinions. I only have facts I can’t adequately prove.

Reaper Bloomhunger solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Element Two.7316

Element Two.7316

Definitely not optimized. I noticed quite a few bad moves here.

#1: Chilling bolts don’t actually do damage. Without Bitter Chill there’s no reason to use Soul Spiral in the ice field left by executioner’s strike.

He was overstacking on chill due to his timing, but there definately a huge point in chilling bosses (spoiler: they attack less)

Reaper Bloomhunger solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


Im fully aware its not optimised. Did i not say that in the description? Also yes i realised my mistake of not using Bitter Chill.

I made a lot of changes as the attempts went by because things werent working (started fully offensive with soul reaping, focus, lich and shout heal). Wasnt sure about VP over banshees. When i do it next time ill probably be using focus and soul reaping anyway.

Although watching the footage. Had no idea the chilling bolts were not really stacking any additional chill most of the time. Guess ill have to go for lifesteal bolts instead or work on the timing. With that field duration its awkward because you can so easily miss your chance if you have to dodge.

(edited by spoj.9672)

Reaper Bloomhunger solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: theoutsider.7849


Also less than 3k dps. Beat that Nemesis!

shoulda used axe not some fake math dagger bullkitten


Reaper Bloomhunger solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deSade.9437


Oh, that’s why you were ignoring me the other day. It got buried by the other posts.
Totally NOT worth. You’ll have to make up for it :<
… good job, wuv. You’re the best.

/fails to activate grumpy mode

Reaper Bloomhunger solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


So you went Blood Magic over Soulreaping if I read right spoj? Interesting but explains some of the things I saw in the video that had me scratching my head. i still wish death’s charge was a full evade, but hey the projectile thing seems to work well (did bloom right away this beta weekend on reaper too) overall I’m pretty happy, is it enough… ehh, I wouldn’t say that, but there is certainly a growth in strength for necros. I do love the 20-25k gravediggers I saw, I figure with a more optimized setup (I was using energy sigil and cheap food) 26k is probably possible.

Curious what you feel is the rotation for it (obviously solo and even group things deviate) but I was going with Locust Swarm → drop wells → GS 4/3/2 → RS → GD spam at 50%, longer fights swap out and jump dagger to build back up then swap back to GS and 4/3 maybe 2 and back into RS and again GD spam at 50%. Anything you’d suggest on modifying. I’ve read that focus is better, but the lifeforce from Locust just seemed better, but I may go focus because it looks better (yay courage).

Anyways nice solo, just thought I might pick your brain a bit, again pretty happy with reaper, I find it fun and not as underwhelming. The only issue I have with it is that it creates a lack of range option, so some bosses I feel I should swap to normal necro (Captain Ashrym in a less than optimal group to name one).