Renevant Dungeon/Fotm
Anet, pls dont forget the “speedrun”-community who loves to do dungeons and fotm every day, but want to get things done quite fast.
Dood, they forgot about us almost 2 years ago. Where have you been?
Well, you tested a beta class in 2 paths and one fractal run with the same build, so I guess the decision is final…
Well, you tested a beta class in 2 paths and one fractal run with the same build, so I guess the decision is final…
Take a look at what the class has to offer in 4 of its specializations and weapons. Absolutely nothing.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
judgment before shiro and power focused weapons are released is final and best judgment
edit: invocation looks like it will provide a means to 100% crit chance by itself, so thats not a useless spec.
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
thats what they gave us and this is what its worth.
(ye crit is rly high,but dont help)
I loaded up rev – geared it full zerks – took it to SW – hit a few mobs – 5 mobs later it was clear it’ll never be meta. It hits too kitten soft.
Finally necro can be better than something, thanks ANet for buffing necro and listening to our feedback
Finally necro can be better than something, thanks ANet for buffing necro and listening to our feedback
Isn’t it sad that Ant buffs necro by adding a class that is even worse in PvE?
Finally necro can be better than something, thanks ANet for buffing necro and listening to our feedback
Isn’t it sad that Ant buffs necro by adding a class that is even worse in PvE?
Be happy, at least something XD
There is still one more specialization though! It’s not too late to keep necro down at the bottom, you can do it ANet I believe in you!
There is still one more specialization though! It’s not too late to keep necro down at the bottom, you can do it ANet I believe in you!
and 1 elite spec
Don’t know what you’re talking about, rangers are the one going to the bottom with the specialisation
For once, revenant will top necro as the best “phiw” class. This class is also kitten hard to play.
Why are people evaluating revenants without the Shiro legend and power scaling weapons?
The weapons they currently have available are the equivalent of the guardian mace, staff, and the typical ranged weapon which is bad in PvE.
Don’t condemn a class when you haven’t even seen the power based options.
People are evaluating what they’ve been given, which is the entire point of a beta?
Why are people evaluating revenants without the Shiro legend and power scaling weapons?
The weapons they currently have available are the equivalent of the guardian mace, staff, and the typical ranged weapon which is bad in PvE.
Don’t condemn a class when you haven’t even seen the power based options.
What, you mean people shouldn’t be throwing out wild claims that Revenant are useless and terrible when the power/dps legend isn’t even available yet? Are you saying we should wait for a complete set of information, including elite spec, before making decisions about things?
No no no, we should all be throwing hissy fits like little kids. How dare the defensive, healing and condi legends not have meta-level DPS.
People are evaluating what they’ve been given, which is the entire point of a beta?
Which is stupid, because context matters.
If people were given p/d thief, staff guardian, or scepter/d ele or mace/shield warrior in a beta, they’d be crying about how bad the classes are and they couldn’t be more wrong.
Fact is, in PvE nothing but the offensive weapons and utilities matters. And revenant doesn’t have access to them.
It’s no coincidence either that this is the very same test weekend where a pvp format is being tested, so that garbage celestial gear/support weps are there for pvp.
(edited by Zenith.7301)
Why are people evaluating revenants without the Shiro legend and power scaling weapons?
The weapons they currently have available are the equivalent of the guardian mace, staff, and the typical ranged weapon which is bad in PvE.
Don’t condemn a class when you haven’t even seen the power based options.
Guardian mace is highest dps if you talk about camping a weapon on a non-large hitbox enemy? Scepter wins out on large hitboxes like lupi because of smite. And GS only beats mace for its burst off of WW averaged across the time you spend in GS, but camping GS loses out to swapping to mace for better symbol uptime and a stronger combination of AA + symbol of faith.
But yeah, guard staff, lolz.
But, but, I’m helping with my might and healing! I wanted to roleplay as Gandalf.
I love it how people tought that revenant will be one hit KO new OP meta.
First od all: revenant is in a testing phase. It has been one day for cryin out loud.
I love it how people tought that revenant will be one hit KO new OP meta.
First od all: revenant is in a testing phase. It has been one day for cryin out loud.
