[SC] The Ruined City of Arah Path 3 (7:14)
Sick Job [SC]!
I think nobody even cares anymore at that points, pretty sad :/ Sick record as usually, even better – has a mesmer.
I think nobody even cares anymore at that points, pretty sad :/ Sick record as usually, even better – has a mesmer.
Ehh I don’t really care about the record, but I apprciate the video as an impressive show of a collaborative team maximizing their efforts
I think nobody even cares anymore at that points, pretty sad :/ Sick record as usually, even better – has a mesmer.
I find the little bits of innovation like bursting down lupicus so fast conventionally and the different abom pull spot (which is absolutely ridiculously insanely rng-tastic, that must have took a ton of resets) to be quite interesting, myself.
It’s a lot better than the old meta throw everything in to corners and 44444444444444444444 for the win
Or the even older meta everyone just play warriors/guards/mes because hurdur other classes don’t exist
Congratz though lupi is such a kitten . Also so sad there are like only 2-3 guilds that go for records…
Thanks! For the anecdote, when I first heard from Goku that Deathly had a faster skip than Sandy to the Mage Crusher. I went immediately in Arah with some guildie and spent a good 30 minutes trying to find a better skip and practice it a bit, I guess that was worth it ^^
Looks like I have to call in all my favors with anet and get ice bow nerfed. Once that happens, I’ll go for Glyph of Storms. Once that happens I’ll get meteor shower nerfed.
then, and only then, will I rest soundly on my waterbed filled with the tears of particular people.
Looks like I have to call in all my favors with anet and get ice bow nerfed. Once that happens, I’ll go for Glyph of Storms. Once that happens I’ll get meteor shower nerfed.
If everything gets nerfed, no longer anything will be.
I think nobody even cares anymore at that points, pretty sad
I guess that’s the reason less and less guilds accede because less and less people care about it. Unsurprisingly after more than 2 years…
Half of my guild, me included , didn’t enter a single dungeon for a few weeks.
When we even log in we mainly play tpvp now which is much more fun for us atm.
But as I said, who is that surprised that the fun is gone after more than 2 years.
Congratz though lupi is such a kitten
. Also so sad there are like only 2-3 guilds that go for records…
Who are the other 2?
Congratz though lupi is such a kitten
. Also so sad there are like only 2-3 guilds that go for records…
Who are the other 2?
SC ,LuPi and maybe iV . Also jerem i have a better skip already :P just need time and perfect rng to beat your record.
Hehe I also know a way to do this skip faster but it’s more rng based.
Mine doesnt have that much rng
Congratz though lupi is such a kitten
. Also so sad there are like only 2-3 guilds that go for records…
Who are the other 2?
SC ,LuPi and maybe iV . Also jerem i have a better skip already :P just need time and perfect rng to beat your record.
Shhhhh.. Can’t say what our record team plans at the moment but boredom is always present so you might see some records from us!
Some seasons we are enthusiastic for records some not. It comes and goes. SC wasnt very active last season, very active this one. Last season we did a lot, this season we haven’t cared to do any.
Some seasons we are enthusiastic for records some not. It comes and goes. SC wasnt very active last season, very active this one. Last season we did a lot, this season we haven’t cared to do any.
Yes the season is the reason yes
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Some seasons we are enthusiastic for records some not. It comes and goes. SC wasnt very active last season, very active this one. Last season we did a lot, this season we haven’t cared to do any.
Yes the season is the reason yes
Who are you? Are you even in the speed run community?
Looks like I have to call in all my favors with anet
If you have favors with ANet and we still don’t have a new dungeon, then what the hell, man?
Looks like I have to call in all my favors with anet
If you have favors with ANet and we still don’t have a new dungeon, then what the hell, man?
According to some morons I forced anet to nerf fiery greatsword.
this warrants some name and shame action, who? tell us please
Some seasons we are enthusiastic for records some not. It comes and goes. SC wasnt very active last season, very active this one. Last season we did a lot, this season we haven’t cared to do any.
