(edited by Incognitto.8021)
Recruiting for Arah.
EU/NA Servers. The most important question unanswered, as always.
PS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0A8mLHDHiQU&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Is this a guild or just players contact list? Me Likey!
I just want to get a small band of people together who are willing to do what is done in both videos posted above. It seems very fun and interesting and the rewards are nice!
EU/NA Servers. The most important question unanswered, as always.
PS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0A8mLHDHiQU&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Like Dub said are you on EU or NA servers ? Since we can’t group NA+EU Am EU
Also, if you really want to go for speed runs, you need people that stay alive while being in zerk gear ^^… professions don’t really matter as long as you ain’t ranger
I did a so called P3 speed run in a PUG yesterday… took 25 min which was okay for a PUG i guess. But people kept getting downed on all the bosses. Was so sad. It felt like they actually did not know the bosses and they were like complaining about beeing rooted on Crusher / Hunter. And i had time for 2 TW on Lupicus
And before doing that kinda run, I would advise you on doing solo training sessions on some of the bosses. The ones that come to mind are:
- Lupicus
- Abomination
- Balthazard
- Hunter / Crusher
- Mage crusher (without afk spot)
Those sessions should not be aimed at actually soloing the boss, but finding what works best on each one of them and also learn the animations. I personnaly find it hard to see the animations whence in a group, especially when some ahole is an elem or a fire sigil userMesmer are bad too in a way
Though, you might count me in for some of the runs ^^ Am kinda teaching my guild atm since arah might become even more profitable with the next patch.
(edited by Chryzo.8906)
I’m interested. I’m from NA server. I really like to know the schedule.
I’m quite new to arah only ran it a few times. But I’m in the process of learning it and hope I can catch up soon.
This is on NA servers. Lemme update sorry for the confusion.
If I were you, I’d look for people good at jumping puzzles.