Actually myself and many other dungeon runners from the moment we tried the first stress test had very low expectations for the class. We could tell even in cele gear that the class was weak. The people you are refering to calling the revenant “OP” were mostly sPvPers. Also don’t act like we shouldn’t form opinions about the class because it has only been one day. Since it’s not finalized we should voice our opinions so anet can get accurate feedback, should we not?
Yeah I think in old content revenant is not looking good so far. It seemed like hammer was highest dps option. Surprising because its range is 1200 compared to mace/axe which is a melee set. The next specialization needs to be direct damage focused I think. It seems like rev has a lot of conditions built right into its attacks. Maybe something like sinister/Rampagers would be optimal? If Rytlock is the first rev, Id imagine sword is gonna be its dps weapon.
Side note, I really want to try 5 revs all on ventari just stacking/healing each other like crazy.
Maybe future content will be more appropriate for rev?
Healing specs will never be good in this game. Damage in this game was not meant to be tanked.
And the reason is pvp. In this game, where there are no pvp/pve damage splits (in wow it exists via the resilience/pvp defense stat), if specializations could heal enough to outheal damage from many bosses in this game, those specs would be broken in pvp.
So groupwide healing sucks. And not only does it suck, it comes at a huge opportunity cost — metric tons of damage loss.
You see, their nail in the coffin to build diversity was STATS. Tying performance so radically to stats means the baseline function of skills is terrible without heavy stat investment, and said stats are limited enough where you can’t cover both damage and support.
There should have never been crit damage or precision or condition damage. All gear should have had a power stat that affects damage output, and the other stats should have been utilitarian choices.
There is nothing more valuable than damage in PvE, not as long as HP pools that need to be depleted exist. Look at games with the trinity, when WoW leading raid guilds optimize, they often try to get away with as few healers and tanks as the encounter will allow. Healers and tanks only exist because the encounter demands it, but the one thing you can never have too much of is damage.
GW2’s toughness, healing power, and vitality stats will never be valued above offensive stats outside pvp.
What’s worse is that this split of offenses and opportunity costs for stats actually reduces your options for weapon usage as well. You are either condi, or you are power, but you can’t be both. Sinister does not bring the synergy of power/crit/crit damage, all of these three values scaling up along each other whereas condition damage does not have this synergistic effect with power.
They realized stats on traitlines was reducing options. Now they only need to take another 2 years to follow the logical conclusion and realize that stats having such a large impact on the baseline functionality of skills is a really bad idea.
Yeah I think in old content revenant is not looking good so far. It seemed like hammer was highest dps option. Surprising because its range is 1200 compared to mace/axe which is a melee set. The next specialization needs to be direct damage focused I think. It seems like rev has a lot of conditions built right into its attacks. Maybe something like sinister/Rampagers would be optimal? If Rytlock is the first rev, Id imagine sword is gonna be its dps weapon.
Side note, I really want to try 5 revs all on ventari just stacking/healing each other like crazy.
Maybe future content will be more appropriate for rev?
the problem with heal is, that in this context to heal someone hit by a boss (usual trash mobs you just ignore if they hit), he get sth for 5k to 15k dmg. to compensate this, you need a 1s cd skill which full heals your target (lets say 16k hp). even if u split this on 5 player , you need a heal skill which heals bout 3.2k (per second)…
i’d realy like if they bring out a “heal” class, but this should be able to do 2 things:
1) dmg – noone would take a full healer, which keep you alive and you dont need to care anything anymore,but deals 0 dmg, so its dmg sould be on a average level compared with others.
2) protection over heal – a lot of enemy can oneshot, or at least almost oneshot. So in case of healing you need to spam a full-heal skill, which is boring. Whats interesting is if you get a kind of “protect selected player for 2sec from any kind of dmg”. This would mean, you need to watch your environment, see who’s gonna take the next hit and if you did right you can save him. of cause, for fast-hitting enemies there should be sth like for 2sec your targed only get 50%dmg and chills attacker. for projectiles sth like target blocks for 2sec enemy projectiles. and finally there should be a low recast condition remove.