Yes the season is the reason yes
Who are you? Are you even in the speed run community?
I hope you’re compelled enough to return to the scene, Zelyhn XD~
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Some seasons we are enthusiastic for records some not. It comes and goes. SC wasnt very active last season, very active this one. Last season we did a lot, this season we haven’t cared to do any.
Yes the season is the reason yes
Who are you? Are you even in the speed run community?
I hope you’re compelled enough to return to the scene, Zelyhn XD~
Well it’s hard to say! On the one hand their rhetoric is irresistible, on the other hand …
I really can’t stand the Ice Bow 4 meta!
- Its unintended DPS trivialises content
- It gives you health and you can cast it at range so there is no risk involved
- Its animation and design completely break the immersion
- It has a very short cooldown, which is unfair
- Classes other than elementalists can not access it more than the good-old FGS
- An elementalist wielding IB4 is still better than IB4 casted by a warrior :(
- It generates vulnerability faster than engineers :(
- I was always a fan of Gimli, now we’re stuck playing Legolas :(
- “44444444444444444444 for the win”
Obviously Anet needs to adress this burning issue before adding content to the game!
Obviously a nerf of IB4 would attract new players and bring back those who are long gone!
A nerf wouldn’t change anything
It’s still the same boring content which less and less people are interested in.
If you want to motivate people to accede we need new and interesting content like raids with a group of 10-15 man. Otherwise you’ll play the same kitten probably 10-30 or even less people care about.
(edited by dominik.9721)
Some seasons we are enthusiastic for records some not. It comes and goes. SC wasnt very active last season, very active this one. Last season we did a lot, this season we haven’t cared to do any.
Yes the season is the reason yes
Who are you? Are you even in the speed run community?
I hope you’re compelled enough to return to the scene, Zelyhn XD~
Well it’s hard to say! On the one hand their rhetoric is irresistible, on the other hand …
I really can’t stand the Ice Bow 4 meta!
- Its unintended DPS trivialises content
- It gives you health and you can cast it at range so there is no risk involved
- Its animation and design completely break the immersion
- It has a very short cooldown, which is unfair
- Classes other than elementalists can not access it more than the good-old FGS
- An elementalist wielding IB4 is still better than IB4 casted by a warrior
- It generates vulnerability faster than engineers
- I was always a fan of Gimli, now we’re stuck playing Legolas
- “44444444444444444444 for the win”Obviously Anet needs to adress this burning issue before adding content to the game!
Obviously a nerf of IB4 would attract new players and bring back those who are long gone!#TheSeasonIsTheReason2014
The more you cry the more comfortable my waterbed gets.
Illegal vedio bro.
Read my COC.
reported you for verbal abuse
Some seasons we are enthusiastic for records some not. It comes and goes. SC wasnt very active last season, very active this one. Last season we did a lot, this season we haven’t cared to do any.
Yes the season is the reason yes
Who are you? Are you even in the speed run community?
I hope you’re compelled enough to return to the scene, Zelyhn XD~
Well it’s hard to say! On the one hand their rhetoric is irresistible, on the other hand …
I really can’t stand the Ice Bow 4 meta!
- Its unintended DPS trivialises content
- It gives you health and you can cast it at range so there is no risk involved
- Its animation and design completely break the immersion
- It has a very short cooldown, which is unfair
- Classes other than elementalists can not access it more than the good-old FGS
- An elementalist wielding IB4 is still better than IB4 casted by a warrior
- It generates vulnerability faster than engineers
- I was always a fan of Gimli, now we’re stuck playing Legolas
- “44444444444444444444 for the win”Obviously Anet needs to adress this burning issue before adding content to the game!
Obviously a nerf of IB4 would attract new players and bring back those who are long gone!#TheSeasonIsTheReason2014
The more you cry the more comfortable my waterbed gets.
