Remove fractal toughness scaling
Is that hard just to give some mobs/bosses much more toughness and thats it, for the variety? Does all this general downgrade to direct dmg really have to happen?
against the wind you won’t have to pee.
(Elementalist wisdom)
Is that hard just to give some mobs/bosses much more toughness and thats it, for the variety? Does all this general downgrade to direct dmg really have to happen?
Indeed. SOME enemies being resistant to direct damage (and some enemies resistant to Condi damage) is fine, if it isn’t all over the place. Making it for all fractals 60+ is huge overkill, however.
I agree, as others have pointed out in different topics.
Condition damage isnt balanced, only 3-4 classes excel at it. Any class can deal direct damage without creating an immense gap between everyclass damage wise.
Give every class as much acces to burning as Ranger,Guardian,Engineer,Warrior and we call it even.
I don’t think thats the solution, but Anet should start realizing that the current state isn’t acceptable.
OP did mention in the last paragraph about variety in mobs. So read the entire post.
There would be no variety. If they only made high Toughness for some fractals, people would just do non-condition fractals and ignore the Toughness fractals.
I’m really unhappy with the farmy nonsense enabled by the new fractal system, even if i appreciate the smaller time commitment
There could be variety within one fractal, not the entire fractal or one specific fractal. Though I do agree that the current system can still be easily abused and basically what you described is happening already, ignoring the high toughness fractals.
(edited by luzt.7692)