So a “healers” bar should look like
1) dmg skill aa, dont care about
2) burst protection
3) pressure protection
4) projectile protection
5) condi cleanse
to take this interesting even for exp speed-clears there should be a trait which rewards good skills: on sucessful avoid dmg all player get a boon/10%dmg boost/ reduced skill cd / what ever
I’d realy like to play such a class/specialisation, but due to missing interface to select allies, like in gw1 I dont see this coming.
Hey OP, did you try Mace/Axe with a Rabid/Sinister set?
Until Shiro and his swords show up, that’s about the closest Revenant can get in terms of dps/speedrun potential.
Did a few dungeons with that, mostly sticking to Jalis and keeping whirling hammers up as much as possible, and the damage was… not bad. Certainly not top tier, but I wasn’t feeling useless either (until the final fight in CoF path 2, but that’s because Mace AA targeting is bugged and couldn’t hit the Eternal Flame.)
What makes a class do good damage? Its a combination of 3 specialisations and choice of decent weapons. But even the alternative weapons do competative dps to a certain degree.
Sorry but i dont really see how 1 specialisation and 1 choice of weapon set can save the class. Necromancer already suffers from a major lack of damage modifier traits. Revenant looks like its going to suffer from that issue along side terrible base weapon damage.
What makes a class do good damage? Its a combination of 3 specialisations and choice of decent weapons. But even the alternative weapons do competative dps to a certain degree.
Sorry but i dont really see how 1 specialisation and 1 choice of weapon set can save the class. Necromancer already suffers from a major lack of damage modifier traits. Revenant looks like its going to suffer from that issue along side terrible base weapon damage.
This was my thoughts exactly. One specialization alone won’t allow for enough. Anet does betas so that we might give feedback on how we feel on things before they are released. If we don’t talk about the issues with have with the Revenant class nothing will change. We can set around here all day saying “Oh you guys need to wait” or “Don’t knock” this or that, but the fact is from what we have seen the Rev is very gimmicky and very underwhelming in the dps department.
Now is our chance to give feed back when Anet might actually listen and improve, once HoT launches the chances of Anet making huge changes to the class are not very likely.
I for one don’t want to see people saying “oh just wait” then once we have waited we get one trait line that offers any kinda dps support and everyone suddenly is up in arms doing the “How could anet let this happen.” The ball is in our court now, if we are going to have any real say, now is the time.
Agree. If we “just wait” we will have another case of the necro. Class remaining terrible for 3 years with no major changes that are sorely needed. Once rev is released they will be less inclined to make huge changes to the class as a whole. Which is probably why necro has never been fully addressed.
Agree. If we “just wait” we will have another case of the necro. Class remaining terrible for 3 years with no major changes that are sorely needed. Once rev is released they will be less inclined to make huge changes to the class as a whole. Which is probably why necro has never been fully addressed.
But necro has been addressed, they created Rev.
Hey OP, did you try Mace/Axe with a Rabid/Sinister set?
Until Shiro and his swords show up, that’s about the closest Revenant can get in terms of dps/speedrun potential.
ye, even tried hammer, but their all at a low dps-level, +- 500 doesnt matter
also for those who say, there will be a dps form and weapons:
I think, thats the definately wrong wrong wrongest way to go with a SUPPORT class!!!
A support class should focus on support, so ALL of its weappons /form should do a good base dmg (mainly form AA-chains!!!). After this other weapon skills and utility aka forms at rev, should offer a specific way to support your party. I’d even say there should not be a dmg-form because you will be forced to take it todeal good dps whenever you support isnt needed, which is 50% of you build to be fix.
I also watched last poi recently where they say “there will be content in hot where player need this kind off supportive heal from ventari”. but i dont get how a heal, that might double your individual class heal could help you aport from a aoe effect which deals this dmg over time and you cant avoid, which would be annoying only. Currently you can never ever reach a point of healing, where you can counter heal a boss attack if someone fails to dodge/block even when ignoring personal dps and go full heal.
Now is our chance to give feed back when Anet might actually listen and improve,
… like, seriously?
Now is our chance to give feed back when Anet might actually listen and improve,
… like, seriously?
I know its hard to believe. But they did actually listen to feedback and make changes with the necro between the first spec preview and second spec preview. In particular blood magic. It does happen sometimes! Maybe not in the best way possible but it does happen!
Now is our chance to give feed back when Anet might actually listen and improve,
… like, seriously?