Glad I can add my stone to this metaphorical tower of babel you strive to build
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Some seasons we are enthusiastic for records some not. It comes and goes. SC wasnt very active last season, very active this one. Last season we did a lot, this season we haven’t cared to do any.
Yes the season is the reason yes
Who are you? Are you even in the speed run community?
I hope you’re compelled enough to return to the scene, Zelyhn XD~
Well it’s hard to say! On the one hand their rhetoric is irresistible, on the other hand …
I really can’t stand the Ice Bow 4 meta!
- Its unintended DPS trivialises content
- It gives you health and you can cast it at range so there is no risk involved
- Its animation and design completely break the immersion
- It has a very short cooldown, which is unfair
- Classes other than elementalists can not access it more than the good-old FGS
- An elementalist wielding IB4 is still better than IB4 casted by a warrior
- It generates vulnerability faster than engineers
- I was always a fan of Gimli, now we’re stuck playing Legolas
- “44444444444444444444 for the win”Obviously Anet needs to adress this burning issue before adding content to the game!
Obviously a nerf of IB4 would attract new players and bring back those who are long gone!#TheSeasonIsTheReason2014
The more you cry the more comfortable my waterbed gets.
Glad I can add my stone to this metaphorical tower of babel you strive to build
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Some seasons we are enthusiastic for records some not. It comes and goes. SC wasnt very active last season, very active this one. Last season we did a lot, this season we haven’t cared to do any.
Yes the season is the reason yes
Who are you? Are you even in the speed run community?
I hope you’re compelled enough to return to the scene, Zelyhn XD~
Well it’s hard to say! On the one hand their rhetoric is irresistible, on the other hand …
I really can’t stand the Ice Bow 4 meta!
- Its unintended DPS trivialises content
- It gives you health and you can cast it at range so there is no risk involved
- Its animation and design completely break the immersion
- It has a very short cooldown, which is unfair
- Classes other than elementalists can not access it more than the good-old FGS
- An elementalist wielding IB4 is still better than IB4 casted by a warrior
- It generates vulnerability faster than engineers
- I was always a fan of Gimli, now we’re stuck playing Legolas
- “44444444444444444444 for the win”Obviously Anet needs to adress this burning issue before adding content to the game!
Obviously a nerf of IB4 would attract new players and bring back those who are long gone!#TheSeasonIsTheReason2014
The more you cry the more comfortable my waterbed gets.
Glad I can add my stone to this metaphorical tower of babel you strive to build
Tyrant savior they call out
To you like Babylon’s great wh**e
As in darkness they are dying
In this cold and senseless gore
And the lamb reject reality forever
Srry pls no hit me i had to :c
Shush, don’t hurt dem feelings.
Some seasons we are enthusiastic for records some not. It comes and goes. SC wasnt very active last season, very active this one. Last season we did a lot, this season we haven’t cared to do any.
Yes the season is the reason yes
Who are you? Are you even in the speed run community?
I hope you’re compelled enough to return to the scene, Zelyhn XD~
Well it’s hard to say! On the one hand their rhetoric is irresistible, on the other hand …
I really can’t stand the Ice Bow 4 meta!
- Its unintended DPS trivialises content
- It gives you health and you can cast it at range so there is no risk involved
- Its animation and design completely break the immersion
- It has a very short cooldown, which is unfair
- Classes other than elementalists can not access it more than the good-old FGS
- An elementalist wielding IB4 is still better than IB4 casted by a warrior
- It generates vulnerability faster than engineers
- I was always a fan of Gimli, now we’re stuck playing Legolas
- “44444444444444444444 for the win”Obviously Anet needs to adress this burning issue before adding content to the game!
Obviously a nerf of IB4 would attract new players and bring back those who are long gone!#TheSeasonIsTheReason2014
The more you cry the more comfortable my waterbed gets.
Glad I can add my stone to this metaphorical tower of babel you strive to build
It’s sad that your pathological obsession with us has grown to this extent. Thankfully, the French healthcare system is top notch and you’ll have no trouble getting the mental help you require.
