Grab the Wall
[SC] The Ruined City of Arah Path 3 (7:14)
Grab the Wall
Might surprise you but i dont have access to chatbox scripts from 3 months ago.
Well you know what I would respond to this, don’t you?
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Stop inflating each others’ egos. I’m glad that both sides have a chance to say what they wanted to say publicly. But, before this matter goes further and attracts unWanted insults and slander, let’s settle it down with a… erm… I don’t know… ignore the other party?
You don’t need to prove anything.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Might surprise you but i dont have access to chatbox scripts from 3 months ago.
Well you know what I would respond to this, don’t you?
Here’s a good response for you.
’I’m sorry for derailing this thread and I’m going to stop now. ’
Sorry for derailing this thread guys; I’m going to stop now.
It’s ok dude. Even though most lawyers are scumbags, I’ll man up and apologize for any misunderstandings between us. I’m genuinely a nice guy. Whirlwind hug?
Wow, thanks for that olive branch. I guess after the FGS nerf I’ve been a little on edge. I also apologize to you. Let’s be best internet friends. Whirlwind hug.
I love the Meteor Shower -> scepter/dagger swap at Lupi. Pretty clever.
Posting 3 times in 3 minutes? I’m sorry, you’re not a real dungeon forum-er without FC
Ops, my page didn’t upload. Soz.
I like cats.
Wow.. just wow..
One might say we should all share our passion to PvE content and simply not let “drama“ let create dark clouds above us. But I fear the clouds turned into a heavy storm..
/such a poet
@Wanted: Would write it linked with your name but im on my mobile phone.
So, really nice and constructive response from your side there. Glad we don’t offend eachother. /sarcasm off
I hope your comment gets deleted.
Well, even me, having been inactive during the second tournament, noticed that something wasn’t going right there.
Just to say, Zelyhn has a point.
And the insults being thrown around here aren’t coming from him.
Also, chat logs do not magically disappear. You do have them, even google has them. You might just not know.
Having seen this around somewhere, I think it fitsZ pretty well.
(edited by Dub.1273)
Since the discussion in this thread has derailed and is no longer constructive this thread is now closed.