Granted, highly unlikely though it might be, Anet might actually do something.
But we are gonna tear into the Rev here anyway. My point was that White Knighting the class doesn’t help us out, the only way anet ever listens to us, is if we lay down on the floor. Kick. Scream. Stomp our feet. And yell at the top of our lungs loud and long enough.
Granted, most of us don’t care enough to do that anymore.
At least we can say 3 years down the line we didn’t let them give us another necro without making an attempt.
As many have pointed out in this thread, healing is intentionally weak in this game. We should be actively avoiding damage. A lot of bosses will 1 or 2 shot you, so healing is of limited use anyways.
So is there any way to make a healer class that makes sense? I definitely think there is. I think we can make healing a useful and fun mechanic that fits with the active playstyle mentality. Here are what I consider some starting ideas. I am sure they are not polished/balanced as stated.
1.) Make all rev heals work on downed state. Every class in the game currently takes on the role of healer as needed through the revive mechanic. I think revive is one of the most powerful healing abilities in the game. It is a repeatable heal for 25% of your ally’s health with no cooldown. A healer class needs to be better at it than anyone else. Warriors have elite banners, necros have shroud 4, the list goes on. Rev needs to outperform those classes to warrant bringing one into a party.
2.) Mesmers and gaurdians turn projectiles into dps. Let rev turn them into healing. Make protective solace heal allies inside of it for each projectile absorbed. Make it scale with damage. Absorbing all of a lupi aoe should heal the entire party to max. Compare this to the pure damage done through reflects, even without cheese walling, and it seems fair.
3.) Natural Harmony is not useful right now in pve. On top of that, it’s just not that interesting a mechanic. Its as vanilla as a heal gets. It is comparable to ele water field, except we can’t even blast in it. Instead here is something I think could make meaningful impacts in battle. Make it so all allies within a certain range of the tablet gain defiant stance for a few seconds when you activate this ability. This encourages you to react not to a team mate getting downed, but to the enemy getting ready to finish them off. This gives you the ability to fully heal a teammate but only if you time it skillfully. However, there is a problem. If your teammates dodge, they won’t gain any healing. That’s not good, its rewarding failure, and punishing success. Instead, make it so If one of your teammates dodges/blocks/evades/aegis/endure pain/etc an attack while this defiant stance is up, the healing is doubled instead of negated. This rewards the healer for landing a good heal, and the healed for actively negating it.
4.) The elite skill is pretty meh. It seemed to be between 5 and 10k healing total. Hardly even above the aoe heal (number 8 ). I think an elite heal skill should be something you use when everything has really gone south. It needs to really make an impact. It needs to save a party from a full wipe if used skillfully. Trash mobs can just be blinded, and bosses have defiance. So the knock back isn’t really that big of a deal. Here is what I propose. Make it ground targetable. You click the ground, the tablet races over there. This also lets us easily see which enemies will get caught in the blast. Then the tablet blows up, just as it does currently. But, enemies caught in the blast gain a new debuff. All outgoing damage is turned into healing for 5 seconds, 10 seconds with a gm trait. Buff the crystals to heal like, 5k each. Also, every downed state ally within the blast automatically has one crystal land on them, helping to revive them. Make the skill use 75% of your energy bar. Also make it a blast finisher, because its about as blasty as a skill gets.
So those are some starter ideas I had. I know some of them could be pretty powerful. But honestly, if the healing isn’t powerful then no one is going to bring a rev with their dps where it is right now. And of course, as always, the most important thing to do is to add new permanent challenging content. If a healer class is ever going to be valued, we need content challenging enough that even good players will make enough mistakes during the battle to need healing. Healing in this game is currently always a crutch, for when players make a mistake. But if bosses in dungeons were not dying in only 30 seconds, more players would actually be making mistakes.
(edited by thrag.9740)
Now is our chance to give feed back when Anet might actually listen and improve,
… like, seriously?I know its hard to believe. But they did actually listen to feedback and make changes with the necro between the first spec preview and second spec preview. In particular blood magic. It does happen sometimes! Maybe not in the best way possible but it does happen!
They’re not gonna overhaul a class by giving it utility swap or weapon swap A FEW MONTHS BEFORE RELEASE (ehhh, probably more than 6 months)!