Ooh lordy that’s a paddlin’.
mmmm salty
I’m just gonna chill over here and watch.
This one is cuter. And hes shedding tears because people are so mean to each other. :<
And when we get 100 000 likes a child will be saved from ebola.
Oh wait
It’s sad that your pathological obsession with us has grown to this extent. Thankfully, the French healthcare system is top notch and you’ll have no trouble getting the mental help you require.
It is interesting you talk about obsession. I know that it looks quite crazy to you, that every time you trash-talked people behind their backs in your chat I would somehow see it. Let me tell you this: it does not require the mad surveillance capabilities of the NSA to come across your flow of atrocities!
Your spite was all over the place!
One morning racial insults, the next day sexual insults, and on weekend “gene pool cleansing” ! … Merry Christmas
And when by deleting a light joke I refrain myself from retaliating to your offences, you still send your troops to bombard me with nuclear insults! Who is obsessed again?
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
It’s sad that your pathological obsession with us has grown to this extent. Thankfully, the French healthcare system is top notch and you’ll have no trouble getting the mental help you require.
It is interesting you talk about obsession. I know that it looks quite crazy to you, that every time you trash-talked people behind their backs in your chat I would somehow see it. Let me tell you this: it does not require the mad surveillance capabilities of the NSA to come across your flow of atrocities!
Your spite was all over the place!
One morning racial insults, the next day sexual insults, and on weekend “gene pool cleansing” ! … Merry Christmas
And when by deleting a light joke I refrain myself from retaliating to your offences, you still send your troops to bombard me with nuclear insults! Who is obsessed again?
We know our chat box isn’t private. We know everything we say is obsessively recorded by people like you. Speaking for myself, any insults I’ve said in the chat box I would be happy to tell people directly if they would like me to.
Second, we don’t mention you anywhere. None of us bring you up in random forum posts or reddit threads. You constantly bring up DnT, in threads that have nothing to do with DnT just so you can get your self-proclaimed witticisms in. That comes off as a bit unhinged. You are the instigator and you’re embarrassing yourself and your former guild. Want to know how many people in your former guild have whispered me apologizing for you? Does the fact that your guildmates have to apologize for you embarrass you at all? Have you any sense of shame?
It’s sad that your pathological obsession with us has grown to this extent. Thankfully, the French healthcare system is top notch and you’ll have no trouble getting the mental help you require.
It is interesting you talk about obsession. I know that it looks quite crazy to you, that every time you trash-talked people behind their backs in your chat I would somehow see it. Let me tell you this: it does not require the mad surveillance capabilities of the NSA to come across your flow of atrocities!
Your spite was all over the place!
One morning racial insults, the next day sexual insults, and on weekend “gene pool cleansing” ! … Merry Christmas
And when by deleting a light joke I refrain myself from retaliating to your offences, you still send your troops to bombard me with nuclear insults! Who is obsessed again?
I’m glad to see i wasn’t the only one who liked to stalk dnt on the chat from their website, those gossips were fun to follow :P
But our fun is over now that they closed that chat.
I did not have to record anything. I did not even have to read anything. There were so many people from the community who were shocked by what was going on inside of DnT that I had “news feeds” of your misdeeds. Some info even came directly form your ranks.
Do I feel shame for denouncing the vicious acts of a guild that basks in self-admiration? Not a single bit.
Now then, I know you are one of the smartest of the bunch so I will be direct: this is all because of the actions of a few, including Nike, and therefore I should not pick on the whole. But you allowed it. My guildmates have apologised for me? That is too considerate of them considering I never insulted anyone, I was always cordial, and always sincere. I did not deserve to be insulted. Do you remember that all I asked for was …. to talk? It was not me who brought this out of hand. Now, in contrast, I have received only one apology from your guildmates so far: Swiftpaw.
I know that it is easy to think that I do what I am doing for attention or to satisfy some personal craze. I don’t. I hope you can recognise honesty when it is typed or if you do not believe me ask someone you could trust, like Sandy, he will tell you how little I think of myself.
