Requested QoL changes

Requested QoL changes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Adzekul.3104


Please consider the following suggestions as Quality of Life changes in fractals. It is primarily about loot that ends up taking up too much space in the bank:

1) Ascended Salvage Tools now drop (again) as singles, and the drop rates are relatively high. Please give us the ability to stack both the singles and the 5-stacks into the 20-stacks, as well as to combine new ones with old ones. At one point I had 6 of the 20-stacks. I still have 3, and now 5 singles on top. 8 bank slots is way too much. I would even love it if they could stack up to 250, but that might be too much to hope for.

2) Mist Potions and Large Mist Potions and Infinite Mist Potions. I love the Infinite potions, but I get way too many of the regular and large potions. It seems I get even more, now that I have all 3 infinite potions. Please give us a way to “sell” the non-infinite ones for fractal relics or pristine fractal relics or stabilizing matrices. Even better, if we have all 3 infinites, don’t give us the non-infinites as rewards. Maybe have that loot drop re-roll on the loot table for a higher chance of an ascended armour or weapon box. Anything else (other than perhaps a 20-stack of stabilizing matrices, perhaps) would be not useful. Yes, I said it, Infused Ascended Rings are not so useful. I have enough as it is. And with my luck salvaging them gives me exactly 2+2 or 2+3 stabilizing matrices. I managed 2+20 once … seems ages ago.

3) Did I mention that I love the Infinite Mist Potions? But do I really need to click on all 3 of them every 30 minutes? Please consider an automatic, permanent buff if I have all 3 in my inventory (or shared inventory slot). It can be “only inside fractals” if you are afraid of people running around with the buffs in pvp/wvw/open world (dunno why this would be a problem, tbh).

Thank you for reading and considering.


Requested QoL changes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Amaimon.7823


1 and 2 are kind of first world problems. I don’t think enough people ‘suffer’ from that to merit effort for a fix.
I do agree on 3. Since its a local buff, it would be strange to be timebound.
Maybe they can change it do a 24h buff and have it automatically removed when you return to the observatory or the normal world.

Requested QoL changes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: nagr.1593


It depends on ur perspective, what would u define to be ‘1st world’ problems? For instance it’s plausible someone can get lucky, and not even been doing fractals for long (maybe a month or so). A month is enough to buy out an infinite pot, yes? Plus someone can get lucky, I know I did. Endless fractal tonic is rare drop but it does happen. So that explains why I have 2 infinite pots now. I agree that most stuff from open world like meta chains alrdy fills up my bag enough. I get random junk I’m not sure whether to delete.. ascended scrolls, random collection items that I never ask for (bloodstone battery etc.) and top of that fotm related items.. which honestly takes up too much space all things considered. First there’s encryption keys.. then encryptions which when unlocked take up a 3rd bag slot. Doing a set of t4 dailies awards u three diff. set of chests that takes up 3 more slots (yay). Then add random junk u get but don’t ask for like resonating slivers and +1 agony infusions, which despite full stacks can take up to 2-3 bag slots easily. Then stuff that you want to get rid of asap: ascended rings u don’t need. All said, that’s sometimes like 12 slots alone. On top of that when u get single-use ascended kits that don’t stack, and mist pots that likewise don’t stack (even with their same kind, since there are like 9 diff. combinations or so).. it becomes a bit much. I know I don’t enjoy having to waste my time trying to seek out and destroy mist pots in my inv one by one, or having to find and group my single-use kits together so I can get rid of them asap.

Strangely enough, it’s only 3 I disagree on. I don’t mind bc I constantly keep a track of it.. plus it’s on same duration as most food or consumables so it’s easier to realise when u run out. Something like this I would consider a 1st world problem.

Arun Kar

(edited by nagr.1593)

Requested QoL changes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Osu.6307


Agree with you on #2. Sure would be nice to sell or swap potions. I would love the option to sell ascended rings and salvage tools for fractal relics. The more you do fractals, the more worthless these rewards become.