The hell.
And don’t think this class needs any less to be decent, because at its current state… it’s the CONCEPT ITSELF that is wrong and doesn’t work, not some kittening skills that could be simply changed a little. And we know that’s the only thing they may be willing to do.
How did the change of concept work out for the necro so far, huh? what about the ranger’s sword?
Gah, I’m sick of this. You want to see if they’re alive despite those kittening kitteners never showing up, go ahead. I’m not gonna care. I took the whiteknights’ advice: don’t like it, don’t play it. If I weren’t stuck with this godkitten piece of wreckage of a game because I can’t find any other mmo I like…. ghhhhhhh
I’m not gonna care.
You sure talk a lot for someone who don’t care :P
You sure talk a lot for someone who don’t care :P
Yeah? Gonna talk even more now that I know you don’t like it, despite being tired as hell. Thanks for that, and make sure to follow my whining below! If you subscribe, I’ll send more to your mail, and you get to pick the topic!
I havent played it much myself but the damage seems to be fine
Cant expect it to out damage a warrior.
That’s the feedback they’re getting, pretty much. Useful. Then there’s the horde of whiteknights claiming you can’t comment on an unfinished product (better hope it’s unfinished…) and the forum warriors that would want the forums to be a wasteland with only 2-3 people talking (the ones they like/agree with).
How to get ’em to listen, well, perhaps whining and stomping feet is the right way. But on reddit…
It had already been said: this class has a distinct gw1 concept, but it’s flawed.
- Energy. Very gw1, but huge flaw: there’s no energy management. This is absolutely non-gw1. Anyway, you cannot regenerate it and it’s very limiting, with some skills that have a huge cost AND
- a cooldown on top of that. This is screwed up. Some skills have 15+ cost AND 20s cds. I get it, they’re afraid of rev being op, but which other class has such big limitations? Thieves have: no cds on weapon skills, no ini cost on utilities and a way to generate ini.
“Oh but it’s not rev that is underpowered, the other classes are op!” kittenmit, who’s the moron that would suggest reworking 8 classes instead of 1 at this stage in the game? Gah.
- Because of these 2, there’s forced legend swapping for energy.
Now, I find myself having just enough energy to get by most of the time, so it’s not a huge problem but, well, are you supposed to “barely” get by? It also needs mentioning that I’m talking about simple pve’ing, how well is a revenant gonna do when pressured by other aggressive classes in pvp?
- Mobility, disengage, self-defense: all.. not so great. Revs are, again, a glacier. Another class that has the mobility of my cat at 2pm. I suppose they love the concept! /snort
So, ok, they’re tanky… but what about poison. What about stun locks. What about evading/disengaging (ofc they got no vigor, see how that worked well for necros). They’re supposed to “tank” and “heal” through it?
Staff 3 is good, ok, but you’re not supposed to be camping staff!?!? Oh wait, riiight… no
- weapon swaps: and this is just amazing. Because you also got no
- utility swap, and this combined, with the presence of presumably 5 legends, implies that you’re ALWAYS gonna know, with some limited accuracy, what a revenant has equipped. No surprise, just… boredom.
You have ONE weapon that is good only in certain situations. You have TWO legends that are extremely specific, with a fixed set of skills and a level of proactive..ness? whatever… equal to -1000.
I cannot see how to “fix” the rev without providing huge changes and literally iterating on the profession. I’ll exclude weapon swap, legend swap, utility swap et similia from the equation, because no matter how well-meaning I am, I’m not gonna believe in them making such big changes.
What’s left, well..
- Most current minor traits should be baseline. The ones in invocation, firstable. Instant legend, stun break, the stupid healing orbs (so kitten useless…), all of that.
- The minors in salvation should be baseline in Ventari, also some major and stuffs. The stupid healing thingies should give regen and swift baseline, with chance to other boons. Healing effectiveness should be baseline. Gm trait with more healing fragments should be baseline.
- Most traits in mallyx line should be baseline. Condis on hit, baseline. Condi duration, baseline. Condis (not only torment!!!) applied to you and then transferred when in élite demon, baseline.
