Repeating high lvl fractals... Loot bug?

Repeating high lvl fractals... Loot bug?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


I’m at frak 48 And have been for a while since 50 just can’t be done now. I have 46 pristine relics and have received 6 total skins. I got my first ring at lvl 23 (finished22) by buying it with tokens and sped through to high lvl fraks. I went back and did 1 lvl 10s and 1 lvl 20s. I also did 2 daily tier fraks in 1 day twice skipping a pristine relic. Everything else has been 38 and 40s daily.

I usually only do frak48 for my daily and ignore 38.

I got a skin at 36, 38, and the rest were on my trek to 48. I also got one on my first 48 run.

24-38 evens is 8 relics
46-8=38 high lvl daily attempts

I continued to power level through to 48 but had to redo 2 or 3 48< fraks b4 I could get there.

I’ve done 38 fraks at lvl 38 and 40+ and it would be safe to assume at least 12, most likely more, was at 48. In all of those runs of 48 I received that 1 skin and only 1 terrible ring since. In all my runs after my very first 48 run I’ve received 1 skin, 1 infused ring (at 48), and 1 non infused (at 10)… This defies all probability according to the rng.

So are the drop rates at higher lvl fraks bugged or do the rng gods truely just hate me?

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Repeating high lvl fractals... Loot bug?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Maso.2798


I think the problem is that on an individual level the RNG can produce a lot of good or bad streaks.

Eg. I received the exact same ring 3 times in a row after each other. I have 4 types of rings but 2-3 copies of each (16 rings/350 fractals)

Same with the fractals loot, it happens that for 3-4 days i na row i get max 2 rares at 38-42 levels, then for 2-3 days 1-2 exos + 10-15 rares/run.

So it might be very “random” when you look at all players, but on an individual level my experience is very different.

Repeating high lvl fractals... Loot bug?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


almost at 60 pristines and have only received 2 rings in that time… why more rings, seriously.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Repeating high lvl fractals... Loot bug?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheRudeDude.1596


The problem is, it is not truly RNG, because your luck is predefined when you enter a fractal.
I am pretty certain at this, at least from running the last 20-30 fractal dailies or so.
Leveled my guardian to 30 with a lot of good drops and lots of rings in the early levels.
Then, something changed and my droprate went way down to an average of 2-3 rares per run, no rings in a long time.
With my warrior at level 9 i have the same bad luck continue, very rarely any good stuff.
Most of the times its one blue after the other, and i already know that in every single chest there will be nothing of any value.

Regarding to ring RNG:
Dont know if anyone else has the same “luck” of getting the same ring five times, out of about 10 in total, and most of the rings with condi and magic find?