Some of your guildmates have a disproportionate ego, and these people destroy the reputation of your guild. When I talked to Keyz about theorycrafting there was never any form of ego from neither side. We had a fruitful collaboration. I wish it could have been the same for the other matters. It is really too bad that a few bad elements spoil the big picture.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Anyone want some? I brought enough for everyone.
Yes sure. I always forget mine..
Do I feel shame for denouncing the vicious acts of a guild that basks in self-admiration? Not a single bit.
No, you should feel ashamed by going into random threads and putting out anti-DnT things for no reason other than provocation. This is what you should be ashamed of. You should be ashamed of how it looks when you go out of your way to pick fights with people. This is not normal behavior.
Now then, I know you are one of the smartest of the bunch so I will be direct: this is all because of the actions of a few, including Nike, and therefore I should not pick on the whole. But you allowed it. My guildmates have apologised for me? That is too considerate of them considering I never insulted anyone, I was always cordial, and always sincere. I did not deserve to be insulted.
they apologized because they see how over the top and obsessed you are. They are embarrassed that you are damaging their reputation. They don’t want to be associated with your agenda.
[Quote]I know that it is easy to think that I do what I am doing for attention or to satisfy some personal craze. I don’t. I hope you can recognise honesty when it is typed or if you do not believe me ask someone you could trust, like Sandy, he will tell you how little I think of myself.[/quote]
You should look introspectively and see why it’s so “easy” to think that. If it appears that you’re operating with a vendetta you should take a moment to reflect on that and made decide if it isn’t worth it.
Some of your guildmates have a disproportionate ego, and these people destroy the reputation of your guild. When I talked to Keyz about theorycrafting there was never any form of ego from neither side. We had a fruitful collaboration. I wish it could have been the same for the other matters. It is really too bad that a few bad elements spoil the big picture.
Here is the deal, you wanted to collaborate for the tournament. People were not interested in collaborating with you. That’s basically the end of the story. It bothered you that people didn’t want to collaborate. I’m deeply sorry if that somehow offended you, but you have to realize that you were not entitled to have your opinions be heard, for better or for worse. It’s entirely possible you’re right and the tournament would have been even better if your ideas were implemented, or perhaps not. In either case no one was required to meet with you to discuss ideas and more importantly, no one wanted to meet with you to discuss ideas. That should have been the end of it, but you continued to do your share (and continue to do so) of raising the polemikittenil the bridges are burned completely. You’ll notice that Sandy has never once said anything negative publicly. No one from our side has said anything negative about him, or rT in general for that matter. He handled his displeasure with the situation quite well. Take a lesson from your leader.
Let me give you some advice, zelyhn. Stop looking at the chat box if it offends you so much. I did, and I’m happier for it. Stop looking for reasons to be offended. If someone said something that was directed at you, deal with it like an adult, in a personal message. Stop hijacking threads because nike said something you disagree with, and you feel you have to respond with a sarcastic, baiting remark rather then something constructive or meaningful.
If you actually care about improving the reputation of the community, realize what you’re doing is not helping. Maybe it feels good and validating and noble, but it’s not.
I wish it was like that. It would have been so much more simple: I ask to talk about tournaments, you decline, end of the story. But you and I know this is not what happened.
First, you did not decline: you accepted. Which was a lie.
Then, in the just the time it took me to realise that the DnT organisation had been manipulative the whole time, I received more insults than I could ever imagine civilised human beings to be capable of. I could see that your guildmates insulted everyone compulsively.
And then it did not stop, ever. Even now.
So I though ok, I’ll be the better man. I’ll just contain myself. I did that for some time. But then I realised that there is no reason. If you can not be reasoned with, why should I be reasonable? We can talk about the story over and over again like we did in so many places and in so many messages but then end point will remain the same: my actions are only the pale and dim reflect of your guild’s malevolence.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter