Same group - different rewards
I encounted the same, I received 15, while others recieved 30 and 60. Normal runs should be 20. Why did I only get 15?
Having the same issue I just did all 3 paths of AC for the first time ever on 2/3 paths and one path was my 2nd time today. First path i got 45/60 tokens I should have recieved, while others either got 60 or 1 guy got 30. 2nd path I got 30/60 I should have recieved. The final path where I should have got 20 having did it once already several hours before the patch I only recieved 15.
True, reward is unbalanced. Guess their new patch doesn’t trigger properly..
Ok, here is how it looks for me:
Today I wanted to look how the new dungeon system works. And it doesn’t (still) work as developers intended. I dont actually like grinding trough the same place all day long, so the change in reward system was (for me) a thing to look forward to. In theory, doing all 3 paths in a dung per day will be enough to get every item I want in a reasonable amount of time. Well, that was the theory…
At my first run of Twilight Arbor I was in the dungeon for about 30 seconds. Candrzasty mentioned my case in his post – I joined a group that was already fighting the last boss. I wasnt even able to reach the boss, still, I received full dungeon completion reward (60 blossoms, 29 silver).
Then I did two other paths in TA – forward, forward and forward, up. The first one gave me full reward, the second one only 45 blossoms and 19 silver. Since I actually didn’t participate in the first patch, I decided to help the rest of my team (most of them weren’t doing the one I did). So we went to the “up” path and I received 15 Blossoms and about 6 silver. According to the dev notes for today’s update I should have received 3×60 blossoms for the 3 first paths and 20 blossoms for the patch that I did twice – simple mathematics says I’m missing 20 blossoms. As I mentioned – it doesnt matter much for me in today’s case, since my first run was about 30 seconds, but there were people with me who also received lower rewards – for no reason whatsoever.
After my “short” (roughly 4 hours) adventure in TA I decided to change dungeon – since CoF was supposed to be repaired, it became my next target. We did the Magg way, which was fortunately fixed against exploiters, and after less than an hour I received my reward – 45 Charr Carvings and 19 silver.
Now, my question is – where is the rest of the tokens that I was supposed to receive after finnishing this path for the first time in the day? Am I supposed to spend a fixed amount of time in certain dungeon to receive full reward? Or maybe I need to kill every single mob? Or I should be in a certain party of people? Because now the reward system does NOT work as it was intended and claimed in the developer update notes – its not even close.