- Retribution: on dodge traits could be baseline. More vigor, because that is what “tankiness” is in gw2. More retal, MORE. Boon duration, baseline. Tiny damage reduction, baseline.
- SHIRO IS SUPPOSED TO BE AWESOME, with crazy burst and damage modifiers and group buffs and.. I’m dreaming now.
Then they should be given new, decent traits. And new, decent, reworked skills in Mallyx and Ventari.
Yeah, despite all this, I seriously doubt they’d get even close to “op” or “dangerous” in pvp, cus that’s all they care about, right. Ezportz.
Was that long enough? I’ll make sure to down tons of coffee and… whine some more later.
You sure talk a lot for someone who don’t care :P
Yeah? Gonna talk even more now that I know you don’t like it, despite being tired as hell. Thanks for that, and make sure to follow my whining below! If you subscribe, I’ll send more to your mail, and you get to pick the topic!
Where did i say i don’t like it ?
You sure talk a lot for someone who don’t care :P
Yeah? Gonna talk even more now that I know you don’t like it, despite being tired as hell. Thanks for that, and make sure to follow my whining below! If you subscribe, I’ll send more to your mail, and you get to pick the topic!
Where did i say i don’t like it ?
I am even more grateful, then a love mail, perchance?
Oh, also the resistance when using mallyx skills, that should be baseline too. Mallyx is a gimmick, a huge one, and it needs resistance to fulfill its gimmick.
And 8 SUCKS, needs an improvement. 9 is hell on earth and I have no idea how to make it less painful.
Stability needs to nullify the skill, and so does defiance.
Full Sinister Engineer: 15k dps
Full Sinister Warrior: 11k DPS
Full Sinister Mallyx Revenant: 6k DPS
This is a problem. It’s not a Shiro problem. The fact is that their “condi spec” is bad… even for a condi spec. Shiro isn’t going to make that condi build catch up to the other PvE condi specs.
As far as PvE direct damage builds go, right now the only good direct damage line is the Invocation line. If Shiro lives up to what it should be, and the Elite Specialization (Glint?) has something worthwhile for direct damage builds the class could easily be saved for PvE. If truly hard content comes out its easy to see a Shiro/Ventari build that does good DPS, provides reflects and party sustain being useful. We’ll see!
I spent a good amount of time playing Revenant through a number of dungeons, fractals, and PvE encounters this weekend and will be working to compile a report to ANet on the matter this week. Personally, it all felt very difficult as far as high skill requirements went to support the team, yet it still didn’t feel as effective as say the Guardian or Mesmer or other supporty classes. Their DPS also suffered pretty substantially compared to those classes.
DPS numbers like what Nike provided for sinister sets are incredibly valuable raw numbers that I can relay to ANet to get things fixed up for them, but other anecdotal feelings that you all have are all also very valuable.
If you have thoughts, please let them be known here! I’ll make sure it gets reported up so that ANet can do something useful with it.
Full Sinister Engineer: 15k dps
Full Sinister Warrior: 11k DPS
Full Sinister Mallyx Revenant: 6k DPS
Full Sinister Necromancer?
DPS numbers like what Nike provided for sinister sets are incredibly valuable raw numbers that I can relay to ANet to get things fixed up for them, but other anecdotal feelings that you all have are all also very valuable.
Are they
Nvm kitten this, Shiro is coming!!!
… pray.
(edited by deSade.9437)
Full Sinister Engineer: 15k dps
Full Sinister Warrior: 11k DPS
Full Sinister Mallyx Revenant: 6k DPSFull Sinister Necromancer?
Probably about 7k unless you can transfer some burns (not gonna happen in PvE).
Full Sinister Engineer: 15k dps
Full Sinister Warrior: 11k DPS
Full Sinister Mallyx Revenant: 6k DPSFull Sinister Necromancer?
Probably about 7k unless you can transfer some burns (not gonna happen in PvE).
Isn’t necro supposed to be the master of conditions? <.<
Yeah ahah. People have been saying that for a long time. Its never been true.
….but but epidemic!
Yay, epidemic!
Better than nothing, I suppose…
inb4 anet keeps talking about what necros can’t do or have in streaming – they can’t have mobility no vigor no this no that BLABLABLA it’s in a fine spot right now!
Reaper take me away.