[SUGGESTION] 1 player possess the dungeon=bad

[SUGGESTION] 1 player possess the dungeon=bad

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fire Frost.2658

Fire Frost.2658

I am scared of doing any dungeon that is a bit long in this game, aetherblade path, fractal, arah.
Why? cause you never know if you going to get kicked of the dungeon because only one player left, yes i talk about the player that first launched the dungeon, if he get kicked or leave on his own, we all get kicked of the dungeon.
Please, fix this arenanet, this is not normal that one player possess the whole dungeon and can decide to kick all players of a dungeon.

And if you want a story , here is the story of today that happened to me, we was doing doing fractal level 38, we made the first fractal with the asura at the top, then a second fractal with snow everywhere and a big elemental of ice at the end then come the third fractal, it was the volcanic fractal, at the beginning of this fractal one player tell us he have a problem with his mouse so he cant continu, he dont want to annoy us by playing badly. We tell him ok and after that he have left we start searching for new player on LFG, since we was at 3rd already was not long before we found someone.
As soon as the new player arrive, the new player ask to kick someone of our party, of course i didnt said yes, and since he was new, he shoudnt ask to kick anyone of our party, and before i understand what happen we was all out of the dungeon, of course everyone realized that we was out of the dungeon and started to leave the party right after, in 10 seconde the party was destroyed.
No need to tell you that i was a little angry.
Now please arenanet, please find a new system, when players do a dungeon together the dungeon belong to everyone , not just to one player.
And about kicking someone from a groupe, make things in order that only someone is kicked from a group if 50% or more of the plyaer is alright with this.
For exemple, if we are 5 in the group and someone ask to kick another player then 2.5 is the half of 5 then it means at least 3 players need to say yes for the kicking, the one that asked to kick is already included so that means only 2 players of the group need to click on yes.
Thanks for taking the time to read me.

[SUGGESTION] 1 player possess the dungeon=bad

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dalanor.5387


Oh look, how original topic.
Make your own group. Problem solved.

[SUGGESTION] 1 player possess the dungeon=bad

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


This post gets made several times each week.

They haven’t even acknowledged the problem, much less shown any interest in fixing it.

Don’t get your hopes up.

The whole Alphard bug made a huge statement. After the patch, I got infracted for a forum post asking if the change was intentional or a bug. Several others made similar requests. They refused to comment on it, acknowledge it, anything. Then, stealth fix (months later) to revert the change. So yep. It was a bug.

They don’t seem to like admitting that there are flaws in their product, and don’t seem to realize that vast majority of us don’t care that there are issues in the game, but would just like to see a response to issues that get brought up several times each week. They don’t need to fix everything right away, but I wish they’d at least fake the appearance that they give a kitten.

(edited by dlonie.6547)

[SUGGESTION] 1 player possess the dungeon=bad

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Veckna.9621


Given that their dungeon team is no longer active I don’t expect the only PvE content in this game that matters being given any love anytime soon.

They’re clearly putting all their eggs in the living story basket and we know how unappealing that content usually is for the more dedicated players.

[SUGGESTION] 1 player possess the dungeon=bad

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: PowerCat.5738


Well the living story is what sells gem store items, not dungeon runs.

[SUGGESTION] 1 player possess the dungeon=bad

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Veckna.9621


Well the living story is what sells gem store items, not dungeon runs.

Yet the dungeon community is not exactly standing idle in terms of purchases from the gem store. Sure, most of us likely exchange in-game gold for gems to buy our bag slot expansions, bank and collections expansions but we still have an impact on that side of the economy. And it would be nice to be given some love by ArenaNet from time to time.

[SUGGESTION] 1 player possess the dungeon=bad

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Agony.3542


How about calling an exorcist if a player is possesing a dungeon? That might help!

RIP game 2012-2014

[SUGGESTION] 1 player possess the dungeon=bad

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: innocens.1582


^ that made me rofl

a man who doesnt make mistakes doesnt do anything

[SUGGESTION] 1 player possess the dungeon=bad

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Soa Cirri.6012

Soa Cirri.6012

How about calling an exorcist if a player is possesing a dungeon? That might help!

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