Since release, the light armor from Sorrow’s Embrace has had it’s token prices all mixed up. For example the shoulders cost 300 tokens, rather than the 220 that every other shoulder piece requires. Honestly, with all of the bugs in the game I know this isn’t the most pressing (since the cost of a full set is the same as other sets) but seriously, how hasn’t this been fixed? It’s disheartening to see prior content constantly left in an incorrect, incomplete, or downright buggy state in favor of pushing out new content with completely new bugs (I’m looking at you, fractal disconnects).
I’m no programmer, but this really seems like an issue that could have been fixed in the first month, as just a few token costs need to be modified. So how has this managed to stay bugged for so long?
Sinnyil – Beastgate Flaming Charr Mesmer of Doom
56 views and no replies? I realize this is a small matter but no one has any thoughts on why such a simple thing has been left bugged since release?
Sinnyil – Beastgate Flaming Charr Mesmer of Doom