Scaling of dungeon to class

Scaling of dungeon to class

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: AlecJPate.4605


This is me just thinking aloud, and I don’t know how difficult this would be to implement.

I thought it would be interesting to base the dungeons on the class value. The loading of the dungeon analyzes the classes (possibly their stats) and adjusts the dungeon based on that. The idea just came up when I was thinking of all the different classes and how some are more efficient with dungeons than others. For instance a elementalist in ascalon catacombs is much more efficient than a thief because of their ice bow.

The dungeon could have a higher aoe mobs if there is multiple classes like an elementalist or engineer, and more condition (cripple, chill, etc.) with classes like guardians. I believe things like this would challenge the full potential of each class in the dungeon.

Considering there are 5 people that this would have to adjust I don’t know how efficient it would be. I just found it as an interesting take on dungeons.

Scaling of dungeon to class

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shiren.9532


Honestly doing this via dungeons is taking a complicated route to solve a problem in a system that problem isn’t native to. This is a class balance problem, not a dungeon scaling problem. They need to nerf and buff classes so that performance potential is as close as it can be across all classes.

Rather than having dungeons dynamically respond to party composition, I think a two pronged strategy of ensuring all classes have something valuable to bring to the table (like mesmer portals, feedback, blink, guardian walls and aegis etc) which interect well with dungeon mechanics in a challenging but rewarding way, but also don’t feel so necessary that certain classes with access to certain abilities became dramatically more efficient at content.

They need to give classes lacking in utility ways of contributing to groups (like the ranger) ways to access the mechanics and tools that are so valuable in dungeons. They also need to be careful not to design too much content which makes classes with those tools dramatically more desirable than those without them. While dynamically altering content to challenge a party composition is an interesting idea, I think it’s too complicated and not as efficient as getting class balance and dungeon design right in the first place.

Scaling of dungeon to class

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Black Shadow.7489

Black Shadow.7489

I agree completely with the idea of scaling but in a bit of a different way.

We can all agree that the different classes help to create essentially an elite of an individual’s personal style of gameplay (not saying they don’t still need some work) ie guardian-tank, warrior-dps, and etc. Having a dungeon or even elite mobs in events for that matter scale only to the class would leave the issue still of them being ridiculously overpowered in terms of health and thus be a long, boring, and largely difficult grind to defeat unless you are in a large group of people in which case it becomes too simple and thus defeats the purpose entirely. Therefore i think in order to eliminate the need for waypoint rushing to defeat bosses/clear dungeons, zerging to tackle large enemies, and the long boring grind to even scratch their health if you are in a smaller group or alone the dungeons and bosses whether they be veterans or elite or whatever need to be scaled based on mainly level and or number of players in the event/dungeon.

This would scale mobs more accurately to make events/dungeons still challenging for players but also possible for the lone gamer or the casual groups. In turn this not only eliminates the need to endure a long and near impossible grind on a boss (which as we all know takes away from game-play experience, realism, and fun) but as well eliminates the need for waypoint rushing to complete events/missions.

Basically if elite mobs, bosses, and dungeons scaled better to number and level of the participating players, we fix waypoint rushing, ridiculous grinds on bosses/dungeons, the need to zerg events/dungeons to complete them, and we create a better, more realistic, and more fun gameplay experience for the player.

(edited by Black Shadow.7489)

Scaling of dungeon to class

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: nelopp.6140


Honestly doing this via dungeons is taking a complicated route to solve a problem in a system that problem isn’t native to. This is a class balance problem, not a dungeon scaling problem. They need to nerf and buff classes so that performance potential is as close as it can be across all classes.

Rather than having dungeons dynamically respond to party composition, I think a two pronged strategy of ensuring all classes have something valuable to bring to the table (like mesmer portals, feedback, blink, guardian walls and aegis etc) which interect well with dungeon mechanics in a challenging but rewarding way, but also don’t feel so necessary that certain classes with access to certain abilities became dramatically more efficient at content.

They need to give classes lacking in utility ways of contributing to groups (like the ranger) ways to access the mechanics and tools that are so valuable in dungeons. They also need to be careful not to design too much content which makes classes with those tools dramatically more desirable than those without them. While dynamically altering content to challenge a party composition is an interesting idea, I think it’s too complicated and not as efficient as getting class balance and dungeon design right in the first place.

I want to elaborate more.
For example, there is a gate you need to break through to progress, the first way is to destroy the gate and trigger a wave of mobs to engage you(brute force)

Another way is to pick pocket/use pet to search/forge the key and won’t trigger alarm(sneaky).

The last way is to conjure a ritual to open a secret path(magic) (defense event).

So that you can choose your path according to class combination, though may trigger a trend to favor some route

Scaling of dungeon to class

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Scoundrel.2139


Perhaps, it might be better to have a 30silver entry fee, but have the in-dungeon armour repair be free? It would allow people who are having trouble to be not be penalised and they can address the challenge anew. The entry fee is to stop people just zoning for repairs.

Edit: This would also allow the players to continue (time allowing) to play against a particular boss/event and find a winning strategy or learn to work together.

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