point of reference: I do 51+ dailies daily, I did lvl 50 before the change regularly. Right now, fractals end up being swamp and molton duo and 2 other random ones if you do them all or 3x swamp if you only do 51+ because rewards really dont scale with length. I also dont feel like the current structure is very friendly to either progression of difficulty of a given instance (there are 30 levels between the first 2 urban battle ground instances) or is it friendly to expansion. So, I got to thinking how I would structure fractal content to keep the benefits of the changes that were made (1 instance per run required), bring back some of the randomness some people enjoyed, make expansion of new fractal and instabilities easier and scale the rewards to length.
NOTE: This assumes that fractals are modular. That is, an instability and difficulty scaling can be applied to a given instance programatically and that it is not the case that each combination must be manually coded.
Here it goes:
Fractals are split into tiers, not individual levels. Each tier adds an amount of randomness and difficulty. For HP, toughness and attack damage would scale like this, T1 = current level 10, T2 = lvl 20, T3 = lvl30 etc and all the different fractals in each tier is scaled the same. Within these tiers different mechanics can be added just like they are now, T1 uncategorized doesnt have knockback harpies, T2+ does etc.
1) You get to pick the fractal. there are no instabilities. To access T2, you have to have completed say, 10 individual fractals (there are currently 14, as new are added, you can just stick with 10, current players are grandfathered in based on their personal fractal level)
2) You get to pick the fractal and 1 instability from a list of “easy” instabilities. To access T3 you have to have done 10 different fractals and experienced some number of the easy instabilities (no specific combinations).
3) Fractals are randomized, and 1 easy instability is randomly applied. To access T4, do 10 fractals in T3.
4) Fractals are randomized, you pick from a list of “hard” instabilities. To access T5 (and T6), do 10 fractals and some number of different instabilities.
5) Fractals and 1 hard instability randomized.
6) Fractals and 1 hard and 1 easy instability randomized.
Optional tier: 7) Dev’s choice (muahahahaha). Devs may put together specific fractals and some number of instabilities along with bonus mechanics like the extra elites at mai trin at 100. If the fractals and instabilities are coded modularly, this entire tier could be a single fractal released every 2 -4 weeks (4 weeks…like a monthly achievement? :O ) or something with the normal patch that is only available those weeks and can be completed once for a bonus reward. This might also be a way to introduce a new instability every once in a while.
a reward change:
Events within each fractal should give chests like the raid. This is where you get encryption boxes along with maybe a champ bag, a bag of gear or even bonus relics. Some extra chests given at the end of certain areas under certain conditions (like killing all trash, harpies for istance) on top of what we see now (like the chest for killing dulfy of the champ at molten duo) may be warranted. For instance, opening the 3 doors in the dredge fractal would be an ‘event’, bombs/guns would be another, the champ another and clearing the hall before the boss another. This allows longer fractals to contain more events and thus reward more loot based on length of the fractal rather than the difference between molten duo and dredge being a couple encryption boxes. These chests should also be once a day account bound but rewards per tier to avoid some situation where you just do 1 event and reset or something.
Dailies can be 3 fractals within each tier with some bonus goodies if you (you, not anyone in your party to avoid dc issues and quitting issues) complete the 3 fractals without going back to the lobby or to LA. If it is just bound to the player who must complete 3 without leaving for the bonus, then some people can go 1 at a time and leave while others can stay for the bonus and pull more people in, jut like goes on now.
Tiers should address expandability as well as experienced difficulty of a given fractal, event rewards should address fractal length vs reward concerns and, combined with randomness of higher tiers, avoid swamp spam.
EDIT: Also, yes, I know this would be alot of dev time and that there are other things they could be working on other than another change of content they just changed. These are just some ideas that I have had.
(edited by That Guy.5704)