[SC] SE P1 - 2:39 - Restricted
Woah 14 secs less than the previous one… nice job !
Amazing at every details. A job well done, indeed!
Imo the most impressive record i ever watched, gj.
Reviewing and doing time comparison video. Should have it up within an hour.
Edit: Might be slightly longer than I thought. Mareika’s video cuts out with Tazza at 30%.
(edited by Enko.6123)
Edit: Might be slightly longer than I thought. Mareika’s video cuts out with Tazza at 30%.
Eh, no? It isn’t :S
Approved and added to site.
Edit: Might be slightly longer than I thought. Mareika’s video cuts out with Tazza at 30%.
Eh, no? It isn’t :S
Uh yeah I had another clip there in Premiere and it overwrote the end. Correction fixed. I’ll have the time comparison uploaded shortly.
(edited by Enko.6123)
Time Comparisons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHQTiojZRJs
Times in Min:Seconds.Hundredths
Start to Mark IV Golem Hostile:
SC: 1:05.63 (-3.84s)
vC: 1:09.47
Mark IV Golem Kill:
SC: 0:04.10 (-1.13s)
vC: 0:05.23
Golem Kill to Nokk Run:
SC: 0:36.83 (-3.14s)
vC: 0:39.97
Nokk Kill:
SC: 0:08.63 (-0.44s)
vC: 0:09.07
Run to Prototype Golems:
SC: 0:07.27 (+0.57s)
vC: 0:06.70
Protoype Golems Kill:
SC: 0:10.07 (-2.16s)
vC: 0:12.23
Golems Kill to Tazza Kill:
SC: 0:26.47 (-4.4s)
vC: 0:30.87
SC: 2:39.27 (-14.53s)
vC: 2:53.80
Run to Prototype Golems:
SC: 0:07.27 (+0.57s)
vC: 0:06.70
Tssk tssk, what is your excuse, Tobi?
Run to Prototype Golems:
SC: 0:07.27 (+0.57s)
vC: 0:06.70
Tobi must so hate himself right now xD
Tobi should probably go back to Thief :^)
Very nice run
Just using my Whirl later :S
Just using my Whirl later :S
dat aberage™
Great job guys !