Sabetha flak minion bug
I believe this bug has been in the game since HOT, but has become more apparent recently with the fall of condi warrior.
When there are too many necro minions on the field, Sabetha no longer targets the player furthest away. Instead, she’ll target one of the minions in melee range. I’ve found that 2 lich form minion summons is enough to trigger the bug.
For now, the work-around appears to be to only use the lich form skill once, at the beginning of the fight.
You’re right. I’ve seen her shoot in melee range while there is a person standing at distance. Alot even. Always when we had a necro with lots of minions. Not sure if it really is the minions causing it but you may very well be right.
My team runs a reaper and after doing some testing, highly likely that the minions from lich form is causing the problems. Minions from ability like rise seems to be ok
No she is doing it at least once every fight. Not that this is crucial, but its annoying.